path: root/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/images/
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Diffstat (limited to 'google_appengine/google/appengine/api/images/')
1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/images/ b/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/images/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..757afcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google_appengine/google/appengine/api/images/
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Image manipulation API.
+Classes defined in this module:
+ Image: class used to encapsulate image information and transformations for
+ that image.
+ The current manipulations that are available are resize, rotate,
+ horizontal_flip, vertical_flip, crop and im_feeling_lucky.
+ It should be noted that each transform can only be called once per image
+ per execute_transforms() call.
+import struct
+from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
+from google.appengine.api.images import images_service_pb
+from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
+JPEG = images_service_pb.OutputSettings.JPEG
+PNG = images_service_pb.OutputSettings.PNG
+TOP_LEFT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.TOP_LEFT
+TOP_CENTER = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.TOP
+TOP_RIGHT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.TOP_RIGHT
+CENTER_LEFT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.LEFT
+CENTER_CENTER = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.CENTER
+CENTER_RIGHT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.RIGHT
+BOTTOM_LEFT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.BOTTOM_LEFT
+BOTTOM_CENTER = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.BOTTOM
+BOTTOM_RIGHT = images_service_pb.CompositeImageOptions.BOTTOM_RIGHT
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base error class for this module."""
+class TransformationError(Error):
+ """Error while attempting to transform the image."""
+class BadRequestError(Error):
+ """The parameters given had something wrong with them."""
+class NotImageError(Error):
+ """The image data given is not recognizable as an image."""
+class BadImageError(Error):
+ """The image data given is corrupt."""
+class LargeImageError(Error):
+ """The image data given is too large to process."""
+class Image(object):
+ """Image object to manipulate."""
+ def __init__(self, image_data):
+ """Constructor.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, image data in string form.
+ Raises:
+ NotImageError if the given data is empty.
+ """
+ if not image_data:
+ raise NotImageError("Empty image data.")
+ self._image_data = image_data
+ self._transforms = []
+ self._width = None
+ self._height = None
+ def _check_transform_limits(self):
+ """Ensure some simple limits on the number of transforms allowed.
+ Raises:
+ BadRequestError if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been
+ requested for this image
+ """
+ if len(self._transforms) >= MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST:
+ raise BadRequestError("%d transforms have already been requested on this "
+ def _update_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the image.
+ Raises:
+ NotImageError if the image data is not an image.
+ BadImageError if the image data is corrupt.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if size >= 6 and self._image_data.startswith("GIF"):
+ self._update_gif_dimensions()
+ elif size >= 8 and self._image_data.startswith("\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A"):
+ self._update_png_dimensions()
+ elif size >= 2 and self._image_data.startswith("\xff\xD8"):
+ self._update_jpeg_dimensions()
+ elif (size >= 8 and (self._image_data.startswith("II\x2a\x00") or
+ self._image_data.startswith("MM\x00\x2a"))):
+ self._update_tiff_dimensions()
+ elif size >= 2 and self._image_data.startswith("BM"):
+ self._update_bmp_dimensions()
+ elif size >= 4 and self._image_data.startswith("\x00\x00\x01\x00"):
+ self._update_ico_dimensions()
+ else:
+ raise NotImageError("Unrecognized image format")
+ def _update_gif_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the gif image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid gif image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if size >= 10:
+ self._width, self._height = struct.unpack("<HH", self._image_data[6:10])
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt GIF format")
+ def _update_png_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the png image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid png image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if size >= 24 and self._image_data[12:16] == "IHDR":
+ self._width, self._height = struct.unpack(">II", self._image_data[16:24])
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt PNG format")
+ def _update_jpeg_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the jpeg image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid jpeg image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ offset = 2
+ while offset < size:
+ while offset < size and ord(self._image_data[offset]) != 0xFF:
+ offset += 1
+ while offset < size and ord(self._image_data[offset]) == 0xFF:
+ offset += 1
+ if (offset < size and ord(self._image_data[offset]) & 0xF0 == 0xC0 and
+ ord(self._image_data[offset]) != 0xC4):
+ offset += 4
+ if offset + 4 <= size:
+ self._height, self._width = struct.unpack(
+ ">HH",
+ self._image_data[offset:offset + 4])
+ break
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt JPEG format")
+ elif offset + 3 <= size:
+ offset += 1
+ offset += struct.unpack(">H", self._image_data[offset:offset + 2])[0]
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt JPEG format")
+ if self._height is None or self._width is None:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt JPEG format")
+ def _update_tiff_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the tiff image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid tiff image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if self._image_data.startswith("II"):
+ endianness = "<"
+ else:
+ endianness = ">"
+ ifd_offset = struct.unpack(endianness + "I", self._image_data[4:8])[0]
+ if ifd_offset + 14 <= size:
+ ifd_size = struct.unpack(
+ endianness + "H",
+ self._image_data[ifd_offset:ifd_offset + 2])[0]
+ ifd_offset += 2
+ for unused_i in range(0, ifd_size):
+ if ifd_offset + 12 <= size:
+ tag = struct.unpack(
+ endianness + "H",
+ self._image_data[ifd_offset:ifd_offset + 2])[0]
+ if tag == 0x100 or tag == 0x101:
+ value_type = struct.unpack(
+ endianness + "H",
+ self._image_data[ifd_offset + 2:ifd_offset + 4])[0]
+ if value_type == 3:
+ format = endianness + "H"
+ end_offset = ifd_offset + 10
+ elif value_type == 4:
+ format = endianness + "I"
+ end_offset = ifd_offset + 12
+ else:
+ format = endianness + "B"
+ end_offset = ifd_offset + 9
+ if tag == 0x100:
+ self._width = struct.unpack(
+ format,
+ self._image_data[ifd_offset + 8:end_offset])[0]
+ if self._height is not None:
+ break
+ else:
+ self._height = struct.unpack(
+ format,
+ self._image_data[ifd_offset + 8:end_offset])[0]
+ if self._width is not None:
+ break
+ ifd_offset += 12
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt TIFF format")
+ if self._width is None or self._height is None:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt TIFF format")
+ def _update_bmp_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the bmp image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid bmp image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if size >= 18:
+ header_length = struct.unpack("<I", self._image_data[14:18])[0]
+ if ((header_length == 40 or header_length == 108 or
+ header_length == 124 or header_length == 64) and size >= 26):
+ self._width, self._height = struct.unpack("<II",
+ self._image_data[18:26])
+ elif header_length == 12 and size >= 22:
+ self._width, self._height = struct.unpack("<HH",
+ self._image_data[18:22])
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt BMP format")
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt BMP format")
+ def _update_ico_dimensions(self):
+ """Updates the width and height fields of the ico image.
+ Raises:
+ BadImageError if the image string is not a valid ico image.
+ """
+ size = len(self._image_data)
+ if size >= 8:
+ self._width, self._height = struct.unpack("<BB", self._image_data[6:8])
+ if not self._width:
+ self._width = 256
+ if not self._height:
+ self._height = 256
+ else:
+ raise BadImageError("Corrupt ICO format")
+ def resize(self, width=0, height=0):
+ """Resize the image maintaining the aspect ratio.
+ If both width and height are specified, the more restricting of the two
+ values will be used when resizing the photo. The maximum dimension allowed
+ for both width and height is 4000 pixels.
+ Args:
+ width: int, width (in pixels) to change the image width to.
+ height: int, height (in pixels) to change the image height to.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError when width or height is not either 'int' or 'long' types.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given height or
+ width or if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been
+ requested on this image.
+ """
+ if (not isinstance(width, (int, long)) or
+ not isinstance(height, (int, long))):
+ raise TypeError("Width and height must be integers.")
+ if width < 0 or height < 0:
+ raise BadRequestError("Width and height must be >= 0.")
+ if not width and not height:
+ raise BadRequestError("At least one of width or height must be > 0.")
+ if width > 4000 or height > 4000:
+ raise BadRequestError("Both width and height must be <= 4000.")
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_width(width)
+ transform.set_height(height)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def rotate(self, degrees):
+ """Rotate an image a given number of degrees clockwise.
+ Args:
+ degrees: int, must be a multiple of 90.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError when degrees is not either 'int' or 'long' types.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given degrees or
+ if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(degrees, (int, long)):
+ raise TypeError("Degrees must be integers.")
+ if degrees % 90 != 0:
+ raise BadRequestError("degrees argument must be multiple of 90.")
+ degrees = degrees % 360
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_rotate(degrees)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def horizontal_flip(self):
+ """Flip the image horizontally.
+ Raises:
+ BadRequestError if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been
+ requested on the image.
+ """
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_horizontal_flip(True)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def vertical_flip(self):
+ """Flip the image vertically.
+ Raises:
+ BadRequestError if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been
+ requested on the image.
+ """
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_vertical_flip(True)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def _validate_crop_arg(self, val, val_name):
+ """Validate the given value of a Crop() method argument.
+ Args:
+ val: float, value of the argument.
+ val_name: str, name of the argument.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError if the args are not of type 'float'.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given bounding box.
+ """
+ if type(val) != float:
+ raise TypeError("arg '%s' must be of type 'float'." % val_name)
+ if not (0 <= val <= 1.0):
+ raise BadRequestError("arg '%s' must be between 0.0 and 1.0 "
+ "(inclusive)" % val_name)
+ def crop(self, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y):
+ """Crop the image.
+ The four arguments are the scaling numbers to describe the bounding box
+ which will crop the image. The upper left point of the bounding box will
+ be at (left_x*image_width, top_y*image_height) the lower right point will
+ be at (right_x*image_width, bottom_y*image_height).
+ Args:
+ left_x: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ top_y: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ right_x: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ bottom_y: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ Raises:
+ TypeError if the args are not of type 'float'.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given bounding box
+ or if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already been requested
+ for this image.
+ """
+ self._validate_crop_arg(left_x, "left_x")
+ self._validate_crop_arg(top_y, "top_y")
+ self._validate_crop_arg(right_x, "right_x")
+ self._validate_crop_arg(bottom_y, "bottom_y")
+ if left_x >= right_x:
+ raise BadRequestError("left_x must be less than right_x")
+ if top_y >= bottom_y:
+ raise BadRequestError("top_y must be less than bottom_y")
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_crop_left_x(left_x)
+ transform.set_crop_top_y(top_y)
+ transform.set_crop_right_x(right_x)
+ transform.set_crop_bottom_y(bottom_y)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def im_feeling_lucky(self):
+ """Automatically adjust image contrast and color levels.
+ This is similar to the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in Picasa.
+ Raises:
+ BadRequestError if MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST transforms have already
+ been requested for this image.
+ """
+ self._check_transform_limits()
+ transform = images_service_pb.Transform()
+ transform.set_autolevels(True)
+ self._transforms.append(transform)
+ def execute_transforms(self, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Perform transformations on given image.
+ Args:
+ output_encoding: A value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Returns:
+ str, image data after the transformations have been performed on it.
+ Raises:
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the request
+ specifications.
+ NotImageError when the image data given is not an image.
+ BadImageError when the image data given is corrupt.
+ LargeImageError when the image data given is too large to process.
+ TransformtionError when something errors during image manipulation.
+ Error when something unknown, but bad, happens.
+ """
+ if output_encoding not in OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES:
+ raise BadRequestError("Output encoding type not in recognized set "
+ if not self._transforms:
+ raise BadRequestError("Must specify at least one transformation.")
+ request = images_service_pb.ImagesTransformRequest()
+ response = images_service_pb.ImagesTransformResponse()
+ request.mutable_image().set_content(self._image_data)
+ for transform in self._transforms:
+ request.add_transform().CopyFrom(transform)
+ request.mutable_output().set_mime_type(output_encoding)
+ try:
+ apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("images",
+ "Transform",
+ request,
+ response)
+ except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+ if (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.BAD_TRANSFORM_DATA):
+ raise BadRequestError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.NOT_IMAGE):
+ raise NotImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.BAD_IMAGE_DATA):
+ raise BadImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.IMAGE_TOO_LARGE):
+ raise LargeImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR):
+ raise TransformationError()
+ else:
+ raise Error()
+ self._image_data = response.image().content()
+ self._transforms = []
+ self._width = None
+ self._height = None
+ return self._image_data
+ @property
+ def width(self):
+ """Gets the width of the image."""
+ if self._width is None:
+ self._update_dimensions()
+ return self._width
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ """Gets the height of the image."""
+ if self._height is None:
+ self._update_dimensions()
+ return self._height
+ def histogram(self):
+ """Calculates the histogram of the image.
+ Returns: 3 256-element lists containing the number of occurences of each
+ value of each color in the order RGB. As described at
+ for N = 256. i.e. the first
+ value of the first list contains the number of pixels with a red value of
+ 0, the second the number with a red value of 1.
+ Raises:
+ NotImageError when the image data given is not an image.
+ BadImageError when the image data given is corrupt.
+ LargeImageError when the image data given is too large to process.
+ Error when something unknown, but bad, happens.
+ """
+ request = images_service_pb.ImagesHistogramRequest()
+ response = images_service_pb.ImagesHistogramResponse()
+ request.mutable_image().set_content(self._image_data)
+ try:
+ apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("images",
+ "Histogram",
+ request,
+ response)
+ except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+ if (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.NOT_IMAGE):
+ raise NotImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.BAD_IMAGE_DATA):
+ raise BadImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.IMAGE_TOO_LARGE):
+ raise LargeImageError()
+ else:
+ raise Error()
+ histogram = response.histogram()
+ return [histogram.red_list(),
+ histogram.green_list(),
+ histogram.blue_list()]
+def resize(image_data, width=0, height=0, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Resize a given image file maintaining the aspect ratio.
+ If both width and height are specified, the more restricting of the two
+ values will be used when resizing the photo. The maximum dimension allowed
+ for both width and height is 4000 pixels.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ width: int, width (in pixels) to change the image width to.
+ height: int, height (in pixels) to change the image height to.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError when width or height not either 'int' or 'long' types.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given height or
+ width.
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.resize(width, height)
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def rotate(image_data, degrees, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Rotate a given image a given number of degrees clockwise.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ degrees: value from ROTATE_DEGREE_VALUES.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError when degrees is not either 'int' or 'long' types.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given degrees.
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.rotate(degrees)
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def horizontal_flip(image_data, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Flip the image horizontally.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.horizontal_flip()
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def vertical_flip(image_data, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Flip the image vertically.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.vertical_flip()
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def crop(image_data, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Crop the given image.
+ The four arguments are the scaling numbers to describe the bounding box
+ which will crop the image. The upper left point of the bounding box will
+ be at (left_x*image_width, top_y*image_height) the lower right point will
+ be at (right_x*image_width, bottom_y*image_height).
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ left_x: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ top_y: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ right_x: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ bottom_y: float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError if the args are not of type 'float'.
+ BadRequestError when there is something wrong with the given bounding box.
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.crop(left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y)
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def im_feeling_lucky(image_data, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Automatically adjust image levels.
+ This is similar to the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in Picasa.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Raises:
+ Error when something went wrong with the call. See Image.ExecuteTransforms
+ for more details.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ image.im_feeling_lucky()
+ return image.execute_transforms(output_encoding=output_encoding)
+def composite(inputs, width, height, color=0, output_encoding=PNG):
+ """Composite one or more images onto a canvas.
+ Args:
+ inputs: a list of tuples (image_data, x_offset, y_offset, opacity, anchor)
+ where
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ x_offset: x offset in pixels from the anchor position
+ y_offset: y offset in piyels from the anchor position
+ opacity: opacity of the image specified as a float in range [0.0, 1.0]
+ anchor: anchoring point from ANCHOR_POINTS. The anchor point of the image
+ is aligned with the same anchor point of the canvas. e.g. TOP_RIGHT would
+ place the top right corner of the image at the top right corner of the
+ canvas then apply the x and y offsets.
+ width: canvas width in pixels.
+ height: canvas height in pixels.
+ color: canvas background color encoded as a 32 bit unsigned int where each
+ color channel is represented by one byte in order ARGB.
+ output_encoding: a value from OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES.
+ Returns:
+ str, image data of the composited image.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError If width, height, color, x_offset or y_offset are not of type
+ int or long or if opacity is not a float
+ BadRequestError If more than MAX_TRANSFORMS_PER_REQUEST compositions have
+ been requested, if the canvas width or height is greater than 4000 or less
+ than or equal to 0, if the color is invalid or if for any composition
+ option, the opacity is outside the range [0,1] or the anchor is invalid.
+ """
+ if (not isinstance(width, (int, long)) or
+ not isinstance(height, (int, long)) or
+ not isinstance(color, (int, long))):
+ raise TypeError("Width, height and color must be integers.")
+ if output_encoding not in OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES:
+ raise BadRequestError("Output encoding type '%s' not in recognized set "
+ "%s" % (output_encoding, OUTPUT_ENCODING_TYPES))
+ if not inputs:
+ raise BadRequestError("Must provide at least one input")
+ if len(inputs) > MAX_COMPOSITES_PER_REQUEST:
+ raise BadRequestError("A maximum of %d composition operations can be"
+ "performed in a single request" %
+ if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
+ raise BadRequestError("Width and height must be > 0.")
+ if width > 4000 or height > 4000:
+ raise BadRequestError("Width and height must be <= 4000.")
+ if color > 0xffffffff or color < 0:
+ raise BadRequestError("Invalid color")
+ if color >= 0x80000000:
+ color -= 0x100000000
+ image_map = {}
+ request = images_service_pb.ImagesCompositeRequest()
+ response = images_service_pb.ImagesTransformResponse()
+ for (image, x, y, opacity, anchor) in inputs:
+ if not image:
+ raise BadRequestError("Each input must include an image")
+ if (not isinstance(x, (int, long)) or
+ not isinstance(y, (int, long)) or
+ not isinstance(opacity, (float))):
+ raise TypeError("x_offset, y_offset must be integers and opacity must"
+ "be a float")
+ if x > 4000 or x < -4000:
+ raise BadRequestError("xOffsets must be in range [-4000, 4000]")
+ if y > 4000 or y < -4000:
+ raise BadRequestError("yOffsets must be in range [-4000, 4000]")
+ if opacity < 0 or opacity > 1:
+ raise BadRequestError("Opacity must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0")
+ if anchor not in ANCHOR_TYPES:
+ raise BadRequestError("Anchor type '%s' not in recognized set %s" %
+ (anchor, ANCHOR_TYPES))
+ if image not in image_map:
+ image_map[image] = request.image_size()
+ request.add_image().set_content(image)
+ option = request.add_options()
+ option.set_x_offset(x)
+ option.set_y_offset(y)
+ option.set_opacity(opacity)
+ option.set_anchor(anchor)
+ option.set_source_index(image_map[image])
+ request.mutable_canvas().mutable_output().set_mime_type(output_encoding)
+ request.mutable_canvas().set_width(width)
+ request.mutable_canvas().set_height(height)
+ request.mutable_canvas().set_color(color)
+ try:
+ apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall("images",
+ "Composite",
+ request,
+ response)
+ except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e:
+ if (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.BAD_TRANSFORM_DATA):
+ raise BadRequestError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.NOT_IMAGE):
+ raise NotImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.BAD_IMAGE_DATA):
+ raise BadImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.IMAGE_TOO_LARGE):
+ raise LargeImageError()
+ elif (e.application_error ==
+ images_service_pb.ImagesServiceError.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR):
+ raise TransformationError()
+ else:
+ raise Error()
+ return response.image().content()
+def histogram(image_data):
+ """Calculates the histogram of the given image.
+ Args:
+ image_data: str, source image data.
+ Returns: 3 256-element lists containing the number of occurences of each
+ value of each color in the order RGB.
+ Raises:
+ NotImageError when the image data given is not an image.
+ BadImageError when the image data given is corrupt.
+ LargeImageError when the image data given is too large to process.
+ Error when something unknown, but bad, happens.
+ """
+ image = Image(image_data)
+ return image.histogram()