/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package ui import ( "sort" "strings" "sync/atomic" "github.com/lxn/walk" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/service" ) // ListModel is a struct to store the currently known tunnels to the GUI, suitable as a model for a walk.TableView. type ListModel struct { walk.TableModelBase walk.SorterBase tunnels []service.Tunnel } func (t *ListModel) RowCount() int { return len(t.tunnels) } func (t *ListModel) Value(row, col int) interface{} { if row < 0 || row >= len(t.tunnels) { return nil } tunnel := t.tunnels[row] switch col { case 0: return tunnel.Name default: panic("unreachable col") } } func (t *ListModel) Sort(col int, order walk.SortOrder) error { sort.SliceStable(t.tunnels, func(i, j int) bool { //TODO: use real string comparison for sorting with proper tunnel order return t.tunnels[i].Name < t.tunnels[j].Name }) return t.SorterBase.Sort(col, order) } type ListView struct { *walk.TableView model *ListModel tunnelChangedCB *service.TunnelChangeCallback tunnelsChangedCB *service.TunnelsChangeCallback tunnelsUpdateSuspended int32 } func NewListView(parent walk.Container) (*ListView, error) { var disposables walk.Disposables defer disposables.Treat() tv, err := walk.NewTableView(parent) if err != nil { return nil, err } disposables.Add(tv) tv.SetDoubleBuffering(true) model := new(ListModel) tv.SetModel(model) tv.SetLastColumnStretched(true) tv.SetHeaderHidden(true) tv.Columns().Add(walk.NewTableViewColumn()) tunnelsView := &ListView{ TableView: tv, model: model, } tv.SetCellStyler(tunnelsView) disposables.Spare() tunnelsView.tunnelChangedCB = service.IPCClientRegisterTunnelChange(tunnelsView.onTunnelChange) tunnelsView.tunnelsChangedCB = service.IPCClientRegisterTunnelsChange(tunnelsView.onTunnelsChange) return tunnelsView, nil } func (tv *ListView) Dispose() { if tv.tunnelChangedCB != nil { tv.tunnelChangedCB.Unregister() tv.tunnelChangedCB = nil } if tv.tunnelsChangedCB != nil { tv.tunnelsChangedCB.Unregister() tv.tunnelsChangedCB = nil } tv.TableView.Dispose() } func (tv *ListView) StyleCell(style *walk.CellStyle) { row := style.Row() if row < 0 || row >= len(tv.model.tunnels) { return } tunnel := &tv.model.tunnels[row] canvas := style.Canvas() if canvas == nil { return } b := style.Bounds() b.X = b.Height b.Width -= b.Height canvas.DrawText(tunnel.Name, tv.Font(), 0, b, walk.TextVCenter|walk.TextSingleLine) b.X = 0 b.Width = b.Height iconProvider.PaintForTunnel(tunnel, canvas, b) } func (tv *ListView) CurrentTunnel() *service.Tunnel { idx := tv.CurrentIndex() if idx == -1 { return nil } return &tv.model.tunnels[idx] } func (tv *ListView) onTunnelChange(tunnel *service.Tunnel, state service.TunnelState, globalState service.TunnelState, err error) { tv.Synchronize(func() { idx := -1 for i := range tv.model.tunnels { if tv.model.tunnels[i].Name == tunnel.Name { idx = i break } } if idx != -1 { tv.model.PublishRowChanged(idx) return } }) } func (tv *ListView) onTunnelsChange() { if atomic.LoadInt32(&tv.tunnelsUpdateSuspended) == 0 { tv.Load(true) } } func (tv *ListView) SetSuspendTunnelsUpdate(suspend bool) { if suspend { atomic.AddInt32(&tv.tunnelsUpdateSuspended, 1) } else { atomic.AddInt32(&tv.tunnelsUpdateSuspended, -1) } tv.Load(true) } func (tv *ListView) Load(asyncUI bool) { tunnels, err := service.IPCClientTunnels() if err != nil { return } doUI := func() { newTunnels := make(map[service.Tunnel]bool, len(tunnels)) oldTunnels := make(map[service.Tunnel]bool, len(tv.model.tunnels)) for _, tunnel := range tunnels { newTunnels[tunnel] = true } for _, tunnel := range tv.model.tunnels { oldTunnels[tunnel] = true } for tunnel := range oldTunnels { if !newTunnels[tunnel] { for i, t := range tv.model.tunnels { //TODO: this is inefficient. Use a map here instead. if t.Name == tunnel.Name { tv.model.tunnels = append(tv.model.tunnels[:i], tv.model.tunnels[i+1:]...) tv.model.PublishRowsRemoved(i, i) //TODO: Do we have to call that everytime or can we pass a range? break } } } } didAdd := false firstTunnelName := "" for tunnel := range newTunnels { if !oldTunnels[tunnel] { //TODO: use proper tunnel string sorting/comparison algorithm, as the other comments indicate too. if len(firstTunnelName) == 0 || strings.Compare(firstTunnelName, tunnel.Name) > 0 { firstTunnelName = tunnel.Name } tv.model.tunnels = append(tv.model.tunnels, tunnel) didAdd = true } } if didAdd { tv.model.PublishRowsReset() tv.model.Sort(tv.model.SortedColumn(), tv.model.SortOrder()) if len(tv.SelectedIndexes()) == 0 { tv.selectTunnel(firstTunnelName) } } } if asyncUI { tv.Synchronize(doUI) } else { doUI() } } func (tv *ListView) selectTunnel(tunnelName string) { for i, tunnel := range tv.model.tunnels { if tunnel.Name == tunnelName { tv.SetCurrentIndex(i) break } } } func (tv *ListView) SelectFirstActiveTunnel() { tunnels := make([]service.Tunnel, len(tv.model.tunnels)) copy(tunnels, tv.model.tunnels) go func() { for _, tunnel := range tunnels { state, err := tunnel.State() if err != nil { continue } if state == service.TunnelStarting || state == service.TunnelStarted { tv.Synchronize(func() { tv.selectTunnel(tunnel.Name) }) return } } }() }