tag namev3.7.13.2 (c30b14183092aa2d92be48c11bee68a6bff11066)
tag date2018-06-01 09:30:35 +0200
tagged byMarcus Müller <>
tagged objectcommit 8e2808513a...
All notable changes to GNU Radio will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](, starting with version Older Logs can be found in `docs/RELEASE-NOTES-*`. - Actually bumped version in CMakeLists.txt to; the tag was tagged off-branch; maintainer failure to simultaneously push a commit that raises the internal version number to this had to be reverted ASAP. - Actually bumped version in CMakeLists.txt - `boost::posix_time::[milli]second` takes integer numbers, and we now at least cast the floats to integers, as Boost 1.67 forced us to realize we're (incorrectly) using floating point her - CMake: using regex to match compiler against "Clang" now enables correct build on OS X - Fixed GRC bug which broke WX and Qt (by altering the template code), in multiple (less than awesome) steps - `float_array_to_int`: int32 limits were wrongly hardcoded. - Fixed the undefined behaviour happening in `float_to_complex` when accessing the second input_items element in the single-input case - Changed Changelog format - Introducing Semantic Versioning - Change of development model: Rather than merging bugfixes to maint, merging maint to master, and next, if applicable, we'll be moving forward more in a typical management model: Development happens on master, and bugfixes are cherrypicked onto the maint-${RELEASE} branch. More info: - First attempt at having a .clang-format file to improve code contribution style quality. This is Work In Progress. - Buildability on systems where custom CMake command would try to find "" (empty string) as executable - Buildable with C++11 compilers (though deprecation warning-rich, due to `unique_ptr`) - several previously improperly handled include directories now actually included in individual lib/CMakeLists - Unit test/QA now parallelizable - Logger works with log4cpp <= 1.1.2 both in and out of tree - Python linkage under MinGW64 - Documentation Directory now uniformly "docs/" (instead of sometimes "doc/") - `log` vs `logf` performance bugs - on-time `pmt::mp("string")` calls (instead of cached PMTs) performance bug - Doxygen build now reproducible - Dialogs' parent windows - Embedded Python Blocks now work in hierarchical GRC flow graphs - `random.h`: Uniform integer Generation depended on Boost version > min version - `random.h`: time-dependency when seeding with `0` replaced with actual standard seed - block startup now synchronized via barrier - New tag propagation policy "custom" for own implementation - `get_tags_in_range` used `v.resize(0)` to clear vectors, which lead to unnecessary memory reallocations - `logger_ptr` now always a pointer, no matter whether logging is enabled; fixes heap corruption bug - `buffer[_reader]_sptr` superfluous grab/release performance bug - BSD threading and shared mem compatibility - PMT: `equal()` comparison - Sorted files in `gr_modtool` makexml processing, leading to improved reproducibility of builds - OS X: memcpy bug - OS X: debug mode - Non-Linux ALSA compatibibilty - `fmdet_cf` now has GRC file - `fastnoise_source`: non-threadsafe `libc` `rand()` replaced by XOROSHIRO128+ - `simple_copy` Ctrlport example - Metadata sink/source not closing file on `close()` - `multiply_matrix` formerly used "magic int" value where its API expected enum (and that int wasn't covered) - TCP connection ASIO bug - `tags_strobe`: superfluous tags addition - `vector_sink`: multithreading hazards on `data` access - `tuntap_pdu`: MTU-sized IP packet reception - `socket_pdu`: Garbage Collect closed TCP connections - IQ imbalance block formula now mathematically correct now mathematically correct - `selective_fading_model`: proper scaling of path length - `additive_scrambler_bb`: tag triggered reset - `stream_to_tagged_stream`: tag offset after `unlock()` - `blks2/`: Flushing for small packets - `interpolating_resampler`: GCC 4.0 compile error - `constellation`: 16QAM demapper was wrong for one constellation point - `chunks_to_symbols`: mutex-guard LUT against modification during use - MSVC compatibility throug `and` -> `&&` etc - `crc32_bb`: handle unpacked bytes correctly - `ofdm_carrier_allocator`: catching wrong allocations instead of crashing - All examples now are installed - DVB-T2: Removed L1 post scrambling in spec v1.1.1 mode - Building on non-Linux systems - Extended symbol bug in Reed-Solomon encoder - DVB-T Cell identifier - Building on non-Linux systems - ``: return int frozen bit output - `GSL_LDFLAGS` propagation - `polar_decoder` used to be flaky - locking of fftw wisdom - ``: removed NaN due to FP math - compilation under MinGW - `` reference scaling integer division bug - Simpson's rule code removed in favor of GSL call - Time sink: Segfault with tag trigger - Antenna selection in UHD apps - `uhd_fft` scalar gain-capability - Device selection for multi-device operations in UHD apps - TX streamer creation - Multi-part messages reception - Ninja ( now a supported build system - Python can now get `gr.WORK_CALLED_PRODUCE` and `gr.DONE` - `gr_modtool`: Autocompletion, line editing - `gr_modtool`: `copyrightholder` option - "Create Duplicate" - "Save a copy" - BokehGUI - New `tag_share` block: take tags from one two input streams to one output stream - `tag_gate`: tag filtering - `file_source`: configurable `file_begin` stream tag - `moving_average`: Vector mode (with element-wise MA) - `plateau_detector`: threshold get/set - `costas_loop_cc`: Optional loop variable outputs - New `correlate_access_code_tag` block - `glfsr` exposed through Python - 256QAM mode for ITU-T J.83B transmitter - negative Polynomials in `cc_encoder` - `symbol_sync_{cc|ff}` - ``: selectable time/clock sources - make `recv()` call's timeout parameterizable - message-based RX tuning through sink, TX through source - VOLK version requirement: 1.4.0 - Minimal required SWIG version now 2.0.4 - GSL optional dependency - Threw out completely unused `gr_??int` types - Doxygen build no longer contains timestamps - Doxygen build now reproducible - Though factually before, now officially include ZeroMQ and Sphinx as optional dependencies in docs - Python gateway allows variable number of ports - `gr_modtool`: Block template now uses `numpy.float32` instead of float. 32bit float is actually the default GNU Radio type.e. - `vector_sink` can preallocate memory for desired amount of items - `header_format_default` now sps>1-capable - `correlate_acces_code` uses `GR_LOG` - `uhd_fft`: respect `lo_offset` in `set_bandwidth` - `usrp_source`: freq tag now actually reflects last set frequency, even on multiple channels - Labels: now with 98.121212388% improved floating point formatting - Time Sink: Stem plot option exposed - `gr::sys_pri` -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAABCAAdFiEE000aH0pECI3rcAheoGxtld/HFHUFAlsQ9hsACgkQoGxtld/H FHUncRAApkPx2NJwWxrheYpJ06IFPCu5UGMAXluMTVxKKCWK3tOdmfWqrL1QqN/1 W/rULHZyTDyUEYIqwmq9UMaE94crwEryue+X81PkonDh6McEIBT2EYk+cwFmQpP9 rwx6ACNyukKHv8whj8eKEdGgYdfLxF6cFrpqnVosPRNXrhRZ39W+Ejn40B9P+BQI m+f3IPunY2YLQ3SdKvsMpOxmD2hwbvnDpL7/t3A7NZjkAnnhqsSTiDma8LWG8yw/ I1Ytv0oFvulK6/QDn9vOdVaa7FSJbns0kUQoNFvOFqLPRgv2hX/gBZ3NfyN0OKuH G7CypV8NXk3OmKTz+3xdqEkeyquIo5fGmkTb1bedKd/WjiHlpqQFGNJTsX6T9S8p T7DPSps5JaTpiZzwbDmUcJXJVZqLrnx/KdSNdWlsT7l08FRtyHHZ9mWO1VeY7v9c U9GPpf4YbiP8BA0kNgEPV8PslS2LAOUJ7tX8dYgjbr+D9Orff1IB0DGtSoMSmwvr v1KttCsHfY5mN+F3c8j98XGjBhl3B8zsObUJiaWWmJpNGPLmEADABvaf6GOJw4Td 70LtfnIIK7rleBbLGF8ZL1z7sb5b8xbm/H06IZRdZNhEHrqlybAJIjDIiYbLB8uA MWriju5Sa+QB75I49OVuCuSHChA/4dq9rv+7vb3TEGTjwjsDCrw= =/laU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----