path: root/lualdap/tests/test.lua
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authorTomas Guisasola <tomas@luaforge.net>2003-09-01 15:59:59 +0000
committerTomas Guisasola <tomas@luaforge.net>2003-09-01 15:59:59 +0000
commit77c8ffcc65a31626287c45655a1ac57e3e713dc8 (patch)
tree98214e8f7d34804fb5ae335e1184da258bb17cd1 /lualdap/tests/test.lua
parentImplementacao dos "futuros", ou seja, as funcoes que recebem a resposta das (diff)
Organizacao geral dos testes.
Diffstat (limited to 'lualdap/tests/test.lua')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/lualdap/tests/test.lua b/lualdap/tests/test.lua
index 6fe3282..435b0fd 100755
--- a/lualdap/tests/test.lua
+++ b/lualdap/tests/test.lua
@@ -1,99 +1,281 @@
-- LuaLDAP test file.
--- $Id: test.lua,v 1.4 2003-06-23 11:27:55 tomas Exp $
+-- $Id: test.lua,v 1.5 2003-09-01 15:59:59 tomas Exp $
-function print_attrs (attrs)
- io.write (string.format (" [dn] : %s\n", attrs.dn))
+DN_PAT = "^([^,=]+)%=([^,]+)%,(.*)$"
+-- Print attributes.
+function print_attrs (dn, attrs)
+ if not dn then
+ io.write ("nil\n")
+ return
+ end
+ io.write (string.format ("\t[%s]\n", dn))
for name, values in pairs (attrs) do
- if name ~= "dn" then
- io.write ("["..name.."] : ")
- if type (values) == "table" then
- for i = 1, (table.getn (values)-1) do
- io.write (values[i]..",")
- end
- io.write (values[table.getn(values)])
- else
- io.write (values)
+ io.write ("["..name.."] : ")
+ local tv = type (values)
+ if tv == "string" then
+ io.write (values)
+ elseif tv == "table" then
+ local n = table.getn (values)
+ for i = 1, n-1 do
+ io.write (values[i]..",")
- io.write ("\n")
+ io.write (values[n])
+ io.write ("\n")
+-- clone a table.
+function clone (tab)
+ local new = {}
+ for i, v in pairs (tab) do
+ new[i] = v
+ end
+ return new
+-- checks for a value and throw an error if it's not the expected.
+function assert2 (expected, value, msg)
+ if not msg then
+ msg = ''
+ else
+ msg = tostring(msg)..'\n'
+ end
+ return assert (value == expected,
+ msg.."wrong value (["..tostring(value).."] instead of "..
+ tostring(expected)..")")
+-- object test.
+function test_object (obj, objmethods)
+ -- checking object type.
+ assert2 ("userdata", type(obj), "incorrect object type")
+ -- trying to get metatable.
+ assert2 ("LuaLDAP: you're not allowed to get this metatable",
+ getmetatable(obj), "error permitting access to object's metatable")
+ -- trying to set metatable.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (setmetatable, ENV, {}))
+ -- checking existence of object's methods.
+ for i = 1, table.getn (objmethods) do
+ local method = obj[objmethods[i]]
+ assert2 ("function", type(method))
+ assert2 (false, pcall (method), "no 'self' parameter accepted")
+ end
+ return obj
+CONN_OK = function (obj)
+ return test_object (obj, { "close", "add", "compare", "delete", "modify", "rename", "search", })
+-- basic checking test.
+function basic_test ()
+ local ld = CONN_OK (lualdap.open_simple (HOSTNAME, WHO, PASSWORD))
+ assert2 (1, ld:close(), "couldn't close connection")
+ -- trying to close without a connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (ld.close))
+ -- trying to close an invalid connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (ld.close, io.output()))
+ -- trying to use a closed connection.
+ local _,_,rdn_name,rdn_value = string.find (BASE, DN_PAT)
+ assert2 (false, pcall (ld.compare, ld, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value),
+ "permitting the use of a closed connection")
+ -- it's ok to close a closed object, but nil is returned instead of 1.
+ assert2 (nil, ld:close())
+ -- trying to connect to an invalid host.
+ assert2 (nil, lualdap.open_simple ("unknown-server"), "this should be an error")
+ -- reopen the connection.
+ LD = assert (lualdap.open_simple (HOSTNAME, WHO, PASSWORD, true))
+ CLOSED_LD = ld
+function check_future (ret, method, ...)
+ local ok, f = pcall (method, unpack (arg))
+ assert (ok, f)
+ assert2 ("function", type(f))
+ assert2 (ret, f())
+-- checking compare operation.
+function compare_test ()
+ local _,_,rdn_name,rdn_value = string.find (BASE, DN_PAT)
+ -- comparing against the correct value.
+ check_future (true, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value)
+ --local ok, f = pcall (LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value)
+ --assert (ok, f)
+ --assert2 ("function", type(f))
+ --assert2 (true, pcall (f))
+ -- comparing against a wrong value.
+ check_future (false, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value..'_')
+ -- comparing against an incorrect attribute name.
+ check_future (nil, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name..'x', rdn_value)
+ -- comparing on a wrong base.
+ check_future (nil, LD.compare, LD, 'qwerty', rdn_name, rdn_value)
+ -- comparing with a closed connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.compare, CLOSED_LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value))
+ -- comparing with an invalid userdata.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.compare, io.output(), BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value))
+-- checking basic search operation.
+function search_test_1 ()
+ DN, ENTRY = LD:search {
+ base = BASE,
+ scope = "onelevel",
+ sizelimit = 1,
+ }()
+-- checking add operation.
+function add_test ()
+ -- clone an entry.
+ NEW = clone (ENTRY)
+ local _,_,rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (DN, DN_PAT)
+ NEW[rdn_name] = rdn_value.."_copy"
+ NEW_DN = string.format ("%s=%s,%s", rdn_name, NEW[rdn_name], parent_dn)
+ -- trying to insert an entry with a wrong connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.add, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN, NEW))
+ -- trying to insert an entry with an invalid connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.add, io.output(), NEW_DN, NEW))
+ -- trying to insert an entry with a wrong DN.
+ local wrong_dn = string.format ("%s_x=%s,%s", rdn_name, NEW_DN, parent_dn)
+ --assert2 (nil, LD:add (wrong_dn, NEW))
+ check_future (nil, LD.add, LD, wrong_dn, NEW)
+ -- trying to insert the clone on the LDAP data base.
+ check_future (true, LD.add, LD, NEW_DN, NEW)
+ -- trying to reinsert the clone entry on the directory.
+ check_future (nil, LD.add, LD, NEW_DN, NEW)
+-- checking modify operation.
+function modify_test ()
+ -- trying to create an undefined attribute.
+ assert2 (nil, LD:modify (NEW_DN, {'+', unknown_attribute = 'a'}))
+-- checking advanced search operation.
+function search_test_2 ()
+ -- checking no search specification.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.search, LD))
+ -- checking invalid scope.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.search, LD, { scope = 'BASE', base = BASE, }))
+ -- checking invalid base.
+ check_future (nil, LD.search, LD, { base = "invalid", scope = "base", })
+-- checking rename operation.
+function rename_test ()
+ local _,_, rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (NEW_DN, DN_PAT)
+ local new_rdn = rdn_name..'='..rdn_value..'_'
+ local new_dn = string.format ("%s,%s", new_rdn, parent_dn)
+ -- trying to rename with no parent.
+ check_future (true, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil)
+ -- trying to rename an invalid dn.
+ check_future (nil, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil)
+ -- trying to rename with the same parent.
+ check_future (true, LD.rename, LD, new_dn, rdn_name..'='..rdn_value, parent_dn)
+ -- trying to rename to an inexistent parent.
+ check_future (nil, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, new_dn)
+ -- mal-formed DN.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, LD, ""))
+ -- trying to rename with a closed connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil))
+ -- trying to rename with an invalid connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, io.output(), NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil))
+-- checking delete operation.
+function delete_test ()
+ -- trying to delete with a closed connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN))
+ -- trying to delete with an invalid connection.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, io.output(), NEW_DN))
+ -- trying to delete new entry.
+ check_future (true, LD.delete, LD, NEW_DN)
+ -- trying to delete an already deleted entry.
+ check_future (nil, LD.delete, LD, NEW_DN)
+ -- mal-formed DN.
+ check_future (nil, LD.delete, LD, "")
+ -- no DN.
+ assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, LD))
+-- checking close operation.
+function close_test ()
+ assert (LD:close () == 1, "couldn't close connection")
+tests = {
+ { "basic checking", basic_test },
+ { "checking compare operation", compare_test },
+ { "checking basic search operation", search_test_1 },
+ { "checking add operation", add_test },
+ { "checking modify operation", modify_test },
+ { "checking advanced search operation", search_test_2 },
+ { "checking rename operation", rename_test },
+ { "checking delete operation", delete_test },
+ { "closing everything", close_test },
+-- Main
if table.getn(arg) < 1 then
- print (string.format ("Usage %s host[:port] base [filter [attribs*]]", arg[0]))
+ print (string.format ("Usage %s host[:port] base [who [password]]", arg[0]))
-local hostname = arg[1]
-local who = arg[2]
-local password = arg[3]
-local base = arg[4]
-local filter = arg[5] or "objectclass=*"
-local attribs = {}
-for n = 6, table.getn(arg) do
- attribs[n-5] = arg[n]
-assert (lualdap, "couldn't load LDAP library")
-local ld = assert (lualdap.open_simple (hostname, who, password))
-assert (ld:close () == 1, "couldn't close connection")
-assert (pcall (ld.close, ld) == false)
-local ld = assert (lualdap.open_simple (hostname, who, password))
--- search
-for attrs in ld:search (base, "subtree", filter, attribs) do
- print_attrs (attrs)
-print ("search ok")
---print(ld:search (base, "subtree", filter, attribs))
--- compare
---print("compare", ld:compare ("videoID=676DE,ou=video,dc=teste,dc=br", "videoTitulo", "Tecnologias de Video Digital"))
--- add
-print("add", ld:add ("videoID=23042011,ou=video,dc=teste,dc=br", {
- videoID = "23042011",
- objectClass = { "objVideo", "objConteudo", },
- videoTitulo = "Teste de inclusao",
--- modify
-print("modify", ld:modify ("videoID=676DE,ou=video,dc=teste,dc=br", {
- { op = "a", type = "videoTitulo", values = "Tecnologias de Video Digital" },
-for msg, attrs in ld:search (base, "subtree", filter, { "videoID" }) do
- print_attrs (attrs)
-local iter1, state1, first1 = ld:search (base, "subtree", filter, { "dn", "objectClass", "videoTitulo", })
-local iter2, state2, first2 = ld:search (base, "subtree", filter, { "dn", "videoID", "videoTitulo", })
-local m1,a1 = iter1 (state1, first1)
-io.write ("\n 1 >")
-print_attrs (a1)
-local m2,a2 = iter2 (state2, first2)
-io.write ("\n 2 >")
-print_attrs (a2)
-m1,a1 = iter1 (state1, m1)
-io.write ("\n 3 >")
-print_attrs (a1)
-m2,a2 = iter2 (state2, m2)
-io.write ("\n 4 >")
-print_attrs (a2)
-assert (ld:close () == 1, "couldn't close connection")
+HOSTNAME = arg[1]
+BASE = arg[2]
+WHO = arg[3]
+PASSWORD = arg[4]
+assert (type(lualdap)=="table", "couldn't load LDAP library")
+for i = 1, table.getn (tests) do
+ local t = tests[i]
+ io.write (t[1].." ...")
+ t[2] ()
+ io.write (" OK !\n")