## Embeddable WireGuard Tunnel Library This allows embedding WireGuard as a service inside of another application. Build `tunnel.dll` by running `./build.bat` in this folder. The first time you run it, it will invoke `..\build.bat` simply for downloading dependencies. After, you should have `amd64/tunnel.dll` and `x86/tunnel.dll`. The basic setup to use `tunnel.dll` is: ##### 1. Install a service with these parameters: Service Name: "SomeServiceName" Display Name: "Some Service Name" Service Type: SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS Start Type: StartAutomatic Error Control: ErrorNormal, Dependencies: [ "Nsi" ] Sid Type: SERVICE_SID_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED Executable: "C:\path\to\example\vpnclient.exe /service configfile.conf" Some of these may have to be changed with `ChangeServiceConfig2` after the initial call to `CreateService` The `SERVICE_SID_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED` parameter is absolutely essential; do not forget it. ##### 2. Have your program's main function handle the `/service` switch: if (!strcmp(argv[1], "/service") && argc == 3) { HMODULE tunnel_lib = LoadLibrary("tunnel.dll"); if (!tunnel_lib) abort(); tunnel_proc_t tunnel_proc = (tunnel_proc_t)GetProcAddress(tunnel_lib, "WireGuardTunnelService"); if (!tunnel_proc) abort(); struct go_string conf_file = { .str = argv[2], .n = strlen(argv[2]) }; return tunnel_proc(conf_file); } ##### 3. Scoop up logs by implementing a ringlogger format reader. ##### 4. Talk to the service over its named pipe.