{ "language": "pl", "messages": [ { "id": "Error", "message": "Error", "translation": "Błąd", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "(no argument): elevate and install manager service", "message": "(no argument): elevate and install manager service", "translation": "(brak argumentu): Podnieś uprawnienia i zainstaluj usługę menedżera", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Usage: {Args0} [\n{String}]", "message": "Usage: {Args0} [\n{String}]", "translation": "Użycie: {Args0} [{String}]", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Args0", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "os.Args[0]" }, { "id": "String", "string": "%[2]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "builder.String()" } ] }, { "id": "Command Line Options", "message": "Command Line Options", "translation": "Opcje wiersza poleceń", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unable to determine whether the process is running under WOW64: {Err}", "message": "Unable to determine whether the process is running under WOW64: {Err}", "translation": "Nie można określić, czy proces jest uruchomiony w środowisku WOW64: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "You must use the native version of WireGuard on this computer.", "message": "You must use the native version of WireGuard on this computer.", "translation": "Musisz użyć natywnej wersji WireGuard na tym komputerze.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unable to open current process token: {Err}", "message": "Unable to open current process token: {Err}", "translation": "Nie można otworzyć bieżącego tokenu procesu: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard may only be used by users who are a member of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "message": "WireGuard may only be used by users who are a member of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "translation": "WireGuard może być używany tylko przez użytkowników, którzy są członkami wbudowanej grupy {AdminGroupName}.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "AdminGroupName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "elevate.AdminGroupName()" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard is running, but the UI is only accessible from desktops of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "message": "WireGuard is running, but the UI is only accessible from desktops of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "translation": "WireGuard jest uruchomiony, ale interfejs jest dostępny tylko z poziomu użytkowników należących do wbudowanej grupy {AdminGroupName}.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "AdminGroupName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "elevate.AdminGroupName()" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard system tray icon did not appear after 30 seconds.", "message": "WireGuard system tray icon did not appear after 30 seconds.", "translation": "Ikona WireGuard nie pojawiła się po 30 sekundach w zasobniku systemowym.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Now", "message": "Now", "translation": "Teraz", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "System clock wound backward!", "message": "System clock wound backward!", "translation": "Zegar systemowy został cofnięty!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{Years} year(s)", "message": "{Years} year(s)", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Years", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Years} rok" }, "few": { "msg": "{Years} lata" }, "many": { "msg": "{Years} lat" }, "other": { "msg": "{Years} lata" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Years", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int64", "underlyingType": "int64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "years" } ] }, { "id": "{Days} day(s)", "message": "{Days} day(s)", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Days", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Days} dzień" }, "few": { "msg": "{Days} dni" }, "many": { "msg": "{Days} dni" }, "other": { "msg": "{Days} dni" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Days", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int64", "underlyingType": "int64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "days" } ] }, { "id": "{Hours} hour(s)", "message": "{Hours} hour(s)", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Hours", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Hours} godzina" }, "few": { "msg": "{Hours} godziny" }, "many": { "msg": "{Hours} godzin" }, "other": { "msg": "{Hours} godziny" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Hours", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int64", "underlyingType": "int64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "hours" } ] }, { "id": "{Minutes} minute(s)", "message": "{Minutes} minute(s)", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Minutes", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Minutes} minuta" }, "few": { "msg": "{Minutes} minuty" }, "many": { "msg": "{Minutes} minut" }, "other": { "msg": "{Minutes} minut" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Minutes", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int64", "underlyingType": "int64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "minutes" } ] }, { "id": "{Seconds} second(s)", "message": "{Seconds} second(s)", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Seconds", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Seconds} sekunda" }, "few": { "msg": "{Seconds} sekundy" }, "many": { "msg": "{Seconds} sekund" }, "other": { "msg": "{Seconds} sekund" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Seconds", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int64", "underlyingType": "int64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "seconds" } ] }, { "id": "{Timestamp} ago", "message": "{Timestamp} ago", "translation": "{Timestamp} temu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Timestamp", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "timestamp" } ] }, { "id": "{Bytes} B", "message": "{Bytes} B", "translation": "{Bytes} B", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Bytes", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf.Bytes", "underlyingType": "uint64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "b" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024} KiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024} KiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024} KiB", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / 1024" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024} MiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024} MiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024} MiB", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024)" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} GiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} GiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} GiB", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} TiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} TiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} TiB", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) / 1024" } ] }, { "id": "{Why}: {Offender}", "message": "{Why}: {Offender}", "translation": "{Why}: {Offender}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Why", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "e.why" }, { "id": "Offender", "string": "%[2]q", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "e.offender" } ] }, { "id": "Invalid IP address", "message": "Invalid IP address", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy adres IP", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid network prefix length", "message": "Invalid network prefix length", "translation": "Nieprawidłowa długość prefiksu sieci", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Missing port from endpoint", "message": "Missing port from endpoint", "translation": "Brak portu urządzenia końcowego", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid endpoint host", "message": "Invalid endpoint host", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy host (urządzenie końcowe)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Brackets must contain an IPv6 address", "message": "Brackets must contain an IPv6 address", "translation": "Nawiasy muszą zawierać adres IPv6", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid MTU", "message": "Invalid MTU", "translation": "Nieprawidłowe MTU", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid port", "message": "Invalid port", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy port", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid persistent keepalive", "message": "Invalid persistent keepalive", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy parametr utrzymania połączenia", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key: {Err}", "message": "Invalid key: {Err}", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy klucz: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Keys must decode to exactly 32 bytes", "message": "Keys must decode to exactly 32 bytes", "translation": "Klucze muszą zostać zdekodowane do dokładnie 32 bajtów", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Number must be a number between 0 and 2^64-1: {Err}", "message": "Number must be a number between 0 and 2^64-1: {Err}", "translation": "Liczba musi zawierać się w przedziale 0 - 2^64-1: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Two commas in a row", "message": "Two commas in a row", "translation": "Dwa przecinki z rzędu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Tunnel name is not valid", "message": "Tunnel name is not valid", "translation": "Nazwa tunelu jest nieprawidłowa", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Line must occur in a section", "message": "Line must occur in a section", "translation": "Linia musi występować w sekcji", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Config key is missing an equals separator", "message": "Config key is missing an equals separator", "translation": "Klucz konfiguracyjny nie zawiera separatora równorzędnego", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Key must have a value", "message": "Key must have a value", "translation": "Klucz musi mieć wartość", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for [Interface] section", "message": "Invalid key for [Interface] section", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy klucz dla sekcji [Interface]", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for [Peer] section", "message": "Invalid key for [Peer] section", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy klucz dla sekcji [Peer]", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "An interface must have a private key", "message": "An interface must have a private key", "translation": "Interfejs musi mieć klucz prywatny", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "[none specified]", "message": "[none specified]", "translation": "[nie określono]", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "All peers must have public keys", "message": "All peers must have public keys", "translation": "Wszyscy uczestnicy muszą mieć klucze publiczne", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Error in getting configuration", "message": "Error in getting configuration", "translation": "Błąd podczas pobierania konfiguracji", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for interface section", "message": "Invalid key for interface section", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy klucz dla sekcji interface", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Protocol version must be 1", "message": "Protocol version must be 1", "translation": "Wersja protokołu musi być 1", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for peer section", "message": "Invalid key for peer section", "translation": "Nieprawidłowy klucz dla sekcji peer", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "[EnumerationSeparator]", "message": "[EnumerationSeparator]", "translation": ", ", "comment": "Text to insert between items when listing - most western languages will translate ‘[EnumerationSeparator]’ into ‘, ’ to produce lists like ‘apple, orange, strawberry’. Eastern languages might translate into ‘、’ to produce lists like ‘リンゴ、オレンジ、イチゴ’." }, { "id": "[UnitSeparator]", "message": "[UnitSeparator]", "translation": ", ", "comment": "Text to insert when combining units of a measure - most languages will translate ‘[UnitSeparator]’ into ‘ ’ (space) to produce lists like ‘2 minuti 30 sekund’, or empty string ‘’ to produce ‘2分30秒’." }, { "id": "About WireGuard", "message": "About WireGuard", "translation": "Informacje o WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "WireGuard logo image", "message": "WireGuard logo image", "translation": "Logo WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "App version: {Number}\nGo backend version: {WireGuardGoVersion}\nGo version: {Version_go}-{GOARCH}\nOperating system: {OsName}\nArchitecture: {NativeArch}", "message": "App version: {Number}\nGo backend version: {WireGuardGoVersion}\nGo version: {Version_go}-{GOARCH}\nOperating system: {OsName}\nArchitecture: {NativeArch}", "translation": "Wersja aplikacji: {Number}\nWersja implementacji w jęz. Go: {WireGuardGoVersion}\nWersja jęz. Go: {Version_go}-{GOARCH}\nSystem operacyjny: {OsName}\nArchitektura: {NativeArch}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Number", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "version.Number" }, { "id": "WireGuardGoVersion", "string": "%[2]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "device.WireGuardGoVersion" }, { "id": "Version_go", "string": "%[3]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 3, "expr": "strings.TrimPrefix(runtime.Version(), \"go\")" }, { "id": "GOARCH", "string": "%[4]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 4, "expr": "runtime.GOARCH" }, { "id": "OsName", "string": "%[5]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 5, "expr": "version.OsName()" }, { "id": "NativeArch", "string": "%[6]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 6, "expr": "version.NativeArch()" } ] }, { "id": "Close", "message": "Close", "translation": "Zamknij", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "♥ &Donate!", "message": "♥ &Donate!", "translation": "♥ &Wpłać!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Status:", "message": "Status:", "translation": "Status:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Deactivate", "message": "&Deactivate", "translation": "&Dezaktywuj", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Activate", "message": "&Activate", "translation": "&Aktywuj", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Public key:", "message": "Public key:", "translation": "Klucz publiczny:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Listen port:", "message": "Listen port:", "translation": "Port nasłuchu:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "MTU:", "message": "MTU:", "translation": "MTU:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Addresses:", "message": "Addresses:", "translation": "Adresy:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "DNS servers:", "message": "DNS servers:", "translation": "Serwery DNS:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Scripts:", "message": "Scripts:", "translation": "Skrypty:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Preshared key:", "message": "Preshared key:", "translation": "PSK:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Allowed IPs:", "message": "Allowed IPs:", "translation": "Dozwolone adresy IP:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Endpoint:", "message": "Endpoint:", "translation": "Urządzenie końcowe:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Persistent keepalive:", "message": "Persistent keepalive:", "translation": "Utrzymanie połączenia:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Latest handshake:", "message": "Latest handshake:", "translation": "Ostatni uścisk dłoni (handshake):", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Transfer:", "message": "Transfer:", "translation": "Transfer:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "pre-up", "message": "pre-up", "translation": "przed włączeniem", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "post-up", "message": "post-up", "translation": "po włączeniu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "pre-down", "message": "pre-down", "translation": "przed wyłączeniem", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "post-down", "message": "post-down", "translation": "po wyłączeniu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "disabled, per policy", "message": "disabled, per policy", "translation": "wyłączone, według zasad grupy", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "enabled", "message": "enabled", "translation": "włączyć", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{String} received, {String_1} sent", "message": "{String} received, {String_1} sent", "translation": "{String} odebrano, {String_1} wysłano", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "String", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "c.RxBytes.String()" }, { "id": "String_1", "string": "%[2]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "c.TxBytes.String()" } ] }, { "id": "Failed to determine tunnel state", "message": "Failed to determine tunnel state", "translation": "Nie udało się określić stanu tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Failed to activate tunnel", "message": "Failed to activate tunnel", "translation": "Nie udało się aktywować tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Failed to deactivate tunnel", "message": "Failed to deactivate tunnel", "translation": "Nie można dezaktywować tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Interface: {Name}", "message": "Interface: {Name}", "translation": "Interfejs: {Name}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Name", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "config.Name" } ] }, { "id": "Peer", "message": "Peer", "translation": "Peer", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Create new tunnel", "message": "Create new tunnel", "translation": "Utwórz nowy tunel", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Edit tunnel", "message": "Edit tunnel", "translation": "Edytuj tunel", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Name:", "message": "&Name:", "translation": "&Nazwa:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Public key:", "message": "&Public key:", "translation": "&Klucz publiczny:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "(unknown)", "message": "(unknown)", "translation": "(nieznany)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Block untunneled traffic (kill-switch)", "message": "&Block untunneled traffic (kill-switch)", "translation": "Zablokuj niezabezpieczony ruch (wyłącznik awaryjny)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "When a configuration has exactly one peer, and that peer has an allowed IPs containing at least one of or ::/0, then the tunnel service engages a firewall ruleset to block all traffic that is neither to nor from the tunnel interface or is to the wrong DNS server, with special exceptions for DHCP and NDP.", "message": "When a configuration has exactly one peer, and that peer has an allowed IPs containing at least one of or ::/0, then the tunnel service engages a firewall ruleset to block all traffic that is neither to nor from the tunnel interface or is to the wrong DNS server, with special exceptions for DHCP and NDP.", "translation": "Jeżeli konfiguracja ma dokładnie jednego peer'a i ma w liście dozwolonych IP przynajmniej jeden adres lub ::/0, wtedy usługa tunelowania dołącza do zapory sieciowej zestaw zasad, żeby zablokować ruch, który nie jest z interfejsu sieciowego lub jest skierowany do złego serwera DNS, z wyjątkiem dla serwera DHCP i NDP.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Save", "message": "&Save", "translation": "&Zapisz", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Cancel", "message": "Cancel", "translation": "Anuluj", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Configuration:", "message": "&Configuration:", "translation": "&Konfiguracja:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid name", "message": "Invalid name", "translation": "Nieprawidłowa nazwa", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "A name is required.", "message": "A name is required.", "translation": "Nazwa jest wymagana.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Tunnel name ‘{NewName}’ is invalid.", "message": "Tunnel name ‘{NewName}’ is invalid.", "translation": "Nazwa tunelu ‘{NewName}’ jest niepoprawna.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "NewName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "newName" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to list existing tunnels", "message": "Unable to list existing tunnels", "translation": "Nie można wylistować istniejących tuneli", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Tunnel already exists", "message": "Tunnel already exists", "translation": "Tunel już istnieje", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Another tunnel already exists with the name ‘{NewName}’.", "message": "Another tunnel already exists with the name ‘{NewName}’.", "translation": "Inny tunel już istnieje z tą samą nazwą ‘{NewName}’.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "NewName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "newName" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to create new configuration", "message": "Unable to create new configuration", "translation": "Nie można utworzyć nowej konfiguracji", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Writing file failed", "message": "Writing file failed", "translation": "Zapis pliku się nie powiódł", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "File ‘{FilePath}’ already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?", "message": "File ‘{FilePath}’ already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite it?", "translation": "Plik ‘{FilePath}’ już istnieje. Czy chcesz go nadpisać?", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "FilePath", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "filePath" } ] }, { "id": "Active", "message": "Active", "translation": "Aktywny", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Activating", "message": "Activating", "translation": "Aktywowanie", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Inactive", "message": "Inactive", "translation": "Nieaktywny", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Deactivating", "message": "Deactivating", "translation": "Dezaktywowanie", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unknown state", "message": "Unknown state", "translation": "Stan nieznany", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Log", "message": "Log", "translation": "Dziennik", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Copy", "message": "&Copy", "translation": "&Kopiuj", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Select &all", "message": "Select &all", "translation": "Wybierz &wszystko", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Save to file…", "message": "&Save to file…", "translation": "&Zapisz do pliku…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Time", "message": "Time", "translation": "Czas", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Log message", "message": "Log message", "translation": "Wiadomości dziennika", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*", "message": "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*", "translation": "Pliki tekstowe (*.txt)|*.txt|Wszystkie pliki (*.*)|*.*", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Export log to file", "message": "Export log to file", "translation": "Eksportuj dziennik do pliku", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&About WireGuard…", "message": "&About WireGuard…", "translation": "&Informacje o WireGuard…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Tunnel Error", "message": "Tunnel Error", "translation": "Błąd tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{ErrMsg}\n\nPlease consult the log for more information.", "message": "{ErrMsg}\n\nPlease consult the log for more information.", "translation": "{ErrMsg}\n\nAby uzyskać więcej informacji, zapoznaj się z logiem.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "ErrMsg", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "errMsg" } ] }, { "id": "{Title} (out of date)", "message": "{Title} (out of date)", "translation": "{Title} (nieaktualny)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Title", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "mtw.Title()" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard Detection Error", "message": "WireGuard Detection Error", "translation": "Błąd detekcji WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unable to wait for WireGuard window to appear: {Err}", "message": "Unable to wait for WireGuard window to appear: {Err}", "translation": "Nie można poczekać na pojawienie się okna WireGuard: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard: Deactivated", "message": "WireGuard: Deactivated", "translation": "WireGuard: Dezaktywowany", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Status: Unknown", "message": "Status: Unknown", "translation": "Status: Nieznany", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Addresses: None", "message": "Addresses: None", "translation": "Adresy: Brak", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Manage tunnels…", "message": "&Manage tunnels…", "translation": "&Zarządzaj tunelami…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Import tunnel(s) from file…", "message": "&Import tunnel(s) from file…", "translation": "&Importuj tunel (tunele) z pliku…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "E&xit", "message": "E&xit", "translation": "W&yjście", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Tunnels", "message": "&Tunnels", "translation": "&Tunele", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "WireGuard Activated", "message": "WireGuard Activated", "translation": "WireGuard Aktywny", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "The {Name} tunnel has been activated.", "message": "The {Name} tunnel has been activated.", "translation": "Tunel {Name} został aktywowany.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Name", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnel.Name" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard Deactivated", "message": "WireGuard Deactivated", "translation": "WireGuard Dezaktywowany", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "The {Name} tunnel has been deactivated.", "message": "The {Name} tunnel has been deactivated.", "translation": "Tunel {Name} został dezaktywowany.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Name", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnel.Name" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard Tunnel Error", "message": "WireGuard Tunnel Error", "translation": "Błąd tunelu WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "WireGuard: {TextForStateglobalState_true}", "message": "WireGuard: {TextForStateglobalState_true}", "translation": "WireGuard: {TextForStateglobalState_true}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "TextForStateglobalState_true", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "textForState(globalState, true)" } ] }, { "id": "Status: {StateText}", "message": "Status: {StateText}", "translation": "Status: {StateText}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "StateText", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "stateText" } ] }, { "id": "Addresses: {EnumerationSeparator}", "message": "Addresses: {EnumerationSeparator}", "translation": "Adresy: {EnumerationSeparator}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "EnumerationSeparator", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "strings.Join(addrs, l18n.EnumerationSeparator())" } ] }, { "id": "An Update is Available!", "message": "An Update is Available!", "translation": "Dostępna nowa aktualizacja!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "WireGuard Update Available", "message": "WireGuard Update Available", "translation": "Aktualizacja WireGuard jest dostępna", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "An update to WireGuard is now available. You are advised to update as soon as possible.", "message": "An update to WireGuard is now available. You are advised to update as soon as possible.", "translation": "Aktualizacja WireGuard jest już dostępna. Zaleca się jak najszybszą aktualizację.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Tunnels", "message": "Tunnels", "translation": "Tunele", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Edit", "message": "&Edit", "translation": "&Edytuj", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Add &empty tunnel…", "message": "Add &empty tunnel…", "translation": "Dodaj &pusty tunel…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Add Tunnel", "message": "Add Tunnel", "translation": "Dodaj Tunel", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Remove selected tunnel(s)", "message": "Remove selected tunnel(s)", "translation": "Usuń wybrany tunel (tunele)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Export all tunnels to zip", "message": "Export all tunnels to zip", "translation": "Eksportuj wszystkie tunele do archiwum ZIP", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Toggle", "message": "&Toggle", "translation": "&Przełącz", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Export all tunnels to &zip…", "message": "Export all tunnels to &zip…", "translation": "Eksportuj wszystkie tunele do archiwum &zip…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Edit &selected tunnel…", "message": "Edit &selected tunnel…", "translation": "Edytuj &wybrany tunel…", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Remove selected tunnel(s)", "message": "&Remove selected tunnel(s)", "translation": "&Usuń wybrany tunel (tunele)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "no configuration files were found", "message": "no configuration files were found", "translation": "brak plików konfiguracyjnych", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Could not import selected configuration: {LastErr}", "message": "Could not import selected configuration: {LastErr}", "translation": "Nie można zaimportować wybranej konfiguracji: {LastErr}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "LastErr", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "lastErr" } ] }, { "id": "Could not enumerate existing tunnels: {LastErr}", "message": "Could not enumerate existing tunnels: {LastErr}", "translation": "Nie można wskazać istniejących tuneli: {LastErr}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "LastErr", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "lastErr" } ] }, { "id": "Another tunnel already exists with the name ‘{Name}’", "message": "Another tunnel already exists with the name ‘{Name}’", "translation": "Inny tunel już istnieje z tą samą nazwą ‘{Name}’", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Name", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "unparsedConfig.Name" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to import configuration: {LastErr}", "message": "Unable to import configuration: {LastErr}", "translation": "Nie można zaimportować konfiguracji: {LastErr}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "LastErr", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "lastErr" } ] }, { "id": "Imported tunnels", "message": "Imported tunnels", "translation": "Zaimportowane tunele", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Imported {M} tunnels", "message": "Imported {M} tunnels", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "M", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} tunel" }, "few": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} tunele" }, "many": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} tuneli" }, "other": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} tuneli" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "M", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 1, "expr": "m" } ] }, { "id": "Imported {M} of {N} tunnels", "message": "Imported {M} of {N} tunnels", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "N", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} z {N} tunel" }, "few": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} z {N} tunele" }, "many": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} z {N} tuneli" }, "other": { "msg": "Zaimportowano {M} z {N} tuneli" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "M", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 1, "expr": "m" }, { "id": "N", "string": "%[2]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 2, "expr": "n" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to create tunnel", "message": "Unable to create tunnel", "translation": "Nie można utworzyć tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Delete {TunnelCount} tunnels", "message": "Delete {TunnelCount} tunnels", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "TunnelCount", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "Usuń {TunnelCount} tunel" }, "few": { "msg": "Usuń {TunnelCount} tunele" }, "many": { "msg": "Usuń {TunnelCount} tuneli" }, "other": { "msg": "Usuń {TunnelCount} tuneli" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "TunnelCount", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnelCount" } ] }, { "id": "Are you sure you would like to delete {TunnelCount} tunnels?", "message": "Are you sure you would like to delete {TunnelCount} tunnels?", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "TunnelCount", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {TunnelCount} tunel?" }, "few": { "msg": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {TunnelCount} tunele?" }, "many": { "msg": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {TunnelCount} tuneli?" }, "other": { "msg": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć {TunnelCount} tuneli?" } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "TunnelCount", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnelCount" } ] }, { "id": "Delete tunnel ‘{TunnelName}’", "message": "Delete tunnel ‘{TunnelName}’", "translation": "Usuń tunel ‘{TunnelName}’", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "TunnelName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnelName" } ] }, { "id": "Are you sure you would like to delete tunnel ‘{TunnelName}’?", "message": "Are you sure you would like to delete tunnel ‘{TunnelName}’?", "translation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tunel ‘{TunnelName}’?", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "TunnelName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "tunnelName" } ] }, { "id": "{Question} You cannot undo this action.", "message": "{Question} You cannot undo this action.", "translation": "{Question} Tej akcji nie można cofnąć.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Question", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "question" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to delete tunnel", "message": "Unable to delete tunnel", "translation": "Nie można usunąć tunelu", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "A tunnel was unable to be removed: {Error}", "message": "A tunnel was unable to be removed: {Error}", "translation": "Tunel nie mógł zostać usunięty: {Error}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Error", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "errors[0].Error()" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to delete tunnels", "message": "Unable to delete tunnels", "translation": "Nie można usunąć tuneli", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{Lenerrors} tunnels were unable to be removed.", "message": "{Lenerrors} tunnels were unable to be removed.", "translation": { "select": { "feature": "plural", "arg": "Lenerrors", "cases": { "one": { "msg": "{Lenerrors} tunel nie może zostać usunięty." }, "few": { "msg": "{Lenerrors} tunele nie mogą być usunięte." }, "many": { "msg": "{Lenerrors} tunele nie mogą być usunięte." }, "other": { "msg": "{Lenerrors} tunele nie mogą być usunięte." } } } }, "placeholders": [ { "id": "Lenerrors", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "int", "underlyingType": "int", "argNum": 1, "expr": "len(errors)" } ] }, { "id": "Configuration Files (*.zip, *.conf)|*.zip;*.conf|All Files (*.*)|*.*", "message": "Configuration Files (*.zip, *.conf)|*.zip;*.conf|All Files (*.*)|*.*", "translation": "Pliki konfiguracji (*.zip, *.conf)|*.zip;*.conf|Wszystkie pliki (*.*)|*.*", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Import tunnel(s) from file", "message": "Import tunnel(s) from file", "translation": "Importuj tunel (tunele) z pliku", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Configuration ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.zip", "message": "Configuration ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.zip", "translation": "Pliki ZIP konfiguracji (*.zip)|*.zip", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Export tunnels to zip", "message": "Export tunnels to zip", "translation": "Eksportuj tunele do archiwum ZIP", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{Title} (unsigned build, no updates)", "message": "{Title} (unsigned build, no updates)", "translation": "{Title} (wersja niepodpisana, brak aktualizacji)", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Title", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "mtw.Title()" } ] }, { "id": "Error Exiting WireGuard", "message": "Error Exiting WireGuard", "translation": "Błąd podczas zamykania WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unable to exit service due to: {Err}. You may want to stop WireGuard from the service manager.", "message": "Unable to exit service due to: {Err}. You may want to stop WireGuard from the service manager.", "translation": "Nie można wyłączyć usługi ze względu na: {Err}. Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć WireGuard możesz to zrobić z poziomu menedżera usług.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "An update to WireGuard is available. It is highly advisable to update without delay.", "message": "An update to WireGuard is available. It is highly advisable to update without delay.", "translation": "Aktualizacja WireGuard jest dostępna. Zaleca się natychmiastową aktualizację.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Status: Waiting for user", "message": "Status: Waiting for user", "translation": "Status: Czekam na użytkownika", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Update Now", "message": "Update Now", "translation": "Uaktualnij teraz", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Status: Waiting for updater service", "message": "Status: Waiting for updater service", "translation": "Status: Czekam na usługę aktualizacji", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Error: {Err}. Please try again.", "message": "Error: {Err}. Please try again.", "translation": "Błąd: {Err}. Spróbuj ponownie.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Status: Complete!", "message": "Status: Complete!", "translation": "Status: Ukończone!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "http2: Framer {F}: failed to decode just-written frame", "message": "http2: Framer {F}: failed to decode just-written frame", "translation": "http2: Framer {F}: nie mógł zdekodować właśnie zapisanej ramki", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "F", "string": "%[1]p", "type": "*net/http.http2Framer", "underlyingType": "*net/http.http2Framer", "argNum": 1, "expr": "f" } ] }, { "id": "http2: Framer {F}: wrote {Http2summarizeFramefr}", "message": "http2: Framer {F}: wrote {Http2summarizeFramefr}", "translation": "http2: Framer {F}: zapis {Http2summarizeFramefr}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "F", "string": "%[1]p", "type": "*net/http.http2Framer", "underlyingType": "*net/http.http2Framer", "argNum": 1, "expr": "f" }, { "id": "Http2summarizeFramefr", "string": "%[2]v", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "http2summarizeFrame(fr)" } ] }, { "id": "http2: Framer {Fr}: read {Http2summarizeFramef}", "message": "http2: Framer {Fr}: read {Http2summarizeFramef}", "translation": "http2: Framer {Fr}: odczyt {Http2summarizeFramef}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Fr", "string": "%[1]p", "type": "*net/http.http2Framer", "underlyingType": "*net/http.http2Framer", "argNum": 1, "expr": "fr" }, { "id": "Http2summarizeFramef", "string": "%[2]v", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 2, "expr": "http2summarizeFrame(f)" } ] }, { "id": "http2: decoded hpack field {HeaderField}", "message": "http2: decoded hpack field {HeaderField}", "translation": "http2: zdekodwanie hpack nie powiodło się {HeaderField}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "HeaderField", "string": "%+[1]v", "type": "vendor/golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack.HeaderField", "underlyingType": "struct{Name string; Value string; Sensitive bool}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "hf" } ] } ] }