path: root/tun
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6 files changed, 1148 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/tun/checksum.go b/tun/checksum.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f8471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tun/checksum.go
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package tun
+import "encoding/binary"
+// TODO: Explore SIMD and/or other assembly optimizations.
+func checksumNoFold(b []byte, initial uint64) uint64 {
+ ac := initial
+ i := 0
+ n := len(b)
+ for n >= 4 {
+ ac += uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[i : i+4]))
+ n -= 4
+ i += 4
+ }
+ for n >= 2 {
+ ac += uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[i : i+2]))
+ n -= 2
+ i += 2
+ }
+ if n == 1 {
+ ac += uint64(b[i]) << 8
+ }
+ return ac
+func checksum(b []byte, initial uint64) uint16 {
+ ac := checksumNoFold(b, initial)
+ ac = (ac >> 16) + (ac & 0xffff)
+ ac = (ac >> 16) + (ac & 0xffff)
+ ac = (ac >> 16) + (ac & 0xffff)
+ ac = (ac >> 16) + (ac & 0xffff)
+ return uint16(ac)
+func pseudoHeaderChecksumNoFold(protocol uint8, srcAddr, dstAddr []byte, totalLen uint16) uint64 {
+ sum := checksumNoFold(srcAddr, 0)
+ sum = checksumNoFold(dstAddr, sum)
+ sum = checksumNoFold([]byte{0, protocol}, sum)
+ tmp := make([]byte, 2)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp, totalLen)
+ return checksumNoFold(tmp, sum)
diff --git a/tun/tcp_offload_linux.go b/tun/tcp_offload_linux.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ffa75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tun/tcp_offload_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package tun
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "errors"
+ "io"
+ "unsafe"
+ "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+ "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
+const tcpFlagsOffset = 13
+const (
+ tcpFlagFIN uint8 = 0x01
+ tcpFlagPSH uint8 = 0x08
+ tcpFlagACK uint8 = 0x10
+// virtioNetHdr is defined in the kernel in include/uapi/linux/virtio_net.h. The
+// kernel symbol is virtio_net_hdr.
+type virtioNetHdr struct {
+ flags uint8
+ gsoType uint8
+ hdrLen uint16
+ gsoSize uint16
+ csumStart uint16
+ csumOffset uint16
+func (v *virtioNetHdr) decode(b []byte) error {
+ if len(b) < virtioNetHdrLen {
+ return io.ErrShortBuffer
+ }
+ copy(unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(v)), virtioNetHdrLen), b[:virtioNetHdrLen])
+ return nil
+func (v *virtioNetHdr) encode(b []byte) error {
+ if len(b) < virtioNetHdrLen {
+ return io.ErrShortBuffer
+ }
+ copy(b[:virtioNetHdrLen], unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(v)), virtioNetHdrLen))
+ return nil
+const (
+ // virtioNetHdrLen is the length in bytes of virtioNetHdr. This matches the
+ // shape of the C ABI for its kernel counterpart -- sizeof(virtio_net_hdr).
+ virtioNetHdrLen = int(unsafe.Sizeof(virtioNetHdr{}))
+// flowKey represents the key for a flow.
+type flowKey struct {
+ srcAddr, dstAddr [16]byte
+ srcPort, dstPort uint16
+ rxAck uint32 // varying ack values should not be coalesced. Treat them as separate flows.
+// tcpGROTable holds flow and coalescing information for the purposes of GRO.
+type tcpGROTable struct {
+ itemsByFlow map[flowKey][]tcpGROItem
+ itemsPool [][]tcpGROItem
+func newTCPGROTable() *tcpGROTable {
+ t := &tcpGROTable{
+ itemsByFlow: make(map[flowKey][]tcpGROItem, conn.DefaultBatchSize),
+ itemsPool: make([][]tcpGROItem, conn.DefaultBatchSize),
+ }
+ for i := range t.itemsPool {
+ t.itemsPool[i] = make([]tcpGROItem, 0, conn.DefaultBatchSize)
+ }
+ return t
+func newFlowKey(pkt []byte, srcAddr, dstAddr, tcphOffset int) flowKey {
+ key := flowKey{}
+ addrSize := dstAddr - srcAddr
+ copy(key.srcAddr[:], pkt[srcAddr:dstAddr])
+ copy(key.dstAddr[:], pkt[dstAddr:dstAddr+addrSize])
+ key.srcPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[tcphOffset:])
+ key.dstPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[tcphOffset+2:])
+ key.rxAck = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pkt[tcphOffset+8:])
+ return key
+// lookupOrInsert looks up a flow for the provided packet and metadata,
+// returning the packets found for the flow, or inserting a new one if none
+// is found.
+func (t *tcpGROTable) lookupOrInsert(pkt []byte, srcAddrOffset, dstAddrOffset, tcphOffset, tcphLen, buffsIndex int) ([]tcpGROItem, bool) {
+ key := newFlowKey(pkt, srcAddrOffset, dstAddrOffset, tcphOffset)
+ items, ok := t.itemsByFlow[key]
+ if ok {
+ return items, ok
+ }
+ // TODO: insert() performs another map lookup. This could be rearranged to avoid.
+ t.insert(pkt, srcAddrOffset, dstAddrOffset, tcphOffset, tcphLen, buffsIndex)
+ return nil, false
+// insert an item in the table for the provided packet and packet metadata.
+func (t *tcpGROTable) insert(pkt []byte, srcAddrOffset, dstAddrOffset, tcphOffset, tcphLen, buffsIndex int) {
+ key := newFlowKey(pkt, srcAddrOffset, dstAddrOffset, tcphOffset)
+ item := tcpGROItem{
+ key: key,
+ buffsIndex: uint16(buffsIndex),
+ gsoSize: uint16(len(pkt[tcphOffset+tcphLen:])),
+ iphLen: uint8(tcphOffset),
+ tcphLen: uint8(tcphLen),
+ sentSeq: binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pkt[tcphOffset+4:]),
+ pshSet: pkt[tcphOffset+tcpFlagsOffset]&tcpFlagPSH != 0,
+ }
+ items, ok := t.itemsByFlow[key]
+ if !ok {
+ items = t.newItems()
+ }
+ items = append(items, item)
+ t.itemsByFlow[key] = items
+func (t *tcpGROTable) updateAt(item tcpGROItem, i int) {
+ items, _ := t.itemsByFlow[item.key]
+ items[i] = item
+func (t *tcpGROTable) deleteAt(key flowKey, i int) {
+ items, _ := t.itemsByFlow[key]
+ items = append(items[:i], items[i+1:]...)
+ t.itemsByFlow[key] = items
+// tcpGROItem represents bookkeeping data for a TCP packet during the lifetime
+// of a GRO evaluation across a vector of packets.
+type tcpGROItem struct {
+ key flowKey
+ sentSeq uint32 // the sequence number
+ buffsIndex uint16 // the index into the original buffs slice
+ numMerged uint16 // the number of packets merged into this item
+ gsoSize uint16 // payload size
+ iphLen uint8 // ip header len
+ tcphLen uint8 // tcp header len
+ pshSet bool // psh flag is set
+func (t *tcpGROTable) newItems() []tcpGROItem {
+ var items []tcpGROItem
+ items, t.itemsPool = t.itemsPool[len(t.itemsPool)-1], t.itemsPool[:len(t.itemsPool)-1]
+ return items
+func (t *tcpGROTable) reset() {
+ for k, items := range t.itemsByFlow {
+ items = items[:0]
+ t.itemsPool = append(t.itemsPool, items)
+ delete(t.itemsByFlow, k)
+ }
+// canCoalesce represents the outcome of checking if two TCP packets are
+// candidates for coalescing.
+type canCoalesce int
+const (
+ coalescePrepend canCoalesce = -1
+ coalesceUnavailable canCoalesce = 0
+ coalesceAppend canCoalesce = 1
+// tcpPacketsCanCoalesce evaluates if pkt can be coalesced with the packet
+// described by item. This function makes considerations that match the kernel's
+// GRO self tests, which can be found in tools/testing/selftests/net/gro.c.
+func tcpPacketsCanCoalesce(pkt []byte, iphLen, tcphLen uint8, seq uint32, pshSet bool, gsoSize uint16, item tcpGROItem, buffs [][]byte, buffsOffset int) canCoalesce {
+ pktTarget := buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset:]
+ if tcphLen != item.tcphLen {
+ // cannot coalesce with unequal tcp options len
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if tcphLen > 20 {
+ if !bytes.Equal(pkt[iphLen+20:iphLen+tcphLen], pktTarget[item.iphLen+20:iphLen+tcphLen]) {
+ // cannot coalesce with unequal tcp options
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ }
+ if pkt[1] != pktTarget[1] {
+ // cannot coalesce with unequal ToS values
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if pkt[6]>>5 != pktTarget[6]>>5 {
+ // cannot coalesce with unequal DF or reserved bits. MF is checked
+ // further up the stack.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ // seq adjacency
+ lhsLen := item.gsoSize
+ lhsLen += item.numMerged * item.gsoSize
+ if seq == item.sentSeq+uint32(lhsLen) { // pkt aligns following item from a seq num perspective
+ if item.pshSet {
+ // We cannot append to a segment that has the PSH flag set, PSH
+ // can only be set on the final segment in a reassembled group.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if len(pktTarget[iphLen+tcphLen:])%int(item.gsoSize) != 0 {
+ // A smaller than gsoSize packet has been appended previously.
+ // Nothing can come after a smaller packet on the end.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if gsoSize > item.gsoSize {
+ // We cannot have a larger packet following a smaller one.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ return coalesceAppend
+ } else if seq+uint32(gsoSize) == item.sentSeq { // pkt aligns in front of item from a seq num perspective
+ if pshSet {
+ // We cannot prepend with a segment that has the PSH flag set, PSH
+ // can only be set on the final segment in a reassembled group.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if gsoSize < item.gsoSize {
+ // We cannot have a larger packet following a smaller one.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ if gsoSize > item.gsoSize && item.numMerged > 0 {
+ // There's at least one previous merge, and we're larger than all
+ // previous. This would put multiple smaller packets on the end.
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+ }
+ return coalescePrepend
+ }
+ return coalesceUnavailable
+func tcpChecksumValid(pkt []byte, iphLen uint8, isV6 bool) bool {
+ srcAddrAt := ipv4SrcAddrOffset
+ addrSize := 4
+ if isV6 {
+ srcAddrAt = ipv6SrcAddrOffset
+ addrSize = 16
+ }
+ tcpTotalLen := uint16(len(pkt) - int(iphLen))
+ tcpCSumNoFold := pseudoHeaderChecksumNoFold(unix.IPPROTO_TCP, pkt[srcAddrAt:srcAddrAt+addrSize], pkt[srcAddrAt+addrSize:srcAddrAt+addrSize*2], tcpTotalLen)
+ return ^checksum(pkt[iphLen:], tcpCSumNoFold) == 0
+// coalesceResult represents the result of attempting to coalesce two TCP
+// packets.
+type coalesceResult int
+const (
+ coalesceInsufficientCap coalesceResult = 0
+ coalescePSHEnding coalesceResult = 1
+ coalesceItemInvalidCSum coalesceResult = 2
+ coalescePktInvalidCSum coalesceResult = 3
+ coalesceSuccess coalesceResult = 4
+// coalesceTCPPackets attempts to coalesce pkt with the packet described by
+// item, returning the outcome. This function may swap buffs elements in the
+// event of a prepend as item's buffs index is already being tracked for writing
+// to a Device.
+func coalesceTCPPackets(mode canCoalesce, pkt []byte, pktBuffsIndex int, gsoSize uint16, seq uint32, pshSet bool, item *tcpGROItem, buffs [][]byte, buffsOffset int, isV6 bool) coalesceResult {
+ var pktHead []byte // the packet that will end up at the front
+ headersLen := item.iphLen + item.tcphLen
+ coalescedLen := len(buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset:]) + len(pkt) - int(headersLen)
+ // Copy data
+ if mode == coalescePrepend {
+ pktHead = pkt
+ if cap(pkt)-buffsOffset < coalescedLen {
+ // We don't want to allocate a new underlying array if capacity is
+ // too small.
+ return coalesceInsufficientCap
+ }
+ if pshSet {
+ return coalescePSHEnding
+ }
+ if item.numMerged == 0 {
+ if !tcpChecksumValid(buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset:], item.iphLen, isV6) {
+ return coalesceItemInvalidCSum
+ }
+ }
+ if !tcpChecksumValid(pkt, item.iphLen, isV6) {
+ return coalescePktInvalidCSum
+ }
+ item.sentSeq = seq
+ extendBy := coalescedLen - len(pktHead)
+ buffs[pktBuffsIndex] = append(buffs[pktBuffsIndex], make([]byte, extendBy)...)
+ copy(buffs[pktBuffsIndex][buffsOffset+len(pkt):], buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset+int(headersLen):])
+ // Flip the slice headers in buffs as part of prepend. The index of item
+ // is already being tracked for writing.
+ buffs[item.buffsIndex], buffs[pktBuffsIndex] = buffs[pktBuffsIndex], buffs[item.buffsIndex]
+ } else {
+ pktHead = buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset:]
+ if cap(pktHead)-buffsOffset < coalescedLen {
+ // We don't want to allocate a new underlying array if capacity is
+ // too small.
+ return coalesceInsufficientCap
+ }
+ if item.numMerged == 0 {
+ if !tcpChecksumValid(buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset:], item.iphLen, isV6) {
+ return coalesceItemInvalidCSum
+ }
+ }
+ if !tcpChecksumValid(pkt, item.iphLen, isV6) {
+ return coalescePktInvalidCSum
+ }
+ if pshSet {
+ // We are appending a segment with PSH set.
+ item.pshSet = pshSet
+ pktHead[item.iphLen+tcpFlagsOffset] |= tcpFlagPSH
+ }
+ extendBy := len(pkt) - int(headersLen)
+ buffs[item.buffsIndex] = append(buffs[item.buffsIndex], make([]byte, extendBy)...)
+ copy(buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset+len(pktHead):], pkt[headersLen:])
+ }
+ if gsoSize > item.gsoSize {
+ item.gsoSize = gsoSize
+ }
+ hdr := virtioNetHdr{
+ flags: unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM, // this turns into CHECKSUM_PARTIAL in the skb
+ hdrLen: uint16(headersLen),
+ gsoSize: uint16(item.gsoSize),
+ csumStart: uint16(item.iphLen),
+ csumOffset: 16,
+ }
+ // Recalculate the total len (IPv4) or payload len (IPv6). Recalculate the
+ // (IPv4) header checksum.
+ if isV6 {
+ hdr.gsoType = unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pktHead[4:], uint16(coalescedLen)-uint16(item.iphLen)) // set new payload len
+ } else {
+ hdr.gsoType = unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4
+ pktHead[10], pktHead[11] = 0, 0 // clear checksum field
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pktHead[2:], uint16(coalescedLen)) // set new total length
+ iphCSum := ^checksum(pktHead[:item.iphLen], 0) // compute checksum
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pktHead[10:], iphCSum) // set checksum field
+ }
+ hdr.encode(buffs[item.buffsIndex][buffsOffset-virtioNetHdrLen:])
+ // Calculate the pseudo header checksum and place it at the TCP checksum
+ // offset. Downstream checksum offloading will combine this with computation
+ // of the tcp header and payload checksum.
+ addrLen := 4
+ addrOffset := ipv4SrcAddrOffset
+ if isV6 {
+ addrLen = 16
+ addrOffset = ipv6SrcAddrOffset
+ }
+ srcAddrAt := buffsOffset + addrOffset
+ srcAddr := buffs[item.buffsIndex][srcAddrAt : srcAddrAt+addrLen]
+ dstAddr := buffs[item.buffsIndex][srcAddrAt+addrLen : srcAddrAt+addrLen*2]
+ psum := pseudoHeaderChecksumNoFold(unix.IPPROTO_TCP, srcAddr, dstAddr, uint16(coalescedLen-int(item.iphLen)))
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pktHead[hdr.csumStart+hdr.csumOffset:], checksum([]byte{}, psum))
+ item.numMerged++
+ return coalesceSuccess
+const (
+ ipv4FlagMoreFragments = 0x80
+const (
+ ipv4SrcAddrOffset = 12
+ ipv6SrcAddrOffset = 8
+ maxUint16 = 1<<16 - 1
+// tcpGRO evaluates the TCP packet at pktI in buffs for coalescing with
+// existing packets tracked in table. It will return false when pktI is not
+// coalesced, otherwise true. This indicates to the caller if buffs[pktI]
+// should be written to the Device.
+func tcpGRO(buffs [][]byte, offset int, pktI int, table *tcpGROTable, isV6 bool) (pktCoalesced bool) {
+ pkt := buffs[pktI][offset:]
+ if len(pkt) > maxUint16 {
+ // A valid IPv4 or IPv6 packet will never exceed this.
+ return false
+ }
+ iphLen := int((pkt[0] & 0x0F) * 4)
+ if isV6 {
+ iphLen = 40
+ ipv6HPayloadLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[4:]))
+ if ipv6HPayloadLen != len(pkt)-iphLen {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ totalLen := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[2:]))
+ if totalLen != len(pkt) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if iphLen < 20 || iphLen > 60 {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if len(pkt) < iphLen {
+ return false
+ }
+ tcphLen := int((pkt[iphLen+12] >> 4) * 4)
+ if tcphLen < 20 || tcphLen > 60 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if len(pkt) < iphLen+tcphLen {
+ return false
+ }
+ if !isV6 {
+ if pkt[6]&ipv4FlagMoreFragments != 0 || (pkt[6]<<3 != 0 || pkt[7] != 0) {
+ // no GRO support for fragmented segments for now
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ tcpFlags := pkt[iphLen+tcpFlagsOffset]
+ var pshSet bool
+ // not a candidate if any non-ACK flags (except PSH+ACK) are set
+ if tcpFlags != tcpFlagACK {
+ if pkt[iphLen+tcpFlagsOffset] != tcpFlagACK|tcpFlagPSH {
+ return false
+ }
+ pshSet = true
+ }
+ gsoSize := uint16(len(pkt) - tcphLen - iphLen)
+ // not a candidate if payload len is 0
+ if gsoSize < 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ seq := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pkt[iphLen+4:])
+ srcAddrOffset := ipv4SrcAddrOffset
+ addrLen := 4
+ if isV6 {
+ srcAddrOffset = ipv6SrcAddrOffset
+ addrLen = 16
+ }
+ items, existing := table.lookupOrInsert(pkt, srcAddrOffset, srcAddrOffset+addrLen, iphLen, tcphLen, pktI)
+ if !existing {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ // In the best case of packets arriving in order iterating in reverse is
+ // more efficient if there are multiple items for a given flow. This
+ // also enables a natural table.deleteAt() in the
+ // coalesceItemInvalidCSum case without the need for index tracking.
+ // This algorithm makes a best effort to coalesce in the event of
+ // unordered packets, where pkt may land anywhere in items from a
+ // sequence number perspective, however once an item is inserted into
+ // the table it is never compared across other items later.
+ item := items[i]
+ can := tcpPacketsCanCoalesce(pkt, uint8(iphLen), uint8(tcphLen), seq, pshSet, gsoSize, item, buffs, offset)
+ if can != coalesceUnavailable {
+ result := coalesceTCPPackets(can, pkt, pktI, gsoSize, seq, pshSet, &item, buffs, offset, isV6)
+ switch result {
+ case coalesceSuccess:
+ table.updateAt(item, i)
+ return true
+ case coalesceItemInvalidCSum:
+ // delete the item with an invalid csum
+ table.deleteAt(item.key, i)
+ case coalescePktInvalidCSum:
+ // no point in inserting an item that we can't coalesce
+ return false
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // failed to coalesce with any other packets; store the item in the flow
+ table.insert(pkt, srcAddrOffset, srcAddrOffset+addrLen, iphLen, tcphLen, pktI)
+ return false
+func isTCP4(b []byte) bool {
+ if len(b) < 40 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b[0]>>4 != 4 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b[9] != unix.IPPROTO_TCP {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func isTCP6NoEH(b []byte) bool {
+ if len(b) < 60 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b[0]>>4 != 6 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if b[6] != unix.IPPROTO_TCP {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+// handleGRO evaluates buffs for GRO, and writes the indices of the resulting
+// packets into toWrite. toWrite, tcp4Table, and tcp6Table should initially be
+// empty (but non-nil), and are passed in to save allocs as the caller may reset
+// and recycle them across vectors of packets.
+func handleGRO(buffs [][]byte, offset int, tcp4Table, tcp6Table *tcpGROTable, toWrite *[]int) error {
+ for i := range buffs {
+ if offset < virtioNetHdrLen || offset > len(buffs[i])-1 {
+ return errors.New("invalid offset")
+ }
+ var coalesced bool
+ switch {
+ case isTCP4(buffs[i][offset:]):
+ coalesced = tcpGRO(buffs, offset, i, tcp4Table, false)
+ case isTCP6NoEH(buffs[i][offset:]): // ipv6 packets w/extension headers do not coalesce
+ coalesced = tcpGRO(buffs, offset, i, tcp6Table, true)
+ }
+ if !coalesced {
+ hdr := virtioNetHdr{}
+ err := hdr.encode(buffs[i][offset-virtioNetHdrLen:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *toWrite = append(*toWrite, i)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// tcpTSO splits packets from in into outBuffs, writing the size of each
+// element into sizes. It returns the number of buffers populated, and/or an
+// error.
+func tcpTSO(in []byte, hdr virtioNetHdr, outBuffs [][]byte, sizes []int, outOffset int) (int, error) {
+ iphLen := int(hdr.csumStart)
+ srcAddrOffset := ipv6SrcAddrOffset
+ addrLen := 16
+ if hdr.gsoType == unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4 {
+ in[10], in[11] = 0, 0 // clear ipv4 header checksum
+ srcAddrOffset = ipv4SrcAddrOffset
+ addrLen = 4
+ }
+ tcpCSumAt := int(hdr.csumStart + hdr.csumOffset)
+ in[tcpCSumAt], in[tcpCSumAt+1] = 0, 0 // clear tcp checksum
+ firstTCPSeqNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(in[hdr.csumStart+4:])
+ nextSegmentDataAt := int(hdr.hdrLen)
+ i := 0
+ for ; nextSegmentDataAt < len(in); i++ {
+ if i == len(outBuffs) {
+ return i - 1, ErrTooManySegments
+ }
+ nextSegmentEnd := nextSegmentDataAt + int(hdr.gsoSize)
+ if nextSegmentEnd > len(in) {
+ nextSegmentEnd = len(in)
+ }
+ segmentDataLen := nextSegmentEnd - nextSegmentDataAt
+ totalLen := int(hdr.hdrLen) + segmentDataLen
+ sizes[i] = totalLen
+ out := outBuffs[i][outOffset:]
+ copy(out, in[:iphLen])
+ if hdr.gsoType == unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4 {
+ // For IPv4 we are responsible for incrementing the ID field,
+ // updating the total len field, and recalculating the header
+ // checksum.
+ if i > 0 {
+ id := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(out[4:])
+ id += uint16(i)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[4:], id)
+ }
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[2:], uint16(totalLen))
+ ipv4CSum := ^checksum(out[:iphLen], 0)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[10:], ipv4CSum)
+ } else {
+ // For IPv6 we are responsible for updating the payload length field.
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[4:], uint16(totalLen-iphLen))
+ }
+ // TCP header
+ copy(out[hdr.csumStart:hdr.hdrLen], in[hdr.csumStart:hdr.hdrLen])
+ tcpSeq := firstTCPSeqNum + uint32(hdr.gsoSize*uint16(i))
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(out[hdr.csumStart+4:], tcpSeq)
+ if nextSegmentEnd != len(in) {
+ // FIN and PSH should only be set on last segment
+ clearFlags := tcpFlagFIN | tcpFlagPSH
+ out[hdr.csumStart+tcpFlagsOffset] &^= clearFlags
+ }
+ // payload
+ copy(out[hdr.hdrLen:], in[nextSegmentDataAt:nextSegmentEnd])
+ // TCP checksum
+ tcpHLen := int(hdr.hdrLen - hdr.csumStart)
+ tcpLenForPseudo := uint16(tcpHLen + segmentDataLen)
+ tcpCSumNoFold := pseudoHeaderChecksumNoFold(unix.IPPROTO_TCP, in[srcAddrOffset:srcAddrOffset+addrLen], in[srcAddrOffset+addrLen:srcAddrOffset+addrLen*2], tcpLenForPseudo)
+ tcpCSum := ^checksum(out[hdr.csumStart:totalLen], tcpCSumNoFold)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[hdr.csumStart+hdr.csumOffset:], tcpCSum)
+ nextSegmentDataAt += int(hdr.gsoSize)
+ }
+ return i, nil
+func gsoNoneChecksum(in []byte, cSumStart, cSumOffset uint16) error {
+ cSumAt := cSumStart + cSumOffset
+ // The initial value at the checksum offset should be summed with the
+ // checksum we compute. This is typically the pseudo-header checksum.
+ initial := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(in[cSumAt:])
+ in[cSumAt], in[cSumAt+1] = 0, 0
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(in[cSumAt:], ^checksum(in[cSumStart:], uint64(initial)))
+ return nil
diff --git a/tun/tcp_offload_linux_test.go b/tun/tcp_offload_linux_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fa0777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tun/tcp_offload_linux_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2023 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
+ */
+package tun
+import (
+ "net/netip"
+ "testing"
+ "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
+ "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
+ "gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip"
+ "gvisor.dev/gvisor/pkg/tcpip/header"
+const (
+ offset = virtioNetHdrLen
+var (
+ ip4PortA = netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
+ ip4PortB = netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
+ ip4PortC = netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
+ ip6PortA = netip.MustParseAddrPort("[2001:db8::1]:1")
+ ip6PortB = netip.MustParseAddrPort("[2001:db8::2]:1")
+ ip6PortC = netip.MustParseAddrPort("[2001:db8::3]:1")
+func tcp4Packet(srcIPPort, dstIPPort netip.AddrPort, flags header.TCPFlags, segmentSize, seq uint32) []byte {
+ totalLen := 40 + segmentSize
+ b := make([]byte, offset+int(totalLen), 65535)
+ ipv4H := header.IPv4(b[offset:])
+ srcAs4 := srcIPPort.Addr().As4()
+ dstAs4 := dstIPPort.Addr().As4()
+ ipv4H.Encode(&header.IPv4Fields{
+ SrcAddr: tcpip.Address(srcAs4[:]),
+ DstAddr: tcpip.Address(dstAs4[:]),
+ Protocol: unix.IPPROTO_TCP,
+ TTL: 64,
+ TotalLength: uint16(totalLen),
+ })
+ tcpH := header.TCP(b[offset+20:])
+ tcpH.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: srcIPPort.Port(),
+ DstPort: dstIPPort.Port(),
+ SeqNum: seq,
+ AckNum: 1,
+ DataOffset: 20,
+ Flags: flags,
+ WindowSize: 3000,
+ })
+ ipv4H.SetChecksum(^ipv4H.CalculateChecksum())
+ pseudoCsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(unix.IPPROTO_TCP, ipv4H.SourceAddress(), ipv4H.DestinationAddress(), uint16(20+segmentSize))
+ tcpH.SetChecksum(^tcpH.CalculateChecksum(pseudoCsum))
+ return b
+func tcp6Packet(srcIPPort, dstIPPort netip.AddrPort, flags header.TCPFlags, segmentSize, seq uint32) []byte {
+ totalLen := 60 + segmentSize
+ b := make([]byte, offset+int(totalLen), 65535)
+ ipv6H := header.IPv6(b[offset:])
+ srcAs16 := srcIPPort.Addr().As16()
+ dstAs16 := dstIPPort.Addr().As16()
+ ipv6H.Encode(&header.IPv6Fields{
+ SrcAddr: tcpip.Address(srcAs16[:]),
+ DstAddr: tcpip.Address(dstAs16[:]),
+ TransportProtocol: unix.IPPROTO_TCP,
+ HopLimit: 64,
+ PayloadLength: uint16(segmentSize + 20),
+ })
+ tcpH := header.TCP(b[offset+40:])
+ tcpH.Encode(&header.TCPFields{
+ SrcPort: srcIPPort.Port(),
+ DstPort: dstIPPort.Port(),
+ SeqNum: seq,
+ AckNum: 1,
+ DataOffset: 20,
+ Flags: flags,
+ WindowSize: 3000,
+ })
+ pseudoCsum := header.PseudoHeaderChecksum(unix.IPPROTO_TCP, ipv6H.SourceAddress(), ipv6H.DestinationAddress(), uint16(20+segmentSize))
+ tcpH.SetChecksum(^tcpH.CalculateChecksum(pseudoCsum))
+ return b
+func Test_handleVirtioRead(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ hdr virtioNetHdr
+ pktIn []byte
+ wantLens []int
+ wantErr bool
+ }{
+ {
+ "tcp4",
+ virtioNetHdr{
+ gsoType: unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4,
+ gsoSize: 100,
+ hdrLen: 40,
+ csumStart: 20,
+ csumOffset: 16,
+ },
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagPsh, 200, 1),
+ []int{140, 140},
+ false,
+ },
+ {
+ "tcp6",
+ virtioNetHdr{
+ gsoType: unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6,
+ gsoSize: 100,
+ hdrLen: 60,
+ csumStart: 40,
+ csumOffset: 16,
+ },
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagPsh, 200, 1),
+ []int{160, 160},
+ false,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ out := make([][]byte, conn.DefaultBatchSize)
+ sizes := make([]int, conn.DefaultBatchSize)
+ for i := range out {
+ out[i] = make([]byte, 65535)
+ }
+ tt.hdr.encode(tt.pktIn)
+ n, err := handleVirtioRead(tt.pktIn, out, sizes, offset)
+ if err != nil {
+ if tt.wantErr {
+ return
+ }
+ t.Fatalf("got err: %v", err)
+ }
+ if n != len(tt.wantLens) {
+ t.Fatalf("got %d packets, wanted %d", n, len(tt.wantLens))
+ }
+ for i := range tt.wantLens {
+ if tt.wantLens[i] != sizes[i] {
+ t.Fatalf("wantLens[%d]: %d != outSizes: %d", i, tt.wantLens[i], sizes[i])
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func flipTCP4Checksum(b []byte) []byte {
+ at := virtioNetHdrLen + 20 + 16 // 20 byte ipv4 header; tcp csum offset is 16
+ b[at] ^= 0xFF
+ b[at+1] ^= 0xFF
+ return b
+func Fuzz_handleGRO(f *testing.F) {
+ pkt0 := tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1)
+ pkt1 := tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101)
+ pkt2 := tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortC, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201)
+ pkt3 := tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1)
+ pkt4 := tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101)
+ pkt5 := tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortC, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201)
+ f.Add(pkt0, pkt1, pkt2, pkt3, pkt4, pkt5, offset)
+ f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, pkt0, pkt1, pkt2, pkt3, pkt4, pkt5 []byte, offset int) {
+ pkts := [][]byte{pkt0, pkt1, pkt2, pkt3, pkt4, pkt5}
+ toWrite := make([]int, 0, len(pkts))
+ handleGRO(pkts, offset, newTCPGROTable(), newTCPGROTable(), &toWrite)
+ if len(toWrite) > len(pkts) {
+ t.Errorf("len(toWrite): %d > len(pkts): %d", len(toWrite), len(pkts))
+ }
+ seenWriteI := make(map[int]bool)
+ for _, writeI := range toWrite {
+ if writeI < 0 || writeI > len(pkts)-1 {
+ t.Errorf("toWrite value (%d) outside bounds of len(pkts): %d", writeI, len(pkts))
+ }
+ if seenWriteI[writeI] {
+ t.Errorf("duplicate toWrite value: %d", writeI)
+ }
+ seenWriteI[writeI] = true
+ }
+ })
+func Test_handleGRO(t *testing.T) {
+ tests := []struct {
+ name string
+ pktsIn [][]byte
+ wantToWrite []int
+ wantLens []int
+ wantErr bool
+ }{
+ {
+ "multiple flows",
+ [][]byte{
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortC, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v4 flow 2
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1), // v6 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101), // v6 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortC, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v6 flow 2
+ },
+ []int{0, 2, 3, 5},
+ []int{240, 140, 260, 160},
+ false,
+ },
+ {
+ "PSH interleaved",
+ [][]byte{
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagPsh, 100, 101), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 301), // v4 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1), // v6 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck|header.TCPFlagPsh, 100, 101), // v6 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v6 flow 1
+ tcp6Packet(ip6PortA, ip6PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 301), // v6 flow 1
+ },
+ []int{0, 2, 4, 6},
+ []int{240, 240, 260, 260},
+ false,
+ },
+ {
+ "coalesceItemInvalidCSum",
+ [][]byte{
+ flipTCP4Checksum(tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1)), // v4 flow 1 seq 1 len 100
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101), // v4 flow 1 seq 101 len 100
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v4 flow 1 seq 201 len 100
+ },
+ []int{0, 1},
+ []int{140, 240},
+ false,
+ },
+ {
+ "out of order",
+ [][]byte{
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 101), // v4 flow 1 seq 101 len 100
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 1), // v4 flow 1 seq 1 len 100
+ tcp4Packet(ip4PortA, ip4PortB, header.TCPFlagAck, 100, 201), // v4 flow 1 seq 201 len 100
+ },
+ []int{0},
+ []int{340},
+ false,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ toWrite := make([]int, 0, len(tt.pktsIn))
+ err := handleGRO(tt.pktsIn, offset, newTCPGROTable(), newTCPGROTable(), &toWrite)
+ if err != nil {
+ if tt.wantErr {
+ return
+ }
+ t.Fatalf("got err: %v", err)
+ }
+ if len(toWrite) != len(tt.wantToWrite) {
+ t.Fatalf("got %d packets, wanted %d", len(toWrite), len(tt.wantToWrite))
+ }
+ for i, pktI := range tt.wantToWrite {
+ if tt.wantToWrite[i] != toWrite[i] {
+ t.Fatalf("wantToWrite[%d]: %d != toWrite: %d", i, tt.wantToWrite[i], toWrite[i])
+ }
+ if tt.wantLens[i] != len(tt.pktsIn[pktI][offset:]) {
+ t.Errorf("wanted len %d packet at %d, got: %d", tt.wantLens[i], i, len(tt.pktsIn[pktI][offset:]))
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/032aec0105f26f709c118365e4830d6dc087cab24cd1e154c2e790589a309b77 b/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/032aec0105f26f709c118365e4830d6dc087cab24cd1e154c2e790589a309b77
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5461e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/032aec0105f26f709c118365e4830d6dc087cab24cd1e154c2e790589a309b77
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+go test fuzz v1
diff --git a/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/0da283f9a2098dec30d1c86784411a8ce2e8e03aa3384105e581f2c67494700d b/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/0da283f9a2098dec30d1c86784411a8ce2e8e03aa3384105e581f2c67494700d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b441819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tun/testdata/fuzz/Fuzz_handleGRO/0da283f9a2098dec30d1c86784411a8ce2e8e03aa3384105e581f2c67494700d
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+go test fuzz v1
diff --git a/tun/tun_linux.go b/tun/tun_linux.go
index 21984ca..d56e3c1 100644
--- a/tun/tun_linux.go
+++ b/tun/tun_linux.go
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@ import (
- "golang.org/x/net/ipv6"
+ "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/conn"
@@ -33,17 +32,25 @@ type NativeTun struct {
index int32 // if index
errors chan error // async error handling
events chan Event // device related events
- nopi bool // the device was passed IFF_NO_PI
netlinkSock int
netlinkCancel *rwcancel.RWCancel
hackListenerClosed sync.Mutex
statusListenersShutdown chan struct{}
+ batchSize int
+ vnetHdr bool
closeOnce sync.Once
nameOnce sync.Once // guards calling initNameCache, which sets following fields
nameCache string // name of interface
nameErr error
+ readOpMu sync.Mutex // readOpMu guards readBuff
+ readBuff [virtioNetHdrLen + 65535]byte // if vnetHdr every read() is prefixed by virtioNetHdr
+ writeOpMu sync.Mutex // writeOpMu guards toWrite, tcp4GROTable, tcp6GROTable
+ toWrite []int
+ tcp4GROTable, tcp6GROTable *tcpGROTable
func (tun *NativeTun) File() *os.File {
@@ -323,60 +330,142 @@ func (tun *NativeTun) nameSlow() (string, error) {
return unix.ByteSliceToString(ifr[:]), nil
-func (tun *NativeTun) Write(buffs [][]byte, offset int) (n int, err error) {
- var buf []byte
- if tun.nopi {
- buf = buffs[0][offset:]
+func (tun *NativeTun) Write(buffs [][]byte, offset int) (int, error) {
+ tun.writeOpMu.Lock()
+ defer func() {
+ tun.tcp4GROTable.reset()
+ tun.tcp6GROTable.reset()
+ tun.writeOpMu.Unlock()
+ }()
+ var (
+ errs []error
+ total int
+ )
+ tun.toWrite = tun.toWrite[:0]
+ if tun.vnetHdr {
+ err := handleGRO(buffs, offset, tun.tcp4GROTable, tun.tcp6GROTable, &tun.toWrite)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ offset -= virtioNetHdrLen
} else {
- // reserve space for header
- buf = buffs[0][offset-4:]
- // add packet information header
- buf[0] = 0x00
- buf[1] = 0x00
- if buf[4]>>4 == ipv6.Version {
- buf[2] = 0x86
- buf[3] = 0xdd
+ for i := range buffs {
+ tun.toWrite = append(tun.toWrite, i)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, buffsI := range tun.toWrite {
+ n, err := tun.tunFile.Write(buffs[buffsI][offset:])
+ if errors.Is(err, syscall.EBADFD) {
+ return total, os.ErrClosed
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ errs = append(errs, err)
} else {
- buf[2] = 0x08
- buf[3] = 0x00
+ total += n
+ }
+ }
+ return total, ErrorBatch(errs)
+// handleVirtioRead splits in into buffs, leaving offset bytes at the front of
+// each buffer. It mutates sizes to reflect the size of each element of buffs,
+// and returns the number of packets read.
+func handleVirtioRead(in []byte, buffs [][]byte, sizes []int, offset int) (int, error) {
+ var hdr virtioNetHdr
+ err := hdr.decode(in)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ in = in[virtioNetHdrLen:]
+ if hdr.gsoType == unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_NONE {
+ if hdr.flags&unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM != 0 {
+ // This means CHECKSUM_PARTIAL in skb context. We are responsible
+ // for computing the checksum starting at hdr.csumStart and placing
+ // at hdr.csumOffset.
+ err = gsoNoneChecksum(in, hdr.csumStart, hdr.csumOffset)
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ }
+ if len(in) > len(buffs[0][offset:]) {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("read len %d overflows buffs element len %d", len(in), len(buffs[0][offset:]))
+ n := copy(buffs[0][offset:], in)
+ sizes[0] = n
+ return 1, nil
+ }
+ if hdr.gsoType != unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4 && hdr.gsoType != unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("unsupported virtio GSO type: %d", hdr.gsoType)
+ }
+ ipVersion := in[0] >> 4
+ switch ipVersion {
+ case 4:
+ if hdr.gsoType != unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("ip header version: %d, GSO type: %d", ipVersion, hdr.gsoType)
+ }
+ case 6:
+ if hdr.gsoType != unix.VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("ip header version: %d, GSO type: %d", ipVersion, hdr.gsoType)
+ }
+ default:
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid ip header version: %d", ipVersion)
+ }
+ if len(in) <= int(hdr.csumStart+12) {
+ return 0, errors.New("packet is too short")
+ }
+ // Don't trust hdr.hdrLen from the kernel as it can be equal to the length
+ // of the entire first packet when the kernel is handling it as part of a
+ // FORWARD path. Instead, parse the TCP header length and add it onto
+ // csumStart, which is synonymous for IP header length.
+ tcpHLen := uint16(in[hdr.csumStart+12] >> 4 * 4)
+ if tcpHLen < 20 || tcpHLen > 60 {
+ // A TCP header must be between 20 and 60 bytes in length.
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("tcp header len is invalid: %d", tcpHLen)
+ }
+ hdr.hdrLen = hdr.csumStart + tcpHLen
+ if len(in) < int(hdr.hdrLen) {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("length of packet (%d) < virtioNetHdr.hdrLen (%d)", len(in), hdr.hdrLen)
- _, err = tun.tunFile.Write(buf)
- if errors.Is(err, syscall.EBADFD) {
- err = os.ErrClosed
- } else if err == nil {
- n = 1
+ if hdr.hdrLen < hdr.csumStart {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("virtioNetHdr.hdrLen (%d) < virtioNetHdr.csumStart (%d)", hdr.hdrLen, hdr.csumStart)
- return n, err
+ cSumAt := int(hdr.csumStart + hdr.csumOffset)
+ if cSumAt+1 >= len(in) {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("end of checksum offset (%d) exceeds packet length (%d)", cSumAt+1, len(in))
+ }
+ return tcpTSO(in, hdr, buffs, sizes, offset)
-func (tun *NativeTun) Read(buffs [][]byte, sizes []int, offset int) (n int, err error) {
+func (tun *NativeTun) Read(buffs [][]byte, sizes []int, offset int) (int, error) {
+ tun.readOpMu.Lock()
+ defer tun.readOpMu.Unlock()
select {
- case err = <-tun.errors:
+ case err := <-tun.errors:
+ return 0, err
- if tun.nopi {
- sizes[0], err = tun.tunFile.Read(buffs[0][offset:])
- if err == nil {
- n = 1
- }
+ readInto := buffs[0][offset:]
+ if tun.vnetHdr {
+ readInto = tun.readBuff[:]
+ }
+ n, err := tun.tunFile.Read(readInto)
+ if errors.Is(err, syscall.EBADFD) {
+ err = os.ErrClosed
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if tun.vnetHdr {
+ return handleVirtioRead(readInto[:n], buffs, sizes, offset)
} else {
- buff := buffs[0][offset-4:]
- sizes[0], err = tun.tunFile.Read(buff[:])
- if errors.Is(err, syscall.EBADFD) {
- err = os.ErrClosed
- } else if err == nil {
- n = 1
- }
- if sizes[0] < 4 {
- sizes[0] = 0
- } else {
- sizes[0] -= 4
- }
+ sizes[0] = n
+ return 1, nil
- return
func (tun *NativeTun) Events() <-chan Event {
@@ -403,9 +492,49 @@ func (tun *NativeTun) Close() error {
func (tun *NativeTun) BatchSize() int {
- return 1
+ return tun.batchSize
+const (
+ // TODO: support TSO with ECN bits
+ tunOffloads = unix.TUN_F_CSUM | unix.TUN_F_TSO4 | unix.TUN_F_TSO6
+func (tun *NativeTun) initFromFlags(name string) error {
+ sc, err := tun.tunFile.SyscallConn()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if e := sc.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
+ var (
+ ifr *unix.Ifreq
+ )
+ ifr, err = unix.NewIfreq(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ err = unix.IoctlIfreq(int(fd), unix.TUNGETIFF, ifr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ got := ifr.Uint16()
+ if got&unix.IFF_VNET_HDR != 0 {
+ err = unix.IoctlSetInt(int(fd), unix.TUNSETOFFLOAD, tunOffloads)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ tun.vnetHdr = true
+ tun.batchSize = conn.DefaultBatchSize
+ } else {
+ tun.batchSize = 1
+ }
+ }); e != nil {
+ return e
+ }
+ return err
+// CreateTUN creates a Device with the provided name and MTU.
func CreateTUN(name string, mtu int) (Device, error) {
nfd, err := unix.Open(cloneDevicePath, unix.O_RDWR|unix.O_CLOEXEC, 0)
if err != nil {
@@ -415,25 +544,16 @@ func CreateTUN(name string, mtu int) (Device, error) {
return nil, err
- var ifr [ifReqSize]byte
- var flags uint16 = unix.IFF_TUN // | unix.IFF_NO_PI (disabled for TUN status hack)
- nameBytes := []byte(name)
- if len(nameBytes) >= unix.IFNAMSIZ {
- unix.Close(nfd)
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("interface name too long: %w", unix.ENAMETOOLONG)
+ ifr, err := unix.NewIfreq(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
- copy(ifr[:], nameBytes)
- *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr[unix.IFNAMSIZ])) = flags
- _, _, errno := unix.Syscall(
- unix.SYS_IOCTL,
- uintptr(nfd),
- uintptr(unix.TUNSETIFF),
- uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr[0])),
- )
- if errno != 0 {
- unix.Close(nfd)
- return nil, errno
+ // IFF_VNET_HDR enables the "tun status hack" via routineHackListener()
+ // where a null write will return EINVAL indicating the TUN is up.
+ ifr.SetUint16(unix.IFF_TUN | unix.IFF_NO_PI | unix.IFF_VNET_HDR)
+ err = unix.IoctlIfreq(nfd, unix.TUNSETIFF, ifr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
err = unix.SetNonblock(nfd, true)
@@ -448,13 +568,16 @@ func CreateTUN(name string, mtu int) (Device, error) {
return CreateTUNFromFile(fd, mtu)
+// CreateTUNFromFile creates a Device from an os.File with the provided MTU.
func CreateTUNFromFile(file *os.File, mtu int) (Device, error) {
tun := &NativeTun{
tunFile: file,
events: make(chan Event, 5),
errors: make(chan error, 5),
statusListenersShutdown: make(chan struct{}),
- nopi: false,
+ tcp4GROTable: newTCPGROTable(),
+ tcp6GROTable: newTCPGROTable(),
+ toWrite: make([]int, 0, conn.DefaultBatchSize),
name, err := tun.Name()
@@ -462,8 +585,12 @@ func CreateTUNFromFile(file *os.File, mtu int) (Device, error) {
return nil, err
- // start event listener
+ err = tun.initFromFlags(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // start event listener
tun.index, err = getIFIndex(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -492,6 +619,8 @@ func CreateTUNFromFile(file *os.File, mtu int) (Device, error) {
return tun, nil
+// CreateUnmonitoredTUNFromFD creates a Device from the provided file
+// descriptor.
func CreateUnmonitoredTUNFromFD(fd int) (Device, string, error) {
err := unix.SetNonblock(fd, true)
if err != nil {
@@ -499,14 +628,20 @@ func CreateUnmonitoredTUNFromFD(fd int) (Device, string, error) {
file := os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), "/dev/tun")
tun := &NativeTun{
- tunFile: file,
- events: make(chan Event, 5),
- errors: make(chan error, 5),
- nopi: true,
+ tunFile: file,
+ events: make(chan Event, 5),
+ errors: make(chan error, 5),
+ tcp4GROTable: newTCPGROTable(),
+ tcp6GROTable: newTCPGROTable(),
+ toWrite: make([]int, 0, conn.DefaultBatchSize),
name, err := tun.Name()
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
- return tun, name, nil
+ err = tun.initFromFlags(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, "", err
+ }
+ return tun, name, err