path: root/WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift
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authorRoopesh Chander <roop@roopc.net>2018-12-13 12:14:21 +0530
committerRoopesh Chander <roop@roopc.net>2018-12-13 12:14:21 +0530
commit6528a581de3e33067f9955e6362b6fd97ee17ef6 (patch)
tree18b5d3fea8f3195d2c8a6bdec5693833fcf57adf /WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift
parentCommit untested ringlogger code (diff)
mv WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/ WireGuard/WireGuard/Tunnel/
Signed-off-by: Roopesh Chander <roop@roopc.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 480 deletions
diff --git a/WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift b/WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ab071..0000000
--- a/WireGuard/WireGuard/VPN/TunnelsManager.swift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-// Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-import Foundation
-import NetworkExtension
-import os.log
-protocol TunnelsManagerListDelegate: class {
- func tunnelAdded(at index: Int)
- func tunnelModified(at index: Int)
- func tunnelMoved(from oldIndex: Int, to newIndex: Int)
- func tunnelRemoved(at index: Int)
-protocol TunnelsManagerActivationDelegate: class {
- func tunnelActivationFailed(tunnel: TunnelContainer, error: TunnelsManagerError)
-enum TunnelsManagerError: WireGuardAppError {
- // Tunnels list management
- case tunnelNameEmpty
- case tunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatName
- case vpnSystemErrorOnListingTunnels
- case vpnSystemErrorOnAddTunnel
- case vpnSystemErrorOnModifyTunnel
- case vpnSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnel
- // Tunnel activation
- case attemptingActivationWhenTunnelIsNotInactive
- case attemptingActivationWhenAnotherTunnelIsOperational(otherTunnelName: String)
- case tunnelActivationAttemptFailed // startTunnel() throwed
- case tunnelActivationFailedInternalError // startTunnel() succeeded, but activation failed
- case tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection // startTunnel() succeeded, but activation failed since no internet
- //swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
- func alertText() -> AlertText {
- switch self {
- case .tunnelNameEmpty:
- return ("No name provided", "Can't create tunnel with an empty name")
- case .tunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatName:
- return ("Name already exists", "A tunnel with that name already exists")
- case .vpnSystemErrorOnListingTunnels:
- return ("Unable to list tunnels", "Internal error")
- case .vpnSystemErrorOnAddTunnel:
- return ("Unable to create tunnel", "Internal error")
- case .vpnSystemErrorOnModifyTunnel:
- return ("Unable to modify tunnel", "Internal error")
- case .vpnSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnel:
- return ("Unable to remove tunnel", "Internal error")
- case .attemptingActivationWhenTunnelIsNotInactive:
- return ("Activation failure", "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated")
- case .attemptingActivationWhenAnotherTunnelIsOperational(let otherTunnelName):
- return ("Activation failure", "Please disconnect '\(otherTunnelName)' before enabling this tunnel.")
- case .tunnelActivationAttemptFailed:
- return ("Activation failure", "The tunnel could not be activated due to an internal error")
- case .tunnelActivationFailedInternalError:
- return ("Activation failure", "The tunnel could not be activated due to an internal error")
- case .tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection:
- return ("Activation failure", "No internet connection")
- }
- }
-class TunnelsManager {
- private var tunnels: [TunnelContainer]
- weak var tunnelsListDelegate: TunnelsManagerListDelegate?
- weak var activationDelegate: TunnelsManagerActivationDelegate?
- private var statusObservationToken: AnyObject?
- var tunnelBeingActivated: TunnelContainer?
- init(tunnelProviders: [NETunnelProviderManager]) {
- self.tunnels = tunnelProviders.map { TunnelContainer(tunnel: $0) }.sorted { $0.name < $1.name }
- self.startObservingTunnelStatuses()
- }
- static func create(completionHandler: @escaping (WireGuardResult<TunnelsManager>) -> Void) {
- #if targetEnvironment(simulator)
- // NETunnelProviderManager APIs don't work on the simulator
- completionHandler(.success(TunnelsManager(tunnelProviders: [])))
- #else
- NETunnelProviderManager.loadAllFromPreferences { managers, error in
- if let error = error {
- os_log("Failed to load tunnel provider managers: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, "\(error)")
- completionHandler(.failure(TunnelsManagerError.vpnSystemErrorOnListingTunnels))
- return
- }
- completionHandler(.success(TunnelsManager(tunnelProviders: managers ?? [])))
- }
- #endif
- }
- func add(tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration,
- activateOnDemandSetting: ActivateOnDemandSetting = ActivateOnDemandSetting.defaultSetting,
- completionHandler: @escaping (WireGuardResult<TunnelContainer>) -> Void) {
- let tunnelName = tunnelConfiguration.interface.name
- if tunnelName.isEmpty {
- completionHandler(.failure(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelNameEmpty))
- return
- }
- if self.tunnels.contains(where: { $0.name == tunnelName }) {
- completionHandler(.failure(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatName))
- return
- }
- let tunnelProviderManager = NETunnelProviderManager()
- tunnelProviderManager.protocolConfiguration = NETunnelProviderProtocol(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration)
- tunnelProviderManager.localizedDescription = tunnelName
- tunnelProviderManager.isEnabled = true
- activateOnDemandSetting.apply(on: tunnelProviderManager)
- tunnelProviderManager.saveToPreferences { [weak self] error in
- guard error == nil else {
- os_log("Add: Saving configuration failed: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(error!)")
- completionHandler(.failure(TunnelsManagerError.vpnSystemErrorOnAddTunnel))
- return
- }
- if let self = self {
- let tunnel = TunnelContainer(tunnel: tunnelProviderManager)
- self.tunnels.append(tunnel)
- self.tunnels.sort { $0.name < $1.name }
- self.tunnelsListDelegate?.tunnelAdded(at: self.tunnels.firstIndex(of: tunnel)!)
- completionHandler(.success(tunnel))
- }
- }
- }
- func addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: [TunnelConfiguration], completionHandler: @escaping (UInt) -> Void) {
- addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: ArraySlice(tunnelConfigurations), numberSuccessful: 0, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- private func addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: ArraySlice<TunnelConfiguration>, numberSuccessful: UInt, completionHandler: @escaping (UInt) -> Void) {
- guard let head = tunnelConfigurations.first else {
- completionHandler(numberSuccessful)
- return
- }
- let tail = tunnelConfigurations.dropFirst()
- self.add(tunnelConfiguration: head) { [weak self, tail] result in
- DispatchQueue.main.async {
- self?.addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: tail, numberSuccessful: numberSuccessful + (result.isSuccess ? 1 : 0), completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- }
- }
- func modify(tunnel: TunnelContainer, tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration,
- activateOnDemandSetting: ActivateOnDemandSetting, completionHandler: @escaping (TunnelsManagerError?) -> Void) {
- let tunnelName = tunnelConfiguration.interface.name
- if tunnelName.isEmpty {
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelNameEmpty)
- return
- }
- let tunnelProviderManager = tunnel.tunnelProvider
- let isNameChanged = (tunnelName != tunnelProviderManager.localizedDescription)
- if isNameChanged {
- if self.tunnels.contains(where: { $0.name == tunnelName }) {
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatName)
- return
- }
- tunnel.name = tunnelName
- }
- tunnelProviderManager.protocolConfiguration = NETunnelProviderProtocol(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration)
- tunnelProviderManager.localizedDescription = tunnelName
- tunnelProviderManager.isEnabled = true
- let isActivatingOnDemand = (!tunnelProviderManager.isOnDemandEnabled && activateOnDemandSetting.isActivateOnDemandEnabled)
- activateOnDemandSetting.apply(on: tunnelProviderManager)
- tunnelProviderManager.saveToPreferences { [weak self] error in
- guard error == nil else {
- os_log("Modify: Saving configuration failed: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(error!)")
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.vpnSystemErrorOnModifyTunnel)
- return
- }
- if let self = self {
- if isNameChanged {
- let oldIndex = self.tunnels.firstIndex(of: tunnel)!
- self.tunnels.sort { $0.name < $1.name }
- let newIndex = self.tunnels.firstIndex(of: tunnel)!
- self.tunnelsListDelegate?.tunnelMoved(from: oldIndex, to: newIndex)
- }
- self.tunnelsListDelegate?.tunnelModified(at: self.tunnels.firstIndex(of: tunnel)!)
- if tunnel.status == .active || tunnel.status == .activating || tunnel.status == .reasserting {
- // Turn off the tunnel, and then turn it back on, so the changes are made effective
- tunnel.status = .restarting
- (tunnel.tunnelProvider.connection as? NETunnelProviderSession)?.stopTunnel()
- }
- if isActivatingOnDemand {
- // Reload tunnel after saving.
- // Without this, the tunnel stopes getting updates on the tunnel status from iOS.
- tunnelProviderManager.loadFromPreferences { error in
- tunnel.isActivateOnDemandEnabled = tunnelProviderManager.isOnDemandEnabled
- guard error == nil else {
- os_log("Modify: Re-loading after saving configuration failed: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(error!)")
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.vpnSystemErrorOnModifyTunnel)
- return
- }
- completionHandler(nil)
- }
- } else {
- completionHandler(nil)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- func remove(tunnel: TunnelContainer, completionHandler: @escaping (TunnelsManagerError?) -> Void) {
- let tunnelProviderManager = tunnel.tunnelProvider
- tunnelProviderManager.removeFromPreferences { [weak self] error in
- guard error == nil else {
- os_log("Remove: Saving configuration failed: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(error!)")
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.vpnSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnel)
- return
- }
- if let self = self {
- let index = self.tunnels.firstIndex(of: tunnel)!
- self.tunnels.remove(at: index)
- self.tunnelsListDelegate?.tunnelRemoved(at: index)
- }
- completionHandler(nil)
- }
- }
- func numberOfTunnels() -> Int {
- return tunnels.count
- }
- func tunnel(at index: Int) -> TunnelContainer {
- return tunnels[index]
- }
- func tunnel(named tunnelName: String) -> TunnelContainer? {
- return self.tunnels.first { $0.name == tunnelName }
- }
- func startActivation(of tunnel: TunnelContainer, completionHandler: @escaping (TunnelsManagerError?) -> Void) {
- guard tunnels.contains(tunnel) else { return } // Ensure it's not deleted
- guard tunnel.status == .inactive else {
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.attemptingActivationWhenTunnelIsNotInactive)
- return
- }
- if let tunnelInOperation = tunnels.first(where: { $0.status != .inactive }) {
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.attemptingActivationWhenAnotherTunnelIsOperational(otherTunnelName: tunnelInOperation.name))
- return
- }
- tunnelBeingActivated = tunnel
- tunnel.startActivation(completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- func startDeactivation(of tunnel: TunnelContainer) {
- if tunnel.status == .inactive || tunnel.status == .deactivating {
- return
- }
- tunnel.startDeactivation()
- }
- func refreshStatuses() {
- tunnels.forEach { $0.refreshStatus() }
- }
- private func startObservingTunnelStatuses() {
- guard statusObservationToken == nil else { return }
- statusObservationToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NEVPNStatusDidChange, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] statusChangeNotification in
- guard let self = self else { return }
- guard let session = statusChangeNotification.object as? NETunnelProviderSession else { return }
- guard let tunnelProvider = session.manager as? NETunnelProviderManager else { return }
- guard let tunnel = self.tunnels.first(where: { $0.tunnelProvider == tunnelProvider }) else { return }
- os_log("Tunnel '%{public}@' connection status changed to '%{public}@'",
- log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, tunnel.name, "\(tunnel.tunnelProvider.connection.status)")
- // In case our attempt to start the tunnel, didn't succeed
- if tunnel == self.tunnelBeingActivated {
- if session.status == .disconnected {
- if InternetReachability.currentStatus() == .notReachable {
- let error = TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection
- self.activationDelegate?.tunnelActivationFailed(tunnel: tunnel, error: error)
- }
- self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
- } else if session.status == .connected {
- self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
- }
- }
- // In case we're restarting the tunnel
- if (tunnel.status == .restarting) && (session.status == .disconnected || session.status == .disconnecting) {
- // Don't change tunnel.status when disconnecting for a restart
- if session.status == .disconnected {
- self.tunnelBeingActivated = tunnel
- tunnel.startActivation { _ in }
- }
- return
- }
- tunnel.refreshStatus()
- }
- }
- deinit {
- if let statusObservationToken = self.statusObservationToken {
- NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(statusObservationToken)
- }
- }
-class TunnelContainer: NSObject {
- @objc dynamic var name: String
- @objc dynamic var status: TunnelStatus
- @objc dynamic var isActivateOnDemandEnabled: Bool
- var isAttemptingActivation: Bool = false
- var onActivationCommitted: ((Bool) -> Void)?
- var onDeactivationComplete: (() -> Void)?
- fileprivate let tunnelProvider: NETunnelProviderManager
- private var lastTunnelConnectionStatus: NEVPNStatus?
- init(tunnel: NETunnelProviderManager) {
- self.name = tunnel.localizedDescription ?? "Unnamed"
- let status = TunnelStatus(from: tunnel.connection.status)
- self.status = status
- self.isActivateOnDemandEnabled = tunnel.isOnDemandEnabled
- self.tunnelProvider = tunnel
- super.init()
- }
- func tunnelConfiguration() -> TunnelConfiguration? {
- return (tunnelProvider.protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol)?.tunnelConfiguration()
- }
- func activateOnDemandSetting() -> ActivateOnDemandSetting {
- return ActivateOnDemandSetting(from: tunnelProvider)
- }
- func refreshStatus() {
- let status = TunnelStatus(from: self.tunnelProvider.connection.status)
- self.status = status
- self.isActivateOnDemandEnabled = self.tunnelProvider.isOnDemandEnabled
- }
- fileprivate func startActivation(completionHandler: @escaping (TunnelsManagerError?) -> Void) {
- assert(status == .inactive || status == .restarting)
- guard let tunnelConfiguration = tunnelConfiguration() else { fatalError() }
- startActivation(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- fileprivate func startActivation(recursionCount: UInt = 0,
- lastError: Error? = nil,
- tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration,
- completionHandler: @escaping (TunnelsManagerError?) -> Void) {
- if recursionCount >= 8 {
- os_log("startActivation: Failed after 8 attempts. Giving up with %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(lastError!)")
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationAttemptFailed)
- return
- }
- os_log("startActivation: Entering (tunnel: %{public}@)", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, self.name)
- guard tunnelProvider.isEnabled else {
- // In case the tunnel had gotten disabled, re-enable and save it,
- // then call this function again.
- os_log("startActivation: Tunnel is disabled. Re-enabling and saving", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
- tunnelProvider.isEnabled = true
- tunnelProvider.saveToPreferences { [weak self] error in
- if error != nil {
- os_log("Error saving tunnel after re-enabling: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, "\(error!)")
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationAttemptFailed)
- return
- }
- os_log("startActivation: Tunnel saved after re-enabling", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
- os_log("startActivation: Invoking startActivation", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug)
- self?.startActivation(recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, lastError: NEVPNError(NEVPNError.configurationUnknown),
- tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- return
- }
- // Start the tunnel
- do {
- os_log("startActivation: Starting tunnel", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug)
- try (tunnelProvider.connection as? NETunnelProviderSession)?.startTunnel()
- os_log("startActivation: Success", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug)
- completionHandler(nil)
- } catch let error {
- guard let vpnError = error as? NEVPNError else {
- os_log("Failed to activate tunnel: Error: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, "\(error)")
- status = .inactive
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationAttemptFailed)
- return
- }
- guard vpnError.code == NEVPNError.configurationInvalid || vpnError.code == NEVPNError.configurationStale else {
- os_log("Failed to activate tunnel: VPN Error: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, "\(error)")
- status = .inactive
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationAttemptFailed)
- return
- }
- os_log("startActivation: Will reload tunnel and then try to start it. ", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
- tunnelProvider.loadFromPreferences { [weak self] error in
- if error != nil {
- os_log("startActivation: Error reloading tunnel: %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, "\(error!)")
- self?.status = .inactive
- completionHandler(TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationAttemptFailed)
- return
- }
- os_log("startActivation: Tunnel reloaded", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
- os_log("startActivation: Invoking startActivation", log: OSLog.default, type: .debug)
- self?.startActivation(recursionCount: recursionCount + 1, lastError: vpnError, tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration, completionHandler: completionHandler)
- }
- }
- }
- fileprivate func startDeactivation() {
- (tunnelProvider.connection as? NETunnelProviderSession)?.stopTunnel()
- }
-@objc enum TunnelStatus: Int {
- case inactive
- case activating
- case active
- case deactivating
- case reasserting // Not a possible state at present
- case restarting // Restarting tunnel (done after saving modifications to an active tunnel)
- init(from vpnStatus: NEVPNStatus) {
- switch vpnStatus {
- case .connected:
- self = .active
- case .connecting:
- self = .activating
- case .disconnected:
- self = .inactive
- case .disconnecting:
- self = .deactivating
- case .reasserting:
- self = .reasserting
- case .invalid:
- self = .inactive
- }
- }
-extension TunnelStatus: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
- public var debugDescription: String {
- switch self {
- case .inactive: return "inactive"
- case .activating: return "activating"
- case .active: return "active"
- case .deactivating: return "deactivating"
- case .reasserting: return "reasserting"
- case .restarting: return "restarting"
- }
- }
-extension NEVPNStatus: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
- public var debugDescription: String {
- switch self {
- case .connected: return "connected"
- case .connecting: return "connecting"
- case .disconnected: return "disconnected"
- case .disconnecting: return "disconnecting"
- case .reasserting: return "reasserting"
- case .invalid: return "invalid"
- }
- }