// Copyright 2010 The Walk Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build windows package walk import ( "unsafe" "github.com/lxn/win" ) const ( DlgCmdNone = 0 DlgCmdOK = win.IDOK DlgCmdCancel = win.IDCANCEL DlgCmdAbort = win.IDABORT DlgCmdRetry = win.IDRETRY DlgCmdIgnore = win.IDIGNORE DlgCmdYes = win.IDYES DlgCmdNo = win.IDNO DlgCmdClose = win.IDCLOSE DlgCmdHelp = win.IDHELP DlgCmdTryAgain = win.IDTRYAGAIN DlgCmdContinue = win.IDCONTINUE DlgCmdTimeout = win.IDTIMEOUT ) const dialogWindowClass = "WireGuard UI - Dialog" func init() { AppendToWalkInit(func() { MustRegisterWindowClass(dialogWindowClass) }) } type dialogish interface { DefaultButton() *PushButton CancelButton() *PushButton } type Dialog struct { FormBase result int defaultButton *PushButton cancelButton *PushButton centerInOwnerWhenRun bool } func NewDialog(owner Form) (*Dialog, error) { return newDialogWithStyle(owner, win.WS_THICKFRAME) } func NewDialogWithFixedSize(owner Form) (*Dialog, error) { return newDialogWithStyle(owner, 0) } func newDialogWithStyle(owner Form, style uint32) (*Dialog, error) { dlg := &Dialog{ FormBase: FormBase{ owner: owner, }, } if err := InitWindow( dlg, owner, dialogWindowClass, win.WS_CAPTION|win.WS_SYSMENU|style, 0); err != nil { return nil, err } succeeded := false defer func() { if !succeeded { dlg.Dispose() } }() dlg.centerInOwnerWhenRun = owner != nil dlg.result = DlgCmdNone succeeded = true return dlg, nil } func (dlg *Dialog) DefaultButton() *PushButton { return dlg.defaultButton } func (dlg *Dialog) SetDefaultButton(button *PushButton) error { if button != nil && !win.IsChild(dlg.hWnd, button.hWnd) { return newError("not a descendant of the dialog") } succeeded := false if dlg.defaultButton != nil { if err := dlg.defaultButton.setAndClearStyleBits(win.BS_PUSHBUTTON, win.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON); err != nil { return err } defer func() { if !succeeded { dlg.defaultButton.setAndClearStyleBits(win.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, win.BS_PUSHBUTTON) } }() } if button != nil { if err := button.setAndClearStyleBits(win.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, win.BS_PUSHBUTTON); err != nil { return err } } dlg.defaultButton = button succeeded = true return nil } func (dlg *Dialog) CancelButton() *PushButton { return dlg.cancelButton } func (dlg *Dialog) SetCancelButton(button *PushButton) error { if button != nil && !win.IsChild(dlg.hWnd, button.hWnd) { return newError("not a descendant of the dialog") } dlg.cancelButton = button return nil } func (dlg *Dialog) Result() int { return dlg.result } func (dlg *Dialog) Accept() { dlg.Close(DlgCmdOK) } func (dlg *Dialog) Cancel() { dlg.Close(DlgCmdCancel) } func (dlg *Dialog) Close(result int) { dlg.result = result dlg.FormBase.Close() } func (dlg *Dialog) Show() { var willRestore bool if dlg.Persistent() { state, _ := dlg.ReadState() willRestore = state != "" } if !willRestore { var size Size if layout := dlg.Layout(); layout != nil { size = maxSize(dlg.clientComposite.MinSizeHint(), dlg.MinSizePixels()) } else { size = dlg.SizePixels() } if dlg.owner != nil { ob := dlg.owner.BoundsPixels() if dlg.centerInOwnerWhenRun { dlg.SetBoundsPixels(fitRectToScreen(dlg.hWnd, Rectangle{ ob.X + (ob.Width-size.Width)/2, ob.Y + (ob.Height-size.Height)/2, size.Width, size.Height, })) } } else { b := dlg.BoundsPixels() dlg.SetBoundsPixels(Rectangle{b.X, b.Y, size.Width, size.Height}) } } dlg.FormBase.Show() dlg.startLayout() } // fitRectToScreen fits rectangle to screen. Input and output rectangles are in native pixels. func fitRectToScreen(hWnd win.HWND, r Rectangle) Rectangle { var mi win.MONITORINFO mi.CbSize = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(mi)) if !win.GetMonitorInfo(win.MonitorFromWindow( hWnd, win.MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY), &mi) { return r } mon := rectangleFromRECT(mi.RcWork) dpi := win.GetDpiForWindow(hWnd) mon.Height -= int(win.GetSystemMetricsForDpi(win.SM_CYCAPTION, dpi)) if r.Width <= mon.Width { switch { case r.X < mon.X: r.X = mon.X case r.X+r.Width > mon.X+mon.Width: r.X = mon.X + mon.Width - r.Width } } if r.Height <= mon.Height { switch { case r.Y < mon.Y: r.Y = mon.Y case r.Y+r.Height > mon.Y+mon.Height: r.Y = mon.Y + mon.Height - r.Height } } return r } func (dlg *Dialog) Run() int { dlg.Show() dlg.FormBase.Run() return dlg.result } func (dlg *Dialog) WndProc(hwnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wParam, lParam uintptr) uintptr { switch msg { case win.WM_COMMAND: if win.HIWORD(uint32(wParam)) == 0 { switch win.LOWORD(uint32(wParam)) { case DlgCmdOK: if dlg.defaultButton != nil { dlg.defaultButton.raiseClicked() } case DlgCmdCancel: if dlg.cancelButton != nil { dlg.cancelButton.raiseClicked() } } } } return dlg.FormBase.WndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) }