{ "language": "uk", "messages": [ { "id": "Error", "message": "Error", "translation": "Помилка", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Command Line Options", "message": "Command Line Options", "translation": "Параметри командного рядка", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Unable to determine whether the process is running under WOW64: {Err}", "message": "Unable to determine whether the process is running under WOW64: {Err}", "translation": "Неможливо визначити, чи працює процес під WOW64: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Unable to open current process token: {Err}", "message": "Unable to open current process token: {Err}", "translation": "Не вдалося відкрити токен поточного процесу: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard may only be used by users who are a member of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "message": "WireGuard may only be used by users who are a member of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "translation": "WireGuard може бути використаний тільки користувачами, які є членами вбудованих {AdminGroupName} груп.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "AdminGroupName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "elevate.AdminGroupName()" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard is running, but the UI is only accessible from desktops of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "message": "WireGuard is running, but the UI is only accessible from desktops of the Builtin {AdminGroupName} group.", "translation": "WireGuard запущено, але UI доступний лише з комп\"ютерів вбудованої {AdminGroupName} групи.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "AdminGroupName", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "elevate.AdminGroupName()" } ] }, { "id": "WireGuard system tray icon did not appear after 30 seconds.", "message": "WireGuard system tray icon did not appear after 30 seconds.", "translation": "Значок системи WireGuard не з'явився через 30 секунд.", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Now", "message": "Now", "translation": "Зараз", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "System clock wound backward!", "message": "System clock wound backward!", "translation": "Системний годинник налаштований некоректно!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "{Timestamp} ago", "message": "{Timestamp} ago", "translation": "{Timestamp} тому", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Timestamp", "string": "%[1]s", "type": "string", "underlyingType": "string", "argNum": 1, "expr": "timestamp" } ] }, { "id": "{Bytes} B", "message": "{Bytes} B", "translation": "{Bytes} Б", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Bytes", "string": "%[1]d", "type": "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf.Bytes", "underlyingType": "uint64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "b" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024} KiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024} KiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024} КБ", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / 1024" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024} MiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024} MiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024} МБ", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024)" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} GiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} GiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024} ГБ", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)" } ] }, { "id": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} TiB", "message": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} TiB", "translation": "{Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024} ТБ", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Float64b__1024__1024__1024__1024", "string": "%.2[1]f", "type": "float64", "underlyingType": "float64", "argNum": 1, "expr": "float64(b) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) / 1024" } ] }, { "id": "Invalid IP address", "message": "Invalid IP address", "translation": "Недійсна IP-адреса", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid network prefix length", "message": "Invalid network prefix length", "translation": "Невірна довжина префіксу мережі", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Missing port from endpoint", "message": "Missing port from endpoint", "translation": "Відсутній порт з кінцевої точки", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid endpoint host", "message": "Invalid endpoint host", "translation": "Недійсний хост кінцевої точки", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Brackets must contain an IPv6 address", "message": "Brackets must contain an IPv6 address", "translation": "Дужки повинні містити адресу IPv6", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid MTU", "message": "Invalid MTU", "translation": "Недійсний MTU", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid port", "message": "Invalid port", "translation": "Недійсний порт", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key: {Err}", "message": "Invalid key: {Err}", "translation": "Недійсний ключ: {Err}", "translatorComment": "Copied from source.", "placeholders": [ { "id": "Err", "string": "%[1]v", "type": "error", "underlyingType": "interface{Error() string}", "argNum": 1, "expr": "err" } ] }, { "id": "Two commas in a row", "message": "Two commas in a row", "translation": "Дві коми поспіль", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Line must occur in a section", "message": "Line must occur in a section", "translation": "Рядок повинен бути вказаним у розділі", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Config key is missing an equals separator", "message": "Config key is missing an equals separator", "translation": "Ключ конфігурації відсутній роздільник рівності", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Key must have a value", "message": "Key must have a value", "translation": "Ключ повинен мати значення", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for [Interface] section", "message": "Invalid key for [Interface] section", "translation": "Хибний ключ для [Interface] розділу", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for [Peer] section", "message": "Invalid key for [Peer] section", "translation": "Хибний ключ для [Peer] розділу", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "An interface must have a private key", "message": "An interface must have a private key", "translation": "Інтерфейс повинен мати особистий ключ", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "[none specified]", "message": "[none specified]", "translation": "[жодного не вказано]", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "All peers must have public keys", "message": "All peers must have public keys", "translation": "Всі учасники повинні мати відкриті ключі", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Error in getting configuration", "message": "Error in getting configuration", "translation": "Помилка при отриманні конфігурації", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Invalid key for interface section", "message": "Invalid key for interface section", "translation": "Недійсний ключ для розділу інтерфейсу", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Protocol version must be 1", "message": "Protocol version must be 1", "translation": "Версія протоколу повинна бути 1", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "About WireGuard", "message": "About WireGuard", "translation": "Про WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "WireGuard logo image", "message": "WireGuard logo image", "translation": "Зображення логотипу WireGuard", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Close", "message": "Close", "translation": "Закрити", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "♥ &Donate!", "message": "♥ &Donate!", "translation": "♥ &Пожертвувати!", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Status:", "message": "Status:", "translation": "Статус:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Deactivate", "message": "&Deactivate", "translation": "&Деактивувати", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "&Activate", "message": "&Activate", "translation": "&Активувати", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." }, { "id": "Public key:", "message": "Public key:", "translation": "Відкритий ключ:", "translatorComment": "Copied from source." } ] }