path: root/web/js/010-control.js
diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2011-05-17 00:16:52 -0400
committerJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2011-05-17 00:16:52 -0400
commit79a9ce5983882234e3bb92ba928777708c42c642 (patch)
treeb219c98280fe8d1336198d871464e4dda7374789 /web/js/010-control.js
parentAdd scroll wheel support. (diff)
Seperate photofloat internals to javascript class.
Diffstat (limited to 'web/js/010-control.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/web/js/010-control.js b/web/js/010-control.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2975049..0000000
--- a/web/js/010-control.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready(function() {
- function cachePath(path) {
- if (path == "")
- return "root";
- if (path[0] == '/')
- path = path.substring(1);
- path = path
- .replace(/ /g, "_")
- .replace(/\//g, "-")
- .replace(/\(/g, "")
- .replace(/\)/g, "")
- .replace(/#/g, "")
- .replace(/&/g, "")
- .replace(/,/g, "")
- .replace(/\[/g, "")
- .replace(/\]/g, "")
- .replace(/"/g, "")
- .replace(/'/g, "")
- .replace(/_-_/g, "-")
- .toLowerCase();
- while (path.indexOf("--") != -1)
- path = path.replace(/--/g, "-");
- while (path.indexOf("__") != -1)
- path = path.replace(/__/g, "_");
- return path;
- }
- function imagePath(image, path, size, square) {
- var suffix;
- if (square)
- suffix = size.toString() + "s";
- else
- suffix = size.toString();
- return "cache/" + cachePath(path + "/" + image + "_" + suffix + ".jpg");
- }
- function properId(path) {
- if (!path[0].match(/[a-zA-Z]/))
- path = "a" + path;
- return path.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_:.\-]/g, "-");
- }
- function escapeId(id) {
- return id.replace(/\./g, "\\.").replace(/,/g, "\\,");
- }
- function loadAlbum() {
- if (current_album_cache in album_cache) {
- albumLoaded(album_cache[current_album_cache]);
- return;
- }
- $("#loading").show();
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- dataType: "json",
- url: "cache/" + current_album_cache + ".json",
- error: die,
- success: albumLoaded
- });
- }
- function albumLoaded(album) {
- var albumCachePath = cachePath(album.path);
- album_cache[albumCachePath] = album;
- if (albumCachePath != current_album_cache)
- return;
- undie();
- $("#loading").hide();
- current_album = album;
- if (current_photo_cache != null)
- showPhoto();
- showAlbum(true);
- setTitle();
- }
- function trimExtension(title) {
- var index = title.lastIndexOf(".");
- if (index != -1)
- return title.substring(0, index)
- return title;
- }
- function setTitle() {
- var title = "";
- var documentTitle = "";
- var components;
- if (current_album.path.length == 0)
- components = [original_title];
- else {
- components = current_album.path.split("/");
- components.unshift(original_title);
- }
- if (current_photo_cache != null)
- documentTitle += trimExtension(current_photo.name);
- var last = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < components.length; ++i) {
- if (i || current_photo_cache != null)
- documentTitle += " \u00ab ";
- if (i)
- last += "/" + components[i];
- if (i < components.length - 1 || current_photo_cache != null)
- title += "<a href=\"#!/" + (i == 0 ? "" : cachePath(last.substring(1))) + "\">";
- title += components[i];
- documentTitle += components[components.length - 1 - i];
- if (i < components.length - 1 || current_photo_cache != null) {
- title += "</a>";
- title += " &raquo; ";
- }
- }
- if (current_photo_cache != null)
- title += trimExtension(current_photo.name);
- $("#title").html(title);
- document.title = documentTitle;
- }
- function showAlbum(populate) {
- if (current_photo_cache == null && previous_photo_cache == null)
- $("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
- if (populate) {
- var photos = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < current_album.photos.length; ++i)
- photos += "<a href=\"#!/" + current_album_cache + "/" + cachePath(current_album.photos[i].name) + "\"><img title=\"" + trimExtension(current_album.photos[i].name) + "\" alt=\"" + trimExtension(current_album.photos[i].name) + "\" id=\"thumb-" + cachePath(current_album.photos[i].name) + "\" src=\"" + imagePath(current_album.photos[i].name, current_album.path, 150, true) + "\" height=\"150\" width=\"150\"></a>";
- $("#thumbs").html(photos);
- var subalbums = "";
- var thumbFinderList = new Array();
- for (var i = current_album.albums.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- var path = cachePath(current_album.path + "/" + current_album.albums[i].path);
- var id = properId("album-" + path);
- subalbums += "<a href=\"#!/" + path + "\"><div title=\"" + current_album.albums[i].date + "\" id=\"" + id + "\" class=\"album-button\">" + current_album.albums[i].path + "</div></a>";
- thumbFinderList.push({ path: path, id: escapeId(id) });
- }
- $("#subalbums").html(subalbums);
- for (var i = 0; i < thumbFinderList.length; ++i)
- (function(thumb) {
- albumThumbFinder(thumb.path, function(photo, album) {
- $("#" + thumb.id).css("background-image", "url(" + imagePath(photo.name, album.path, 150, true) + ")");
- });
- })(thumbFinderList[i]);
- }
- if (current_photo_cache == null) {
- $("#thumbs img").removeClass("current-thumb");
- $("#album-view").removeClass("photo-view-container");
- $("#subalbums").show();
- $("#photo-view").hide();
- }
- setTimeout(scrollToThumb, 1);
- }
- function getDecimal(fraction) {
- if (fraction[0] < fraction[1])
- return fraction[0] + "/" + fraction[1];
- return (fraction[0] / fraction[1]).toString();
- }
- function scaleImage() {
- var image = $("#photo");
- if (image.get(0) == this)
- $(window).bind("resize", scaleImage);
- var container = $("#photo-view");
- if (image.css("width") != "100%" && container.height() * image.width() / image.height() > container.width())
- image.css("width", "100%").css("height", "auto");
- else if (image.css("height") != "100%")
- image.css("height", "100%").css("width", "auto");
- }
- function showPhoto() {
- currentPhoto();
- if (current_photo == null) {
- die();
- return;
- }
- undie();
- var maxSize = 800;
- var width = current_photo.size[0];
- var height = current_photo.size[1];
- if (width > height) {
- height = height / width * maxSize;
- width = maxSize;
- } else {
- width = width / height * maxSize;
- height = maxSize;
- }
- $(window).unbind("resize", scaleImage);
- var photoSrc = imagePath(current_photo.name, current_album.path, maxSize, false);
- $("#photo")
- .attr("width", width).attr("height", height)
- .attr("src", photoSrc)
- .attr("alt", current_photo.name)
- .attr("title", current_photo.date)
- .load(scaleImage);
- $("head").append("<link rel=\"image_src\" href=\"" + photoSrc + "\" />");
- var previousPhoto = current_album.photos[
- (current_photo_index - 1 < 0) ? (current_album.photos.length - 1) : (current_photo_index - 1)
- ];
- var nextPhoto = current_album.photos[
- (current_photo_index + 1 >= current_album.photos.length) ? 0 : (current_photo_index + 1)
- ];
- $.preloadImages(imagePath(nextPhoto.name, current_album.path, maxSize, false), imagePath(previousPhoto.name, current_album.path, maxSize, false));
- var nextLink = "#!/" + current_album_cache + "/" + cachePath(nextPhoto.name);
- $("#next-photo").attr("href", nextLink);
- $("#next").attr("href", nextLink);
- $("#back").attr("href", "#!/" + current_album_cache + "/" + cachePath(previousPhoto.name));
- $("#original-link").attr("target", "_blank").attr("href", "albums/" + current_album.path + "/" + current_photo.name);
- var text = "<table>";
- if (current_photo.make != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Camera Maker</td><td>" + current_photo.make + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.model != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Camera Model</td><td>" + current_photo.model + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.date != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Time Taken</td><td>" + current_photo.date + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.size != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Resolution</td><td>" + current_photo.size[0] + " x " + current_photo.size[1] + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.aperture != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Aperture</td><td> f/" + getDecimal(current_photo.aperture) + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.focalLength != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Focal Length</td><td>" + getDecimal(current_photo.focalLength) + " mm</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.iso != undefined) text += "<tr><td>ISO</td><td>" + current_photo.iso + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.exposureTime != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Exposure Time</td><td>" + getDecimal(current_photo.exposureTime) + " sec</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.exposureProgram != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Exposure Program</td><td>" + current_photo.exposureProgram + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.exposureCompensation != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Exposure Compensation</td><td>" + getDecimal(current_photo.exposureCompensation) + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.spectralSensitivity != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Spectral Sensitivity</td><td>" + current_photo.spectralSensitivity + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.flash != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Flash</td><td>" + current_photo.flash + "</td></tr>";
- if (current_photo.orientation != undefined) text += "<tr><td>Orientation</td><td>" + current_photo.orientation + "</td></tr>";
- text += "</table>";
- $("#metadata").html(text);
- $("#album-view").addClass("photo-view-container");
- $("#subalbums").hide();
- $("#photo-view").show();
- }
- function scrollToThumb() {
- var photo = current_photo_cache
- if (photo == null) {
- photo = previous_photo_cache;
- if (photo == null)
- return;
- }
- var thumb = $("#thumb-" + escapeId(properId(photo)));
- if (!thumb.length)
- return;
- if (current_photo_cache != null) {
- var scroller = $("#album-view");
- scroller.stop().animate({ scrollLeft: thumb.position().left + scroller.scrollLeft() - scroller.width() / 2 + thumb.width() / 2 }, "slow");
- } else
- $("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: thumb.offset().top - $(window).height() / 2 + thumb.height() }, "slow");
- if (current_photo_cache != null) {
- $("#thumbs img").removeClass("current-thumb");
- thumb.addClass("current-thumb");
- }
- }
- function currentPhoto() {
- for (current_photo_index = 0; current_photo_index < current_album.photos.length; ++current_photo_index) {
- if (cachePath(current_album.photos[current_photo_index].name) == current_photo_cache)
- break;
- }
- if (current_photo_index >= current_album.photos.length) {
- current_photo = null;
- current_photo_index = -1;
- return;
- }
- current_photo = current_album.photos[current_photo_index];
- }
- function albumForThumbIteration(album, callback) {
- album_cache[cachePath(album.path)] = album;
- var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (album.photos.length + album.albums.length));
- if (index >= album.photos.length) {
- index -= album.photos.length;
- fetchAlbumForThumb(cachePath(album.path + "/" + album.albums[index].path), function(fetchedAlbum) {
- albumForThumbIteration(fetchedAlbum, callback);
- });
- } else
- callback(album.photos[index], album);
- }
- function fetchAlbumForThumb(album, callback) {
- if (album in album_cache) {
- callback(album_cache[album]);
- return;
- }
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- dataType: "json",
- url: "cache/" + album + ".json",
- success: callback
- });
- }
- function albumThumbFinder(album, callback) {
- fetchAlbumForThumb(album, function(fetchedAlbum) { albumForThumbIteration(fetchedAlbum, callback); });
- }
- function die() {
- $("#error-overlay").fadeTo(500, 0.8);
- $("#error-text").fadeIn(2500);
- $("body, html").css("overflow", "hidden");
- }
- function undie() {
- $("#error-text, #error-overlay").fadeOut(500);
- $("body, html").css("overflow", "auto");
- }
- window.hashUrl = function() {
- var new_album_cache = location.hash.substring(1);
- if (new_album_cache.length) {
- if (new_album_cache[0] == "!")
- new_album_cache = new_album_cache.substring(1);
- if (new_album_cache[0] == "/")
- new_album_cache = new_album_cache.substring(1);
- if (new_album_cache[new_album_cache.length - 1] == "/")
- new_album_cache = new_album_cache.substring(0, new_album_cache.length - 1);
- }
- return new_album_cache;
- }
- var current_album_cache = null;
- var current_photo_cache = null;
- var previous_photo_cache = null;
- var current_album = null;
- var current_photo = null;
- var current_photo_index = -1;
- var original_title = document.title;
- var album_cache = new Array();
- $(window).hashchange(function() {
- $("link[rel=image_src]").remove();
- var new_album_cache = window.hashUrl();
- var index = new_album_cache.lastIndexOf("/");
- if (index != -1 && index != new_album_cache.length - 1) {
- previous_photo_cache = current_photo_cache;
- current_photo_cache = new_album_cache.substring(index + 1);
- new_album_cache = new_album_cache.substring(0, index);
- } else {
- previous_photo_cache = current_photo_cache;
- current_photo_cache = null;
- }
- if (!new_album_cache.length)
- new_album_cache = cachePath("root");
- if (new_album_cache != current_album_cache) {
- current_album_cache = new_album_cache;
- previous_photo_cache = null;
- loadAlbum();
- } else if (current_photo_cache != null) {
- showPhoto();
- showAlbum(false);
- setTitle();
- } else {
- showAlbum(false);
- setTitle();
- }
- });
- $(window).hashchange();
- $(document).keydown(function(e){
- if (current_photo_cache == null)
- return true;
- if (e.keyCode == 39) {
- window.location.href = $("#next").attr("href");
- return false;
- } else if (e.keyCode == 37) {
- window.location.href = $("#back").attr("href");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- $(document).mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
- if (current_photo_cache == null)
- return true;
- if (delta < 0) {
- window.location.href = $("#next").attr("href");
- return false;
- } else if (delta > 0) {
- window.location.href = $("#back").attr("href");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- });
- $("#photo-box").mouseenter(function() {
- $("#photo-links").stop().fadeTo("slow", 0.50).css("display", "inline");
- });
- $("#photo-box").mouseleave(function() {
- $("#photo-links").stop().fadeOut("slow");
- });
- $("#next, #back").mouseenter(function() {
- $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1);
- });
- $("#next, #back").mouseleave(function() {
- $(this).fadeTo("slow", 0.35);
- });
- $("#metadata-link").click(function() {
- if (!$("#metadata").is(":visible"))
- $("#metadata").stop()
- .css("height", 0)
- .css("padding-top", 0)
- .css("padding-bottom", 0)
- .show()
- .animate({ height: $("#metadata > table").height(), paddingTop: 3, paddingBottom: 3 }, "slow", function() {
- $(this).css("height", "auto");
- $("#metadata-link").text($("#metadata-link").text().replace("show", "hide"));
- });
- else
- $("#metadata").stop().animate({ height: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, "slow", function() {
- $(this).hide();
- $("#metadata-link").text($("#metadata-link").text().replace("hide", "show"));
- });
- });