/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package ui import ( "strings" "golang.zx2c4.com/go118/netip" "github.com/lxn/walk" "github.com/lxn/win" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/l18n" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/manager" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/ui/syntax" ) type EditDialog struct { *walk.Dialog nameEdit *walk.LineEdit pubkeyEdit *walk.LineEdit syntaxEdit *syntax.SyntaxEdit blockUntunneledTrafficCB *walk.CheckBox saveButton *walk.PushButton config conf.Config lastPrivateKey string blockUntunneledTraficCheckGuard bool } func runEditDialog(owner walk.Form, tunnel *manager.Tunnel) *conf.Config { dlg, err := newEditDialog(owner, tunnel) if showError(err, owner) { return nil } if dlg.Run() == walk.DlgCmdOK { return &dlg.config } return nil } func newEditDialog(owner walk.Form, tunnel *manager.Tunnel) (*EditDialog, error) { var err error var disposables walk.Disposables defer disposables.Treat() dlg := new(EditDialog) var title string if tunnel == nil { title = l18n.Sprintf("Create new tunnel") } else { title = l18n.Sprintf("Edit tunnel") } if tunnel == nil { // Creating a new tunnel, create a new private key and use the default template pk, _ := conf.NewPrivateKey() dlg.config = conf.Config{Interface: conf.Interface{PrivateKey: *pk}} } else { dlg.config, _ = tunnel.StoredConfig() } layout := walk.NewGridLayout() layout.SetSpacing(6) layout.SetMargins(walk.Margins{10, 10, 10, 10}) layout.SetColumnStretchFactor(1, 3) if dlg.Dialog, err = walk.NewDialog(owner); err != nil { return nil, err } disposables.Add(dlg) dlg.SetIcon(owner.Icon()) dlg.SetTitle(title) dlg.SetLayout(layout) dlg.SetMinMaxSize(walk.Size{500, 400}, walk.Size{0, 0}) if icon, err := loadSystemIcon("imageres", -114, 32); err == nil { dlg.SetIcon(icon) } nameLabel, err := walk.NewTextLabel(dlg) if err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(nameLabel, walk.Rectangle{0, 0, 1, 1}) nameLabel.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHFarVCenter) nameLabel.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("&Name:")) if dlg.nameEdit, err = walk.NewLineEdit(dlg); err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(dlg.nameEdit, walk.Rectangle{1, 0, 1, 1}) dlg.nameEdit.SetText(dlg.config.Name) pubkeyLabel, err := walk.NewTextLabel(dlg) if err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(pubkeyLabel, walk.Rectangle{0, 1, 1, 1}) pubkeyLabel.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHFarVCenter) pubkeyLabel.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("&Public key:")) if dlg.pubkeyEdit, err = walk.NewLineEdit(dlg); err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(dlg.pubkeyEdit, walk.Rectangle{1, 1, 1, 1}) dlg.pubkeyEdit.SetReadOnly(true) dlg.pubkeyEdit.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("(unknown)")) dlg.pubkeyEdit.Accessibility().SetRole(walk.AccRoleStatictext) if dlg.syntaxEdit, err = syntax.NewSyntaxEdit(dlg); err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(dlg.syntaxEdit, walk.Rectangle{0, 2, 2, 1}) buttonsContainer, err := walk.NewComposite(dlg) if err != nil { return nil, err } layout.SetRange(buttonsContainer, walk.Rectangle{0, 3, 2, 1}) buttonsContainer.SetLayout(walk.NewHBoxLayout()) buttonsContainer.Layout().SetMargins(walk.Margins{}) if dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB, err = walk.NewCheckBox(buttonsContainer); err != nil { return nil, err } dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("&Block untunneled traffic (kill-switch)")) dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetToolTipText(l18n.Sprintf("When a configuration has exactly one peer, and that peer has an allowed IPs containing at least one of or ::/0, and the interface does not have table off, then the tunnel service engages a firewall ruleset to block all traffic that is neither to nor from the tunnel interface or is to the wrong DNS server, with special exceptions for DHCP and NDP.")) dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetVisible(false) dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.CheckedChanged().Attach(dlg.onBlockUntunneledTrafficCBCheckedChanged) walk.NewHSpacer(buttonsContainer) if dlg.saveButton, err = walk.NewPushButton(buttonsContainer); err != nil { return nil, err } dlg.saveButton.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("&Save")) dlg.saveButton.Clicked().Attach(dlg.onSaveButtonClicked) cancelButton, err := walk.NewPushButton(buttonsContainer) if err != nil { return nil, err } cancelButton.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("Cancel")) cancelButton.Clicked().Attach(dlg.Cancel) dlg.SetCancelButton(cancelButton) dlg.SetDefaultButton(dlg.saveButton) dlg.syntaxEdit.PrivateKeyChanged().Attach(dlg.onSyntaxEditPrivateKeyChanged) dlg.syntaxEdit.BlockUntunneledTrafficStateChanged().Attach(dlg.onBlockUntunneledTrafficStateChanged) dlg.syntaxEdit.SetText(dlg.config.ToWgQuick()) // Insert a dummy label immediately preceding syntaxEdit to have screen readers read it. // Otherwise they fallback to "RichEdit Control". syntaxEditWnd := dlg.syntaxEdit.Handle() parentWnd := win.GetParent(syntaxEditWnd) labelWnd := win.CreateWindowEx(0, windows.StringToUTF16Ptr("STATIC"), windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(l18n.Sprintf("&Configuration:")), win.WS_CHILD|win.WS_GROUP|win.SS_LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0, parentWnd, win.HMENU(^uintptr(0)), win.HINSTANCE(win.GetWindowLongPtr(parentWnd, win.GWLP_HINSTANCE)), nil) prevWnd := win.GetWindow(syntaxEditWnd, win.GW_HWNDPREV) nextWnd := win.GetWindow(syntaxEditWnd, win.GW_HWNDNEXT) win.SetWindowPos(labelWnd, prevWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, win.SWP_NOSIZE|win.SWP_NOMOVE) win.SetWindowPos(syntaxEditWnd, labelWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, win.SWP_NOSIZE|win.SWP_NOMOVE) win.SetWindowPos(nextWnd, syntaxEditWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, win.SWP_NOSIZE|win.SWP_NOMOVE) if tunnel != nil { dlg.Starting().Attach(func() { dlg.syntaxEdit.SetFocus() }) } disposables.Spare() return dlg, nil } func (dlg *EditDialog) onBlockUntunneledTrafficCBCheckedChanged() { if dlg.blockUntunneledTraficCheckGuard { return } var ( v400 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv4Unspecified(), 0) v600000 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.IPv6Unspecified(), 0) v401 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{}), 1) v600001 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom16([16]byte{}), 1) v41281 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom4([4]byte{0x80}), 1) v680001 = netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom16([16]byte{0x80}), 1) ) block := dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.Checked() cfg, err := conf.FromWgQuick(dlg.syntaxEdit.Text(), "temporary") var newAllowedIPs []netip.Prefix if err != nil { goto err } if len(cfg.Peers) != 1 { goto err } newAllowedIPs = make([]netip.Prefix, 0, len(cfg.Peers[0].AllowedIPs)) if block { var ( foundV401 bool foundV41281 bool foundV600001 bool foundV680001 bool ) for _, allowedip := range cfg.Peers[0].AllowedIPs { if allowedip == v600001 { foundV600001 = true } else if allowedip == v680001 { foundV680001 = true } else if allowedip == v401 { foundV401 = true } else if allowedip == v41281 { foundV41281 = true } else { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, allowedip) } } if !((foundV401 && foundV41281) || (foundV600001 && foundV680001)) { goto err } if foundV401 && foundV41281 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v400) } else if foundV401 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v401) } else if foundV41281 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v41281) } if foundV600001 && foundV680001 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v600000) } else if foundV600001 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v600001) } else if foundV680001 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v680001) } cfg.Peers[0].AllowedIPs = newAllowedIPs } else { var ( foundV400 bool foundV600000 bool ) for _, allowedip := range cfg.Peers[0].AllowedIPs { if allowedip == v600000 { foundV600000 = true } else if allowedip == v400 { foundV400 = true } else { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, allowedip) } } if !(foundV400 || foundV600000) { goto err } if foundV400 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v401) newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v41281) } if foundV600000 { newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v600001) newAllowedIPs = append(newAllowedIPs, v680001) } cfg.Peers[0].AllowedIPs = newAllowedIPs } dlg.syntaxEdit.SetText(cfg.ToWgQuick()) return err: text := dlg.syntaxEdit.Text() dlg.syntaxEdit.SetText("") dlg.syntaxEdit.SetText(text) } func (dlg *EditDialog) onBlockUntunneledTrafficStateChanged(state int) { dlg.blockUntunneledTraficCheckGuard = true switch syntax.BlockState(state) { case syntax.InevaluableBlockingUntunneledTraffic: dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetVisible(false) case syntax.BlockingUntunneledTraffic: dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetVisible(true) dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetChecked(true) case syntax.NotBlockingUntunneledTraffic: dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetVisible(true) dlg.blockUntunneledTrafficCB.SetChecked(false) } dlg.blockUntunneledTraficCheckGuard = false } func (dlg *EditDialog) onSyntaxEditPrivateKeyChanged(privateKey string) { if privateKey == dlg.lastPrivateKey { return } dlg.lastPrivateKey = privateKey key, _ := conf.NewPrivateKeyFromString(privateKey) if key != nil { dlg.pubkeyEdit.SetText(key.Public().String()) } else { dlg.pubkeyEdit.SetText(l18n.Sprintf("(unknown)")) } } func (dlg *EditDialog) onSaveButtonClicked() { newName := dlg.nameEdit.Text() if newName == "" { showWarningCustom(dlg, l18n.Sprintf("Invalid name"), l18n.Sprintf("A name is required.")) return } if !conf.TunnelNameIsValid(newName) { showWarningCustom(dlg, l18n.Sprintf("Invalid name"), l18n.Sprintf("Tunnel name ā€˜%sā€™ is invalid.", newName)) return } newNameLower := strings.ToLower(newName) if newNameLower != strings.ToLower(dlg.config.Name) { existingTunnelList, err := manager.IPCClientTunnels() if err != nil { showWarningCustom(dlg, l18n.Sprintf("Unable to list existing tunnels"), err.Error()) return } for _, tunnel := range existingTunnelList { if strings.ToLower(tunnel.Name) == newNameLower { showWarningCustom(dlg, l18n.Sprintf("Tunnel already exists"), l18n.Sprintf("Another tunnel already exists with the name ā€˜%sā€™.", newName)) return } } } cfg, err := conf.FromWgQuick(dlg.syntaxEdit.Text(), newName) if err != nil { showErrorCustom(dlg, l18n.Sprintf("Unable to create new configuration"), err.Error()) return } dlg.config = *cfg dlg.Accept() }