path: root/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/mlme_linux.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/mlme_linux.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/mlme_linux.c b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/mlme_linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f7ce724ebf87..000000000000
--- a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/os_dep/mlme_linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-/* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. i*/
-#define _MLME_OSDEP_C_
-#include "../include/osdep_service.h"
-#include "../include/drv_types.h"
-#include "../include/mlme_osdep.h"
-void rtw_join_timeout_handler (struct timer_list *t)
- struct adapter *adapter = from_timer(adapter, t, mlmepriv.assoc_timer);
- _rtw_join_timeout_handler(adapter);
-void _rtw_scan_timeout_handler (struct timer_list *t)
- struct adapter *adapter = from_timer(adapter, t, mlmepriv.scan_to_timer);
- rtw_scan_timeout_handler(adapter);
-static void _dynamic_check_timer_handlder(struct timer_list *t)
- struct adapter *adapter = from_timer(adapter, t, mlmepriv.dynamic_chk_timer);
- rtw_dynamic_check_timer_handlder(adapter);
- _set_timer(&adapter->mlmepriv.dynamic_chk_timer, 2000);
-void rtw_init_mlme_timer(struct adapter *padapter)
- struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
- timer_setup(&pmlmepriv->assoc_timer, rtw_join_timeout_handler, 0);
- timer_setup(&pmlmepriv->scan_to_timer, _rtw_scan_timeout_handler, 0);
- timer_setup(&pmlmepriv->dynamic_chk_timer, _dynamic_check_timer_handlder, 0);
-void rtw_os_indicate_connect(struct adapter *adapter)
- rtw_indicate_wx_assoc_event(adapter);
- netif_carrier_on(adapter->pnetdev);
- if (adapter->pid[2] != 0)
- rtw_signal_process(adapter->pid[2], SIGALRM);
-void rtw_os_indicate_scan_done(struct adapter *padapter, bool aborted)
- indicate_wx_scan_complete_event(padapter);
-static struct rt_pmkid_list backup_pmkid[NUM_PMKID_CACHE];
-void rtw_reset_securitypriv(struct adapter *adapter)
- u8 backup_index = 0;
- u8 backup_counter = 0x00;
- u32 backup_time = 0;
- if (adapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm == dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X) {
- /* 802.1x */
- /* We have to backup the PMK information for WiFi PMK Caching test item. */
- /* Backup the btkip_countermeasure information. */
- /* When the countermeasure is trigger, the driver have to disconnect with AP for 60 seconds. */
- memset(&backup_pmkid[0], 0x00, sizeof(struct rt_pmkid_list) * NUM_PMKID_CACHE);
- memcpy(&backup_pmkid[0], &adapter->securitypriv.PMKIDList[0], sizeof(struct rt_pmkid_list) * NUM_PMKID_CACHE);
- backup_index = adapter->securitypriv.PMKIDIndex;
- backup_counter = adapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure;
- backup_time = adapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure_time;
- memset((unsigned char *)&adapter->securitypriv, 0, sizeof(struct security_priv));
- /* Restore the PMK information to securitypriv structure for the following connection. */
- memcpy(&adapter->securitypriv.PMKIDList[0],
- &backup_pmkid[0],
- sizeof(struct rt_pmkid_list) * NUM_PMKID_CACHE);
- adapter->securitypriv.PMKIDIndex = backup_index;
- adapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure = backup_counter;
- adapter->securitypriv.btkip_countermeasure_time = backup_time;
- adapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- adapter->securitypriv.ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled;
- } else {
- /* reset values in securitypriv */
- struct security_priv *psec_priv = &adapter->securitypriv;
- psec_priv->dot11AuthAlgrthm = dot11AuthAlgrthm_Open; /* open system */
- psec_priv->dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- psec_priv->dot11PrivacyKeyIndex = 0;
- psec_priv->dot118021XGrpPrivacy = _NO_PRIVACY_;
- psec_priv->dot118021XGrpKeyid = 1;
- psec_priv->ndisauthtype = Ndis802_11AuthModeOpen;
- psec_priv->ndisencryptstatus = Ndis802_11WEPDisabled;
- }
-void rtw_os_indicate_disconnect(struct adapter *adapter)
- netif_carrier_off(adapter->pnetdev); /* Do it first for tx broadcast pkt after disconnection issue! */
- rtw_indicate_wx_disassoc_event(adapter);
- rtw_reset_securitypriv(adapter);
-void rtw_report_sec_ie(struct adapter *adapter, u8 authmode, u8 *sec_ie)
- uint len;
- u8 *buff, *p, i;
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- buff = NULL;
- if (authmode == _WPA_IE_ID_) {
- buff = kzalloc(IW_CUSTOM_MAX, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!buff)
- return;
- p = buff;
- p += sprintf(p, "ASSOCINFO(ReqIEs =");
- len = sec_ie[1] + 2;
- len = (len < IW_CUSTOM_MAX) ? len : IW_CUSTOM_MAX;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- p += sprintf(p, "%02x", sec_ie[i]);
- p += sprintf(p, ")");
- memset(&wrqu, 0, sizeof(wrqu));
- wrqu.data.length = p - buff;
- wrqu.data.length = (wrqu.data.length < IW_CUSTOM_MAX) ?
- wrqu.data.length : IW_CUSTOM_MAX;
- wireless_send_event(adapter->pnetdev, IWEVCUSTOM, &wrqu, buff);
- kfree(buff);
- }
-static void _survey_timer_hdl(struct timer_list *t)
- struct adapter *padapter = from_timer(padapter, t, mlmeextpriv.survey_timer);
- survey_timer_hdl(padapter);
-static void _link_timer_hdl(struct timer_list *t)
- struct adapter *padapter = from_timer(padapter, t, mlmeextpriv.link_timer);
- link_timer_hdl(padapter);
-static void _addba_timer_hdl(struct timer_list *t)
- struct sta_info *psta = from_timer(psta, t, addba_retry_timer);
- addba_timer_hdl(psta);
-void init_addba_retry_timer(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)
- timer_setup(&psta->addba_retry_timer, _addba_timer_hdl, 0);
-void init_mlme_ext_timer(struct adapter *padapter)
- struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
- timer_setup(&pmlmeext->survey_timer, _survey_timer_hdl, 0);
- timer_setup(&pmlmeext->link_timer, _link_timer_hdl, 0);
-void rtw_indicate_sta_assoc_event(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
- if (!psta)
- return;
- if (psta->aid > NUM_STA)
- return;
- if (pstapriv->sta_aid[psta->aid - 1] != psta)
- return;
- wrqu.addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memcpy(wrqu.addr.sa_data, psta->hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- DBG_88E("+rtw_indicate_sta_assoc_event\n");
- wireless_send_event(padapter->pnetdev, IWEVREGISTERED, &wrqu, NULL);
-void rtw_indicate_sta_disassoc_event(struct adapter *padapter, struct sta_info *psta)
- union iwreq_data wrqu;
- struct sta_priv *pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv;
- if (!psta)
- return;
- if (psta->aid > NUM_STA)
- return;
- if (pstapriv->sta_aid[psta->aid - 1] != psta)
- return;
- wrqu.addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- memcpy(wrqu.addr.sa_data, psta->hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- DBG_88E("+rtw_indicate_sta_disassoc_event\n");
- wireless_send_event(padapter->pnetdev, IWEVEXPIRED, &wrqu, NULL);