/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package tunnel import ( "log" "sync" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/services" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/tunnel/firewall" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/tunnel/winipcfg" ) type interfaceWatcherError struct { serviceError services.Error err error } type interfaceWatcherEvent struct { luid winipcfg.LUID family winipcfg.AddressFamily } type interfaceWatcher struct { errors chan interfaceWatcherError binder conn.BindSocketToInterface conf *conf.Config tun *tun.NativeTun setupMutex sync.Mutex interfaceChangeCallback winipcfg.ChangeCallback changeCallbacks4 []winipcfg.ChangeCallback changeCallbacks6 []winipcfg.ChangeCallback storedEvents []interfaceWatcherEvent } func hasDefaultRoute(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, peers []conf.Peer) bool { var ( foundV401 bool foundV41281 bool foundV600001 bool foundV680001 bool foundV400 bool foundV600 bool v40 = [4]byte{} v60 = [16]byte{} v48 = [4]byte{0x80} v68 = [16]byte{0x80} ) for _, peer := range peers { for _, allowedip := range peer.AllowedIPs { if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v60[:]) { foundV600001 = true } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v68[:]) { foundV680001 = true } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v40[:]) { foundV401 = true } else if allowedip.Cidr == 1 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v48[:]) { foundV41281 = true } else if allowedip.Cidr == 0 && len(allowedip.IP) == 16 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v60[:]) { foundV600 = true } else if allowedip.Cidr == 0 && len(allowedip.IP) == 4 && allowedip.IP.Equal(v40[:]) { foundV400 = true } } } if family == windows.AF_INET { return foundV400 || (foundV401 && foundV41281) } else if family == windows.AF_INET6 { return foundV600 || (foundV600001 && foundV680001) } return false } func (iw *interfaceWatcher) setup(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) { var changeCallbacks *[]winipcfg.ChangeCallback var ipversion string if family == windows.AF_INET { changeCallbacks = &iw.changeCallbacks4 ipversion = "v4" } else if family == windows.AF_INET6 { changeCallbacks = &iw.changeCallbacks6 ipversion = "v6" } else { return } if len(*changeCallbacks) != 0 { for _, cb := range *changeCallbacks { cb.Unregister() } *changeCallbacks = nil } var err error log.Printf("Monitoring default %s routes", ipversion) *changeCallbacks, err = monitorDefaultRoutes(family, iw.binder, iw.conf.Interface.MTU == 0, hasDefaultRoute(family, iw.conf.Peers), iw.tun) if err != nil { iw.errors <- interfaceWatcherError{services.ErrorBindSocketsToDefaultRoutes, err} return } log.Printf("Setting device %s addresses", ipversion) err = configureInterface(family, iw.conf, iw.tun) if err != nil { iw.errors <- interfaceWatcherError{services.ErrorSetNetConfig, err} return } } func watchInterface() (*interfaceWatcher, error) { iw := &interfaceWatcher{ errors: make(chan interfaceWatcherError, 2), } var err error iw.interfaceChangeCallback, err = winipcfg.RegisterInterfaceChangeCallback(func(notificationType winipcfg.MibNotificationType, iface *winipcfg.MibIPInterfaceRow) { iw.setupMutex.Lock() defer iw.setupMutex.Unlock() if notificationType != winipcfg.MibAddInstance { return } if iw.tun == nil { iw.storedEvents = append(iw.storedEvents, interfaceWatcherEvent{iface.InterfaceLUID, iface.Family}) return } if iface.InterfaceLUID != winipcfg.LUID(iw.tun.LUID()) { return } iw.setup(iface.Family) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return iw, nil } func (iw *interfaceWatcher) Configure(binder conn.BindSocketToInterface, conf *conf.Config, tun *tun.NativeTun) { iw.setupMutex.Lock() defer iw.setupMutex.Unlock() iw.binder, iw.conf, iw.tun = binder, conf, tun for _, event := range iw.storedEvents { if event.luid == winipcfg.LUID(iw.tun.LUID()) { iw.setup(event.family) } } iw.storedEvents = nil } func (iw *interfaceWatcher) Destroy() { iw.setupMutex.Lock() changeCallbacks4 := iw.changeCallbacks4 changeCallbacks6 := iw.changeCallbacks6 interfaceChangeCallback := iw.interfaceChangeCallback tun := iw.tun iw.setupMutex.Unlock() if interfaceChangeCallback != nil { interfaceChangeCallback.Unregister() } for _, cb := range changeCallbacks4 { cb.Unregister() } for _, cb := range changeCallbacks6 { cb.Unregister() } iw.setupMutex.Lock() if interfaceChangeCallback == iw.interfaceChangeCallback { iw.interfaceChangeCallback = nil } for len(changeCallbacks4) > 0 && len(iw.changeCallbacks4) > 0 { iw.changeCallbacks4 = iw.changeCallbacks4[1:] changeCallbacks4 = changeCallbacks4[1:] } for len(changeCallbacks6) > 0 && len(iw.changeCallbacks6) > 0 { iw.changeCallbacks6 = iw.changeCallbacks6[1:] changeCallbacks6 = changeCallbacks6[1:] } firewall.DisableFirewall() if tun != nil && iw.tun == tun { // It seems that the Windows networking stack doesn't like it when we destroy interfaces that have active // routes, so to be certain, just remove everything before destroying. luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID()) luid.FlushRoutes(windows.AF_INET) luid.FlushIPAddresses(windows.AF_INET) luid.FlushDNS(windows.AF_INET) luid.FlushRoutes(windows.AF_INET6) luid.FlushIPAddresses(windows.AF_INET6) luid.FlushDNS(windows.AF_INET6) } iw.setupMutex.Unlock() }