// Copyright 2011 The Walk Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build windows package walk import ( "syscall" "github.com/lxn/win" ) type dropFilesEventHandlerInfo struct { handler DropFilesEventHandler once bool } type DropFilesEventHandler func([]string) type DropFilesEvent struct { hWnd win.HWND handlers []dropFilesEventHandlerInfo } func (e *DropFilesEvent) Attach(handler DropFilesEventHandler) int { if len(e.handlers) == 0 { win.DragAcceptFiles(e.hWnd, true) } handlerInfo := dropFilesEventHandlerInfo{handler, false} for i, h := range e.handlers { if h.handler == nil { e.handlers[i] = handlerInfo return i } } e.handlers = append(e.handlers, handlerInfo) return len(e.handlers) - 1 } func (e *DropFilesEvent) Detach(handle int) { e.handlers[handle].handler = nil for _, h := range e.handlers { if h.handler != nil { return } } win.DragAcceptFiles(e.hWnd, false) } func (e *DropFilesEvent) Once(handler DropFilesEventHandler) { i := e.Attach(handler) e.handlers[i].once = true } type DropFilesEventPublisher struct { event DropFilesEvent } func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Event(hWnd win.HWND) *DropFilesEvent { p.event.hWnd = hWnd return &p.event } func (p *DropFilesEventPublisher) Publish(hDrop win.HDROP) { var files []string n := win.DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, 0) for i := 0; i < int(n); i++ { bufSize := uint(512) buf := make([]uint16, bufSize) if win.DragQueryFile(hDrop, uint(i), &buf[0], bufSize) > 0 { files = append(files, syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)) } } win.DragFinish(hDrop) for i, h := range p.event.handlers { if h.handler != nil { h.handler(files) if h.once { p.event.Detach(i) } } } }