path: root/autoscan/autoscan.py
diff options
authorLaurent Ghigonis <laurent@p1sec.com>2013-11-01 23:07:03 +0100
committerLaurent Ghigonis <laurent@p1sec.com>2013-11-01 23:07:03 +0100
commit8f821f0ca589fda38166e1b1a025d1ceb1a92910 (patch)
treed4a173d107b1fa247f72428a3ed9f47c76cf1bd8 /autoscan/autoscan.py
parentmove wifcap to github (diff)
autoscan: move to https://github.com/P1sec/autoscanHEADmaster
git clone https://github.com/P1sec/autoscan.git
Diffstat (limited to 'autoscan/autoscan.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/autoscan/autoscan.py b/autoscan/autoscan.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cd8860..0000000
--- a/autoscan/autoscan.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# autoscan - automatic fingerprint of visited networks
-# 2013, Laurent Ghigonis <laurent@gouloum.fr>
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import subprocess
-import traceback
-import re
-import argparse
-import shutil
-import errno
-import logging
-class Autoscan_iface(object):
- def __init__(self, iface, outdir=".", logfile=None, loglevel=logging.INFO, target_pubip="", noexplore=False):
- logstream = None
- if not logfile:
- logstream = sys.stdout
- logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=loglevel,
- stream=logstream,
- format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
- datefmt="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
- self.iface = iface
- self.outdir = outdir
- self.target_pubip = target_pubip
- self.noexplore = noexplore
- self.date = None # set by _do_tests()
- if 'SUDO_UID' in os.environ and 'SUDO_GID' in os.environ:
- self.perm_uid = int(os.environ['SUDO_UID'])
- self.perm_gid = int(os.environ['SUDO_GID'])
- else:
- self.perm_uid = os.getuid()
- self.perm_gid = os.getgid()
- self.found_ip4 = None
- self.found_ip6 = None
- self.found_pubip = None
- self.found_dns = list()
- self.found_essid = None
- def run_now(self):
- self._do_tests()
- def monitor(self):
- self._wait_up()
- self._do_tests()
- while True:
- self._wait_down()
- self._wait_up()
- self._do_tests()
- def _wait_up(self):
- logging.info("[>] %s: _wait_up", self.iface)
- while True:
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['ifconfig', self.iface])
- # iface up
- up = re.search(r'UP', out)
- ip4 = re.search(r'inet (\S+)', out)
- ip6 = re.search(r'inet6 (\S+)', out)
- if up and ip4: # XXX no ip6 because too fast
- break
- # loop
- time.sleep(0.5)
- time.sleep(3) # XXX wait for network to be configured
- def _wait_down(self):
- logging.info("[>] %s: _wait_down", self.iface)
- last_ip4 = None
- last_ip6 = None
- last_t = None
- while True:
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['ifconfig', self.iface])
- # iface down
- up = re.search(r'UP', out)
- if not up:
- break
- # iface ip change
- ip4 = re.search(r'inet (\S+)', out)
- if ip4: ip4 = ip4.group(1)
- if (not ip4 and last_ip4) or \
- (ip4 and last_ip4 and ip4 != last_ip4):
- break
- last_ip4 = ip4
- ip6 = re.search(r'inet6 (\S+)', out)
- if ip6: ip6 = ip6.group(1)
- if (not ip6 and last_ip6) or \
- (ip6 and last_ip6 and ip6 != last_ip6):
- break
- last_ip6 = ip6
- # sleep detection
- t = time.clock()
- if last_t and (t - last_t > 1):
- break
- last_t = t
- # loop
- time.sleep(0.5)
- def _do_tests(self):
- logging.info("[>] %s: _do_tests", self.iface)
- self.date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.gmtime())
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_pcap)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_ifconfig)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_iwconfig)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_route)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_resolv)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_pubip_get)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_pubip_ping)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_pubip_traceroute)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_resolv_traceroute)
- if not self.noexplore:
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_explor_traceroute)
- self._do_tests_run(self._test_explor_scan)
- self._storepath_rename()
- def _do_tests_run(self, func):
- try:
- logging.info("[-] %s: %s" % (self.iface, func.__name__))
- func()
- except Exception, e:
- logging.info("[!] %s: test %s failed: %s" % (self.iface, func, e))
- logging.info(traceback.format_exc())
- def _test_pcap(self):
- if os.fork() != 0:
- return
- # child
- os.system("$(tcpdump -ni %s -w %s 2>/dev/null & sleep 15; kill %%1) &" % (
- self.iface, self._storepath_get("pcap/tcpdump.pcap")))
- sys.exit(0)
- def _test_ifconfig(self):
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['ifconfig', self.iface])
- self._store("ifconfig/out", out)
- up = re.search(r'UP', out)
- if up: self._store("ifconfig/up", "")
- ip4 = re.search(r'inet (\S+)', out)
- if ip4:
- self._store("ifconfig/ip4", ip4.group(1))
- self.found_ip4 = ip4.group(1)
- ip6 = re.search(r'inet6 (\S+)', out)
- if ip6:
- self._store("ifconfig/ip6", ip6.group(1))
- self.found_ip6 = ip6.group(1)
- def _test_iwconfig(self):
- self.found_essid = None
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['iwconfig', self.iface])
- if len(out) == 0:
- return # not a WIFI interface
- self._store("iwconfig/out", out)
- essid = re.search(r'ESSID:(\S+)', out)
- if essid:
- essid = essid.group(1).replace("\"", "")
- self.found_essid = essid
- self._store("iwconfig/essid", essid)
- ap = re.search(r'Access Point: (\S+)', out)
- if ap:
- self._store("iwconfig/ap", ap.group(1))
- def _test_route(self):
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['route', '-n'])
- self._store("route/out", out)
- gw = re.findall(r'(\S+)', out.split('\n')[2])[1]
- if gw: self._store("route/gw", gw)
- def _test_resolv(self):
- shutil.copy("/etc/resolv.conf", self._storepath_get("resolv/resolv.conf"))
- n = 0
- with open("/etc/resolv.conf") as f:
- for line in f:
- r = re.search('nameserver (\S+)', line)
- if r:
- dns = r.group(1)
- self._store("resolv/dns%d" % n, dns)
- self.found_dns.append(dns)
- n += 1
- def _test_pubip_get(self):
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['curl', '--retry', '3', 'ifconfig.me'])
- if re.search(r'^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$', out):
- self._store("pubip_get/ip", out)
- self.found_pubip = out.strip()
- else:
- self._store("pubip_get/out", out)
- self.found_pubip = None
- def _test_pubip_ping(self):
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['ping', '-W', '3', '-c', '1', self.target_pubip])
- self._store("pubip_ping/code", code)
- self._store("pubip_ping/out", out)
- def _test_pubip_traceroute(self):
- self._store("pubip_traceroute/out",
- self._util_traceroute(self.target_pubip))
- def _test_resolv_traceroute(self):
- for dns in self.found_dns:
- self._store("resolv_traceroute/out",
- self._util_traceroute(dns))
- def _test_explor_traceroute(self):
- targets = ["", "", "", "", ""]
- for t in targets:
- self._store("explor_traceroute/out_%s" % t,
- self._util_traceroute(t))
- def _test_explor_scan(self):
- target = re.sub('\.[0-9]+$', '', self.found_ip4) + ".0/24" # XXX v6
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['nmap', '-oA', self._storepath_get("explor_scan/localnet"), '-p', '21,22,23,445,80,443,8080,8081,8082,8083', target])
- self._store("explor_scan/out", out)
- if len(err) > 0:
- self._store("explor_scan/err", err)
- def _exec(self, cmd):
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- return out, err, p.returncode
- def _store(self, suffix, txt):
- name = self._storepath_get(suffix)
- logging.debug("%s = %s" % (name, txt))
- f = open(name, "w+")
- f.write(str(txt))
- f.close()
- os.chown(name, self.perm_uid, self.perm_gid)
- def _storepath_get(self, suffix=None):
- path = "%s/%s_%s" % (self.outdir, self.date, self.iface)
- if suffix:
- path += "/" + suffix
- d = os.path.dirname(path)
- if not os.path.isdir(d):
- os.makedirs(d)
- subprocess.check_output(['chown', '-R', '%s:%s' % (self.perm_uid, self.perm_gid), self.outdir]) # pythonic way is awefull
- return path
- def _storepath_rename(self):
- if self.found_pubip:
- suffix = self.found_pubip
- else:
- suffix = self.found_ip4
- if self.found_essid:
- suffix += "_" + self.found_essid
- newpath = self._storepath_get() + "_" + suffix
- logging.info("[*] %s: %s" % (self.iface, newpath))
- os.rename(self._storepath_get(), newpath)
- def _util_traceroute(self, target):
- out, err, code = self._exec(
- ['traceroute', target])
- return out
-if not os.geteuid() == 0:
- sys.exit('must be root')
-# XXX all ifaces by default, use netifaces
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument("interfaces", nargs='+',
- help="Interface(s) to use")
-parser.add_argument("-m", "--monitor", action="store_true",
- help="Mode monitor: Stay in the background and automaticaly run when interface turns up")
-parser.add_argument("-r", "--runnow", action="store_true",
- help="Mode runnow (default): Run tests/scans now and exit")
-parser.add_argument("-f", "--foreground", action="store_true",
- help="Run in foreground for monitor mode, do not daemonize")
-parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", action="store", default=".",
- help="Use DIR as output directory")
-parser.add_argument("-x", "--noexplore", action="store_true",
- help="Do not run explore tests (traceroute to arbitrary local ranges + nmap scan)")
-parser.add_argument("-p", "--pubip", action="store", default="",
- help="Use target IP for public IP tests")
-parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
- help="Quiet logging (warning only)")
-parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
- help="Verbose logging")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-if args.runnow and args.monitor:
- print "Cannot specify both monitor and runnow modes !"
- sys.exit(1)
-if args.runnow and args.foreground:
- print "Cannot specify foreground with runnow, it's implicit !"
- sys.exit(1)
-if args.verbose and args.quiet:
- print "Cannot specify both verbose and quiet !"
- sys.exit(1)
-if not args.runnow and not args.monitor:
- args.runnow = True
-if args.runnow:
- args.foreground = True
-if args.foreground:
- logfile = None
- logfile = "autoscan.log"
-if args.verbose:
- loglevel = logging.DEBUG
-elif args.quiet:
- loglevel = logging.WARN
- loglevel = logging.INFO
-for iface in args.interfaces:
- if os.fork() == 0:
- autoscan = Autoscan_iface(iface, args.outdir,
- logfile=logfile,
- loglevel=loglevel,
- target_pubip=args.pubip,
- noexplore=args.noexplore)
- if args.runnow:
- autoscan.run_now()
- else:
- autoscan.monitor()
-if args.foreground:
- while True:
- try: os.wait()
- except: break