/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package ui import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/lxn/walk" "github.com/lxn/win" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/service" ) type widgetsLine interface { widgets() (walk.Widget, walk.Widget) } type widgetsLinesView interface { widgetsLines() []widgetsLine } type rectAndSizeAndState struct { rect walk.Rectangle size walk.Size state service.TunnelState } type labelStatusLine struct { label *walk.TextLabel statusComposite *walk.Composite statusImage *walk.ImageView statusLabel *walk.LineEdit } type labelTextLine struct { label *walk.TextLabel text *walk.LineEdit } type toggleActiveLine struct { composite *walk.Composite button *walk.PushButton } type interfaceView struct { status *labelStatusLine publicKey *labelTextLine listenPort *labelTextLine mtu *labelTextLine addresses *labelTextLine dns *labelTextLine toggleActive *toggleActiveLine lines []widgetsLine } type peerView struct { publicKey *labelTextLine presharedKey *labelTextLine allowedIPs *labelTextLine endpoint *labelTextLine persistentKeepalive *labelTextLine latestHandshake *labelTextLine transfer *labelTextLine lines []widgetsLine } type ConfView struct { *walk.ScrollView name *walk.GroupBox interfaze *interfaceView peers map[conf.Key]*peerView tunnelChangedCB *service.TunnelChangeCallback tunnel *service.Tunnel updateTicker *time.Ticker } func (lsl *labelStatusLine) widgets() (walk.Widget, walk.Widget) { return lsl.label, lsl.statusComposite } func (lsl *labelStatusLine) update(state service.TunnelState) { icon, err := iconForState(state, 14) if err == nil { lsl.statusImage.SetImage(icon) } else { lsl.statusImage.SetImage(nil) } s, e := lsl.statusLabel.TextSelection() lsl.statusLabel.SetText(textForState(state, false)) lsl.statusLabel.SetTextSelection(s, e) } func newLabelStatusLine(parent walk.Container) *labelStatusLine { lsl := new(labelStatusLine) lsl.label, _ = walk.NewTextLabel(parent) lsl.label.SetText("Status:") lsl.label.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHFarVNear) lsl.statusComposite, _ = walk.NewComposite(parent) layout := walk.NewHBoxLayout() layout.SetMargins(walk.Margins{}) layout.SetAlignment(walk.AlignHNearVNear) layout.SetSpacing(0) lsl.statusComposite.SetLayout(layout) lsl.statusImage, _ = walk.NewImageView(lsl.statusComposite) lsl.statusImage.SetMargin(2) lsl.statusImage.SetMode(walk.ImageViewModeIdeal) lsl.statusLabel, _ = walk.NewLineEdit(lsl.statusComposite) win.SetWindowLong(lsl.statusLabel.Handle(), win.GWL_EXSTYLE, win.GetWindowLong(lsl.statusLabel.Handle(), win.GWL_EXSTYLE)&^win.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) lsl.statusLabel.SetReadOnly(true) lsl.statusLabel.SetBackground(walk.NullBrush()) lsl.statusLabel.FocusedChanged().Attach(func() { lsl.statusLabel.SetTextSelection(0, 0) }) lsl.update(service.TunnelUnknown) return lsl } func (lt *labelTextLine) widgets() (walk.Widget, walk.Widget) { return lt.label, lt.text } func (lt *labelTextLine) show(text string) { s, e := lt.text.TextSelection() lt.text.SetText(text) lt.label.SetVisible(true) lt.text.SetVisible(true) lt.text.SetTextSelection(s, e) } func (lt *labelTextLine) hide() { lt.text.SetText("") lt.label.SetVisible(false) lt.text.SetVisible(false) } func newLabelTextLine(fieldName string, parent walk.Container) *labelTextLine { lt := new(labelTextLine) lt.label, _ = walk.NewTextLabel(parent) lt.label.SetText(fieldName + ":") lt.label.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHFarVNear) lt.label.SetVisible(false) lt.text, _ = walk.NewLineEdit(parent) win.SetWindowLong(lt.text.Handle(), win.GWL_EXSTYLE, win.GetWindowLong(lt.text.Handle(), win.GWL_EXSTYLE)&^win.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) lt.text.SetReadOnly(true) lt.text.SetBackground(walk.NullBrush()) lt.text.SetVisible(false) lt.text.FocusedChanged().Attach(func() { lt.text.SetTextSelection(0, 0) }) return lt } func (tal *toggleActiveLine) widgets() (walk.Widget, walk.Widget) { return nil, tal.composite } func (tal *toggleActiveLine) updateGlobal(globalState service.TunnelState) { tal.button.SetEnabled(globalState == service.TunnelStarted || globalState == service.TunnelStopped) } func (tal *toggleActiveLine) update(state service.TunnelState) { var text string switch state { case service.TunnelStarted: text = "Deactivate" case service.TunnelStopped: text = "Activate" case service.TunnelStarting, service.TunnelStopping: text = textForState(state, true) default: text = "" } tal.button.SetText(text) tal.button.SetVisible(state != service.TunnelUnknown) } func newToggleActiveLine(parent walk.Container) *toggleActiveLine { tal := new(toggleActiveLine) tal.composite, _ = walk.NewComposite(parent) layout := walk.NewHBoxLayout() layout.SetMargins(walk.Margins{0, 0, 0, 6}) tal.composite.SetLayout(layout) tal.button, _ = walk.NewPushButton(tal.composite) walk.NewHSpacer(tal.composite) tal.update(service.TunnelStopped) return tal } func newInterfaceView(parent walk.Container) *interfaceView { iv := &interfaceView{ newLabelStatusLine(parent), newLabelTextLine("Public key", parent), newLabelTextLine("Listen port", parent), newLabelTextLine("MTU", parent), newLabelTextLine("Addresses", parent), newLabelTextLine("DNS servers", parent), newToggleActiveLine(parent), nil, } iv.lines = []widgetsLine{ iv.status, iv.publicKey, iv.listenPort, iv.mtu, iv.addresses, iv.dns, iv.toggleActive, } layoutInGrid(iv, parent.Layout().(*walk.GridLayout)) return iv } func newPeerView(parent walk.Container) *peerView { pv := &peerView{ newLabelTextLine("Public key", parent), newLabelTextLine("Preshared key", parent), newLabelTextLine("Allowed IPs", parent), newLabelTextLine("Endpoint", parent), newLabelTextLine("Persistent keepalive", parent), newLabelTextLine("Latest handshake", parent), newLabelTextLine("Transfer", parent), nil, } pv.lines = []widgetsLine{ pv.publicKey, pv.presharedKey, pv.allowedIPs, pv.endpoint, pv.persistentKeepalive, pv.latestHandshake, pv.transfer, } layoutInGrid(pv, parent.Layout().(*walk.GridLayout)) return pv } func layoutInGrid(view widgetsLinesView, layout *walk.GridLayout) { for i, l := range view.widgetsLines() { w1, w2 := l.widgets() if w1 != nil { layout.SetRange(w1, walk.Rectangle{0, i, 1, 1}) } if w2 != nil { layout.SetRange(w2, walk.Rectangle{2, i, 1, 1}) } } } func (iv *interfaceView) widgetsLines() []widgetsLine { return iv.lines } func (iv *interfaceView) apply(c *conf.Interface) { iv.publicKey.show(c.PrivateKey.Public().String()) if c.ListenPort > 0 { iv.listenPort.show(strconv.Itoa(int(c.ListenPort))) } else { iv.listenPort.hide() } if c.MTU > 0 { iv.mtu.show(strconv.Itoa(int(c.MTU))) } else { iv.mtu.hide() } if len(c.Addresses) > 0 { addrStrings := make([]string, len(c.Addresses)) for i, address := range c.Addresses { addrStrings[i] = address.String() } iv.addresses.show(strings.Join(addrStrings[:], ", ")) } else { iv.addresses.hide() } if len(c.DNS) > 0 { addrStrings := make([]string, len(c.DNS)) for i, address := range c.DNS { addrStrings[i] = address.String() } iv.dns.show(strings.Join(addrStrings[:], ", ")) } else { iv.dns.hide() } } func (pv *peerView) widgetsLines() []widgetsLine { return pv.lines } func (pv *peerView) apply(c *conf.Peer) { pv.publicKey.show(c.PublicKey.String()) if !c.PresharedKey.IsZero() { pv.presharedKey.show("enabled") } else { pv.presharedKey.hide() } if len(c.AllowedIPs) > 0 { addrStrings := make([]string, len(c.AllowedIPs)) for i, address := range c.AllowedIPs { addrStrings[i] = address.String() } pv.allowedIPs.show(strings.Join(addrStrings[:], ", ")) } else { pv.allowedIPs.hide() } if !c.Endpoint.IsEmpty() { pv.endpoint.show(c.Endpoint.String()) } else { pv.endpoint.hide() } if c.PersistentKeepalive > 0 { pv.persistentKeepalive.show(strconv.Itoa(int(c.PersistentKeepalive))) } else { pv.persistentKeepalive.hide() } if !c.LastHandshakeTime.IsEmpty() { pv.latestHandshake.show(c.LastHandshakeTime.String()) } else { pv.latestHandshake.hide() } if c.RxBytes > 0 || c.TxBytes > 0 { pv.transfer.show(fmt.Sprintf("%s received, %s sent", c.RxBytes.String(), c.TxBytes.String())) } else { pv.transfer.hide() } } func newPaddedGroupGrid(parent walk.Container) (group *walk.GroupBox, err error) { group, err = walk.NewGroupBox(parent) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { if err != nil { group.Dispose() } }() layout := walk.NewGridLayout() layout.SetMargins(walk.Margins{10, 5, 10, 5}) layout.SetSpacing(0) err = group.SetLayout(layout) if err != nil { return nil, err } spacer, err := walk.NewSpacerWithCfg(group, &walk.SpacerCfg{walk.GrowableHorz | walk.GreedyHorz, walk.Size{10, 0}, false}) if err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(spacer, walk.Rectangle{1, 0, 1, 1}) return group, nil } func NewConfView(parent walk.Container) (*ConfView, error) { cv := new(ConfView) cv.ScrollView, _ = walk.NewScrollView(parent) vlayout := walk.NewVBoxLayout() vlayout.SetMargins(walk.Margins{5, 0, 5, 0}) cv.SetLayout(vlayout) cv.name, _ = newPaddedGroupGrid(cv) cv.interfaze = newInterfaceView(cv.name) cv.interfaze.toggleActive.button.Clicked().Attach(cv.onToggleActiveClicked) cv.peers = make(map[conf.Key]*peerView) cv.tunnelChangedCB = service.IPCClientRegisterTunnelChange(cv.onTunnelChanged) cv.SetTunnel(nil) globalState, _ := service.IPCClientGlobalState() cv.interfaze.toggleActive.updateGlobal(globalState) if err := walk.InitWrapperWindow(cv); err != nil { return nil, err } cv.SetDoubleBuffering(true) cv.updateTicker = time.NewTicker(time.Second) go func() { for range cv.updateTicker.C { if !cv.Visible() || !cv.Form().Visible() || win.IsIconic(cv.Form().Handle()) { continue } if cv.tunnel != nil { tunnel := cv.tunnel var state service.TunnelState var config conf.Config if state, _ = tunnel.State(); state == service.TunnelStarted { config, _ = tunnel.RuntimeConfig() } if config.Name == "" { config, _ = tunnel.StoredConfig() } cv.Synchronize(func() { cv.setTunnel(tunnel, &config, state) }) } } }() return cv, nil } func (cv *ConfView) Dispose() { if cv.tunnelChangedCB != nil { cv.tunnelChangedCB.Unregister() cv.tunnelChangedCB = nil } if cv.updateTicker != nil { cv.updateTicker.Stop() cv.updateTicker = nil } cv.ScrollView.Dispose() } func (cv *ConfView) onToggleActiveClicked() { cv.interfaze.toggleActive.button.SetEnabled(false) go func() { oldState, err := cv.tunnel.Toggle() if err != nil { cv.Synchronize(func() { if oldState == service.TunnelUnknown { walk.MsgBox(cv.Form(), "Failed to determine tunnel state", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) } else if oldState == service.TunnelStopped { walk.MsgBox(cv.Form(), "Failed to activate tunnel", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) } else if oldState == service.TunnelStarted { walk.MsgBox(cv.Form(), "Failed to deactivate tunnel", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) } }) } }() } func (cv *ConfView) onTunnelChanged(tunnel *service.Tunnel, state service.TunnelState, globalState service.TunnelState, err error) { cv.Synchronize(func() { cv.interfaze.toggleActive.updateGlobal(globalState) if cv.tunnel != nil && cv.tunnel.Name == tunnel.Name { cv.interfaze.status.update(state) cv.interfaze.toggleActive.update(state) } }) if cv.tunnel != nil && cv.tunnel.Name == tunnel.Name { var config conf.Config if state == service.TunnelStarted { config, _ = tunnel.RuntimeConfig() } if config.Name == "" { config, _ = tunnel.StoredConfig() } cv.Synchronize(func() { cv.setTunnel(tunnel, &config, state) }) } } func (cv *ConfView) SetTunnel(tunnel *service.Tunnel) { cv.tunnel = tunnel //XXX: This races with the read in the updateTicker, but it's pointer-sized! var config conf.Config var state service.TunnelState if tunnel != nil { title := "Interface: " + tunnel.Name if title != cv.name.Title() { //TODO: display some sort of loading screen here! } go func() { if state, _ = tunnel.State(); state == service.TunnelStarted { config, _ = tunnel.RuntimeConfig() } if config.Name == "" { config, _ = tunnel.StoredConfig() } cv.Synchronize(func() { cv.setTunnel(tunnel, &config, state) }) }() } else { cv.setTunnel(tunnel, &config, state) } } func (cv *ConfView) setTunnel(tunnel *service.Tunnel, config *conf.Config, state service.TunnelState) { if !(cv.tunnel == nil || tunnel == nil || tunnel.Name == cv.tunnel.Name) { return } cv.name.SetVisible(tunnel != nil) hasSuspended := false suspend := func() { if !hasSuspended { cv.SetSuspended(true) hasSuspended = true } } defer func() { if hasSuspended { cv.SetSuspended(false) } }() title := "Interface: " if cv.name.Title() == title { suspend() } title += config.Name if cv.name.Title() != title { cv.name.SetTitle(title) } cv.interfaze.apply(&config.Interface) cv.interfaze.status.update(state) cv.interfaze.toggleActive.update(state) inverse := make(map[*peerView]bool, len(cv.peers)) all := make([]*peerView, 0, len(cv.peers)) for _, pv := range cv.peers { inverse[pv] = true all = append(all, pv) } someMatch := false for _, peer := range config.Peers { _, ok := cv.peers[peer.PublicKey] if ok { someMatch = true break } } for _, peer := range config.Peers { if pv := cv.peers[peer.PublicKey]; (!someMatch && len(all) > 0) || pv != nil { if pv == nil { pv = all[0] all = all[1:] k, e := conf.NewPrivateKeyFromString(pv.publicKey.text.Text()) if e != nil { continue } delete(cv.peers, *k) cv.peers[peer.PublicKey] = pv } pv.apply(&peer) inverse[pv] = false } else { suspend() group, _ := newPaddedGroupGrid(cv) group.SetTitle("Peer") pv := newPeerView(group) pv.apply(&peer) cv.peers[peer.PublicKey] = pv } } for pv, remove := range inverse { if !remove { continue } k, e := conf.NewPrivateKeyFromString(pv.publicKey.text.Text()) if e != nil { continue } suspend() delete(cv.peers, *k) groupBox := pv.publicKey.label.Parent().AsContainerBase().Parent().(*walk.GroupBox) groupBox.Parent().Children().Remove(groupBox) groupBox.Dispose() } cv.SendMessage(win.WM_SIZING, 0, 0) //TODO: This here is a filthy hack that shouldn't be required! }