
ZX2C4 DDNS Server

This is a simple Linux daemon for serving DNS queries for dynamic IP addresses. It starts a TLS server on port 443, acquires a Let's Encrypt certificate for it, and starts a DNS server on port 53. It then listens for authenticated dynamic DNS updates over TLS and serves the updated IPs over DNS.


Requirements: make, go, systemd.

# make
# make install


First populate /etc/ddns.conf with a newly generated secret (created with ddns generate-secret) and your ddns domain name:


Then enable and start the socket-activated daemon:

# systemctl enable ddns.socket
# systemctl install ddns.socket

Finally, generate domain update keys using ddns generate-domain-key:

# . /etc/ddns.conf; export DDNS_UPDATE_DOMAIN DDNS_SECRET
# ddns generate-domain-key ~somesubdomain.dyn.example.org
# ddns generate-domain-key restrictivesubdomain.dyn.example.org

If the provided subdomain starts with a ~, then that key can be used for that subdomain and all subdomains of it, but beware, this allows for an unbounded quantity of entries. If the provided subdomain does not start with a ~, then that key can only be used for that exact subdomain.

Updates can then be performed using any HTTPS utility:

# curl -H 'Domain-Key: 8N+TsT8GxFCAQ5Nn7yytOLFJX+PRe/ALXOx8A1J3dng=' https://ddns.example.org/update/demo.somesubdomain.dyn.example.org

NS Entry

Direct DNS queries for various subdomains toward your DDNS server:

dyn.example.org. IN NS ddns.example.org.


This project is released under the GPLv2.