diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2021-10-11 13:08:50 -0600
committerJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2021-10-11 13:14:19 -0600
commitaf60ab229954519b8295bb3ef453231f4d3b9087 (patch)
parentversion: bump (diff)
global: use unsafe.Slice instead of unsafeSlice
Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>
Diffstat (limited to '')
6 files changed, 21 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows.go b/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows.go
index b3f28a93..b8e6af4b 100644
--- a/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows.go
+++ b/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows.go
@@ -28,16 +28,9 @@ func Encrypt(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encrypt DPAPI protected data: %w", err)
- outSlice := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&(struct {
- addr *byte
- len int
- cap int
- }{out.Data, int(out.Size), int(out.Size)})))
- ret := make([]byte, len(outSlice))
- copy(ret, outSlice)
+ ret := make([]byte, out.Size)
+ copy(ret, unsafe.Slice(out.Data, out.Size))
return ret, nil
@@ -48,19 +41,12 @@ func Decrypt(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = windows.CryptUnprotectData(bytesToBlob(data), &outName, nil, 0, nil, windows.CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decrypt DPAPI protected data: %w", err)
- outSlice := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&(struct {
- addr *byte
- len int
- cap int
- }{out.Data, int(out.Size), int(out.Size)})))
- ret := make([]byte, len(outSlice))
- copy(ret, outSlice)
+ ret := make([]byte, out.Size)
+ copy(ret, unsafe.Slice(out.Data, out.Size))
// Note: this ridiculous open-coded strcmp is not constant time.
diff --git a/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows_test.go b/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows_test.go
index 2e12e273..351b4d8f 100644
--- a/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows_test.go
+++ b/conf/dpapi/dpapi_windows_test.go
@@ -53,11 +53,7 @@ func TestRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to get utf16 chars for name: %s", err)
- nameUtf16Bytes := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
- addr *byte
- len int
- cap int
- }{(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&nameUtf16[0])), len(nameUtf16) * 2, cap(nameUtf16) * 2}))
+ nameUtf16Bytes := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&nameUtf16[0])), len(nameUtf16) * 2)
i := bytes.Index(eCorrupt, nameUtf16Bytes)
if i == -1 {
t.Error("Unable to find ad in blob")
diff --git a/driver/configuration_windows.go b/driver/configuration_windows.go
index a9f08a91..2029c75a 100644
--- a/driver/configuration_windows.go
+++ b/driver/configuration_windows.go
@@ -158,22 +158,19 @@ func (builder *ConfigBuilder) Preallocate(size uint32) {
// AppendInterface appends an interface to the building configuration. This should be called first.
func (builder *ConfigBuilder) AppendInterface(interfaze *Interface) {
- var newBytes []byte
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&newBytes), unsafe.Pointer(interfaze), int(unsafe.Sizeof(*interfaze)))
+ newBytes := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(interfaze)), unsafe.Sizeof(*interfaze))
builder.buffer = append(builder.buffer, newBytes...)
// AppendPeer appends a peer to the building configuration. This should be called after an interface has been added.
func (builder *ConfigBuilder) AppendPeer(peer *Peer) {
- var newBytes []byte
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&newBytes), unsafe.Pointer(peer), int(unsafe.Sizeof(*peer)))
+ newBytes := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(peer)), unsafe.Sizeof(*peer))
builder.buffer = append(builder.buffer, newBytes...)
// AppendAllowedIP appends an allowed IP to the building configuration. This should be called after a peer has been added.
func (builder *ConfigBuilder) AppendAllowedIP(allowedIP *AllowedIP) {
- var newBytes []byte
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&newBytes), unsafe.Pointer(allowedIP), int(unsafe.Sizeof(*allowedIP)))
+ newBytes := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(allowedIP)), unsafe.Sizeof(*allowedIP))
builder.buffer = append(builder.buffer, newBytes...)
@@ -184,21 +181,3 @@ func (builder *ConfigBuilder) Interface() (*Interface, uint32) {
return (*Interface)(unsafe.Pointer(&builder.buffer[0])), uint32(len(builder.buffer))
-// unsafeSlice updates the slice slicePtr to be a slice
-// referencing the provided data with its length & capacity set to
-// lenCap.
-// TODO: when Go 1.16 or Go 1.17 is the minimum supported version,
-// update callers to use unsafe.Slice instead of this.
-func unsafeSlice(slicePtr, data unsafe.Pointer, lenCap int) {
- type sliceHeader struct {
- Data unsafe.Pointer
- Len int
- Cap int
- }
- h := (*sliceHeader)(slicePtr)
- h.Data = data
- h.Len = lenCap
- h.Cap = lenCap
diff --git a/driver/memmod/memmod_windows.go b/driver/memmod/memmod_windows.go
index 6ced43fe..da6ff9af 100644
--- a/driver/memmod/memmod_windows.go
+++ b/driver/memmod/memmod_windows.go
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ func (module *Module) copySections(address uintptr, size uintptr, oldHeaders *IM
dest = module.codeBase + uintptr(sections[i].VirtualAddress)
// NOTE: On 64bit systems we truncate to 32bit here but expand again later when "PhysicalAddress" is used.
sections[i].SetPhysicalAddress((uint32)(dest & 0xffffffff))
- var dst []byte
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&dst), a2p(dest), int(sectionSize))
+ dst := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(a2p(dest)), sectionSize)
for j := range dst {
dst[j] = 0
@@ -247,11 +246,9 @@ func (module *Module) performBaseRelocation(delta uintptr) (relocated bool, err
for relocationHdr.VirtualAddress > 0 {
dest := module.codeBase + uintptr(relocationHdr.VirtualAddress)
- var relInfos []uint16
- unsafeSlice(
- unsafe.Pointer(&relInfos),
- a2p(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(relocationHdr))+unsafe.Sizeof(*relocationHdr)),
- int((uintptr(relocationHdr.SizeOfBlock)-unsafe.Sizeof(*relocationHdr))/unsafe.Sizeof(relInfos[0])))
+ relInfos := unsafe.Slice(
+ (*uint16)(a2p(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(relocationHdr))+unsafe.Sizeof(*relocationHdr))),
+ (uintptr(relocationHdr.SizeOfBlock)-unsafe.Sizeof(*relocationHdr))/unsafe.Sizeof(uint16(0)))
for _, relInfo := range relInfos {
// The upper 4 bits define the type of relocation.
relType := relInfo >> 12
@@ -372,10 +369,8 @@ func (module *Module) buildNameExports() error {
if exports.NumberOfNames == 0 {
return errors.New("No functions exported by name")
- var nameRefs []uint32
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&nameRefs), a2p(module.codeBase+uintptr(exports.AddressOfNames)), int(exports.NumberOfNames))
- var ordinals []uint16
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&ordinals), a2p(module.codeBase+uintptr(exports.AddressOfNameOrdinals)), int(exports.NumberOfNames))
+ nameRefs := unsafe.Slice((*uint32)(a2p(module.codeBase+uintptr(exports.AddressOfNames))), exports.NumberOfNames)
+ ordinals := unsafe.Slice((*uint16)(a2p(module.codeBase+uintptr(exports.AddressOfNameOrdinals))), exports.NumberOfNames)
module.nameExports = make(map[string]uint16)
for i := range nameRefs {
nameArray := windows.BytePtrToString((*byte)(a2p(module.codeBase + uintptr(nameRefs[i]))))
@@ -694,26 +689,5 @@ func a2p(addr uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
func memcpy(dst, src, size uintptr) {
- var d, s []byte
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&d), a2p(dst), int(size))
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), a2p(src), int(size))
- copy(d, s)
-// unsafeSlice updates the slice slicePtr to be a slice
-// referencing the provided data with its length & capacity set to
-// lenCap.
-// TODO: when Go 1.16 or Go 1.17 is the minimum supported version,
-// update callers to use unsafe.Slice instead of this.
-func unsafeSlice(slicePtr, data unsafe.Pointer, lenCap int) {
- type sliceHeader struct {
- Data unsafe.Pointer
- Len int
- Cap int
- }
- h := (*sliceHeader)(slicePtr)
- h.Data = data
- h.Len = lenCap
- h.Cap = lenCap
+ copy(unsafe.Slice((*byte)(a2p(dst)), size), unsafe.Slice((*byte)(a2p(src)), size))
diff --git a/manager/service.go b/manager/service.go
index 2b553793..71be634d 100644
--- a/manager/service.go
+++ b/manager/service.go
@@ -278,12 +278,7 @@ func (service *managerService) Execute(args []string, r <-chan svc.ChangeRequest
serviceError = services.ErrorEnumerateSessions
- sessions := *(*[]windows.WTS_SESSION_INFO)(unsafe.Pointer(&struct {
- addr *windows.WTS_SESSION_INFO
- len int
- cap int
- }{sessionsPointer, int(count), int(count)}))
- for _, session := range sessions {
+ for _, session := range unsafe.Slice(sessionsPointer, count) {
if session.State != windows.WTSActive && session.State != windows.WTSDisconnected {
diff --git a/tunnel/winipcfg/types.go b/tunnel/winipcfg/types.go
index d82d1a6f..789ee501 100644
--- a/tunnel/winipcfg/types.go
+++ b/tunnel/winipcfg/types.go
@@ -685,8 +685,7 @@ func (row *MibIPInterfaceRow) Set() error {
// get method returns all table rows as a Go slice.
func (tab *mibIPInterfaceTable) get() (s []MibIPInterfaceRow) {
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), unsafe.Pointer(&tab.table[0]), int(tab.numEntries))
- return
+ return unsafe.Slice(&tab.table[0], tab.numEntries)
// free method frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.
@@ -723,8 +722,7 @@ func (row *MibIfRow2) get() (ret error) {
// get method returns all table rows as a Go slice.
func (tab *mibIfTable2) get() (s []MibIfRow2) {
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), unsafe.Pointer(&tab.table[0]), int(tab.numEntries))
- return
+ return unsafe.Slice(&tab.table[0], tab.numEntries)
// free method frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.
@@ -835,8 +833,7 @@ func (row *MibUnicastIPAddressRow) Delete() error {
// get method returns all table rows as a Go slice.
func (tab *mibUnicastIPAddressTable) get() (s []MibUnicastIPAddressRow) {
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), unsafe.Pointer(&tab.table[0]), int(tab.numEntries))
- return
+ return unsafe.Slice(&tab.table[0], tab.numEntries)
// free method frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.
@@ -865,8 +862,7 @@ func (row *MibAnycastIPAddressRow) Delete() error {
// get method returns all table rows as a Go slice.
func (tab *mibAnycastIPAddressTable) get() (s []MibAnycastIPAddressRow) {
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), unsafe.Pointer(&tab.table[0]), int(tab.numEntries))
- return
+ return unsafe.Slice(&tab.table[0], tab.numEntries)
// free method frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.
@@ -958,8 +954,7 @@ func (row *MibIPforwardRow2) Delete() error {
// get method returns all table rows as a Go slice.
func (tab *mibIPforwardTable2) get() (s []MibIPforwardRow2) {
- unsafeSlice(unsafe.Pointer(&s), unsafe.Pointer(&tab.table[0]), int(tab.numEntries))
- return
+ return unsafe.Slice(&tab.table[0], tab.numEntries)
// free method frees the buffer allocated by the functions that return tables of network interfaces, addresses, and routes.
@@ -1007,21 +1002,3 @@ const (
DnsInterfaceSettingsFlagDOH = 0x1000 // v3 only
DnsInterfaceSettingsFlagDOHProfile = 0x2000 // v3 only
-// unsafeSlice updates the slice slicePtr to be a slice
-// referencing the provided data with its length & capacity set to
-// lenCap.
-// TODO: when Go 1.16 or Go 1.17 is the minimum supported version,
-// update callers to use unsafe.Slice instead of this.
-func unsafeSlice(slicePtr, data unsafe.Pointer, lenCap int) {
- type sliceHeader struct {
- Data unsafe.Pointer
- Len int
- Cap int
- }
- h := (*sliceHeader)(slicePtr)
- h.Data = data
- h.Len = lenCap
- h.Cap = lenCap