// Copyright 2011 The Walk Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build windows package walk import ( "strings" "syscall" "time" "unsafe" ) import "github.com/lxn/win" type DateEdit struct { WidgetBase dateChangedPublisher EventPublisher format string } func newDateEdit(parent Container, style uint32) (*DateEdit, error) { de := new(DateEdit) if err := InitWidget( de, parent, "SysDateTimePick32", win.WS_TABSTOP|win.WS_VISIBLE|win.DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT|style, 0); err != nil { return nil, err } if style&win.DTS_SHOWNONE != 0 { de.setSystemTime(nil) } de.GraphicsEffects().Add(InteractionEffect) de.GraphicsEffects().Add(FocusEffect) de.MustRegisterProperty("Date", NewProperty( func() interface{} { return de.Date() }, func(v interface{}) error { return de.SetDate(assertTimeOr(v, time.Time{})) }, de.dateChangedPublisher.Event())) return de, nil } func NewDateEdit(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error) { return newDateEdit(parent, 0) } func NewDateEditWithNoneOption(parent Container) (*DateEdit, error) { return newDateEdit(parent, win.DTS_SHOWNONE) } func (*DateEdit) LayoutFlags() LayoutFlags { return GrowableHorz } func (de *DateEdit) MinSizeHint() Size { return de.dialogBaseUnitsToPixels(Size{80, 12}) } func (de *DateEdit) SizeHint() Size { return de.MinSizeHint() } func (de *DateEdit) systemTimeToTime(st *win.SYSTEMTIME) time.Time { if st == nil || !de.hasStyleBits(win.DTS_SHOWNONE) && st.WYear == 1601 && st.WMonth == 1 && st.WDay == 1 { return time.Time{} } var hour, minute, second int if de.timeOfDayDisplayed() { hour = int(st.WHour) minute = int(st.WMinute) second = int(st.WSecond) } return time.Date(int(st.WYear), time.Month(st.WMonth), int(st.WDay), hour, minute, second, 0, time.Local) } func (de *DateEdit) timeToSystemTime(t time.Time) *win.SYSTEMTIME { if t.Year() < 1601 { if de.hasStyleBits(win.DTS_SHOWNONE) { return nil } else { return &win.SYSTEMTIME{ WYear: uint16(1601), WMonth: uint16(1), WDay: uint16(1), } } } st := &win.SYSTEMTIME{ WYear: uint16(t.Year()), WMonth: uint16(t.Month()), WDay: uint16(t.Day()), } if de.timeOfDayDisplayed() { st.WHour = uint16(t.Hour()) st.WMinute = uint16(t.Minute()) st.WSecond = uint16(t.Second()) } return st } func (de *DateEdit) systemTime() (*win.SYSTEMTIME, error) { var st win.SYSTEMTIME switch de.SendMessage(win.DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&st))) { case win.GDT_VALID: return &st, nil case win.GDT_NONE: return nil, nil } return nil, newError("SendMessage(DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME)") } func (de *DateEdit) setSystemTime(st *win.SYSTEMTIME) error { var wParam uintptr if st != nil { wParam = win.GDT_VALID } else { // Ensure today's date is displayed. de.setSystemTime(de.timeToSystemTime(time.Now())) wParam = win.GDT_NONE } if 0 == de.SendMessage(win.DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, wParam, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(st))) { return newError("SendMessage(DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME)") } return nil } func (de *DateEdit) timeOfDayDisplayed() bool { return strings.ContainsAny(de.format, "Hhms") } func (de *DateEdit) Format() string { return de.format } func (de *DateEdit) SetFormat(format string) error { lp := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr(format))) if 0 == de.SendMessage(win.DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, lp) { return newError("DTM_SETFORMAT failed") } de.format = format return nil } func (de *DateEdit) Range() (min, max time.Time) { var st [2]win.SYSTEMTIME ret := de.SendMessage(win.DTM_GETRANGE, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&st[0]))) if ret&win.GDTR_MIN > 0 { min = de.systemTimeToTime(&st[0]) } if ret&win.GDTR_MAX > 0 { max = de.systemTimeToTime(&st[1]) } return } func (de *DateEdit) SetRange(min, max time.Time) error { if !min.IsZero() && !max.IsZero() { if min.Year() > max.Year() || min.Year() == max.Year() && min.Month() > max.Month() || min.Year() == max.Year() && min.Month() == max.Month() && min.Day() > max.Day() { return newError("invalid range") } } var st [2]win.SYSTEMTIME var wParam uintptr if !min.IsZero() { wParam |= win.GDTR_MIN st[0] = *de.timeToSystemTime(min) } if !max.IsZero() { wParam |= win.GDTR_MAX st[1] = *de.timeToSystemTime(max) } if 0 == de.SendMessage(win.DTM_SETRANGE, wParam, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&st[0]))) { return newError("SendMessage(DTM_SETRANGE)") } return nil } func (de *DateEdit) Date() time.Time { st, err := de.systemTime() if err != nil || st == nil { return time.Time{} } return de.systemTimeToTime(st) } func (de *DateEdit) SetDate(date time.Time) error { stNew := de.timeToSystemTime(date) stOld, err := de.systemTime() if err != nil { return err } else if stNew == stOld || stNew != nil && stOld != nil && *stNew == *stOld { return nil } if err := de.setSystemTime(stNew); err != nil { return err } de.dateChangedPublisher.Publish() return nil } func (de *DateEdit) DateChanged() *Event { return de.dateChangedPublisher.Event() } func (de *DateEdit) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr { switch msg { case win.WM_NOTIFY: switch uint32(((*win.NMHDR)(unsafe.Pointer(lParam))).Code) { case win.DTN_DATETIMECHANGE: de.dateChangedPublisher.Publish() } } return de.WidgetBase.WndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) }