/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package ui import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "golang.org/x/crypto/curve25519" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/conf" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/service" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/windows/ui/internal/walk" "os" ) const demoConfig = `[Interface] PrivateKey = 6KpcbNFK4tKBciKBT2Rj6Z/sHBqxdV+p+nuNA5AlWGI= Address = DNS =,,, [Peer] PublicKey = JRI8Xc0zKP9kXk8qP84NdUQA04h6DLfFbwJn4g+/PFs= Endpoint = demo.wireguard.com:12912 AllowedIPs = ` func RunUI() { icon, _ := walk.NewIconFromResourceId(8) mw, _ := walk.NewMainWindowWithName("WireGuard") tray, _ := walk.NewNotifyIcon(mw) defer tray.Dispose() tray.SetIcon(icon) tray.SetToolTip("WireGuard: Disconnected") tray.SetVisible(true) mw.SetSize(walk.Size{900, 800}) mw.SetLayout(walk.NewVBoxLayout()) mw.SetIcon(icon) mw.Closing().Attach(func(canceled *bool, reason walk.CloseReason) { *canceled = true mw.Hide() }) tl, _ := walk.NewTextLabel(mw) tl.SetText("Public key: (unknown)") se, _ := NewSyntaxEdit(mw) lastPrivate := "" se.PrivateKeyChanged().Attach(func(privateKey string) { if privateKey == lastPrivate { return } lastPrivate = privateKey key := func() string { if privateKey == "" { return "" } decoded, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(privateKey) if err != nil { return "" } if len(decoded) != 32 { return "" } var p [32]byte var s [32]byte copy(s[:], decoded[:32]) curve25519.ScalarBaseMult(&p, &s) return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(p[:]) }() if key != "" { tl.SetText("Public key: " + key) } else { tl.SetText("Public key: (unknown)") } }) se.SetText(demoConfig) pb, _ := walk.NewPushButton(mw) pb.SetText("Start") var runningTunnel *service.Tunnel pb.Clicked().Attach(func() { if runningTunnel != nil { _, err := runningTunnel.Stop() if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(mw, "Unable to stop tunnel", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } runningTunnel = nil pb.SetText("Start") tray.SetToolTip("WireGuard: Disconnected") return } c, err := conf.FromWgQuick(se.Text(), "test") if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(mw, "Invalid configuration", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } tunnel, err := service.IPCClientNewTunnel(c) if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(mw, "Unable to create tunnel", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } _, err = tunnel.Start() if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(mw, "Unable to start tunnel", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } runningTunnel = &tunnel pb.SetText("Stop") tray.SetToolTip("WireGuard: Connected") }) quitAction := walk.NewAction() quitAction.SetText("Exit") quitAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { tray.Dispose() _, err := service.IPCClientQuit(true) if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(nil, "Error Exiting WireGuard", fmt.Sprintf("Unable to exit service due to: %s. You may want to stop WireGuard from the service manager.", err), walk.MsgBoxIconError) os.Exit(1) } }) tray.ContextMenu().Actions().Add(quitAction) tray.MouseDown().Attach(func(x, y int, button walk.MouseButton) { if button == walk.LeftButton { mw.Show() } }) err := service.IPCClientRegisterAsNotificationThread() if err != nil { walk.MsgBox(mw, "Unable to register for notifications", err.Error(), walk.MsgBoxIconError) os.Exit(1) } mw.Run() }