diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2021-09-11 23:24:22 +0200
committerJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2021-10-16 22:55:24 -0600
commit548405e21b87d982a2d2094ce565bac5ac3c308a (patch)
parentmanager: remove legacy store support (diff)
global: remove wireguard-go/Wintun implementation
Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>
Diffstat (limited to '')
23 files changed, 85 insertions, 1005 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1d120036..f77d6d07 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-GOFLAGS := -tags load_wintun_from_rsrc,load_wgnt_from_rsrc -ldflags="-H windowsgui -s -w" -v -trimpath
+GOFLAGS := -tags load_wgnt_from_rsrc -ldflags="-H windowsgui -s -w" -v -trimpath
export GOOS := windows
export PATH := $(CURDIR)/.deps/go/bin:$(PATH)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ RCFLAGS := -DWIREGUARD_VERSION_ARRAY=$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(wordlist 1,4,$(
rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(filter-out .deps,$(wildcard $1*)),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d))
SOURCE_FILES := $(call rwildcard,,*.go) .deps/go/prepared go.mod go.sum
-RESOURCE_FILES := resources.rc version/version.go manifest.xml $(patsubst %.svg,%.ico,$(wildcard ui/icon/*.svg)) .deps/wintun/prepared .deps/wireguard-nt/prepared
+RESOURCE_FILES := resources.rc version/version.go manifest.xml $(patsubst %.svg,%.ico,$(wildcard ui/icon/*.svg)) .deps/wireguard-nt/prepared
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ define download =
$(eval $(call download,go.tar.gz,https://golang.org/dl/go1.17.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz,f242a9db6a0ad1846de7b6d94d507915d14062660616a61ef7c808a76e4f1676))
-$(eval $(call download,wintun.zip,https://www.wintun.net/builds/wintun-0.14.1.zip,07c256185d6ee3652e09fa55c0b673e2624b565e02c4b9091c79ca7d2f24ef51))
$(eval $(call download,wireguard-nt.zip,https://download.wireguard.com/wireguard-nt/wireguard-nt-0.10.1.zip,772c0b1463d8d2212716f43f06f4594d880dea4f735165bd68e388fc41b81605))
.deps/go/prepared: .distfiles/go.tar.gz $(wildcard go-patches/*.patch)
@@ -37,12 +36,6 @@ $(eval $(call download,wireguard-nt.zip,https://download.wireguard.com/wireguard
cat $(filter %.patch,$^) | patch -f -N -r- -p1 -d .deps/go
touch $@
-.deps/wintun/prepared: .distfiles/wintun.zip
- mkdir -p .deps
- rm -rf .deps/wintun
- bsdtar -C .deps -xf .distfiles/wintun.zip
- touch $@
.deps/wireguard-nt/prepared: .distfiles/wireguard-nt.zip
mkdir -p .deps
rm -rf .deps/wireguard-nt
@@ -53,16 +46,16 @@ $(eval $(call download,wireguard-nt.zip,https://download.wireguard.com/wireguard
convert -background none $< -define icon:auto-resize="256,192,128,96,64,48,40,32,24,20,16" -compress zip $@
resources_amd64.syso: $(RESOURCE_FILES)
- x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wintun/bin/amd64 -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/amd64 -i $< -o $@
+ x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/amd64 -i $< -o $@
resources_386.syso: $(RESOURCE_FILES)
- i686-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wintun/bin/x86 -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/x86 -i $< -o $@
+ i686-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/x86 -i $< -o $@
resources_arm.syso: $(RESOURCE_FILES)
- armv7-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wintun/bin/arm -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/arm -i $< -o $@
+ armv7-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/arm -i $< -o $@
resources_arm64.syso: $(RESOURCE_FILES)
- aarch64-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wintun/bin/arm64 -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/arm64 -i $< -o $@
+ aarch64-w64-mingw32-windres $(RCFLAGS) -I .deps/wireguard-nt/bin/arm64 -i $< -o $@
amd64/wireguard.exe: export GOARCH := amd64
amd64/wireguard.exe: resources_amd64.syso $(SOURCE_FILES)
diff --git a/build.bat b/build.bat
index e9d2a735..c21c70a0 100644
--- a/build.bat
+++ b/build.bat
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ if exist .deps\prepared goto :render
call :download wireguard-tools.zip https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-tools/snapshot/wireguard-tools-1ee37b8e4833a25efe6f1fc0d5bdcb476148f4ba.zip ed0739bc3e5a7021a59d4cc4fc63e5fb60a0cb8628d30515a747bfbdcf1fdb0a "--exclude wg-quick --strip-components 1" || goto :error
rem Mirror of https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/patch/2.5.9-7/patch-2.5.9-7-bin.zip with fixed manifest
call :download patch.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/patch-2.5.9-7-bin-fixed-manifest.zip 25977006ca9713f2662a5d0a2ed3a5a138225b8be3757035bd7da9dcf985d0a1 "--strip-components 1 bin" || goto :error
- call :download wintun.zip https://www.wintun.net/builds/wintun-0.14.1.zip 07c256185d6ee3652e09fa55c0b673e2624b565e02c4b9091c79ca7d2f24ef51 || goto :error
call :download wireguard-nt.zip https://download.wireguard.com/wireguard-nt/wireguard-nt-0.10.1.zip 772c0b1463d8d2212716f43f06f4594d880dea4f735165bd68e388fc41b81605 || goto :error
echo [+] Patching go
for %%a in ("..\go-patches\*.patch") do .\patch.exe -f -N -r- -d go -p1 --binary < "%%a" || goto :error
@@ -77,9 +76,9 @@ if exist .deps\prepared goto :render
set GOARCH=%~3
mkdir %1 >NUL 2>&1
echo [+] Assembling resources %1
- %~2-w64-mingw32-windres -I ".deps\wintun\bin\%~1" -I ".deps\wireguard-nt\bin\%~1" -DWIREGUARD_VERSION_ARRAY=%WIREGUARD_VERSION_ARRAY% -DWIREGUARD_VERSION_STR=%WIREGUARD_VERSION% -i resources.rc -o "resources_%~3.syso" -O coff -c 65001 || exit /b %errorlevel%
+ %~2-w64-mingw32-windres -I ".deps\wireguard-nt\bin\%~1" -DWIREGUARD_VERSION_ARRAY=%WIREGUARD_VERSION_ARRAY% -DWIREGUARD_VERSION_STR=%WIREGUARD_VERSION% -i resources.rc -o "resources_%~3.syso" -O coff -c 65001 || exit /b %errorlevel%
echo [+] Building program %1
- go build -tags load_wintun_from_rsrc,load_wgnt_from_rsrc -ldflags="-H windowsgui -s -w" -trimpath -v -o "%~1\wireguard.exe" || exit /b 1
+ go build -tags load_wgnt_from_rsrc -ldflags="-H windowsgui -s -w" -trimpath -v -o "%~1\wireguard.exe" || exit /b 1
if not exist "%~1\wg.exe" (
echo [+] Building command line tools %1
del .deps\src\*.exe .deps\src\*.o .deps\src\wincompat\*.o .deps\src\wincompat\*.lib 2> NUL
diff --git a/conf/config.go b/conf/config.go
index c764dfa9..b600456d 100644
--- a/conf/config.go
+++ b/conf/config.go
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
- "encoding/hex"
@@ -146,10 +145,6 @@ func (k *Key) String() string {
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(k[:])
-func (k *Key) HexString() string {
- return hex.EncodeToString(k[:])
func (k *Key) IsZero() bool {
var zeros Key
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(zeros[:], k[:]) == 1
diff --git a/conf/parser.go b/conf/parser.go
index 2a1c0894..83f25964 100644
--- a/conf/parser.go
+++ b/conf/parser.go
@@ -6,19 +6,15 @@
package conf
import (
- "bufio"
- "encoding/hex"
- "io"
- "time"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/driver"
+ "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/driver"
@@ -162,27 +158,6 @@ func parseKeyBase64(s string) (*Key, error) {
return &key, nil
-func parseKeyHex(s string) (*Key, error) {
- k, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Invalid key: %v", err), s}
- }
- if len(k) != KeyLength {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Keys must decode to exactly 32 bytes"), s}
- }
- var key Key
- copy(key[:], k)
- return &key, nil
-func parseBytesOrStamp(s string) (uint64, error) {
- b, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return 0, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Number must be a number between 0 and 2^64-1: %v", err), s}
- }
- return b, nil
func splitList(s string) ([]string, error) {
var out []string
for _, split := range strings.Split(s, ",") {
@@ -387,143 +362,6 @@ func FromWgQuickWithUnknownEncoding(s string, name string) (*Config, error) {
return nil, firstErr
-func FromUAPI(reader io.Reader, existingConfig *Config) (*Config, error) {
- parserState := inInterfaceSection
- conf := Config{
- Name: existingConfig.Name,
- Interface: Interface{
- Addresses: existingConfig.Interface.Addresses,
- DNS: existingConfig.Interface.DNS,
- DNSSearch: existingConfig.Interface.DNSSearch,
- MTU: existingConfig.Interface.MTU,
- PreUp: existingConfig.Interface.PreUp,
- PostUp: existingConfig.Interface.PostUp,
- PreDown: existingConfig.Interface.PreDown,
- PostDown: existingConfig.Interface.PostDown,
- TableOff: existingConfig.Interface.TableOff,
- },
- }
- var peer *Peer
- lineReader := bufio.NewReader(reader)
- for {
- line, err := lineReader.ReadString('\n')
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- line = line[:len(line)-1]
- if len(line) == 0 {
- break
- }
- equals := strings.IndexByte(line, '=')
- if equals < 0 {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Config key is missing an equals separator"), line}
- }
- key, val := line[:equals], line[equals+1:]
- if len(val) == 0 {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Key must have a value"), line}
- }
- switch key {
- case "public_key":
- conf.maybeAddPeer(peer)
- peer = &Peer{}
- parserState = inPeerSection
- case "errno":
- if val == "0" {
- continue
- } else {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Error in getting configuration"), val}
- }
- }
- if parserState == inInterfaceSection {
- switch key {
- case "private_key":
- k, err := parseKeyHex(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- conf.Interface.PrivateKey = *k
- case "listen_port":
- p, err := parsePort(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- conf.Interface.ListenPort = p
- case "fwmark":
- // Ignored for now.
- default:
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Invalid key for interface section"), key}
- }
- } else if parserState == inPeerSection {
- switch key {
- case "public_key":
- k, err := parseKeyHex(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.PublicKey = *k
- case "preshared_key":
- k, err := parseKeyHex(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.PresharedKey = *k
- case "protocol_version":
- if val != "1" {
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Protocol version must be 1"), val}
- }
- case "allowed_ip":
- a, err := parseIPCidr(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.AllowedIPs = append(peer.AllowedIPs, *a)
- case "persistent_keepalive_interval":
- p, err := parsePersistentKeepalive(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.PersistentKeepalive = p
- case "endpoint":
- e, err := parseEndpoint(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.Endpoint = *e
- case "tx_bytes":
- b, err := parseBytesOrStamp(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.TxBytes = Bytes(b)
- case "rx_bytes":
- b, err := parseBytesOrStamp(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.RxBytes = Bytes(b)
- case "last_handshake_time_sec":
- t, err := parseBytesOrStamp(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.LastHandshakeTime += HandshakeTime(time.Duration(t) * time.Second)
- case "last_handshake_time_nsec":
- t, err := parseBytesOrStamp(val)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- peer.LastHandshakeTime += HandshakeTime(time.Duration(t) * time.Nanosecond)
- default:
- return nil, &ParseError{l18n.Sprintf("Invalid key for peer section"), key}
- }
- }
- }
- conf.maybeAddPeer(peer)
- return &conf, nil
func FromDriverConfiguration(interfaze *driver.Interface, existingConfig *Config) *Config {
conf := Config{
Name: existingConfig.Name,
diff --git a/conf/writer.go b/conf/writer.go
index 8749b2fd..3e24559f 100644
--- a/conf/writer.go
+++ b/conf/writer.go
@@ -91,41 +91,6 @@ func (conf *Config) ToWgQuick() string {
return output.String()
-func (conf *Config) ToUAPI() string {
- var output strings.Builder
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("private_key=%s\n", conf.Interface.PrivateKey.HexString()))
- if conf.Interface.ListenPort > 0 {
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("listen_port=%d\n", conf.Interface.ListenPort))
- }
- if len(conf.Peers) > 0 {
- output.WriteString("replace_peers=true\n")
- }
- for _, peer := range conf.Peers {
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("public_key=%s\n", peer.PublicKey.HexString()))
- if !peer.PresharedKey.IsZero() {
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("preshared_key=%s\n", peer.PresharedKey.HexString()))
- }
- if !peer.Endpoint.IsEmpty() {
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint=%s\n", peer.Endpoint.String()))
- }
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("persistent_keepalive_interval=%d\n", peer.PersistentKeepalive))
- if len(peer.AllowedIPs) > 0 {
- output.WriteString("replace_allowed_ips=true\n")
- for _, address := range peer.AllowedIPs {
- output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("allowed_ip=%s\n", address.String()))
- }
- }
- }
- return output.String()
func (config *Config) ToDriverConfiguration() (*driver.Interface, uint32) {
preallocation := unsafe.Sizeof(driver.Interface{}) + uintptr(len(config.Peers))*unsafe.Sizeof(driver.Peer{})
for i := range config.Peers {
diff --git a/docs/adminregistry.md b/docs/adminregistry.md
index bd13fee9..4289fb38 100644
--- a/docs/adminregistry.md
+++ b/docs/adminregistry.md
@@ -37,17 +37,3 @@ executing these scripts.
> reg add HKLM\Software\WireGuard /v DangerousScriptExecution /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
-#### `HKLM\Software\WireGuard\UseUserspaceImplementation`
-When this key is set to `DWORD(1)`, the legacy wireguard-go/Wintun implementation
-is used instead of the newer, faster [WireGuardNT](https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-nt/about/)
-implementation. This is an intended stop-gap solution in case there are early bugs
-with WireGuardNT, and this option will be removed after a short period. If you use
-this option, please send an email to team@wireguard.com explaining the issues you
-had with WireGuardNT, so that they can be fixed before this option goes away. If
-you are not having issues, do not use this option.
-> reg add HKLM\Software\WireGuard /v UseUserspaceImplementation /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 62949b2b..476a9f49 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ require (
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20211011170408-caeb26a5c8c0
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211007075335-d3039528d8ac
golang.org/x/text v0.3.8-0.20211004125949-5bd84dd9b33b
- golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard v0.0.0-20211012062646-82d2aa87aa62
require (
diff --git a/go.mod.master b/go.mod.master
index ecda4c13..35d6a886 100644
--- a/go.mod.master
+++ b/go.mod.master
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ require (
golang.org/x/net latest
golang.org/x/sys latest
golang.org/x/text master
- golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard master
replace (
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index fc8c8c75..05ef0e52 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ golang.org/x/mod v0.4.2 h1:Gz96sIWK3OalVv/I/qNygP42zyoKp3xptRVCWRFEBvo=
golang.org/x/mod v0.4.2/go.mod h1:s0Qsj1ACt9ePp/hMypM3fl4fZqREWJwdYDEqhRiZZUA=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190620200207-3b0461eec859/go.mod h1:z5CRVTTTmAJ677TzLLGU+0bjPO0LkuOLi4/5GtJWs/s=
-golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20211011170408-caeb26a5c8c0 h1:qOfNqBm5gk93LjGZo1MJaKY6Bph39zOKz1Hz2ogHj1w=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20211011170408-caeb26a5c8c0/go.mod h1:9nx3DQGgdP8bBQD5qxJ1jj9UTztislL4KSBs9R2vV5Y=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20190423024810-112230192c58/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
@@ -24,8 +23,6 @@ golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8T
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 h1:go1bK/D/BFZV2I8cIQd1NKEZ+0owSTG1fDTci4IqFcE=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
-golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard v0.0.0-20211012062646-82d2aa87aa62 h1:c39XZipaMOiSSqTCpqJmYgnzscTBGLFPgMmGvubmZ6E=
-golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard v0.0.0-20211012062646-82d2aa87aa62/go.mod h1:id8Oh3eCCmpj9uVGWVjsUAl6UPX5ysMLzu6QxJU2UOU=
golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows v0.0.0-20210121140954-e7fc19d483bd h1:kAUzMAITME2MCtrXBaUa9P4tndiXGWO674k9gn6ZR28=
golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows v0.0.0-20210121140954-e7fc19d483bd/go.mod h1:Y+FYqVFaQO6a+1uigm0N0GiuaZrLEaBxEiJ8tfH9sMQ=
golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows v0.0.0-20210224134948-620c54ef6199 h1:ogXKLng/Myrt2odYTkleySGzQj/GWg9GV1AQ8P9NnU4=
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 75647301..db2be8b4 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import (
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun/wintun"
@@ -319,13 +318,9 @@ func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
- err1 := driver.Uninstall()
- err2 := wintun.Uninstall()
- if err1 != nil {
- fatal(err1)
- }
- if err2 != nil {
- fatal(err2)
+ err := driver.Uninstall()
+ if err != nil {
+ fatal(err)
diff --git a/manager/ipc_server.go b/manager/ipc_server.go
index e88ab7e4..504b5cce 100644
--- a/manager/ipc_server.go
+++ b/manager/ipc_server.go
@@ -47,64 +47,26 @@ func (s *ManagerService) StoredConfig(tunnelName string) (*conf.Config, error) {
func (s *ManagerService) RuntimeConfig(tunnelName string) (*conf.Config, error) {
- if !conf.AdminBool("UseUserspaceImplementation") {
- storedConfig, err := conf.LoadFromName(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- driverAdapter, err := findDriverAdapter(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- runtimeConfig, err := driverAdapter.Configuration()
- if err != nil {
- driverAdapter.Unlock()
- releaseDriverAdapter(tunnelName)
- return nil, err
- }
- conf := conf.FromDriverConfiguration(runtimeConfig, storedConfig)
+ storedConfig, err := conf.LoadFromName(tunnelName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ driverAdapter, err := findDriverAdapter(tunnelName)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ runtimeConfig, err := driverAdapter.Configuration()
+ if err != nil {
- if s.elevatedToken == 0 {
- conf.Redact()
- }
- return conf, nil
- } else {
- storedConfig, err := conf.LoadFromName(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- pipe, err := connectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- pipe.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 2))
- _, err = pipe.Write([]byte("get=1\n\n"))
- if err == windows.ERROR_NO_DATA {
- log.Println("IPC pipe closed unexpectedly, so reopening")
- pipe.Unlock()
- disconnectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName)
- pipe, err = connectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- pipe.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 2))
- _, err = pipe.Write([]byte("get=1\n\n"))
- }
- if err != nil {
- pipe.Unlock()
- disconnectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName)
- return nil, err
- }
- conf, err := conf.FromUAPI(pipe, storedConfig)
- pipe.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if s.elevatedToken == 0 {
- conf.Redact()
- }
- return conf, nil
+ releaseDriverAdapter(tunnelName)
+ return nil, err
+ conf := conf.FromDriverConfiguration(runtimeConfig, storedConfig)
+ driverAdapter.Unlock()
+ if s.elevatedToken == 0 {
+ conf.Redact()
+ }
+ return conf, nil
func (s *ManagerService) Start(tunnelName string) error {
diff --git a/manager/ipc_uapi.go b/manager/ipc_uapi.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 85477125..00000000
--- a/manager/ipc_uapi.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- */
-package manager
-import (
- "net"
- "sync"
- "golang.org/x/sys/windows"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/ipc/winpipe"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/services"
-type connectedTunnel struct {
- net.Conn
- sync.Mutex
-var connectedTunnelServicePipes = make(map[string]*connectedTunnel)
-var connectedTunnelServicePipesLock sync.RWMutex
-func connectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName string) (*connectedTunnel, error) {
- connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.RLock()
- pipe, ok := connectedTunnelServicePipes[tunnelName]
- if ok {
- pipe.Lock()
- connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.RUnlock()
- return pipe, nil
- }
- connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.RUnlock()
- connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.Lock()
- defer connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.Unlock()
- pipe, ok = connectedTunnelServicePipes[tunnelName]
- if ok {
- pipe.Lock()
- return pipe, nil
- }
- pipePath, err := services.PipePathOfTunnel(tunnelName)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- localSystem, err := windows.CreateWellKnownSid(windows.WinLocalSystemSid)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- pipe = &connectedTunnel{}
- pipe.Conn, err = winpipe.Dial(pipePath, nil, &winpipe.DialConfig{ExpectedOwner: localSystem})
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- connectedTunnelServicePipes[tunnelName] = pipe
- pipe.Lock()
- return pipe, nil
-func disconnectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName string) {
- connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.Lock()
- defer connectedTunnelServicePipesLock.Unlock()
- pipe, ok := connectedTunnelServicePipes[tunnelName]
- if !ok {
- return
- }
- pipe.Lock()
- pipe.Close()
- delete(connectedTunnelServicePipes, tunnelName)
- pipe.Unlock()
diff --git a/manager/service.go b/manager/service.go
index e5dcf92d..af9004de 100644
--- a/manager/service.go
+++ b/manager/service.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import (
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun/wintun"
@@ -259,11 +258,6 @@ func (service *managerService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest
- time.AfterFunc(time.Second*15, func() {
- if !conf.AdminBool("UseUserspaceImplementation") {
- wintun.Uninstall()
- }
- })
go checkForUpdates()
var sessionsPointer *windows.WTS_SESSION_INFO
diff --git a/manager/tunneltracker.go b/manager/tunneltracker.go
index 6b5b1a02..103388f2 100644
--- a/manager/tunneltracker.go
+++ b/manager/tunneltracker.go
@@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ func trackTunnelService(tunnelName string, service *mgr.Service) {
IPCServerNotifyTunnelChange(tunnelName, TunnelStopped, fmt.Errorf("Unable to continue monitoring service, so stopping: %w", err))
- disconnectTunnelServicePipe(tunnelName)
func trackExistingTunnels() error {
diff --git a/resources.rc b/resources.rc
index aa4bb07d..1a8076fd 100644
--- a/resources.rc
+++ b/resources.rc
7 ICON ui/icon/wireguard.ico
8 ICON ui/icon/dot.ico
-wintun.dll RCDATA wintun.dll
wireguard.dll RCDATA wireguard.dll
#define VERSIONINFO_TEMPLATE(block_id, lang_id, codepage_id, file_desc, comments) \
diff --git a/services/errors.go b/services/errors.go
index e4fcc77d..763690e9 100644
--- a/services/errors.go
+++ b/services/errors.go
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ const (
- ErrorUAPIListen
@@ -46,8 +45,6 @@ func (e Error) Error() string {
return "Unable to load configuration from path"
case ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter:
return "Unable to create network adapter"
- case ErrorUAPIListen:
- return "Unable to listen on named pipe"
case ErrorDNSLookup:
return "Unable to resolve one or more DNS hostname endpoints"
case ErrorFirewall:
diff --git a/tunnel/addressconfig.go b/tunnel/addressconfig.go
index c887f7b7..907cc546 100644
--- a/tunnel/addressconfig.go
+++ b/tunnel/addressconfig.go
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func isDnsCacheDisabled() (bool, string) {
return cfg.StartType == mgr.StartDisabled, cfg.DisplayName
-func configureInterface(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, conf *conf.Config, luid winipcfg.LUID, clamper mtuClamper) error {
+func configureInterface(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, conf *conf.Config, luid winipcfg.LUID) error {
estimatedRouteCount := 0
for _, peer := range conf.Peers {
estimatedRouteCount += len(peer.AllowedIPs)
@@ -172,9 +172,6 @@ func configureInterface(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, conf *conf.Config, luid w
ipif.OtherStatefulConfigurationSupported = false
if conf.Interface.MTU > 0 {
ipif.NLMTU = uint32(conf.Interface.MTU)
- if clamper != nil {
- clamper.ForceMTU(int(ipif.NLMTU))
- }
if (family == windows.AF_INET && foundDefault4) || (family == windows.AF_INET6 && foundDefault6) {
ipif.UseAutomaticMetric = false
diff --git a/tunnel/defaultroutemonitor.go b/tunnel/defaultroutemonitor.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a107fda..00000000
--- a/tunnel/defaultroutemonitor.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- */
-package tunnel
-import (
- "log"
- "sync"
- "time"
- "golang.org/x/sys/windows"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/tunnel/winipcfg"
-func bindSocketRoute(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, binder conn.BindSocketToInterface, ourLUID winipcfg.LUID, lastLUID *winipcfg.LUID, lastIndex *uint32, blackholeWhenLoop bool) error {
- r, err := winipcfg.GetIPForwardTable2(family)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- lowestMetric := ^uint32(0)
- index := uint32(0) // Zero is "unspecified", which for IP_UNICAST_IF resets the value, which is what we want.
- luid := winipcfg.LUID(0) // Hopefully luid zero is unspecified, but hard to find docs saying so.
- for i := range r {
- if r[i].DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength != 0 || r[i].InterfaceLUID == ourLUID {
- continue
- }
- ifrow, err := r[i].InterfaceLUID.Interface()
- if err != nil || ifrow.OperStatus != winipcfg.IfOperStatusUp {
- continue
- }
- iface, err := r[i].InterfaceLUID.IPInterface(family)
- if err != nil {
- continue
- }
- if r[i].Metric+iface.Metric < lowestMetric {
- lowestMetric = r[i].Metric + iface.Metric
- index = r[i].InterfaceIndex
- luid = r[i].InterfaceLUID
- }
- }
- if luid == *lastLUID && index == *lastIndex {
- return nil
- }
- *lastLUID = luid
- *lastIndex = index
- blackhole := blackholeWhenLoop && index == 0
- if family == windows.AF_INET {
- log.Printf("Binding v4 socket to interface %d (blackhole=%v)", index, blackhole)
- return binder.BindSocketToInterface4(index, blackhole)
- } else if family == windows.AF_INET6 {
- log.Printf("Binding v6 socket to interface %d (blackhole=%v)", index, blackhole)
- return binder.BindSocketToInterface6(index, blackhole)
- }
- return nil
-type mtuClamper interface {
- ForceMTU(mtu int)
-func monitorDefaultRoutes(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, binder conn.BindSocketToInterface, autoMTU bool, blackholeWhenLoop bool, clamper mtuClamper, ourLUID winipcfg.LUID) ([]winipcfg.ChangeCallback, error) {
- var minMTU uint32
- if family == windows.AF_INET {
- minMTU = 576
- } else if family == windows.AF_INET6 {
- minMTU = 1280
- }
- lastLUID := winipcfg.LUID(0)
- lastIndex := ^uint32(0)
- lastMTU := uint32(0)
- doIt := func() error {
- err := bindSocketRoute(family, binder, ourLUID, &lastLUID, &lastIndex, blackholeWhenLoop)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !autoMTU {
- return nil
- }
- mtu := uint32(0)
- if lastLUID != 0 {
- iface, err := lastLUID.Interface()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if iface.MTU > 0 {
- mtu = iface.MTU
- }
- }
- if mtu > 0 && lastMTU != mtu {
- iface, err := ourLUID.IPInterface(family)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- iface.NLMTU = mtu - 80
- if iface.NLMTU < minMTU {
- iface.NLMTU = minMTU
- }
- err = iface.Set()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Having one MTU for both v4 and v6 kind of breaks the Windows model, unfortunately.
- clamper.ForceMTU(int(iface.NLMTU))
- lastMTU = mtu
- }
- return nil
- }
- err := doIt()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- firstBurst := time.Time{}
- burstMutex := sync.Mutex{}
- burstTimer := time.AfterFunc(time.Hour*200, func() {
- burstMutex.Lock()
- firstBurst = time.Time{}
- doIt()
- burstMutex.Unlock()
- })
- burstTimer.Stop()
- bump := func() {
- burstMutex.Lock()
- burstTimer.Reset(time.Millisecond * 150)
- if firstBurst.IsZero() {
- firstBurst = time.Now()
- } else if time.Since(firstBurst) > time.Second*2 {
- firstBurst = time.Time{}
- burstTimer.Stop()
- doIt()
- }
- burstMutex.Unlock()
- }
- cbr, err := winipcfg.RegisterRouteChangeCallback(func(notificationType winipcfg.MibNotificationType, route *winipcfg.MibIPforwardRow2) {
- if route != nil && route.DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength == 0 {
- bump()
- }
- })
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- cbi, err := winipcfg.RegisterInterfaceChangeCallback(func(notificationType winipcfg.MibNotificationType, iface *winipcfg.MibIPInterfaceRow) {
- if notificationType == winipcfg.MibParameterNotification {
- bump()
- }
- })
- if err != nil {
- cbr.Unregister()
- return nil, err
- }
- return []winipcfg.ChangeCallback{cbr, cbi}, nil
diff --git a/tunnel/interfacewatcher.go b/tunnel/interfacewatcher.go
index 4e28a6a2..5ca2c69d 100644
--- a/tunnel/interfacewatcher.go
+++ b/tunnel/interfacewatcher.go
@@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ import (
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/driver"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
+ "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/driver"
@@ -31,8 +29,6 @@ type interfaceWatcherEvent struct {
type interfaceWatcher struct {
errors chan interfaceWatcherError
- binder conn.BindSocketToInterface
- clamper mtuClamper
conf *conf.Config
adapter *driver.Adapter
luid winipcfg.LUID
@@ -44,44 +40,6 @@ type interfaceWatcher struct {
storedEvents []interfaceWatcherEvent
-func hasDefaultRoute(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, peers []conf.Peer) bool {
- var (
- foundV401 bool
- foundV41281 bool
- foundV600001 bool
- foundV680001 bool
- foundV400 bool
- foundV600 bool
- v40 = [4]byte{}
- v60 = [16]byte{}
- v48 = [4]byte{0x80}
- v68 = [16]byte{0x80}
- )
- for _, peer := range peers {
- for _, allowedip := range peer.AllowedIPs {
- if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v60[:]) {
- foundV600001 = true
- } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v68[:]) {
- foundV680001 = true
- } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v40[:]) {
- foundV401 = true
- } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v48[:]) {
- foundV41281 = true
- } else if allowedip.Cidr == 0 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v60[:]) {
- foundV600 = true
- } else if allowedip.Cidr == 0 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v40[:]) {
- foundV400 = true
- }
- }
- }
- if family == windows.AF_INET {
- return foundV400 || (foundV401 && foundV41281)
- } else if family == windows.AF_INET6 {
- return foundV600 || (foundV600001 && foundV680001)
- }
- return false
func (iw *interfaceWatcher) setup(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) {
var changeCallbacks *[]winipcfg.ChangeCallback
var ipversion string
@@ -102,14 +60,7 @@ func (iw *interfaceWatcher) setup(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) {
var err error
- if iw.binder != nil && iw.clamper != nil {
- log.Printf("Monitoring default %s routes", ipversion)
- *changeCallbacks, err = monitorDefaultRoutes(family, iw.binder, iw.conf.Interface.MTU == 0, hasDefaultRoute(family, iw.conf.Peers), iw.clamper, iw.luid)
- if err != nil {
- iw.errors <- interfaceWatcherError{services.ErrorBindSocketsToDefaultRoutes, err}
- return
- }
- } else if iw.conf.Interface.MTU == 0 {
+ if iw.conf.Interface.MTU == 0 {
log.Printf("Monitoring MTU of default %s routes", ipversion)
*changeCallbacks, err = monitorMTU(family, iw.luid)
if err != nil {
@@ -119,7 +70,7 @@ func (iw *interfaceWatcher) setup(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) {
log.Printf("Setting device %s addresses", ipversion)
- err = configureInterface(family, iw.conf, iw.luid, iw.clamper)
+ err = configureInterface(family, iw.conf, iw.luid)
if err != nil {
iw.errors <- interfaceWatcherError{services.ErrorSetNetConfig, err}
@@ -147,17 +98,15 @@ func watchInterface() (*interfaceWatcher, error) {
- if iw.adapter != nil {
- if state, err := iw.adapter.AdapterState(); err == nil && state == driver.AdapterStateDown {
- log.Println("Reinitializing adapter configuration")
- err = iw.adapter.SetConfiguration(iw.conf.ToDriverConfiguration())
- if err != nil {
- log.Println(fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", services.ErrorDeviceSetConfig, err))
- }
- err = iw.adapter.SetAdapterState(driver.AdapterStateUp)
- if err != nil {
- log.Println(fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", services.ErrorDeviceBringUp, err))
- }
+ if state, err := iw.adapter.AdapterState(); err == nil && state == driver.AdapterStateDown {
+ log.Println("Reinitializing adapter configuration")
+ err = iw.adapter.SetConfiguration(iw.conf.ToDriverConfiguration())
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println(fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", services.ErrorDeviceSetConfig, err))
+ }
+ err = iw.adapter.SetAdapterState(driver.AdapterStateUp)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println(fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", services.ErrorDeviceBringUp, err))
@@ -167,11 +116,11 @@ func watchInterface() (*interfaceWatcher, error) {
return iw, nil
-func (iw *interfaceWatcher) Configure(binder conn.BindSocketToInterface, clamper mtuClamper, adapter *driver.Adapter, conf *conf.Config, luid winipcfg.LUID) {
+func (iw *interfaceWatcher) Configure(adapter *driver.Adapter, conf *conf.Config, luid winipcfg.LUID) {
defer iw.setupMutex.Unlock()
- iw.binder, iw.clamper, iw.adapter, iw.conf, iw.luid = binder, clamper, adapter, conf, luid
+ iw.adapter, iw.conf, iw.luid = adapter, conf, luid
for _, event := range iw.storedEvents {
if event.luid == luid {
diff --git a/tunnel/ipcpermissions.go b/tunnel/ipcpermissions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a676e4b..00000000
--- a/tunnel/ipcpermissions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- */
-package tunnel
-import (
- "golang.org/x/sys/windows"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/ipc"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf"
-func CopyConfigOwnerToIPCSecurityDescriptor(filename string) error {
- if conf.PathIsEncrypted(filename) {
- return nil
- }
- fileSd, err := windows.GetNamedSecurityInfo(filename, windows.SE_FILE_OBJECT, windows.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- fileOwner, _, err := fileSd.Owner()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if fileOwner.IsWellKnown(windows.WinLocalSystemSid) {
- return nil
- }
- additionalEntries := []windows.EXPLICIT_ACCESS{{
- AccessPermissions: windows.GENERIC_ALL,
- AccessMode: windows.GRANT_ACCESS,
- Trustee: windows.TRUSTEE{
- TrusteeForm: windows.TRUSTEE_IS_SID,
- TrusteeType: windows.TRUSTEE_IS_USER,
- TrusteeValue: windows.TrusteeValueFromSID(fileOwner),
- },
- }}
- sd, err := ipc.UAPISecurityDescriptor.ToAbsolute()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dacl, defaulted, _ := sd.DACL()
- newDacl, err := windows.ACLFromEntries(additionalEntries, dacl)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- err = sd.SetDACL(newDacl, true, defaulted)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- sd, err = sd.ToSelfRelative()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- ipc.UAPISecurityDescriptor = sd
- return nil
diff --git a/tunnel/service.go b/tunnel/service.go
index 57d0ef91..013548df 100644
--- a/tunnel/service.go
+++ b/tunnel/service.go
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
- "net"
@@ -17,10 +16,7 @@ import (
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/device"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/ipc"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun"
@@ -37,11 +33,7 @@ type tunnelService struct {
func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest, changes chan<- svc.Status) (svcSpecificEC bool, exitCode uint32) {
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.StartPending}
- var dev *device.Device
- var uapi net.Listener
var watcher *interfaceWatcher
- var nativeTun *tun.NativeTun
- var wintun tun.Device
var adapter *driver.Adapter
var luid winipcfg.LUID
var config *conf.Config
@@ -88,22 +80,16 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
- if logErr == nil && (dev != nil || adapter != nil) && config != nil {
+ if logErr == nil && adapter != nil && config != nil {
logErr = runScriptCommand(config.Interface.PreDown, config.Name)
if watcher != nil {
- if uapi != nil {
- uapi.Close()
- }
- if dev != nil {
- dev.Close()
- }
if adapter != nil {
- if logErr == nil && (dev != nil || adapter != nil) && config != nil {
+ if logErr == nil && adapter != nil && config != nil {
_ = runScriptCommand(config.Interface.PostDown, config.Name)
stopIt <- true
@@ -128,11 +114,6 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
- err = CopyConfigOwnerToIPCSecurityDescriptor(service.Path)
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorLoadConfiguration
- return
- }
log.SetPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] ", config.Name))
@@ -166,58 +147,33 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
log.Println("Creating network adapter")
- if UseFixedGUIDInsteadOfDeterministic || !conf.AdminBool("UseUserspaceImplementation") {
- for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
- if i > 0 {
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- log.Printf("Retrying adapter creation after failure because system just booted (T+%v): %v", windows.DurationSinceBoot(), err)
- }
- adapter, err = driver.CreateAdapter(config.Name, "WireGuard", deterministicGUID(config))
- if err == nil || windows.DurationSinceBoot() > time.Minute*10 {
- break
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("Error creating adapter: %w", err)
- serviceError = services.ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter
- return
+ for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
+ if i > 0 {
+ time.Sleep(time.Second)
+ log.Printf("Retrying adapter creation after failure because system just booted (T+%v): %v", windows.DurationSinceBoot(), err)
- luid = adapter.LUID()
- driverVersion, err := driver.RunningVersion()
- if err != nil {
- log.Printf("Warning: unable to determine driver version: %v", err)
- } else {
- log.Printf("Using WireGuardNT/%d.%d", (driverVersion>>16)&0xffff, driverVersion&0xffff)
- }
- err = adapter.SetLogging(driver.AdapterLogOn)
- if err != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("Error enabling adapter logging: %w", err)
- serviceError = services.ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter
- return
+ adapter, err = driver.CreateAdapter(config.Name, "WireGuard", deterministicGUID(config))
+ if err == nil || windows.DurationSinceBoot() > time.Minute*10 {
+ break
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Error creating adapter: %w", err)
+ serviceError = services.ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter
+ return
+ }
+ luid = adapter.LUID()
+ driverVersion, err := driver.RunningVersion()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("Warning: unable to determine driver version: %v", err)
} else {
- for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
- if i > 0 {
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- log.Printf("Retrying adapter creation after failure because system just booted (T+%v): %v", windows.DurationSinceBoot(), err)
- }
- wintun, err = tun.CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID(config.Name, deterministicGUID(config), 0)
- if err == nil || windows.DurationSinceBoot() > time.Minute*10 {
- break
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter
- return
- }
- nativeTun = wintun.(*tun.NativeTun)
- luid = winipcfg.LUID(nativeTun.LUID())
- driverVersion, err := nativeTun.RunningVersion()
- if err != nil {
- log.Printf("Warning: unable to determine driver version: %v", err)
- } else {
- log.Printf("Using Wintun/%d.%d", (driverVersion>>16)&0xffff, driverVersion&0xffff)
- }
+ log.Printf("Using WireGuardNT/%d.%d", (driverVersion>>16)&0xffff, driverVersion&0xffff)
+ }
+ err = adapter.SetLogging(driver.AdapterLogOn)
+ if err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("Error enabling adapter logging: %w", err)
+ serviceError = services.ErrorCreateNetworkAdapter
+ return
err = runScriptCommand(config.Interface.PreUp, config.Name)
@@ -239,54 +195,18 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
- if nativeTun != nil {
- log.Println("Creating interface instance")
- bind := conn.NewDefaultBind()
- dev = device.NewDevice(wintun, bind, &device.Logger{log.Printf, log.Printf})
- log.Println("Setting interface configuration")
- uapi, err = ipc.UAPIListen(config.Name)
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorUAPIListen
- return
- }
- err = dev.IpcSet(config.ToUAPI())
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorDeviceSetConfig
- return
- }
- log.Println("Bringing peers up")
- dev.Up()
- var clamper mtuClamper
- clamper = nativeTun
- watcher.Configure(bind.(conn.BindSocketToInterface), clamper, nil, config, luid)
- log.Println("Listening for UAPI requests")
- go func() {
- for {
- conn, err := uapi.Accept()
- if err != nil {
- continue
- }
- go dev.IpcHandle(conn)
- }
- }()
- } else {
- log.Println("Setting interface configuration")
- err = adapter.SetConfiguration(config.ToDriverConfiguration())
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorDeviceSetConfig
- return
- }
- err = adapter.SetAdapterState(driver.AdapterStateUp)
- if err != nil {
- serviceError = services.ErrorDeviceBringUp
- return
- }
- watcher.Configure(nil, nil, adapter, config, luid)
+ log.Println("Setting interface configuration")
+ err = adapter.SetConfiguration(config.ToDriverConfiguration())
+ if err != nil {
+ serviceError = services.ErrorDeviceSetConfig
+ return
+ err = adapter.SetAdapterState(driver.AdapterStateUp)
+ if err != nil {
+ serviceError = services.ErrorDeviceBringUp
+ return
+ }
+ watcher.Configure(adapter, config, luid)
err = runScriptCommand(config.Interface.PostUp, config.Name)
if err != nil {
@@ -297,12 +217,6 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
changes <- svc.Status{State: svc.Running, Accepts: svc.AcceptStop | svc.AcceptShutdown}
log.Println("Startup complete")
- var devWaitChan chan struct{}
- if dev != nil {
- devWaitChan = dev.Wait()
- } else {
- devWaitChan = make(chan struct{})
- }
for {
select {
case c := <-r:
@@ -314,8 +228,6 @@ func (service *tunnelService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest,
log.Printf("Unexpected service control request #%d\n", c)
- case <-devWaitChan:
- return
case e := <-watcher.errors:
serviceError, err = e.serviceError, e.err
diff --git a/tunnel/winipcfg/winipcfg_test.go b/tunnel/winipcfg/winipcfg_test.go
index 7689a0c1..5d3bc276 100644
--- a/tunnel/winipcfg/winipcfg_test.go
+++ b/tunnel/winipcfg/winipcfg_test.go
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
Some tests in this file require:
- A dedicated network adapter
- Any network adapter will do. It may be virtual (Wintun etc.). The adapter name
- must contain string "winipcfg_test".
+ Any network adapter will do. It may be virtual (WireGuardNT, Wintun,
+ etc.). The adapter name must contain string "winipcfg_test".
Tests will add, remove, flush DNS servers, change adapter IP address, manipulate
routes etc.
The adapter will not be returned to previous state, so use an expendable one.
diff --git a/tunnel/wintun_test.go b/tunnel/wintun_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e56ff65..00000000
--- a/tunnel/wintun_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
- */
-package tunnel_test
-import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/rand"
- "encoding/binary"
- "fmt"
- "net"
- "sync"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "golang.org/x/sys/windows"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/elevate"
- "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/tunnel/winipcfg"
-func TestWintunOrdering(t *testing.T) {
- var tunDevice tun.Device
- err := elevate.DoAsSystem(func() error {
- var err error
- tunDevice, err = tun.CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID("tunordertest", &windows.GUID{12, 12, 12, [8]byte{12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12}}, 1500)
- return err
- })
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- defer tunDevice.Close()
- nativeTunDevice := tunDevice.(*tun.NativeTun)
- luid := winipcfg.LUID(nativeTunDevice.LUID())
- ip, ipnet, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
- err = luid.SetIPAddresses([]net.IPNet{{ip, ipnet.Mask}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- err = luid.SetRoutes([]*winipcfg.RouteData{{*ipnet, ipnet.IP, 0}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- var token [32]byte
- _, err = rand.Read(token[:])
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- var sockWrite net.Conn
- for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
- sockWrite, err = net.Dial("udp", "")
- if err == nil {
- defer sockWrite.Close()
- break
- }
- time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
- }
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- var sockRead *net.UDPConn
- for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
- var listenAddress *net.UDPAddr
- listenAddress, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "")
- if err != nil {
- continue
- }
- sockRead, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", listenAddress)
- if err == nil {
- defer sockRead.Close()
- break
- }
- time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
- }
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- var wait sync.WaitGroup
- wait.Add(4)
- doneSockWrite := false
- doneTunWrite := false
- fatalErrors := make(chan error, 2)
- errors := make(chan error, 2)
- go func() {
- defer wait.Done()
- buffer := append(token[:], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- for sendingIndex := uint64(0); !doneSockWrite; sendingIndex++ {
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buffer[32:], sendingIndex)
- _, err := sockWrite.Write(buffer[:])
- if err != nil {
- fatalErrors <- err
- }
- }
- }()
- go func() {
- defer wait.Done()
- packet := [20 + 8 + 32 + 8]byte{
- 0x45, 0, 0, 20 + 8 + 32 + 8,
- 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0x80, 0x11, 0, 0,
- 10, 82, 31, 5,
- 10, 82, 31, 4,
- 8888 >> 8, 8888 & 0xff, 9999 >> 8, 9999 & 0xff, 0, 8 + 32 + 8, 0, 0,
- }
- copy(packet[28:], token[:])
- for sendingIndex := uint64(0); !doneTunWrite; sendingIndex++ {
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(packet[4:], uint16(sendingIndex))
- var checksum uint32
- for i := 0; i < 20; i += 2 {
- if i != 10 {
- checksum += uint32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(packet[i:]))
- }
- }
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(packet[10:], ^(uint16(checksum>>16) + uint16(checksum&0xffff)))
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(packet[20+8+32:], sendingIndex)
- n, err := tunDevice.Write(packet[:], 0)
- if err != nil {
- fatalErrors <- err
- }
- if n == 0 {
- time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 300)
- }
- }
- }()
- const packetsPerTest = 1 << 21
- go func() {
- defer func() {
- doneSockWrite = true
- wait.Done()
- }()
- var expectedIndex uint64
- for i := uint64(0); i < packetsPerTest; {
- var buffer [(1 << 16) - 1]byte
- bytesRead, err := tunDevice.Read(buffer[:], 0)
- if err != nil {
- fatalErrors <- err
- }
- if bytesRead < 0 || bytesRead > len(buffer) {
- continue
- }
- packet := buffer[:bytesRead]
- tokenPos := bytes.Index(packet, token[:])
- if tokenPos == -1 || tokenPos+32+8 > len(packet) {
- continue
- }
- foundIndex := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(packet[tokenPos+32:])
- if foundIndex < expectedIndex {
- errors <- fmt.Errorf("Sock write, tun read: expected packet %d, received packet %d", expectedIndex, foundIndex)
- }
- expectedIndex = foundIndex + 1
- i++
- }
- }()
- go func() {
- defer func() {
- doneTunWrite = true
- wait.Done()
- }()
- var expectedIndex uint64
- for i := uint64(0); i < packetsPerTest; {
- var buffer [(1 << 16) - 1]byte
- bytesRead, err := sockRead.Read(buffer[:])
- if err != nil {
- fatalErrors <- err
- }
- if bytesRead < 0 || bytesRead > len(buffer) {
- continue
- }
- packet := buffer[:bytesRead]
- if len(packet) != 32+8 || !bytes.HasPrefix(packet, token[:]) {
- continue
- }
- foundIndex := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(packet[32:])
- if foundIndex < expectedIndex {
- errors <- fmt.Errorf("Tun write, sock read: expected packet %d, received packet %d", expectedIndex, foundIndex)
- }
- expectedIndex = foundIndex + 1
- i++
- }
- }()
- done := make(chan bool, 2)
- doneFunc := func() {
- wait.Wait()
- done <- true
- }
- defer doneFunc()
- go doneFunc()
- for {
- select {
- case err := <-fatalErrors:
- t.Fatal(err)
- case err := <-errors:
- t.Error(err)
- case <-done:
- return
- }
- }