path: root/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/')
1 files changed, 3542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/ b/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7e5f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google_appengine/google/appengine/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,3542 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Pure-Python application server for testing applications locally.
+Given a port and the paths to a valid application directory (with an 'app.yaml'
+file), the external library directory, and a relative URL to use for logins,
+creates an HTTP server that can be used to test an application locally. Uses
+stubs instead of actual APIs when SetupStubs() is called first.
+ root_path = '/path/to/application/directory'
+ login_url = '/login'
+ port = 8080
+ template_dir = '/path/to/appserver/templates'
+ server = dev_appserver.CreateServer(root_path, login_url, port, template_dir)
+ server.serve_forever()
+from import os_compat
+import __builtin__
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import Cookie
+import base64
+import cStringIO
+import cgi
+import cgitb
+ import distutils.util
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+import dummy_thread
+import email.Utils
+import errno
+import heapq
+import httplib
+import imp
+import inspect
+import itertools
+import locale
+import logging
+import mimetools
+import mimetypes
+import os
+import pickle
+import pprint
+import random
+import select
+import re
+import sre_compile
+import sre_constants
+import sre_parse
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import types
+import urlparse
+import urllib
+import google
+from google.pyglib import gexcept
+from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
+from google.appengine.api import appinfo
+from google.appengine.api import croninfo
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_admin
+from google.appengine.api import datastore_file_stub
+from google.appengine.api import mail_stub
+from google.appengine.api import urlfetch_stub
+from google.appengine.api import user_service_stub
+from google.appengine.api import yaml_errors
+from google.appengine.api.capabilities import capability_stub
+from google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue import taskqueue_stub
+from google.appengine.api.memcache import memcache_stub
+from google.appengine.api.xmpp import xmpp_service_stub
+from google.appengine import dist
+from import dev_appserver_index
+from import dev_appserver_login
+DEVEL_CONSOLE_PATH = PYTHON_LIB_VAR + '/google/appengine/ext/admin'
+HEADER_TEMPLATE = 'logging_console_header.html'
+SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = 'logging_console.js'
+MIDDLE_TEMPLATE = 'logging_console_middle.html'
+FOOTER_TEMPLATE = 'logging_console_footer.html'
+ 'AUTH_DOMAIN': '',
+ 'TZ': 'UTC',
+for ext, mime_type in (('.asc', 'text/plain'),
+ ('.diff', 'text/plain'),
+ ('.csv', 'text/comma-separated-values'),
+ ('.rss', 'application/rss+xml'),
+ ('.text', 'text/plain'),
+ ('.wbmp', 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp')):
+ mimetypes.add_type(mime_type, ext)
+MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024
+SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.__file__),
+ 'site-packages'))
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base-class for exceptions in this module."""
+class InvalidAppConfigError(Error):
+ """The supplied application configuration file is invalid."""
+class AppConfigNotFoundError(Error):
+ """Application configuration file not found."""
+class TemplatesNotLoadedError(Error):
+ """Templates for the debugging console were not loaded."""
+def SplitURL(relative_url):
+ """Splits a relative URL into its path and query-string components.
+ Args:
+ relative_url: String containing the relative URL (often starting with '/')
+ to split. Should be properly escaped as www-form-urlencoded data.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (script_name, query_string) where:
+ script_name: Relative URL of the script that was accessed.
+ query_string: String containing everything after the '?' character.
+ """
+ (unused_scheme, unused_netloc, path, query,
+ unused_fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(relative_url)
+ return path, query
+def GetFullURL(server_name, server_port, relative_url):
+ """Returns the full, original URL used to access the relative URL.
+ Args:
+ server_name: Name of the local host, or the value of the 'host' header
+ from the request.
+ server_port: Port on which the request was served (string or int).
+ relative_url: Relative URL that was accessed, including query string.
+ Returns:
+ String containing the original URL.
+ """
+ if str(server_port) != '80':
+ netloc = '%s:%s' % (server_name, server_port)
+ else:
+ netloc = server_name
+ return 'http://%s%s' % (netloc, relative_url)
+class URLDispatcher(object):
+ """Base-class for handling HTTP requests."""
+ def Dispatch(self,
+ relative_url,
+ path,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=None):
+ """Dispatch and handle an HTTP request.
+ base_env_dict should contain at least these CGI variables:
+ Args:
+ relative_url: String containing the URL accessed.
+ path: Local path of the resource that was matched; back-references will be
+ replaced by values matched in the relative_url. Path may be relative
+ or absolute, depending on the resource being served (e.g., static files
+ will have an absolute path; scripts will be relative).
+ headers: Instance of mimetools.Message with headers from the request.
+ infile: File-like object with input data from the request.
+ outfile: File-like object where output data should be written.
+ base_env_dict: Dictionary of CGI environment parameters if available.
+ Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ None if request handling is complete.
+ Tuple (path, headers, input_file) for an internal redirect:
+ path: Path of URL to redirect to.
+ headers: Headers to send to other dispatcher.
+ input_file: New input to send to new dispatcher.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def EndRedirect(self, dispatched_output, original_output):
+ """Process the end of an internal redirect.
+ This method is called after all subsequent dispatch requests have finished.
+ By default the output from the dispatched process is copied to the original.
+ This will not be called on dispatchers that do not return an internal
+ redirect.
+ Args:
+ dispatched_output: StringIO buffer containing the results from the
+ dispatched
+ original_output: The original output file.
+ """
+ original_output.write(
+class URLMatcher(object):
+ """Matches an arbitrary URL using a list of URL patterns from an application.
+ Each URL pattern has an associated URLDispatcher instance and path to the
+ resource's location on disk. See AddURL for more details. The first pattern
+ that matches an inputted URL will have its associated values returned by
+ Match().
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initializer."""
+ self._url_patterns = []
+ def AddURL(self, regex, dispatcher, path, requires_login, admin_only):
+ """Adds a URL pattern to the list of patterns.
+ If the supplied regex starts with a '^' or ends with a '$' an
+ InvalidAppConfigError exception will be raised. Start and end symbols
+ and implicitly added to all regexes, meaning we assume that all regexes
+ consume all input from a URL.
+ Args:
+ regex: String containing the regular expression pattern.
+ dispatcher: Instance of URLDispatcher that should handle requests that
+ match this regex.
+ path: Path on disk for the resource. May contain back-references like
+ r'\1', r'\2', etc, which will be replaced by the corresponding groups
+ matched by the regex if present.
+ requires_login: True if the user must be logged-in before accessing this
+ URL; False if anyone can access this URL.
+ admin_only: True if the user must be a logged-in administrator to
+ access the URL; False if anyone can access the URL.
+ Raises:
+ TypeError: if dispatcher is not a URLDispatcher sub-class instance.
+ InvalidAppConfigError: if regex isn't valid.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(dispatcher, URLDispatcher):
+ raise TypeError('dispatcher must be a URLDispatcher sub-class')
+ if regex.startswith('^') or regex.endswith('$'):
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError('regex starts with "^" or ends with "$"')
+ adjusted_regex = '^%s$' % regex
+ try:
+ url_re = re.compile(adjusted_regex)
+ except re.error, e:
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError('regex invalid: %s' % e)
+ match_tuple = (url_re, dispatcher, path, requires_login, admin_only)
+ self._url_patterns.append(match_tuple)
+ def Match(self,
+ relative_url,
+ split_url=SplitURL):
+ """Matches a URL from a request against the list of URL patterns.
+ The supplied relative_url may include the query string (i.e., the '?'
+ character and everything following).
+ Args:
+ relative_url: Relative URL being accessed in a request.
+ split_url: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (dispatcher, matched_path, requires_login, admin_only), which are
+ the corresponding values passed to AddURL when the matching URL pattern
+ was added to this matcher. The matched_path will have back-references
+ replaced using values matched by the URL pattern. If no match was found,
+ dispatcher will be None.
+ """
+ adjusted_url, unused_query_string = split_url(relative_url)
+ for url_tuple in self._url_patterns:
+ url_re, dispatcher, path, requires_login, admin_only = url_tuple
+ the_match = url_re.match(adjusted_url)
+ if the_match:
+ adjusted_path = the_match.expand(path)
+ return dispatcher, adjusted_path, requires_login, admin_only
+ return None, None, None, None
+ def GetDispatchers(self):
+ """Retrieves the URLDispatcher objects that could be matched.
+ Should only be used in tests.
+ Returns:
+ A set of URLDispatcher objects.
+ """
+ return set([url_tuple[1] for url_tuple in self._url_patterns])
+class MatcherDispatcher(URLDispatcher):
+ """Dispatcher across multiple URLMatcher instances."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ login_url,
+ url_matchers,
+ get_user_info=dev_appserver_login.GetUserInfo,
+ login_redirect=dev_appserver_login.LoginRedirect):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ login_url: Relative URL which should be used for handling user logins.
+ url_matchers: Sequence of URLMatcher objects.
+ get_user_info: Used for dependency injection.
+ login_redirect: Used for dependency injection.
+ """
+ self._login_url = login_url
+ self._url_matchers = tuple(url_matchers)
+ self._get_user_info = get_user_info
+ self._login_redirect = login_redirect
+ def Dispatch(self,
+ relative_url,
+ path,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=None):
+ """Dispatches a request to the first matching dispatcher.
+ Matchers are checked in the order they were supplied to the constructor.
+ If no matcher matches, a 404 error will be written to the outfile. The
+ path variable supplied to this method is ignored.
+ """
+ cookies = ', '.join(headers.getheaders('cookie'))
+ email_addr, admin, user_id = self._get_user_info(cookies)
+ for matcher in self._url_matchers:
+ dispatcher, matched_path, requires_login, admin_only = matcher.Match(
+ relative_url)
+ if dispatcher is None:
+ continue
+ logging.debug('Matched "%s" to %s with path %s',
+ relative_url, dispatcher, matched_path)
+ if (requires_login or admin_only) and not email_addr:
+ logging.debug('Login required, redirecting user')
+ self._login_redirect(self._login_url,
+ base_env_dict['SERVER_NAME'],
+ base_env_dict['SERVER_PORT'],
+ relative_url,
+ outfile)
+ elif admin_only and not admin:
+ outfile.write('Status: %d Not authorized\r\n'
+ '\r\n'
+ 'Current logged in user %s is not '
+ 'authorized to view this page.'
+ % (httplib.FORBIDDEN, email_addr))
+ else:
+ forward = dispatcher.Dispatch(relative_url,
+ matched_path,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=base_env_dict)
+ if forward:
+ new_path, new_headers, new_input = forward
+'Internal redirection to %s', new_path)
+ new_outfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ self.Dispatch(new_path,
+ None,
+ new_headers,
+ new_input,
+ new_outfile,
+ dict(base_env_dict))
+ dispatcher.EndRedirect(new_outfile, outfile)
+ return
+ outfile.write('Status: %d URL did not match\r\n'
+ '\r\n'
+ 'Not found error: %s did not match any patterns '
+ 'in application configuration.'
+ % (httplib.NOT_FOUND, relative_url))
+class ApplicationLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):
+ """Python Logging handler that displays the debugging console to users."""
+ _COOKIE_NAME = '_ah_severity'
+ _HEADER = None
+ _SCRIPT = None
+ _MIDDLE = None
+ _FOOTER = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def InitializeTemplates(header, script, middle, footer):
+ """Initializes the templates used to render the debugging console.
+ This method must be called before any ApplicationLoggingHandler instances
+ are created.
+ Args:
+ header: The header template that is printed first.
+ script: The script template that is printed after the logging messages.
+ middle: The middle element that's printed before the footer.
+ footer; The last element that's printed at the end of the document.
+ """
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler._HEADER = header
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler._SCRIPT = script
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler._MIDDLE = middle
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler._FOOTER = footer
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler._TEMPLATES_INITIALIZED = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def AreTemplatesInitialized():
+ """Returns True if InitializeTemplates has been called, False otherwise."""
+ return ApplicationLoggingHandler._TEMPLATES_INITIALIZED
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ args, kwargs: See logging.Handler.
+ Raises:
+ TemplatesNotLoadedError exception if the InitializeTemplates method was
+ not called before creating this instance.
+ """
+ raise TemplatesNotLoadedError
+ logging.Handler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._record_list = []
+ self._start_time = time.time()
+ def emit(self, record):
+ """Called by the logging module each time the application logs a message.
+ Args:
+ record: logging.LogRecord instance corresponding to the newly logged
+ message.
+ """
+ self._record_list.append(record)
+ def AddDebuggingConsole(self, relative_url, env, outfile):
+ """Prints an HTML debugging console to an output stream, if requested.
+ Args:
+ relative_url: Relative URL that was accessed, including the query string.
+ Used to determine if the parameter 'debug' was supplied, in which case
+ the console will be shown.
+ env: Dictionary containing CGI environment variables. Checks for the
+ HTTP_COOKIE entry to see if the accessing user has any logging-related
+ cookies set.
+ outfile: Output stream to which the console should be written if either
+ a debug parameter was supplied or a logging cookie is present.
+ """
+ unused_script_name, query_string = SplitURL(relative_url)
+ param_dict = cgi.parse_qs(query_string, True)
+ cookie_dict = Cookie.SimpleCookie(env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
+ if 'debug' not in param_dict and self._COOKIE_NAME not in cookie_dict:
+ return
+ outfile.write(self._HEADER)
+ for record in self._record_list:
+ self._PrintRecord(record, outfile)
+ outfile.write(self._MIDDLE)
+ outfile.write(self._SCRIPT)
+ outfile.write(self._FOOTER)
+ def _PrintRecord(self, record, outfile):
+ """Prints a single logging record to an output stream.
+ Args:
+ record: logging.LogRecord instance to print.
+ outfile: Output stream to which the LogRecord should be printed.
+ """
+ message = cgi.escape(record.getMessage())
+ level_name = logging.getLevelName(record.levelno).lower()
+ level_letter = level_name[:1].upper()
+ time_diff = record.created - self._start_time
+ outfile.write('<span class="_ah_logline_%s">\n' % level_name)
+ outfile.write('<span class="_ah_logline_%s_prefix">%2.5f %s &gt;</span>\n'
+ % (level_name, time_diff, level_letter))
+ outfile.write('%s\n' % message)
+ outfile.write('</span>\n')
+_IGNORE_REQUEST_HEADERS = frozenset(['content-type', 'content-length',
+ 'accept-encoding', 'transfer-encoding'])
+def SetupEnvironment(cgi_path,
+ relative_url,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ split_url=SplitURL,
+ get_user_info=dev_appserver_login.GetUserInfo):
+ """Sets up environment variables for a CGI.
+ Args:
+ cgi_path: Full file-system path to the CGI being executed.
+ relative_url: Relative URL used to access the CGI.
+ headers: Instance of mimetools.Message containing request headers.
+ infile: File-like object with input data from the request.
+ split_url, get_user_info: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Dictionary containing CGI environment variables.
+ """
+ env = DEFAULT_ENV.copy()
+ script_name, query_string = split_url(relative_url)
+ env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = ''
+ env['QUERY_STRING'] = query_string
+ env['PATH_INFO'] = urllib.unquote(script_name)
+ env['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = cgi_path
+ env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = headers.getheader('content-type',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
+ env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = headers.getheader('content-length', '')
+ cookies = ', '.join(headers.getheaders('cookie'))
+ email_addr, admin, user_id = get_user_info(cookies)
+ env['USER_EMAIL'] = email_addr
+ env['USER_ID'] = user_id
+ if admin:
+ env['USER_IS_ADMIN'] = '1'
+ for key in headers:
+ continue
+ adjusted_name = key.replace('-', '_').upper()
+ env['HTTP_' + adjusted_name] = ', '.join(headers.getheaders(key))
+ if PAYLOAD_HEADER in env:
+ new_data = base64.standard_b64decode(infile.getvalue())
+ infile.truncate()
+ infile.write(new_data)
+ env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = str(len(new_data))
+ return env
+def NotImplementedFake(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Fake for methods/functions that are not implemented in the production
+ environment.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError('This class/method is not available.')
+class NotImplementedFakeClass(object):
+ """Fake class for classes that are not implemented in the production env.
+ """
+ __init__ = NotImplementedFake
+def IsEncodingsModule(module_name):
+ """Determines if the supplied module is related to encodings in any way.
+ Encodings-related modules cannot be reloaded, so they need to be treated
+ specially when sys.modules is modified in any way.
+ Args:
+ module_name: Absolute name of the module regardless of how it is imported
+ into the local namespace (e.g.,
+ Returns:
+ True if it's an encodings-related module; False otherwise.
+ """
+ if (module_name in ('codecs', 'encodings') or
+ module_name.startswith('encodings.')):
+ return True
+ return False
+def ClearAllButEncodingsModules(module_dict):
+ """Clear all modules in a module dictionary except for those modules that
+ are in any way related to encodings.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Dictionary in the form used by sys.modules.
+ """
+ for module_name in module_dict.keys():
+ if not IsEncodingsModule(module_name):
+ del module_dict[module_name]
+def FakeURandom(n):
+ """Fake version of os.urandom."""
+ bytes = ''
+ for _ in range(n):
+ bytes += chr(random.randint(0, 255))
+ return bytes
+def FakeUname():
+ """Fake version of os.uname."""
+ return ('Linux', '', '', '', '')
+def FakeUnlink(path):
+ """Fake version of os.unlink."""
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Is a directory", path)
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Operation not permitted", path)
+def FakeReadlink(path):
+ """Fake version of os.readlink."""
+ raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid argument", path)
+def FakeAccess(path, mode):
+ """Fake version of os.access where only reads are supported."""
+ if not os.path.exists(path) or mode != os.R_OK:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def FakeSetLocale(category, value=None, original_setlocale=locale.setlocale):
+ """Fake version of locale.setlocale that only supports the default."""
+ if value not in (None, '', 'C', 'POSIX'):
+ raise locale.Error('locale emulation only supports "C" locale')
+ return original_setlocale(category, 'C')
+def FakeOpen(filename, flags, mode=0777):
+ """Fake version of"""
+ raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Operation not permitted", filename)
+def FakeRename(src, dst):
+ """Fake version of os.rename."""
+ raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Operation not permitted", src)
+def FakeUTime(path, times):
+ """Fake version of os.utime."""
+ raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "Operation not permitted", path)
+def FakeGetPlatform():
+ """Fake distutils.util.get_platform on OS/X. Pass-through otherwise."""
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ return 'macosx-'
+ else:
+ return distutils.util.get_platform()
+def IsPathInSubdirectories(filename,
+ subdirectories,
+ normcase=os.path.normcase):
+ """Determines if a filename is contained within one of a set of directories.
+ Args:
+ filename: Path of the file (relative or absolute).
+ subdirectories: Iterable collection of paths to subdirectories which the
+ given filename may be under.
+ normcase: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ True if the supplied filename is in one of the given sub-directories or
+ its hierarchy of children. False otherwise.
+ """
+ file_dir = normcase(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)))
+ for parent in subdirectories:
+ fixed_parent = normcase(os.path.abspath(parent))
+ if os.path.commonprefix([file_dir, fixed_parent]) == fixed_parent:
+ return True
+ return False
+ 'google',
+ 'logging',
+ 'sys',
+ 'warnings',
+ 're',
+ 'sre_compile',
+ 'sre_constants',
+ 'sre_parse',
+ 'wsgiref',
+ 'google.appengine.ext',
+def ModuleNameHasPrefix(module_name, prefix_set):
+ """Determines if a module's name belongs to a set of prefix strings.
+ Args:
+ module_name: String containing the fully qualified module name.
+ prefix_set: Iterable set of module name prefixes to check against.
+ Returns:
+ True if the module_name belongs to the prefix set or is a submodule of
+ any of the modules specified in the prefix_set. Otherwise False.
+ """
+ for prefix in prefix_set:
+ if prefix == module_name:
+ return True
+ if module_name.startswith(prefix + '.'):
+ return True
+ return False
+def SetupSharedModules(module_dict):
+ """Creates a module dictionary for the hardened part of the process.
+ Module dictionary will contain modules that should be shared between the
+ hardened and unhardened parts of the process.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Module dictionary from which existing modules should be
+ pulled (usually sys.modules).
+ Returns:
+ A new module dictionary.
+ """
+ output_dict = {}
+ for module_name, module in module_dict.iteritems():
+ if module is None:
+ continue
+ if IsEncodingsModule(module_name):
+ output_dict[module_name] = module
+ continue
+ shared_prefix = ModuleNameHasPrefix(module_name, SHARED_MODULE_PREFIXES)
+ banned_prefix = ModuleNameHasPrefix(module_name, NOT_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIXES)
+ if shared_prefix and not banned_prefix:
+ output_dict[module_name] = module
+ return output_dict
+def GeneratePythonPaths(*p):
+ """Generate all valid filenames for the given file.
+ Args:
+ p: Positional args are the folders to the file and finally the file
+ without a suffix.
+ Returns:
+ A list of strings representing the given path to a file with each valid
+ suffix for this python build.
+ """
+ suffixes = imp.get_suffixes()
+ return [os.path.join(*p) + s for s, m, t in suffixes]
+class FakeFile(file):
+ """File sub-class that enforces the security restrictions of the production
+ environment.
+ """
+ ALLOWED_MODES = frozenset(['r', 'rb', 'U', 'rU'])
+ ALLOWED_FILES = set(os.path.normcase(filename)
+ for filename in mimetypes.knownfiles
+ if os.path.isfile(filename))
+ ALLOWED_DIRS = set([
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))),
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))),
+ ])
+ ])
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SITE_PACKAGES, path)))
+ for path in [
+ ])
+ os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.__file__), 'site-packages', path)))
+ for path in itertools.chain(*[
+ [os.path.join('Crypto')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', '__init__'),
+ [os.path.join('Crypto', 'Cipher')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', '__init__'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'AES'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'ARC2'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'ARC4'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'Blowfish'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'CAST'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'DES'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'DES3'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Cipher', 'XOR'),
+ [os.path.join('Crypto', 'Hash')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Hash', '__init__'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Hash', 'HMAC'),
+ os.path.join('Crypto', 'Hash', 'MD2'),
+ os.path.join('Crypto', 'Hash', 'MD4'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Hash', 'MD5'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Hash', 'SHA'),
+ os.path.join('Crypto', 'Hash', 'SHA256'),
+ os.path.join('Crypto', 'Hash', 'RIPEMD'),
+ [os.path.join('Crypto', 'Protocol')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Protocol', '__init__'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Protocol', 'AllOrNothing'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Protocol', 'Chaffing'),
+ [os.path.join('Crypto', 'PublicKey')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', '__init__'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', 'DSA'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', 'ElGamal'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', 'RSA'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', 'pubkey'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'PublicKey', 'qNEW'),
+ [os.path.join('Crypto', 'Util')],
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Util', '__init__'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Util', 'RFC1751'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Util', 'number'),
+ GeneratePythonPaths('Crypto', 'Util', 'randpool'),
+ ]))
+ _original_file = file
+ _root_path = None
+ _application_paths = None
+ _skip_files = None
+ _static_file_config_matcher = None
+ _allow_skipped_files = True
+ _availability_cache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetAllowedPaths(root_path, application_paths):
+ """Configures which paths are allowed to be accessed.
+ Must be called at least once before any file objects are created in the
+ hardened environment.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Absolute path to the root of the application.
+ application_paths: List of additional paths that the application may
+ access, this must include the App Engine runtime but
+ not the Python library directories.
+ """
+ FakeFile._application_paths = (set(os.path.realpath(path)
+ for path in application_paths) |
+ set(os.path.abspath(path)
+ for path in application_paths))
+ FakeFile._application_paths.add(root_path)
+ FakeFile._root_path = os.path.join(root_path, '')
+ FakeFile._availability_cache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetAllowSkippedFiles(allow_skipped_files):
+ """Configures access to files matching FakeFile._skip_files.
+ Args:
+ allow_skipped_files: Boolean whether to allow access to skipped files
+ """
+ FakeFile._allow_skipped_files = allow_skipped_files
+ FakeFile._availability_cache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetAllowedModule(name):
+ """Allow the use of a module based on where it is located.
+ Meant to be used by use_library() so that it has a link back into the
+ trusted part of the interpreter.
+ Args:
+ name: Name of the module to allow.
+ """
+ stream, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name)
+ pathname = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(pathname))
+ if stream:
+ stream.close()
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_FILES.add(pathname)
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_FILES.add(os.path.realpath(pathname))
+ else:
+ assert description[2] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY
+ if pathname.startswith(SITE_PACKAGES):
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_SITE_PACKAGE_DIRS.add(pathname)
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_SITE_PACKAGE_DIRS.add(os.path.realpath(pathname))
+ else:
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_DIRS.add(pathname)
+ FakeFile.ALLOWED_DIRS.add(os.path.realpath(pathname))
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetSkippedFiles(skip_files):
+ """Sets which files in the application directory are to be ignored.
+ Must be called at least once before any file objects are created in the
+ hardened environment.
+ Must be called whenever the configuration was updated.
+ Args:
+ skip_files: Object with .match() method (e.g. compiled regexp).
+ """
+ FakeFile._skip_files = skip_files
+ FakeFile._availability_cache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetStaticFileConfigMatcher(static_file_config_matcher):
+ """Sets StaticFileConfigMatcher instance for checking if a file is static.
+ Must be called at least once before any file objects are created in the
+ hardened environment.
+ Must be called whenever the configuration was updated.
+ Args:
+ static_file_config_matcher: StaticFileConfigMatcher instance.
+ """
+ FakeFile._static_file_config_matcher = static_file_config_matcher
+ FakeFile._availability_cache = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def IsFileAccessible(filename, normcase=os.path.normcase):
+ """Determines if a file's path is accessible.
+ SetAllowedPaths(), SetSkippedFiles() and SetStaticFileConfigMatcher() must
+ be called before this method or else all file accesses will raise an error.
+ Args:
+ filename: Path of the file to check (relative or absolute). May be a
+ directory, in which case access for files inside that directory will
+ be checked.
+ normcase: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ True if the file is accessible, False otherwise.
+ """
+ logical_filename = normcase(os.path.abspath(filename))
+ result = FakeFile._availability_cache.get(logical_filename)
+ if result is None:
+ result = FakeFile._IsFileAccessibleNoCache(logical_filename,
+ normcase=normcase)
+ FakeFile._availability_cache[logical_filename] = result
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def _IsFileAccessibleNoCache(logical_filename, normcase=os.path.normcase):
+ """Determines if a file's path is accessible.
+ This is an internal part of the IsFileAccessible implementation.
+ Args:
+ logical_filename: Absolute path of the file to check.
+ normcase: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ True if the file is accessible, False otherwise.
+ """
+ logical_dirfakefile = logical_filename
+ if os.path.isdir(logical_filename):
+ logical_dirfakefile = os.path.join(logical_filename, 'foo')
+ if IsPathInSubdirectories(logical_dirfakefile, [FakeFile._root_path],
+ normcase=normcase):
+ relative_filename = logical_dirfakefile[len(FakeFile._root_path):]
+ if (not FakeFile._allow_skipped_files and
+ FakeFile._skip_files.match(relative_filename)):
+ logging.warning('Blocking access to skipped file "%s"',
+ logical_filename)
+ return False
+ if FakeFile._static_file_config_matcher.IsStaticFile(relative_filename):
+ logging.warning('Blocking access to static file "%s"',
+ logical_filename)
+ return False
+ if logical_filename in FakeFile.ALLOWED_FILES:
+ return True
+ if logical_filename in FakeFile.ALLOWED_SITE_PACKAGE_FILES:
+ return True
+ if IsPathInSubdirectories(logical_dirfakefile,
+ normcase=normcase):
+ return True
+ allowed_dirs = FakeFile._application_paths | FakeFile.ALLOWED_DIRS
+ if (IsPathInSubdirectories(logical_dirfakefile,
+ allowed_dirs,
+ normcase=normcase) and
+ not IsPathInSubdirectories(logical_dirfakefile,
+ normcase=normcase)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', bufsize=-1, **kwargs):
+ """Initializer. See file built-in documentation."""
+ if mode not in FakeFile.ALLOWED_MODES:
+ raise IOError('invalid mode: %s' % mode)
+ if not FakeFile.IsFileAccessible(filename):
+ raise IOError(errno.EACCES, 'file not accessible', filename)
+ super(FakeFile, self).__init__(filename, mode, bufsize, **kwargs)
+from google.appengine.dist import _library
+_library.SetAllowedModule = FakeFile.SetAllowedModule
+class RestrictedPathFunction(object):
+ """Enforces access restrictions for functions that have a file or
+ directory path as their first argument."""
+ _original_os = os
+ def __init__(self, original_func):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ original_func: Callable that takes as its first argument the path to a
+ file or directory on disk; all subsequent arguments may be variable.
+ """
+ self._original_func = original_func
+ def __call__(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Enforces access permissions for the function passed to the constructor.
+ """
+ if not FakeFile.IsFileAccessible(path):
+ raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'path not accessible', path)
+ return self._original_func(path, *args, **kwargs)
+def GetSubmoduleName(fullname):
+ """Determines the leaf submodule name of a full module name.
+ Args:
+ fullname: Fully qualified module name, e.g. ''
+ Returns:
+ Submodule name, e.g. 'baz'. If the supplied module has no submodule (e.g.,
+ 'stuff'), the returned value will just be that module name ('stuff').
+ """
+ return fullname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+class CouldNotFindModuleError(ImportError):
+ """Raised when a module could not be found.
+ In contrast to when a module has been found, but cannot be loaded because of
+ hardening restrictions.
+ """
+def Trace(func):
+ """Call stack logging decorator for HardenedModulesHook class.
+ This decorator logs the call stack of the HardenedModulesHook class as
+ it executes, indenting logging messages based on the current stack depth.
+ Args:
+ func: the function to decorate.
+ Returns:
+ The decorated function.
+ """
+ def Decorate(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ args_to_show = []
+ if args is not None:
+ args_to_show.extend(str(argument) for argument in args)
+ if kwargs is not None:
+ args_to_show.extend('%s=%s' % (key, value)
+ for key, value in kwargs.iteritems())
+ args_string = ', '.join(args_to_show)
+ self.log('Entering %s(%s)', func.func_name, args_string)
+ self._indent_level += 1
+ try:
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ self._indent_level -= 1
+ self.log('Exiting %s(%s)', func.func_name, args_string)
+ return Decorate
+class HardenedModulesHook(object):
+ """Meta import hook that restricts the modules used by applications to match
+ the production environment.
+ Module controls supported:
+ - Disallow native/extension modules from being loaded
+ - Disallow built-in and/or Python-distributed modules from being loaded
+ - Replace modules with completely empty modules
+ - Override specific module attributes
+ - Replace one module with another
+ After creation, this object should be added to the front of the sys.meta_path
+ list (which may need to be created). The sys.path_importer_cache dictionary
+ should also be cleared, to prevent loading any non-restricted modules.
+ See PEP302 for more info on how this works:
+ """
+ def log(self, message, *args):
+ """Logs an import-related message to stderr, with indentation based on
+ current call-stack depth.
+ Args:
+ message: Logging format string.
+ args: Positional format parameters for the logging message.
+ """
+ if HardenedModulesHook.ENABLE_LOGGING:
+ indent = self._indent_level * ' '
+ print >>sys.stderr, indent + (message % args)
+ 'AES',
+ 'ARC2',
+ 'ARC4',
+ 'Blowfish',
+ 'CAST',
+ 'DES',
+ 'DES3',
+ 'MD2',
+ 'MD4',
+ 'SHA256',
+ 'XOR',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__AES',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__ARC2',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__ARC4',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__Blowfish',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__CAST',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__DES',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__DES3',
+ '_Crypto_Cipher__XOR',
+ '_Crypto_Hash__MD2',
+ '_Crypto_Hash__MD4',
+ '_Crypto_Hash__RIPEMD',
+ '_Crypto_Hash__SHA256',
+ 'array',
+ 'binascii',
+ 'bz2',
+ 'cmath',
+ 'collections',
+ 'crypt',
+ 'cStringIO',
+ 'datetime',
+ 'errno',
+ 'exceptions',
+ 'gc',
+ 'itertools',
+ 'math',
+ 'md5',
+ 'operator',
+ 'posix',
+ 'posixpath',
+ 'pyexpat',
+ 'sha',
+ 'struct',
+ 'sys',
+ 'time',
+ 'timing',
+ 'unicodedata',
+ 'zlib',
+ '_ast',
+ '_bisect',
+ '_codecs',
+ '_codecs_cn',
+ '_codecs_hk',
+ '_codecs_iso2022',
+ '_codecs_jp',
+ '_codecs_kr',
+ '_codecs_tw',
+ '_collections',
+ '_csv',
+ '_elementtree',
+ '_functools',
+ '_hashlib',
+ '_heapq',
+ '_locale',
+ '_lsprof',
+ '_md5',
+ '_multibytecodec',
+ '_random',
+ '_sha',
+ '_sha256',
+ '_sha512',
+ '_sre',
+ '_struct',
+ '_types',
+ '_weakref',
+ '__main__',
+ ]
+ 'block_size',
+ 'key_size',
+ 'new',
+ ]
+ 'Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish': __CRYPTO_CIPHER_ALLOWED_MODULES,
+ 'gc': [
+ 'enable',
+ 'disable',
+ 'isenabled',
+ 'collect',
+ 'get_debug',
+ 'set_threshold',
+ 'get_threshold',
+ 'get_count'
+ ],
+ 'os': [
+ 'access',
+ 'altsep',
+ 'curdir',
+ 'defpath',
+ 'devnull',
+ 'environ',
+ 'error',
+ 'extsep',
+ 'EX_OK',
+ 'F_OK',
+ 'getcwd',
+ 'getcwdu',
+ 'getenv',
+ 'listdir',
+ 'lstat',
+ 'name',
+ 'O_CREAT',
+ 'O_DSYNC',
+ 'O_EXCL',
+ 'O_RDWR',
+ 'O_RSYNC',
+ 'O_SYNC',
+ 'O_TRUNC',
+ 'open',
+ 'pardir',
+ 'path',
+ 'pathsep',
+ 'R_OK',
+ 'readlink',
+ 'remove',
+ 'rename',
+ 'sep',
+ 'stat',
+ 'stat_float_times',
+ 'stat_result',
+ 'strerror',
+ 'TMP_MAX',
+ 'unlink',
+ 'urandom',
+ 'utime',
+ 'walk',
+ 'W_OK',
+ 'X_OK',
+ ],
+ }
+ 'locale': {
+ 'setlocale': FakeSetLocale,
+ },
+ 'os': {
+ 'access': FakeAccess,
+ 'listdir': RestrictedPathFunction(os.listdir),
+ 'lstat': RestrictedPathFunction(os.stat),
+ 'open': FakeOpen,
+ 'readlink': FakeReadlink,
+ 'remove': FakeUnlink,
+ 'rename': FakeRename,
+ 'stat': RestrictedPathFunction(os.stat),
+ 'uname': FakeUname,
+ 'unlink': FakeUnlink,
+ 'urandom': FakeURandom,
+ 'utime': FakeUTime,
+ },
+ 'distutils.util': {
+ 'get_platform': FakeGetPlatform,
+ },
+ }
+ imp.PY_SOURCE,
+ imp.C_BUILTIN,
+ )
+ def __init__(self,
+ module_dict,
+ imp_module=imp,
+ os_module=os,
+ dummy_thread_module=dummy_thread,
+ pickle_module=pickle):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Module dictionary to use for managing system modules.
+ Should be sys.modules.
+ imp_module, os_module, dummy_thread_module, pickle_module: References to
+ modules that exist in the dev_appserver that must be used by this class
+ in order to function, even if these modules have been unloaded from
+ sys.modules.
+ """
+ self._module_dict = module_dict
+ self._imp = imp_module
+ self._os = os_module
+ self._dummy_thread = dummy_thread_module
+ self._pickle = pickle
+ self._indent_level = 0
+ @Trace
+ def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
+ """See PEP 302."""
+ if fullname in ('cPickle', 'thread'):
+ return self
+ search_path = path
+ all_modules = fullname.split('.')
+ try:
+ for index, current_module in enumerate(all_modules):
+ current_module_fullname = '.'.join(all_modules[:index + 1])
+ if (current_module_fullname == fullname and not
+ self.StubModuleExists(fullname)):
+ self.FindModuleRestricted(current_module,
+ current_module_fullname,
+ search_path)
+ else:
+ if current_module_fullname in self._module_dict:
+ module = self._module_dict[current_module_fullname]
+ else:
+ module = self.FindAndLoadModule(current_module,
+ current_module_fullname,
+ search_path)
+ if hasattr(module, '__path__'):
+ search_path = module.__path__
+ except CouldNotFindModuleError:
+ return None
+ return self
+ def StubModuleExists(self, name):
+ """Check if the named module has a stub replacement."""
+ if name in sys.builtin_module_names:
+ name = 'py_%s' % name
+ if name in dist.__all__:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def ImportStubModule(self, name):
+ """Import the stub module replacement for the specified module."""
+ if name in sys.builtin_module_names:
+ name = 'py_%s' % name
+ module = __import__(dist.__name__, {}, {}, [name])
+ return getattr(module, name)
+ @Trace
+ def FixModule(self, module):
+ """Prunes and overrides restricted module attributes.
+ Args:
+ module: The module to prune. This should be a new module whose attributes
+ reference back to the real module's __dict__ members.
+ """
+ if module.__name__ in self._WHITE_LIST_PARTIAL_MODULES:
+ allowed_symbols = self._WHITE_LIST_PARTIAL_MODULES[module.__name__]
+ for symbol in set(module.__dict__) - set(allowed_symbols):
+ if not (symbol.startswith('__') and symbol.endswith('__')):
+ del module.__dict__[symbol]
+ if module.__name__ in self._MODULE_OVERRIDES:
+ module.__dict__.update(self._MODULE_OVERRIDES[module.__name__])
+ @Trace
+ def FindModuleRestricted(self,
+ submodule,
+ submodule_fullname,
+ search_path):
+ """Locates a module while enforcing module import restrictions.
+ Args:
+ submodule: The short name of the submodule (i.e., the last section of
+ the fullname; for '' this would be 'bar').
+ submodule_fullname: The fully qualified name of the module to find (e.g.,
+ '').
+ search_path: List of paths to search for to find this module. Should be
+ None if the current sys.path should be used.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (source_file, pathname, description) where:
+ source_file: File-like object that contains the module; in the case
+ of packages, this will be None, which implies to look at
+ pathname: String containing the full path of the module on disk.
+ description: Tuple returned by imp.find_module().
+ However, in the case of an import using a path hook (e.g. a zipfile),
+ source_file will be a PEP-302-style loader object, pathname will be None,
+ and description will be a tuple filled with None values.
+ Raises:
+ ImportError exception if the requested module was found, but importing
+ it is disallowed.
+ CouldNotFindModuleError exception if the request module could not even
+ be found for import.
+ """
+ if search_path is None:
+ search_path = [None] + sys.path
+ for path_entry in search_path:
+ result = self.FindPathHook(submodule, submodule_fullname, path_entry)
+ if result is not None:
+ source_file, pathname, description = result
+ if description == (None, None, None):
+ return result
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.log('Could not find module "%s"', submodule_fullname)
+ raise CouldNotFindModuleError()
+ suffix, mode, file_type = description
+ if (file_type not in (self._imp.C_BUILTIN, self._imp.C_EXTENSION) and
+ not FakeFile.IsFileAccessible(pathname)):
+ error_message = 'Access to module file denied: %s' % pathname
+ logging.debug(error_message)
+ raise ImportError(error_message)
+ if (file_type not in self._ENABLED_FILE_TYPES and
+ submodule not in self._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES):
+ error_message = ('Could not import "%s": Disallowed C-extension '
+ 'or built-in module' % submodule_fullname)
+ logging.debug(error_message)
+ raise ImportError(error_message)
+ return source_file, pathname, description
+ def FindPathHook(self, submodule, submodule_fullname, path_entry):
+ """Helper for FindModuleRestricted to find a module in a sys.path entry.
+ Args:
+ submodule:
+ submodule_fullname:
+ path_entry: A single sys.path entry, or None representing the builtins.
+ Returns:
+ Either None (if nothing was found), or a triple (source_file, path_name,
+ description). See the doc string for FindModuleRestricted() for the
+ meaning of the latter.
+ """
+ if path_entry is None:
+ if submodule_fullname in sys.builtin_module_names:
+ try:
+ result = self._imp.find_module(submodule)
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ source_file, pathname, description = result
+ suffix, mode, file_type = description
+ if file_type == self._imp.C_BUILTIN:
+ return result
+ return None
+ if path_entry in sys.path_importer_cache:
+ importer = sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry]
+ else:
+ importer = None
+ for hook in sys.path_hooks:
+ try:
+ importer = hook(path_entry)
+ break
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ sys.path_importer_cache[path_entry] = importer
+ if importer is None:
+ try:
+ return self._imp.find_module(submodule, [path_entry])
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ loader = importer.find_module(submodule)
+ if loader is not None:
+ return (loader, None, (None, None, None))
+ return None
+ @Trace
+ def LoadModuleRestricted(self,
+ submodule_fullname,
+ source_file,
+ pathname,
+ description):
+ """Loads a module while enforcing module import restrictions.
+ As a byproduct, the new module will be added to the module dictionary.
+ Args:
+ submodule_fullname: The fully qualified name of the module to find (e.g.,
+ '').
+ source_file: File-like object that contains the module's source code,
+ or a PEP-302-style loader object.
+ pathname: String containing the full path of the module on disk.
+ description: Tuple returned by imp.find_module(), or (None, None, None)
+ in case source_file is a PEP-302-style loader object.
+ Returns:
+ The new module.
+ Raises:
+ ImportError exception of the specified module could not be loaded for
+ whatever reason.
+ """
+ if description == (None, None, None):
+ return source_file.load_module(submodule_fullname)
+ try:
+ try:
+ return self._imp.load_module(submodule_fullname,
+ source_file,
+ pathname,
+ description)
+ except:
+ if submodule_fullname in self._module_dict:
+ del self._module_dict[submodule_fullname]
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if source_file is not None:
+ source_file.close()
+ @Trace
+ def FindAndLoadModule(self,
+ submodule,
+ submodule_fullname,
+ search_path):
+ """Finds and loads a module, loads it, and adds it to the module dictionary.
+ Args:
+ submodule: Name of the module to import (e.g., baz).
+ submodule_fullname: Full name of the module to import (e.g.,
+ search_path: Path to use for searching for this submodule. For top-level
+ modules this should be None; otherwise it should be the __path__
+ attribute from the parent package.
+ Returns:
+ A new module instance that has been inserted into the module dictionary
+ supplied to __init__.
+ Raises:
+ ImportError exception if the module could not be loaded for whatever
+ reason (e.g., missing, not allowed).
+ """
+ module = self._imp.new_module(submodule_fullname)
+ if submodule_fullname == 'thread':
+ module.__dict__.update(self._dummy_thread.__dict__)
+ module.__name__ = 'thread'
+ elif submodule_fullname == 'cPickle':
+ module.__dict__.update(self._pickle.__dict__)
+ module.__name__ = 'cPickle'
+ elif submodule_fullname == 'os':
+ module.__dict__.update(self._os.__dict__)
+ elif self.StubModuleExists(submodule_fullname):
+ module = self.ImportStubModule(submodule_fullname)
+ else:
+ source_file, pathname, description = self.FindModuleRestricted(submodule, submodule_fullname, search_path)
+ module = self.LoadModuleRestricted(submodule_fullname,
+ source_file,
+ pathname,
+ description)
+ module.__loader__ = self
+ self.FixModule(module)
+ if submodule_fullname not in self._module_dict:
+ self._module_dict[submodule_fullname] = module
+ if submodule_fullname == 'os':
+ os_path_name = module.path.__name__
+ os_path = self.FindAndLoadModule(os_path_name, os_path_name, search_path)
+ self._module_dict['os.path'] = os_path
+ module.__dict__['path'] = os_path
+ return module
+ @Trace
+ def GetParentPackage(self, fullname):
+ """Retrieves the parent package of a fully qualified module name.
+ Args:
+ fullname: Full name of the module whose parent should be retrieved (e.g.,
+ Returns:
+ Module instance for the parent or None if there is no parent module.
+ Raise:
+ ImportError exception if the module's parent could not be found.
+ """
+ all_modules = fullname.split('.')
+ parent_module_fullname = '.'.join(all_modules[:-1])
+ if parent_module_fullname:
+ if self.find_module(fullname) is None:
+ raise ImportError('Could not find module %s' % fullname)
+ return self._module_dict[parent_module_fullname]
+ return None
+ @Trace
+ def GetParentSearchPath(self, fullname):
+ """Determines the search path of a module's parent package.
+ Args:
+ fullname: Full name of the module to look up (e.g.,
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (submodule, search_path) where:
+ submodule: The last portion of the module name from fullname (e.g.,
+ if fullname is, then this is bar).
+ search_path: List of paths that belong to the parent package's search
+ path or None if there is no parent package.
+ Raises:
+ ImportError exception if the module or its parent could not be found.
+ """
+ submodule = GetSubmoduleName(fullname)
+ parent_package = self.GetParentPackage(fullname)
+ search_path = None
+ if parent_package is not None and hasattr(parent_package, '__path__'):
+ search_path = parent_package.__path__
+ return submodule, search_path
+ @Trace
+ def GetModuleInfo(self, fullname):
+ """Determines the path on disk and the search path of a module or package.
+ Args:
+ fullname: Full name of the module to look up (e.g.,
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (pathname, search_path, submodule) where:
+ pathname: String containing the full path of the module on disk,
+ or None if the module wasn't loaded from disk (e.g. from a zipfile).
+ search_path: List of paths that belong to the found package's search
+ path or None if found module is not a package.
+ submodule: The relative name of the submodule that's being imported.
+ """
+ submodule, search_path = self.GetParentSearchPath(fullname)
+ source_file, pathname, description = self.FindModuleRestricted(submodule, fullname, search_path)
+ suffix, mode, file_type = description
+ module_search_path = None
+ if file_type == self._imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
+ module_search_path = [pathname]
+ pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '__init__%spy' % os.extsep)
+ return pathname, module_search_path, submodule
+ @Trace
+ def load_module(self, fullname):
+ """See PEP 302."""
+ all_modules = fullname.split('.')
+ submodule = all_modules[-1]
+ parent_module_fullname = '.'.join(all_modules[:-1])
+ search_path = None
+ if parent_module_fullname and parent_module_fullname in self._module_dict:
+ parent_module = self._module_dict[parent_module_fullname]
+ if hasattr(parent_module, '__path__'):
+ search_path = parent_module.__path__
+ return self.FindAndLoadModule(submodule, fullname, search_path)
+ @Trace
+ def is_package(self, fullname):
+ """See PEP 302 extensions."""
+ submodule, search_path = self.GetParentSearchPath(fullname)
+ source_file, pathname, description = self.FindModuleRestricted(submodule, fullname, search_path)
+ suffix, mode, file_type = description
+ if file_type == self._imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
+ return True
+ return False
+ @Trace
+ def get_source(self, fullname):
+ """See PEP 302 extensions."""
+ full_path, search_path, submodule = self.GetModuleInfo(fullname)
+ if full_path is None:
+ return None
+ source_file = open(full_path)
+ try:
+ return
+ finally:
+ source_file.close()
+ @Trace
+ def get_code(self, fullname):
+ """See PEP 302 extensions."""
+ full_path, search_path, submodule = self.GetModuleInfo(fullname)
+ if full_path is None:
+ return None
+ source_file = open(full_path)
+ try:
+ source_code =
+ finally:
+ source_file.close()
+ source_code = source_code.replace('\r\n', '\n')
+ if not source_code.endswith('\n'):
+ source_code += '\n'
+ return compile(source_code, full_path, 'exec')
+def ModuleHasValidMainFunction(module):
+ """Determines if a module has a main function that takes no arguments.
+ This includes functions that have arguments with defaults that are all
+ assigned, thus requiring no additional arguments in order to be called.
+ Args:
+ module: A types.ModuleType instance.
+ Returns:
+ True if the module has a valid, reusable main function; False otherwise.
+ """
+ if hasattr(module, 'main') and type(module.main) is types.FunctionType:
+ arg_names, var_args, var_kwargs, default_values = inspect.getargspec(
+ module.main)
+ if len(arg_names) == 0:
+ return True
+ if default_values is not None and len(arg_names) == len(default_values):
+ return True
+ return False
+def GetScriptModuleName(handler_path):
+ """Determines the fully-qualified Python module name of a script on disk.
+ Args:
+ handler_path: CGI path stored in the application configuration (as a path
+ like 'foo/bar/'). May contain $PYTHON_LIB references.
+ Returns:
+ String containing the corresponding module name (e.g., '').
+ """
+ if handler_path.startswith(PYTHON_LIB_VAR + '/'):
+ handler_path = handler_path[len(PYTHON_LIB_VAR):]
+ handler_path = os.path.normpath(handler_path)
+ extension_index = handler_path.rfind('.py')
+ if extension_index != -1:
+ handler_path = handler_path[:extension_index]
+ module_fullname = handler_path.replace(os.sep, '.')
+ module_fullname = module_fullname.strip('.')
+ module_fullname = re.sub('\.+', '.', module_fullname)
+ if module_fullname.endswith('.__init__'):
+ module_fullname = module_fullname[:-len('.__init__')]
+ return module_fullname
+def FindMissingInitFiles(cgi_path, module_fullname, isfile=os.path.isfile):
+ """Determines which files are missing from a module's parent
+ packages.
+ Args:
+ cgi_path: Absolute path of the CGI module file on disk.
+ module_fullname: Fully qualified Python module name used to import the
+ cgi_path module.
+ isfile: Used for testing.
+ Returns:
+ List containing the paths to the missing files.
+ """
+ missing_init_files = []
+ if cgi_path.endswith('.py'):
+ module_base = os.path.dirname(cgi_path)
+ else:
+ module_base = cgi_path
+ depth_count = module_fullname.count('.')
+ if cgi_path.endswith('') or not cgi_path.endswith('.py'):
+ depth_count += 1
+ for index in xrange(depth_count):
+ current_init_file = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(module_base, ''))
+ if not isfile(current_init_file):
+ missing_init_files.append(current_init_file)
+ module_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(module_base, os.pardir))
+ return missing_init_files
+def LoadTargetModule(handler_path,
+ cgi_path,
+ import_hook,
+ module_dict=sys.modules):
+ """Loads a target CGI script by importing it as a Python module.
+ If the module for the target CGI script has already been loaded before,
+ the new module will be loaded in its place using the same module object,
+ possibly overwriting existing module attributes.
+ Args:
+ handler_path: CGI path stored in the application configuration (as a path
+ like 'foo/bar/'). Should not have $PYTHON_LIB references.
+ cgi_path: Absolute path to the CGI script file on disk.
+ import_hook: Instance of HardenedModulesHook to use for module loading.
+ module_dict: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (module_fullname, script_module, module_code) where:
+ module_fullname: Fully qualified module name used to import the script.
+ script_module: The ModuleType object corresponding to the module_fullname.
+ If the module has not already been loaded, this will be an empty
+ shell of a module.
+ module_code: Code object (returned by compile built-in) corresponding
+ to the cgi_path to run. If the script_module was previously loaded
+ and has a main() function that can be reused, this will be None.
+ """
+ module_fullname = GetScriptModuleName(handler_path)
+ script_module = module_dict.get(module_fullname)
+ module_code = None
+ if script_module is not None and ModuleHasValidMainFunction(script_module):
+ logging.debug('Reusing main() function of module "%s"', module_fullname)
+ else:
+ if script_module is None:
+ script_module = imp.new_module(module_fullname)
+ script_module.__loader__ = import_hook
+ try:
+ module_code = import_hook.get_code(module_fullname)
+ full_path, search_path, submodule = (
+ import_hook.GetModuleInfo(module_fullname))
+ script_module.__file__ = full_path
+ if search_path is not None:
+ script_module.__path__ = search_path
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ import_error_message = str(exc_type)
+ if exc_value:
+ import_error_message += ': ' + str(exc_value)
+ logging.exception('Encountered error loading module "%s": %s',
+ module_fullname, import_error_message)
+ missing_inits = FindMissingInitFiles(cgi_path, module_fullname)
+ if missing_inits:
+ logging.warning('Missing package initialization files: %s',
+ ', '.join(missing_inits))
+ else:
+ logging.error('Parent package initialization files are present, '
+ 'but must be broken')
+ independent_load_successful = True
+ if not os.path.isfile(cgi_path):
+ independent_load_successful = False
+ else:
+ try:
+ source_file = open(cgi_path)
+ try:
+ module_code = compile(, cgi_path, 'exec')
+ script_module.__file__ = cgi_path
+ finally:
+ source_file.close()
+ except OSError:
+ independent_load_successful = False
+ if not independent_load_successful:
+ raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb
+ module_dict[module_fullname] = script_module
+ return module_fullname, script_module, module_code
+def ExecuteOrImportScript(handler_path, cgi_path, import_hook):
+ """Executes a CGI script by importing it as a new module.
+ This possibly reuses the module's main() function if it is defined and
+ takes no arguments.
+ Basic technique lifted from PEP 338 and Python2.5's runpy module. See:
+ See the section entitled "Import Statements and the Main Module" to understand
+ why a module named '__main__' cannot do relative imports. To get around this,
+ the requested module's path could be added to sys.path on each request.
+ Args:
+ handler_path: CGI path stored in the application configuration (as a path
+ like 'foo/bar/'). Should not have $PYTHON_LIB references.
+ cgi_path: Absolute path to the CGI script file on disk.
+ import_hook: Instance of HardenedModulesHook to use for module loading.
+ Returns:
+ True if the response code had an error status (e.g., 404), or False if it
+ did not.
+ Raises:
+ Any kind of exception that could have been raised when loading the target
+ module, running a target script, or executing the application code itself.
+ """
+ module_fullname, script_module, module_code = LoadTargetModule(
+ handler_path, cgi_path, import_hook)
+ script_module.__name__ = '__main__'
+ sys.modules['__main__'] = script_module
+ try:
+ if module_code:
+ exec module_code in script_module.__dict__
+ else:
+ script_module.main()
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ try:
+ headers = mimetools.Message(sys.stdout)
+ finally:
+, 2)
+ status_header = headers.get('status')
+ error_response = False
+ if status_header:
+ try:
+ status_code = int(status_header.split(' ', 1)[0])
+ error_response = status_code >= 400
+ except ValueError:
+ error_response = True
+ if not error_response:
+ try:
+ parent_package = import_hook.GetParentPackage(module_fullname)
+ except Exception:
+ parent_package = None
+ if parent_package is not None:
+ submodule = GetSubmoduleName(module_fullname)
+ setattr(parent_package, submodule, script_module)
+ return error_response
+ finally:
+ script_module.__name__ = module_fullname
+def ExecuteCGI(root_path,
+ handler_path,
+ cgi_path,
+ env,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ module_dict,
+ exec_script=ExecuteOrImportScript):
+ """Executes Python file in this process as if it were a CGI.
+ Does not return an HTTP response line. CGIs should output headers followed by
+ the body content.
+ The modules in sys.modules should be the same before and after the CGI is
+ executed, with the specific exception of encodings-related modules, which
+ cannot be reloaded and thus must always stay in sys.modules.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application.
+ handler_path: CGI path stored in the application configuration (as a path
+ like 'foo/bar/'). May contain $PYTHON_LIB references.
+ cgi_path: Absolute path to the CGI script file on disk.
+ env: Dictionary of environment variables to use for the execution.
+ infile: File-like object to read HTTP request input data from.
+ outfile: FIle-like object to write HTTP response data to.
+ module_dict: Dictionary in which application-loaded modules should be
+ preserved between requests. This removes the need to reload modules that
+ are reused between requests, significantly increasing load performance.
+ This dictionary must be separate from the sys.modules dictionary.
+ exec_script: Used for dependency injection.
+ """
+ old_module_dict = sys.modules.copy()
+ old_builtin = __builtin__.__dict__.copy()
+ old_argv = sys.argv
+ old_stdin = sys.stdin
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ old_env = os.environ.copy()
+ old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ old_file_type = types.FileType
+ reset_modules = False
+ try:
+ ClearAllButEncodingsModules(sys.modules)
+ sys.modules.update(module_dict)
+ sys.argv = [cgi_path]
+ sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO(infile.getvalue())
+ sys.stdout = outfile
+ os.environ.clear()
+ os.environ.update(env)
+ before_path = sys.path[:]
+ cgi_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(cgi_path))
+ root_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(root_path))
+ if cgi_dir.startswith(root_path + os.sep):
+ os.chdir(cgi_dir)
+ else:
+ os.chdir(root_path)
+ hook = HardenedModulesHook(sys.modules)
+ sys.meta_path = [hook]
+ if hasattr(sys, 'path_importer_cache'):
+ sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
+ __builtin__.file = FakeFile
+ = FakeFile
+ types.FileType = FakeFile
+ __builtin__.buffer = NotImplementedFakeClass
+ logging.debug('Executing CGI with env:\n%s', pprint.pformat(env))
+ try:
+ reset_modules = exec_script(handler_path, cgi_path, hook)
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ logging.debug('CGI exited with status: %s', e)
+ except:
+ reset_modules = True
+ raise
+ finally:
+ sys.meta_path = []
+ sys.path_importer_cache.clear()
+ _ClearTemplateCache(sys.modules)
+ module_dict.update(sys.modules)
+ ClearAllButEncodingsModules(sys.modules)
+ sys.modules.update(old_module_dict)
+ __builtin__.__dict__.update(old_builtin)
+ sys.argv = old_argv
+ sys.stdin = old_stdin
+ sys.stdout = old_stdout
+ sys.path[:] = before_path
+ os.environ.clear()
+ os.environ.update(old_env)
+ os.chdir(old_cwd)
+ types.FileType = old_file_type
+class CGIDispatcher(URLDispatcher):
+ """Dispatcher that executes Python CGI scripts."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ module_dict,
+ root_path,
+ path_adjuster,
+ setup_env=SetupEnvironment,
+ exec_cgi=ExecuteCGI,
+ create_logging_handler=ApplicationLoggingHandler):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Dictionary in which application-loaded modules should be
+ preserved between requests. This dictionary must be separate from the
+ sys.modules dictionary.
+ path_adjuster: Instance of PathAdjuster to use for finding absolute
+ paths of CGI files on disk.
+ setup_env, exec_cgi, create_logging_handler: Used for dependency
+ injection.
+ """
+ self._module_dict = module_dict
+ self._root_path = root_path
+ self._path_adjuster = path_adjuster
+ self._setup_env = setup_env
+ self._exec_cgi = exec_cgi
+ self._create_logging_handler = create_logging_handler
+ def Dispatch(self,
+ relative_url,
+ path,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=None):
+ """Dispatches the Python CGI."""
+ handler = self._create_logging_handler()
+ logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler)
+ before_level = logging.root.level
+ try:
+ env = {}
+ if base_env_dict:
+ env.update(base_env_dict)
+ cgi_path = self._path_adjuster.AdjustPath(path)
+ env.update(self._setup_env(cgi_path, relative_url, headers, infile))
+ self._exec_cgi(self._root_path,
+ path,
+ cgi_path,
+ env,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ self._module_dict)
+ handler.AddDebuggingConsole(relative_url, env, outfile)
+ finally:
+ logging.root.level = before_level
+ logging.getLogger().removeHandler(handler)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns a string representation of this dispatcher."""
+ return 'CGI dispatcher'
+class LocalCGIDispatcher(CGIDispatcher):
+ """Dispatcher that executes local functions like they're CGIs.
+ The contents of sys.modules will be preserved for local CGIs running this
+ dispatcher, but module hardening will still occur for any new imports. Thus,
+ be sure that any local CGIs have loaded all of their dependent modules
+ _before_ they are executed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, module_dict, path_adjuster, cgi_func):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Passed to CGIDispatcher.
+ path_adjuster: Passed to CGIDispatcher.
+ cgi_func: Callable function taking no parameters that should be
+ executed in a CGI environment in the current process.
+ """
+ self._cgi_func = cgi_func
+ def curried_exec_script(*args, **kwargs):
+ cgi_func()
+ return False
+ def curried_exec_cgi(*args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['exec_script'] = curried_exec_script
+ return ExecuteCGI(*args, **kwargs)
+ CGIDispatcher.__init__(self,
+ module_dict,
+ '',
+ path_adjuster,
+ exec_cgi=curried_exec_cgi)
+ def Dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Preserves sys.modules for CGIDispatcher.Dispatch."""
+ self._module_dict.update(sys.modules)
+ CGIDispatcher.Dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns a string representation of this dispatcher."""
+ return 'Local CGI dispatcher for %s' % self._cgi_func
+class PathAdjuster(object):
+ """Adjusts application file paths to paths relative to the application or
+ external library directories."""
+ def __init__(self, root_path):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application running on the server.
+ """
+ self._root_path = os.path.abspath(root_path)
+ def AdjustPath(self, path):
+ """Adjusts application file paths to relative to the application.
+ More precisely this method adjusts application file path to paths
+ relative to the application or external library directories.
+ Handler paths that start with $PYTHON_LIB will be converted to paths
+ relative to the google directory.
+ Args:
+ path: File path that should be adjusted.
+ Returns:
+ The adjusted path.
+ """
+ if path.startswith(PYTHON_LIB_VAR):
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(google.__file__)),
+ path[len(PYTHON_LIB_VAR) + 1:])
+ else:
+ path = os.path.join(self._root_path, path)
+ return path
+class StaticFileConfigMatcher(object):
+ """Keeps track of file/directory specific application configuration.
+ Specifically:
+ - Computes mime type based on URLMap and file extension.
+ - Decides on cache expiration time based on URLMap and default expiration.
+ To determine the mime type, we first see if there is any mime-type property
+ on each URLMap entry. If non is specified, we use the mimetypes module to
+ guess the mime type from the file path extension, and use
+ application/octet-stream if we can't find the mimetype.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ url_map_list,
+ path_adjuster,
+ default_expiration):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ url_map_list: List of appinfo.URLMap objects.
+ If empty or None, then we always use the mime type chosen by the
+ mimetypes module.
+ path_adjuster: PathAdjuster object used to adjust application file paths.
+ default_expiration: String describing default expiration time for browser
+ based caching of static files. If set to None this disallows any
+ browser caching of static content.
+ """
+ if default_expiration is not None:
+ self._default_expiration = appinfo.ParseExpiration(default_expiration)
+ else:
+ self._default_expiration = None
+ self._patterns = []
+ if url_map_list:
+ for entry in url_map_list:
+ handler_type = entry.GetHandlerType()
+ if handler_type not in (appinfo.STATIC_FILES, appinfo.STATIC_DIR):
+ continue
+ if handler_type == appinfo.STATIC_FILES:
+ regex = entry.upload + '$'
+ else:
+ path = entry.static_dir
+ if path[-1] == '/':
+ path = path[:-1]
+ regex = re.escape(path + os.path.sep) + r'(.*)'
+ try:
+ path_re = re.compile(regex)
+ except re.error, e:
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError('regex %s does not compile: %s' %
+ (regex, e))
+ if self._default_expiration is None:
+ expiration = 0
+ elif entry.expiration is None:
+ expiration = self._default_expiration
+ else:
+ expiration = appinfo.ParseExpiration(entry.expiration)
+ self._patterns.append((path_re, entry.mime_type, expiration))
+ def IsStaticFile(self, path):
+ """Tests if the given path points to a "static" file.
+ Args:
+ path: String containing the file's path relative to the app.
+ Returns:
+ Boolean, True if the file was configured to be static.
+ """
+ for (path_re, _, _) in self._patterns:
+ if path_re.match(path):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def GetMimeType(self, path):
+ """Returns the mime type that we should use when serving the specified file.
+ Args:
+ path: String containing the file's path relative to the app.
+ Returns:
+ String containing the mime type to use. Will be 'application/octet-stream'
+ if we have no idea what it should be.
+ """
+ for (path_re, mimetype, unused_expiration) in self._patterns:
+ if mimetype is not None:
+ the_match = path_re.match(path)
+ if the_match:
+ return mimetype
+ unused_filename, extension = os.path.splitext(path)
+ return mimetypes.types_map.get(extension, 'application/octet-stream')
+ def GetExpiration(self, path):
+ """Returns the cache expiration duration to be users for the given file.
+ Args:
+ path: String containing the file's path relative to the app.
+ Returns:
+ Integer number of seconds to be used for browser cache expiration time.
+ """
+ for (path_re, unused_mimetype, expiration) in self._patterns:
+ the_match = path_re.match(path)
+ if the_match:
+ return expiration
+ return self._default_expiration or 0
+def ReadDataFile(data_path, openfile=file):
+ """Reads a file on disk, returning a corresponding HTTP status and data.
+ Args:
+ data_path: Path to the file on disk to read.
+ openfile: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (status, data) where status is an HTTP response code, and data is
+ the data read; will be an empty string if an error occurred or the
+ file was empty.
+ """
+ status = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
+ data = ""
+ try:
+ data_file = openfile(data_path, 'rb')
+ try:
+ data =
+ finally:
+ data_file.close()
+ status = httplib.OK
+ except (OSError, IOError), e:
+ logging.error('Error encountered reading file "%s":\n%s', data_path, e)
+ status = httplib.NOT_FOUND
+ else:
+ status = httplib.FORBIDDEN
+ return status, data
+class FileDispatcher(URLDispatcher):
+ """Dispatcher that reads data files from disk."""
+ def __init__(self,
+ path_adjuster,
+ static_file_config_matcher,
+ read_data_file=ReadDataFile):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ path_adjuster: Instance of PathAdjuster to use for finding absolute
+ paths of data files on disk.
+ static_file_config_matcher: StaticFileConfigMatcher object.
+ read_data_file: Used for dependency injection.
+ """
+ self._path_adjuster = path_adjuster
+ self._static_file_config_matcher = static_file_config_matcher
+ self._read_data_file = read_data_file
+ def Dispatch(self,
+ relative_url,
+ path,
+ headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=None):
+ """Reads the file and returns the response status and data."""
+ full_path = self._path_adjuster.AdjustPath(path)
+ status, data = self._read_data_file(full_path)
+ content_type = self._static_file_config_matcher.GetMimeType(path)
+ expiration = self._static_file_config_matcher.GetExpiration(path)
+ outfile.write('Status: %d\r\n' % status)
+ outfile.write('Content-type: %s\r\n' % content_type)
+ if expiration:
+ outfile.write('Expires: %s\r\n'
+ % email.Utils.formatdate(time.time() + expiration,
+ usegmt=True))
+ outfile.write('Cache-Control: public, max-age=%i\r\n' % expiration)
+ outfile.write('\r\n')
+ outfile.write(data)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns a string representation of this dispatcher."""
+ return 'File dispatcher'
+ 'content-encoding', 'accept-encoding', 'transfer-encoding',
+ 'server', 'date',
+ ])
+def IgnoreHeadersRewriter(status_code, status_message, headers, body):
+ """Ignore specific response headers.
+ Certain response headers cannot be modified by an Application. For a
+ complete list of these headers please see:
+ This rewriter simply removes those headers.
+ """
+ if h in headers:
+ del headers[h]
+ return status_code, status_message, headers, body
+def ParseStatusRewriter(status_code, status_message, headers, body):
+ """Parse status header, if it exists.
+ Handles the server-side 'status' header, which instructs the server to change
+ the HTTP response code accordingly. Handles the 'location' header, which
+ issues an HTTP 302 redirect to the client. Also corrects the 'content-length'
+ header to reflect actual content length in case extra information has been
+ appended to the response body.
+ If the 'status' header supplied by the client is invalid, this method will
+ set the response to a 500 with an error message as content.
+ """
+ location_value = headers.getheader('location')
+ status_value = headers.getheader('status')
+ if status_value:
+ response_status = status_value
+ del headers['status']
+ elif location_value:
+ response_status = '%d Redirecting' % httplib.FOUND
+ else:
+ return status_code, status_message, headers, body
+ status_parts = response_status.split(' ', 1)
+ status_code, status_message = (status_parts + [''])[:2]
+ try:
+ status_code = int(status_code)
+ except ValueError:
+ status_code = 500
+ body = cStringIO.StringIO('Error: Invalid "status" header value returned.')
+ return status_code, status_message, headers, body
+def CacheRewriter(status_code, status_message, headers, body):
+ """Update the cache header."""
+ if not 'Cache-Control' in headers:
+ headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
+ if not 'Expires' in headers:
+ headers['Expires'] = 'Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT'
+ return status_code, status_message, headers, body
+def ContentLengthRewriter(status_code, status_message, headers, body):
+ """Rewrite the Content-Length header.
+ Even though Content-Length is not a user modifiable header, App Engine
+ sends a correct Content-Length to the user based on the actual response.
+ """
+ current_position = body.tell()
+, 2)
+ headers['Content-Length'] = str(body.tell() - current_position)
+ return status_code, status_message, headers, body
+def CreateResponseRewritersChain():
+ """Create the default response rewriter chain.
+ A response rewriter is the a function that gets a final chance to change part
+ of the dev_appservers response. A rewriter is not like a dispatcher in that
+ it is called after every request has been handled by the dispatchers
+ regardless of which dispatcher was used.
+ The order in which rewriters are registered will be the order in which they
+ are used to rewrite the response. Modifications from earlier rewriters
+ are used as input to later rewriters.
+ A response rewriter is a function that can rewrite the request in any way.
+ Thefunction can returned modified values or the original values it was
+ passed.
+ A rewriter function has the following parameters and return values:
+ Args:
+ status_code: Status code of response from dev_appserver or previous
+ rewriter.
+ status_message: Text corresponding to status code.
+ headers: mimetools.Message instance with parsed headers. NOTE: These
+ headers can contain its own 'status' field, but the default
+ dev_appserver implementation will remove this. Future rewriters
+ should avoid re-introducing the status field and return new codes
+ instead.
+ body: File object containing the body of the response. This position of
+ this file may not be at the start of the file. Any content before the
+ files position is considered not to be part of the final body.
+ Returns:
+ status_code: Rewritten status code or original.
+ status_message: Rewritter message or original.
+ headers: Rewritten/modified headers or original.
+ body: Rewritten/modified body or original.
+ Returns:
+ List of response rewriters.
+ """
+ return [IgnoreHeadersRewriter,
+ ParseStatusRewriter,
+ CacheRewriter,
+ ContentLengthRewriter,
+ ]
+def RewriteResponse(response_file, response_rewriters=None):
+ """Allows final rewrite of dev_appserver response.
+ This function receives the unparsed HTTP response from the application
+ or internal handler, parses out the basic structure and feeds that structure
+ in to a chain of response rewriters.
+ It also makes sure the final HTTP headers are properly terminated.
+ For more about response rewriters, please see documentation for
+ CreateResponeRewritersChain.
+ Args:
+ response_file: File-like object containing the full HTTP response including
+ the response code, all headers, and the request body.
+ response_rewriters: A list of response rewriters. If none is provided it
+ will create a new chain using CreateResponseRewritersChain.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple (status_code, status_message, header, body) where:
+ status_code: Integer HTTP response status (e.g., 200, 302, 404, 500)
+ status_message: String containing an informational message about the
+ response code, possibly derived from the 'status' header, if supplied.
+ header: String containing the HTTP headers of the response, without
+ a trailing new-line (CRLF).
+ body: String containing the body of the response.
+ """
+ if response_rewriters is None:
+ response_rewriters = CreateResponseRewritersChain()
+ status_code = 200
+ status_message = 'Good to go'
+ headers = mimetools.Message(response_file)
+ for response_rewriter in response_rewriters:
+ status_code, status_message, headers, response_file = response_rewriter(
+ status_code,
+ status_message,
+ headers,
+ response_file)
+ header_list = []
+ for header in headers.headers:
+ header = header.rstrip('\n')
+ header = header.rstrip('\r')
+ header_list.append(header)
+ header_data = '\r\n'.join(header_list) + '\r\n'
+ return status_code, status_message, header_data,
+class ModuleManager(object):
+ """Manages loaded modules in the runtime.
+ Responsible for monitoring and reporting about file modification times.
+ Modules can be loaded from source or precompiled byte-code files. When a
+ file has source code, the ModuleManager monitors the modification time of
+ the source file even if the module itself is loaded from byte-code.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, modules):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ modules: Dictionary containing monitored modules.
+ """
+ self._modules = modules
+ self._default_modules = self._modules.copy()
+ self._save_path_hooks = sys.path_hooks[:]
+ self._modification_times = {}
+ @staticmethod
+ def GetModuleFile(module, is_file=os.path.isfile):
+ """Helper method to try to determine modules source file.
+ Args:
+ module: Module object to get file for.
+ is_file: Function used to determine if a given path is a file.
+ Returns:
+ Path of the module's corresponding Python source file if it exists, or
+ just the module's compiled Python file. If the module has an invalid
+ __file__ attribute, None will be returned.
+ """
+ module_file = getattr(module, '__file__', None)
+ if module_file is None:
+ return None
+ source_file = module_file[:module_file.rfind('py') + 2]
+ if is_file(source_file):
+ return source_file
+ return module.__file__
+ def AreModuleFilesModified(self):
+ """Determines if any monitored files have been modified.
+ Returns:
+ True if one or more files have been modified, False otherwise.
+ """
+ for name, (mtime, fname) in self._modification_times.iteritems():
+ if name not in self._modules:
+ continue
+ module = self._modules[name]
+ if not os.path.isfile(fname):
+ return True
+ if mtime != os.path.getmtime(fname):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def UpdateModuleFileModificationTimes(self):
+ """Records the current modification times of all monitored modules."""
+ self._modification_times.clear()
+ for name, module in self._modules.items():
+ if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType):
+ continue
+ module_file = self.GetModuleFile(module)
+ if not module_file:
+ continue
+ try:
+ self._modification_times[name] = (os.path.getmtime(module_file),
+ module_file)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno not in FILE_MISSING_EXCEPTIONS:
+ raise e
+ def ResetModules(self):
+ """Clear modules so that when request is run they are reloaded."""
+ self._modules.clear()
+ self._modules.update(self._default_modules)
+ sys.path_hooks[:] = self._save_path_hooks
+def _ClearTemplateCache(module_dict=sys.modules):
+ """Clear template cache in webapp.template module.
+ Attempts to load template module. Ignores failure. If module loads, the
+ template cache is cleared.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Used for dependency injection.
+ """
+ template_module = module_dict.get('google.appengine.ext.webapp.template')
+ if template_module is not None:
+ template_module.template_cache.clear()
+def CreateRequestHandler(root_path,
+ login_url,
+ require_indexes=False,
+ static_caching=True):
+ """Creates a new BaseHTTPRequestHandler sub-class.
+ This class will be used with the Python BaseHTTPServer module's HTTP server.
+ Python's built-in HTTP server does not support passing context information
+ along to instances of its request handlers. This function gets around that
+ by creating a sub-class of the handler in a closure that has access to
+ this context information.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application running on the server.
+ login_url: Relative URL which should be used for handling user logins.
+ require_indexes: True if index.yaml is read-only gospel; default False.
+ static_caching: True if browser caching of static files should be allowed.
+ Returns:
+ Sub-class of BaseHTTPRequestHandler.
+ """
+ application_module_dict = SetupSharedModules(sys.modules)
+ if require_indexes:
+ index_yaml_updater = None
+ else:
+ index_yaml_updater = dev_appserver_index.IndexYamlUpdater(root_path)
+ application_config_cache = AppConfigCache()
+ class DevAppServerRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """Dispatches URLs using patterns from a URLMatcher.
+ The URLMatcher is created by loading an application's configuration file.
+ Executes CGI scripts in the local process so the scripts can use mock
+ versions of APIs.
+ HTTP requests that correctly specify a user info cookie
+ (dev_appserver_login.COOKIE_NAME) will have the 'USER_EMAIL' environment
+ variable set accordingly. If the user is also an admin, the
+ 'USER_IS_ADMIN' variable will exist and be set to '1'. If the user is not
+ logged in, 'USER_EMAIL' will be set to the empty string.
+ On each request, raises an InvalidAppConfigError exception if the
+ application configuration file in the directory specified by the root_path
+ argument is invalid.
+ """
+ server_version = 'Development/1.0'
+ module_dict = application_module_dict
+ module_manager = ModuleManager(application_module_dict)
+ config_cache = application_config_cache
+ rewriter_chain = CreateResponseRewritersChain()
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Initializer.
+ Args:
+ args: Positional arguments passed to the superclass constructor.
+ kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the superclass constructor.
+ """
+ BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def version_string(self):
+ """Returns server's version string used for Server HTTP header."""
+ return self.server_version
+ def do_GET(self):
+ """Handle GET requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_POST(self):
+ """Handles POST requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_PUT(self):
+ """Handle PUT requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_HEAD(self):
+ """Handle HEAD requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_OPTIONS(self):
+ """Handles OPTIONS requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_DELETE(self):
+ """Handle DELETE requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def do_TRACE(self):
+ """Handles TRACE requests."""
+ self._HandleRequest()
+ def _HandleRequest(self):
+ """Handles any type of request and prints exceptions if they occur."""
+ server_name = self.headers.get('host') or self.server.server_name
+ server_name = server_name.split(':', 1)[0]
+ env_dict = {
+ 'REQUEST_METHOD': self.command,
+ 'REMOTE_ADDR': self.client_address[0],
+ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': self.server_version,
+ 'SERVER_NAME': server_name,
+ 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': self.protocol_version,
+ 'SERVER_PORT': str(self.server.server_port),
+ }
+ full_url = GetFullURL(server_name, self.server.server_port, self.path)
+ if len(full_url) > MAX_URL_LENGTH:
+ msg = 'Requested URI too long: %s' % full_url
+ logging.error(msg)
+ self.send_response(httplib.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG, msg)
+ return
+ tbhandler = cgitb.Hook(file=self.wfile).handle
+ try:
+ if self.module_manager.AreModuleFilesModified():
+ self.module_manager.ResetModules()
+ implicit_matcher = CreateImplicitMatcher(self.module_dict,
+ root_path,
+ login_url)
+ config, explicit_matcher = LoadAppConfig(root_path, self.module_dict,
+ cache=self.config_cache,
+ static_caching=static_caching)
+ if config.api_version != API_VERSION:
+ logging.error(
+ "API versions cannot be switched dynamically: %r != %r",
+ config.api_version, API_VERSION)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ env_dict['CURRENT_VERSION_ID'] = config.version + ".1"
+ env_dict['APPLICATION_ID'] = config.application
+ dispatcher = MatcherDispatcher(login_url,
+ [implicit_matcher, explicit_matcher])
+ if require_indexes:
+ dev_appserver_index.SetupIndexes(config.application, root_path)
+ infile = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ infile.write(
+ int(self.headers.get('content-length', 0))))
+ request_size = len(infile.getvalue())
+ if request_size > MAX_REQUEST_SIZE:
+ msg = ('HTTP request was too large: %d. The limit is: %d.'
+ % (request_size, MAX_REQUEST_SIZE))
+ logging.error(msg)
+ self.send_response(httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, msg)
+ return
+ outfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ try:
+ dispatcher.Dispatch(self.path,
+ None,
+ self.headers,
+ infile,
+ outfile,
+ base_env_dict=env_dict)
+ finally:
+ self.module_manager.UpdateModuleFileModificationTimes()
+ outfile.flush()
+ status_code, status_message, header_data, body = (
+ RewriteResponse(outfile, self.rewriter_chain))
+ runtime_response_size = len(outfile.getvalue())
+ if runtime_response_size > MAX_RUNTIME_RESPONSE_SIZE:
+ status_code = 403
+ status_message = 'Forbidden'
+ new_headers = []
+ for header in header_data.split('\n'):
+ if not header.lower().startswith('content-length'):
+ new_headers.append(header)
+ header_data = '\n'.join(new_headers)
+ body = ('HTTP response was too large: %d. The limit is: %d.'
+ % (runtime_response_size, MAX_RUNTIME_RESPONSE_SIZE))
+ except yaml_errors.EventListenerError, e:
+ title = 'Fatal error when loading application configuration'
+ msg = '%s:\n%s' % (title, str(e))
+ logging.error(msg)
+ self.send_response(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, title)
+ self.wfile.write('Content-Type: text/html\n\n')
+ self.wfile.write('<pre>%s</pre>' % cgi.escape(msg))
+ except:
+ msg = 'Exception encountered handling request'
+ logging.exception(msg)
+ self.send_response(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg)
+ tbhandler()
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.send_response(status_code, status_message)
+ self.wfile.write(header_data)
+ self.wfile.write('\r\n')
+ if self.command != 'HEAD':
+ self.wfile.write(body)
+ elif body:
+ logging.warning('Dropping unexpected body in response '
+ 'to HEAD request')
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+ raise e
+ except socket.error, e:
+ if len(e.args) >= 1 and e.args[0] != errno.EPIPE:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ if index_yaml_updater is not None:
+ index_yaml_updater.UpdateIndexYaml()
+ def log_error(self, format, *args):
+ """Redirect error messages through the logging module."""
+ logging.error(format, *args)
+ def log_message(self, format, *args):
+ """Redirect log messages through the logging module."""
+, *args)
+ return DevAppServerRequestHandler
+def ReadAppConfig(appinfo_path, parse_app_config=appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo):
+ """Reads app.yaml file and returns its app id and list of URLMap instances.
+ Args:
+ appinfo_path: String containing the path to the app.yaml file.
+ parse_app_config: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ AppInfoExternal instance.
+ Raises:
+ If the config file could not be read or the config does not contain any
+ URLMap instances, this function will raise an InvalidAppConfigError
+ exception.
+ """
+ try:
+ appinfo_file = file(appinfo_path, 'r')
+ except IOError, unused_e:
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError(
+ 'Application configuration could not be read from "%s"' % appinfo_path)
+ try:
+ return parse_app_config(appinfo_file)
+ finally:
+ appinfo_file.close()
+def CreateURLMatcherFromMaps(root_path,
+ url_map_list,
+ module_dict,
+ default_expiration,
+ create_url_matcher=URLMatcher,
+ create_cgi_dispatcher=CGIDispatcher,
+ create_file_dispatcher=FileDispatcher,
+ create_path_adjuster=PathAdjuster,
+ normpath=os.path.normpath):
+ """Creates a URLMatcher instance from URLMap.
+ Creates all of the correct URLDispatcher instances to handle the various
+ content types in the application configuration.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application running on the server.
+ url_map_list: List of appinfo.URLMap objects to initialize this
+ matcher with. Can be an empty list if you would like to add patterns
+ manually.
+ module_dict: Dictionary in which application-loaded modules should be
+ preserved between requests. This dictionary must be separate from the
+ sys.modules dictionary.
+ default_expiration: String describing default expiration time for browser
+ based caching of static files. If set to None this disallows any
+ browser caching of static content.
+ create_url_matcher: Used for dependency injection.
+ create_cgi_dispatcher: Used for dependency injection.
+ create_file_dispatcher: Used for dependency injection.
+ create_path_adjuster: Used for dependency injection.
+ normpath: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Instance of URLMatcher with the supplied URLMap objects properly loaded.
+ Raises:
+ InvalidAppConfigError: if the handler in url_map_list is an unknown type.
+ """
+ url_matcher = create_url_matcher()
+ path_adjuster = create_path_adjuster(root_path)
+ cgi_dispatcher = create_cgi_dispatcher(module_dict, root_path, path_adjuster)
+ static_file_config_matcher = StaticFileConfigMatcher(url_map_list,
+ path_adjuster,
+ default_expiration)
+ file_dispatcher = create_file_dispatcher(path_adjuster,
+ static_file_config_matcher)
+ FakeFile.SetStaticFileConfigMatcher(static_file_config_matcher)
+ for url_map in url_map_list:
+ admin_only = url_map.login == appinfo.LOGIN_ADMIN
+ requires_login = url_map.login == appinfo.LOGIN_REQUIRED or admin_only
+ handler_type = url_map.GetHandlerType()
+ if handler_type == appinfo.HANDLER_SCRIPT:
+ dispatcher = cgi_dispatcher
+ elif handler_type in (appinfo.STATIC_FILES, appinfo.STATIC_DIR):
+ dispatcher = file_dispatcher
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError('Unknown handler type "%s"' % handler_type)
+ regex = url_map.url
+ path = url_map.GetHandler()
+ if handler_type == appinfo.STATIC_DIR:
+ if regex[-1] == r'/':
+ regex = regex[:-1]
+ if path[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ path = path[:-1]
+ regex = '/'.join((re.escape(regex), '(.*)'))
+ if os.path.sep == '\\':
+ backref = r'\\1'
+ else:
+ backref = r'\1'
+ path = (normpath(path).replace('\\', '\\\\') +
+ os.path.sep + backref)
+ url_matcher.AddURL(regex,
+ dispatcher,
+ path,
+ requires_login, admin_only)
+ return url_matcher
+class AppConfigCache(object):
+ """Cache used by LoadAppConfig.
+ If given to LoadAppConfig instances of this class are used to cache contents
+ of the app config (app.yaml or app.yml) and the Matcher created from it.
+ Code outside LoadAppConfig should treat instances of this class as opaque
+ objects and not access its members.
+ """
+ path = None
+ mtime = None
+ config = None
+ matcher = None
+def LoadAppConfig(root_path,
+ module_dict,
+ cache=None,
+ static_caching=True,
+ read_app_config=ReadAppConfig,
+ create_matcher=CreateURLMatcherFromMaps):
+ """Creates a Matcher instance for an application configuration file.
+ Raises an InvalidAppConfigError exception if there is anything wrong with
+ the application configuration file.
+ Args:
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application to load.
+ module_dict: Dictionary in which application-loaded modules should be
+ preserved between requests. This dictionary must be separate from the
+ sys.modules dictionary.
+ cache: Instance of AppConfigCache or None.
+ static_caching: True if browser caching of static files should be allowed.
+ read_app_config: Used for dependency injection.
+ create_matcher: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (AppInfoExternal, URLMatcher)
+ Raises:
+ AppConfigNotFound: if an app.yaml file cannot be found.
+ """
+ for appinfo_path in [os.path.join(root_path, 'app.yaml'),
+ os.path.join(root_path, 'app.yml')]:
+ if os.path.isfile(appinfo_path):
+ if cache is not None:
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(appinfo_path)
+ if cache.path == appinfo_path and cache.mtime == mtime:
+ return (cache.config, cache.matcher)
+ cache.config = cache.matcher = cache.path = None
+ cache.mtime = mtime
+ try:
+ config = read_app_config(appinfo_path, appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo)
+ if static_caching:
+ if config.default_expiration:
+ default_expiration = config.default_expiration
+ else:
+ default_expiration = '0'
+ else:
+ default_expiration = None
+ matcher = create_matcher(root_path,
+ config.handlers,
+ module_dict,
+ default_expiration)
+ FakeFile.SetSkippedFiles(config.skip_files)
+ if cache is not None:
+ cache.path = appinfo_path
+ cache.config = config
+ cache.matcher = matcher
+ return (config, matcher)
+ except gexcept.AbstractMethod:
+ pass
+ raise AppConfigNotFoundError
+def ReadCronConfig(croninfo_path, parse_cron_config=croninfo.LoadSingleCron):
+ """Reads cron.yaml file and returns a list of CronEntry instances.
+ Args:
+ croninfo_path: String containing the path to the cron.yaml file.
+ parse_cron_config: Used for dependency injection.
+ Returns:
+ A CronInfoExternal object.
+ Raises:
+ If the config file is unreadable, empty or invalid, this function will
+ raise an InvalidAppConfigError or a MalformedCronConfiguration exception.
+ """
+ try:
+ croninfo_file = file(croninfo_path, 'r')
+ except IOError, e:
+ raise InvalidAppConfigError(
+ 'Cron configuration could not be read from "%s": %s'
+ % (croninfo_path, e))
+ try:
+ return parse_cron_config(croninfo_file)
+ finally:
+ croninfo_file.close()
+def SetupStubs(app_id, **config):
+ """Sets up testing stubs of APIs.
+ Args:
+ app_id: Application ID being served.
+ config: keyword arguments.
+ Keywords:
+ root_path: Root path to the directory of the application which should
+ contain the app.yaml, indexes.yaml, and queues.yaml files.
+ login_url: Relative URL which should be used for handling user login/logout.
+ datastore_path: Path to the file to store Datastore file stub data in.
+ history_path: Path to the file to store Datastore history in.
+ clear_datastore: If the datastore and history should be cleared on startup.
+ smtp_host: SMTP host used for sending test mail.
+ smtp_port: SMTP port.
+ smtp_user: SMTP user.
+ smtp_password: SMTP password.
+ enable_sendmail: Whether to use sendmail as an alternative to SMTP.
+ show_mail_body: Whether to log the body of emails.
+ remove: Used for dependency injection.
+ trusted: True if this app can access data belonging to other apps. This
+ behavior is different from the real app server and should be left False
+ except for advanced uses of dev_appserver.
+ """
+ root_path = config.get('root_path', None)
+ login_url = config['login_url']
+ datastore_path = config['datastore_path']
+ history_path = config['history_path']
+ clear_datastore = config['clear_datastore']
+ require_indexes = config.get('require_indexes', False)
+ smtp_host = config.get('smtp_host', None)
+ smtp_port = config.get('smtp_port', 25)
+ smtp_user = config.get('smtp_user', '')
+ smtp_password = config.get('smtp_password', '')
+ enable_sendmail = config.get('enable_sendmail', False)
+ show_mail_body = config.get('show_mail_body', False)
+ remove = config.get('remove', os.remove)
+ trusted = config.get('trusted', False)
+ os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'] = app_id
+ if clear_datastore:
+ for path in (datastore_path, history_path):
+ if os.path.lexists(path):
+'Attempting to remove file at %s', path)
+ try:
+ remove(path)
+ except OSError, e:
+ logging.warning('Removing file failed: %s', e)
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy = apiproxy_stub_map.APIProxyStubMap()
+ datastore = datastore_file_stub.DatastoreFileStub(
+ app_id, datastore_path, history_path, require_indexes=require_indexes,
+ trusted=trusted)
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub('datastore_v3', datastore)
+ fixed_login_url = '%s?%s=%%s' % (login_url,
+ dev_appserver_login.CONTINUE_PARAM)
+ fixed_logout_url = '%s&%s' % (fixed_login_url,
+ dev_appserver_login.LOGOUT_PARAM)
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'user',
+ user_service_stub.UserServiceStub(login_url=fixed_login_url,
+ logout_url=fixed_logout_url))
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'urlfetch',
+ urlfetch_stub.URLFetchServiceStub())
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'mail',
+ mail_stub.MailServiceStub(smtp_host,
+ smtp_port,
+ smtp_user,
+ smtp_password,
+ enable_sendmail=enable_sendmail,
+ show_mail_body=show_mail_body))
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'memcache',
+ memcache_stub.MemcacheServiceStub())
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'capability_service',
+ capability_stub.CapabilityServiceStub())
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'taskqueue',
+ taskqueue_stub.TaskQueueServiceStub(root_path=root_path))
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'xmpp',
+ xmpp_service_stub.XmppServiceStub())
+ try:
+ from google.appengine.api.images import images_stub
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'images',
+ images_stub.ImagesServiceStub())
+ except ImportError, e:
+ logging.warning('Could not initialize images API; you are likely missing '
+ 'the Python "PIL" module. ImportError: %s', e)
+ from google.appengine.api.images import images_not_implemented_stub
+ apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
+ 'images',
+ images_not_implemented_stub.ImagesNotImplementedServiceStub())
+def CreateImplicitMatcher(module_dict,
+ root_path,
+ login_url,
+ create_path_adjuster=PathAdjuster,
+ create_local_dispatcher=LocalCGIDispatcher,
+ create_cgi_dispatcher=CGIDispatcher):
+ """Creates a URLMatcher instance that handles internal URLs.
+ Used to facilitate handling user login/logout, debugging, info about the
+ currently running app, etc.
+ Args:
+ module_dict: Dictionary in the form used by sys.modules.
+ root_path: Path to the root of the application.
+ login_url: Relative URL which should be used for handling user login/logout.
+ create_path_adjuster: Used for dependedency injection.
+ create_local_dispatcher: Used for dependency injection.
+ create_cgi_dispatcher: Used for dependedency injection.
+ Returns:
+ Instance of URLMatcher with appropriate dispatchers.
+ """
+ url_matcher = URLMatcher()
+ path_adjuster = create_path_adjuster(root_path)
+ login_dispatcher = create_local_dispatcher(sys.modules, path_adjuster,
+ dev_appserver_login.main)
+ url_matcher.AddURL(login_url,
+ login_dispatcher,
+ '',
+ False,
+ False)
+ admin_dispatcher = create_cgi_dispatcher(module_dict, root_path,
+ path_adjuster)
+ url_matcher.AddURL('/_ah/admin(?:/.*)?',
+ admin_dispatcher,
+ False,
+ False)
+ return url_matcher
+def SetupTemplates(template_dir):
+ """Reads debugging console template files and initializes the console.
+ Does nothing if templates have already been initialized.
+ Args:
+ template_dir: Path to the directory containing the templates files.
+ Raises:
+ OSError or IOError if any of the template files could not be read.
+ """
+ if ApplicationLoggingHandler.AreTemplatesInitialized():
+ return
+ try:
+ header = open(os.path.join(template_dir, HEADER_TEMPLATE)).read()
+ script = open(os.path.join(template_dir, SCRIPT_TEMPLATE)).read()
+ middle = open(os.path.join(template_dir, MIDDLE_TEMPLATE)).read()
+ footer = open(os.path.join(template_dir, FOOTER_TEMPLATE)).read()
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ logging.error('Could not read template files from %s', template_dir)
+ raise
+ ApplicationLoggingHandler.InitializeTemplates(header, script, middle, footer)
+def CreateServer(root_path,
+ login_url,
+ port,
+ template_dir,
+ serve_address='',
+ require_indexes=False,
+ allow_skipped_files=False,
+ static_caching=True,
+ python_path_list=sys.path,
+ sdk_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(google.__file__))):
+ """Creates an new HTTPServer for an application.
+ The sdk_dir argument must be specified for the directory storing all code for
+ the SDK so as to allow for the sandboxing of module access to work for any
+ and all SDK code. While typically this is where the 'google' package lives,
+ it can be in another location because of API version support.
+ Args:
+ root_path: String containing the path to the root directory of the
+ application where the app.yaml file is.
+ login_url: Relative URL which should be used for handling user login/logout.
+ port: Port to start the application server on.
+ template_dir: Path to the directory in which the debug console templates
+ are stored.
+ serve_address: Address on which the server should serve.
+ require_indexes: True if index.yaml is read-only gospel; default False.
+ allow_skipped_files: True if skipped files should be accessible.
+ static_caching: True if browser caching of static files should be allowed.
+ python_path_list: Used for dependency injection.
+ sdk_dir: Directory where the SDK is stored.
+ Returns:
+ Instance of BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer that's ready to start accepting.
+ """
+ absolute_root_path = os.path.realpath(root_path)
+ SetupTemplates(template_dir)
+ FakeFile.SetAllowedPaths(absolute_root_path,
+ [sdk_dir,
+ template_dir])
+ FakeFile.SetAllowSkippedFiles(allow_skipped_files)
+ handler_class = CreateRequestHandler(absolute_root_path,
+ login_url,
+ require_indexes,
+ static_caching)
+ if absolute_root_path not in python_path_list:
+ python_path_list.insert(0, absolute_root_path)
+ return HTTPServerWithScheduler((serve_address, port), handler_class)
+class HTTPServerWithScheduler(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+ """A BaseHTTPServer subclass that calls a method at a regular interval."""
+ def __init__(self, server_address, request_handler_class):
+ """Constructor.
+ Args:
+ server_address: the bind address of the server.
+ request_handler_class: class used to handle requests.
+ """
+ BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address,
+ request_handler_class)
+ self._events = []
+ def get_request(self, time_func=time.time,
+ """Overrides the base get_request call.
+ Args:
+ time_func: used for testing.
+ select_func: used for testing.
+ Returns:
+ a (socket_object, address info) tuple.
+ """
+ while True:
+ if self._events:
+ current_time = time_func()
+ next_eta = self._events[0][0]
+ delay = next_eta - current_time
+ else:
+ readable, _, _ = select_func([self.socket], [], [], max(delay, 0))
+ if readable:
+ return self.socket.accept()
+ current_time = time_func()
+ if self._events and current_time >= self._events[0][0]:
+ unused_eta, runnable = heapq.heappop(self._events)
+ runnable()
+ def AddEvent(self, eta, runnable):
+ """Add a runnable event to be run at the specified time.
+ Args:
+ eta: when to run the event, in seconds since epoch.
+ runnable: a callable object.
+ """
+ heapq.heappush(self._events, (eta, runnable))