@echo off rem SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT rem Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. setlocal set BUILDDIR=%~dp0 set PATH=%BUILDDIR%.deps\go\bin;%BUILDDIR%.deps;%PATH% set PATHEXT=.exe cd /d %BUILDDIR% || exit /b 1 if exist .deps\prepared goto :render :installdeps rmdir /s /q .deps 2> NUL mkdir .deps || goto :error cd .deps || goto :error call :download go.zip https://dl.google.com/go/go1.13beta1.windows-amd64.zip 08098b4b0e1a105971d2fced2842e806f8ffa08973ae8781fd22dd90f76404fb || goto :error rem Mirror of https://musl.cc/i686-w64-mingw32-native.zip call :download mingw-x86.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/i686-w64-mingw32-native-20190602.zip 003b7d07c837bfd365cf282772fb478bfd83195ee7f755d789420a6a651553a9 || goto :error rem Mirror of https://musl.cc/x86_64-w64-mingw32-native.zip call :download mingw-amd64.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/x86_64-w64-mingw32-native-20190602.zip 5e6629630f106dcad132f8b4eefdb6d2f98b1db251a1cf48a9f654da68793dad || goto :error rem Mirror of https://imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-7.0.8-42-portable-Q16-x64.zip call :download imagemagick.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/ImageMagick-7.0.8-42-portable-Q16-x64.zip 584e069f56456ce7dde40220948ff9568ac810688c892c5dfb7f6db902aa05aa "convert.exe colors.xml delegates.xml" || goto :error rem Mirror of https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/make-4.2.1-without-guile-w32-bin.zip call :download make.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/make-4.2.1-without-guile-w32-bin.zip 30641be9602712be76212b99df7209f4f8f518ba764cf564262bc9d6e4047cc7 "--strip-components 1 bin" || goto :error call :download wireguard-tools.zip https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/snapshot/WireGuard-7f808dfb43f0a5ced7253a6dc8faf9f189ca8f2a.zip 1340eed48c17a4133db740fd959d21ec36caef4f3fa0701fe3ac875185a00ead "--exclude wg-quick --strip-components 1" || goto :error rem Mirror of https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/patch/2.5.9-7/patch-2.5.9-7-bin.zip with fixed manifest call :download patch.zip https://download.wireguard.com/windows-toolchain/distfiles/patch-2.5.9-7-bin-fixed-manifest.zip 25977006ca9713f2662a5d0a2ed3a5a138225b8be3757035bd7da9dcf985d0a1 "--strip-components 1 bin" || goto :error echo [+] Patching go for %%a in ("..\golang-*.patch") do .\patch.exe -f -N -r- -d go -p1 --binary < "%%a" || goto :error copy /y NUL prepared > NUL || goto :error cd .. || goto :error :render echo [+] Rendering icons for %%a in ("ui\icon\*.svg") do convert -background none "%%~fa" -define icon:auto-resize="256,128,96,64,48,32,16" "%%~dpna.ico" || goto :error :build set GOOS=windows set GOPATH=%BUILDDIR%.deps\gopath set GOROOT=%BUILDDIR%.deps\go set CGO_ENABLED=1 set CGO_CFLAGS=-O3 -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-switch -std=gnu11 -DWINVER=0x0601 set CGO_LDFLAGS=-Wl,--major-os-version=6 -Wl,--minor-os-version=1 -Wl,--major-subsystem-version=6 -Wl,--minor-subsystem-version=1 call :build_plat x86 i686 386 || goto :error call :build_plat amd64 x86_64 amd64 || goto :error :sign if exist .\sign.bat call .\sign.bat if "%SigningCertificate%"=="" goto :success if "%TimestampServer%"=="" goto :success echo [+] Signing signtool sign /sha1 "%SigningCertificate%" /fd sha256 /tr "%TimestampServer%" /td sha256 /d WireGuard x86\wireguard.exe x86\wg.exe amd64\wireguard.exe amd64\wg.exe || goto :error :success echo [+] Success. Launch wireguard.exe. exit /b 0 :download echo [+] Downloading %1 curl -#fLo %1 %2 || exit /b 1 echo [+] Verifying %1 for /f %%a in ('CertUtil -hashfile %1 SHA256 ^| findstr /r "^[0-9a-f]*$"') do if not "%%a"=="%~3" exit /b 1 echo [+] Extracting %1 tar -xf %1 %~4 || exit /b 1 echo [+] Cleaning up %1 del %1 || exit /b 1 goto :eof :build_plat set PATH=%BUILDDIR%.deps\%~2-w64-mingw32-native\bin;%PATH% set CC=%~2-w64-mingw32-gcc set GOARCH=%~3 mkdir %1 >NUL 2>&1 echo [+] Assembling resources %1 windres -i resources.rc -o resources.syso -O coff || exit /b %errorlevel% echo [+] Building program %1 go build -ldflags="-H windowsgui -s -w" -tags walk_use_cgo -trimpath -v -o "%~1\wireguard.exe" || exit /b 1 if not exist "%~1\wg.exe" ( echo [+] Building command line tools %1 del .deps\src\tools\*.exe .deps\src\tools\*.o .deps\src\tools\wincompat\*.o 2> NUL make --no-print-directory -C .deps\src\tools PLATFORM=windows CC=%CC% V=1 LDFLAGS=-s RUNSTATEDIR= SYSTEMDUNITDIR= -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% || exit /b 1 move /Y .deps\src\tools\wg.exe "%~1\wg.exe" > NUL || exit /b 1 ) goto :eof :error echo [-] Failed with error #%errorlevel%. cmd /c exit %errorlevel%