diff options
3 files changed, 122 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/Data/RpcTypes.hs b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/Data/RpcTypes.hs
index 7e1c20e..d3ec964 100644
--- a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/Data/RpcTypes.hs
+++ b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/Data/RpcTypes.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+Module : Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.RpcTypes
+Description : Collection of types used to communicate with the wg CLI utility.
+Copyright : Félix Baylac-Jacqué, 2017
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : felix@alternativebit.fr
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Collection of types used by to communicate with the wg CLI utility.
module Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.RpcTypes(
@@ -51,6 +63,7 @@ instance Eq RpcDevicePayload where
((dhSecToBytes . fst) <$> pk1) == ((dhSecToBytes . fst) <$> pk2) && (prt1 == prt2) &&
(rp1 == rp2) && (fw1 == fw2)
+-- | Key/Value couple of set device operations.
data RpcDeviceField = RpcPk !(Maybe KeyPair)
| RpcPort !Int
| RpcFwMark !(Maybe Word)
@@ -77,6 +90,7 @@ instance Show RpcPeerPayload where
= show (dhPubToBytes pub1) ++ show rm1 ++ show psk1 ++ show e1 ++ show k1 ++
show rp1 ++ show aip1
+-- | Key/Value couple of set peer operations.
data RpcPeerField = RpcRmFlag !Bool
| RpcPsh !PresharedKey
| RpcEndp !SockAddr
diff --git a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/RpcParsers.hs b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/RpcParsers.hs
index 654cf4e..6e23635 100644
--- a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/RpcParsers.hs
+++ b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/RpcParsers.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Module : Network.WireGuard.Internal.RpcParsers
+Description : Collection of parsers related to the communication with the wg CLI utility.
+Copyright : Félix Baylac-Jacqué, 2017
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : felix@alternativebit.fr
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Collection of attoparsec parsers related to the communication with the wg CLI utility.
module Network.WireGuard.Internal.RpcParsers(
@@ -34,7 +46,9 @@ import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.RpcTypes (OpType(..),
--- | Attoparsec parser used to parse a RPC request, both Set or Get.
+-- | Parses a RPC operation coming from the wg CLI.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/> for more informations about the RPC set operation.
requestParser :: Parser RpcRequest
requestParser = do
op <- requestTypeParser
@@ -44,16 +58,18 @@ requestParser = do
_ <- string $ BC.pack "\n"
return $ RpcRequest op p
-requestTypeParser :: Parser OpType
-requestTypeParser = "get=1\n" *> return Get
- <|> "set=1\n" *> return Set
+-- | Parses a set operation.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/> for more informations about the RPC set operation.
setPayloadParser :: Parser RpcSetPayload
setPayloadParser = do
dev <- deviceParser
peers <- many' peerParser
return $ RpcSetPayload dev peers
+-- | Parses a device entry during a RPC set operation.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/> for more informations about the RPC set operation.
deviceParser :: Parser RpcDevicePayload
deviceParser = do
fields <- deviceFieldsParser
@@ -63,6 +79,35 @@ deviceParser = do
let rmDev = not $ null [True | RpcReplacePeers <- fields]
return $ RpcDevicePayload devPk p fw rmDev
+-- | Parses a peer entry during a RPC set operation.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/> for more informations about the RPC set operation.
+peerParser :: Parser RpcPeerPayload
+peerParser = do
+ peerPubK <- parsePubKey
+ fields <- peerFieldsParser
+ let rm = not $ null [rmF | RpcRmFlag rmF <- fields]
+ let psh = listToMaybe [pshF | RpcPsh pshF <- fields]
+ let endPL = [endPF | RpcEndp endPF <- fields]
+ endP <- if null endPL
+ then fail "Cannot parse Peer endpoint"
+ else return $ head endPL
+ let ka = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe [kaF | RpcKA kaF <- fields]
+ let rmIps = not $ null [rmIpsF | RpcDelIps rmIpsF <- fields]
+ let allIpR = [ipRF | RpcAllIp ipRF <- fields]
+ return $ RpcPeerPayload peerPubK rm psh endP ka rmIps allIpR
+ where
+ parsePubKey = do
+ _ <- "public_key=" <?> "Peer delimiter"
+ pubHex <- unhex <$> takeTill isEndOfLine :: Parser (Maybe ByteString)
+ _ <- "\n"
+ let pubMaybe = join $ (dhBytesToPub . BA.convert) <$> pubHex
+ maybe (fail "Cannot parse peer's public key") return pubMaybe
+requestTypeParser :: Parser OpType
+requestTypeParser = "get=1\n" *> return Get
+ <|> "set=1\n" *> return Set
deviceFieldsParser :: Parser [RpcDeviceField]
deviceFieldsParser = many' (deviceFieldParser <* endOfLine)
@@ -85,27 +130,6 @@ deviceFieldParser = do
return RpcReplacePeers
_ -> fail "Not a device key"
-peerParser :: Parser RpcPeerPayload
-peerParser = do
- peerPubK <- parsePubKey
- fields <- peerFieldsParser
- let rm = not $ null [rmF | RpcRmFlag rmF <- fields]
- let psh = listToMaybe [pshF | RpcPsh pshF <- fields]
- let endPL = [endPF | RpcEndp endPF <- fields]
- endP <- if null endPL
- then fail "Cannot parse Peer endpoint"
- else return $ head endPL
- let ka = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe [kaF | RpcKA kaF <- fields]
- let rmIps = not $ null [rmIpsF | RpcDelIps rmIpsF <- fields]
- let allIpR = [ipRF | RpcAllIp ipRF <- fields]
- return $ RpcPeerPayload peerPubK rm psh endP ka rmIps allIpR
- where
- parsePubKey = do
- _ <- "public_key=" <?> "Peer delimiter"
- pubHex <- unhex <$> takeTill isEndOfLine :: Parser (Maybe ByteString)
- _ <- "\n"
- let pubMaybe = join $ (dhBytesToPub . BA.convert) <$> pubHex
- maybe (fail "Cannot parse peer's public key") return pubMaybe
peerFieldsParser :: Parser [RpcPeerField]
peerFieldsParser = many' (peerFieldParser <* endOfLine)
diff --git a/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs b/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
index 0175127..8fc6e82 100644
--- a/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
+++ b/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Module : Network.WireGuard.RPC
+Description : Wireguard's RPC protocol implementation.
+Copyright : Félix Baylac-Jacqué, 2017
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : felix@alternativebit.fr
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Wireguard's RPC protocol implementation. This module contains
+the various operation needed to communicate with the wg CLI utility.
module Network.WireGuard.RPC
( runRPC,
- bytesToPair,
) where
@@ -13,8 +24,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically,
readTVar, writeTVar)
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Crypto.Noise.DH as DH (dhPubToBytes, dhSecToBytes,
- dhBytesToPair, dhBytesToPair)
+import qualified Crypto.Noise.DH as DH (dhPubToBytes, dhSecToBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (convert)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, concat,
@@ -35,26 +45,27 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust,
import Network.WireGuard.Internal.RpcParsers (requestParser)
import Network.WireGuard.Internal.State (Device(..), Peer(..),
-import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.Types (PrivateKey, PublicKey,
- KeyPair)
+import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.Types (PrivateKey, PublicKey)
import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Data.RpcTypes (RpcRequest(..), RpcSetPayload(..),
OpType(..), RpcDevicePayload(..),
import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Util (catchIOExceptionAnd)
+--TODO: return appropriate errno during set operations.
-- | Run RPC service over a unix socket
runRPC :: FilePath -> Device -> IO ()
runRPC sockPath device = runUnixServer (serverSettings sockPath) $ \app ->
catchIOExceptionAnd (return ()) $
runConduit (appSource app .| serveConduit device .| appSink app)
--- TODO: ensure that all bytestring over sockets will be erased
+-- | Process a stream coming from a unix socket and writes back the
+-- appropriate response.
serveConduit :: Device -> ConduitM BS.ByteString BS.ByteString IO ()
serveConduit device = do
request <- sinkParserEither requestParser
routeRequest request
- --returnError = yield $ writeConfig (-invalidValueError)
routeRequest (Left _) = yield mempty
routeRequest (Right req) =
case opType req of
@@ -66,6 +77,45 @@ serveConduit device = do
deviceBstr <- liftIO . atomically $ showDevice device
yield $ BS.concat [deviceBstr, BC.pack "errno=0\n\n"]
+-- | Print a device in a bytestring according to wireguard's RPC format.
+-- More infos about this format on this page <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/>
+showDevice :: Device -> STM BS.ByteString
+showDevice Device{..} = do
+ listen_port <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar port
+ fwm <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar fwmark
+ private_key <- fmap (toLowerBs . hex . privToBytes . fst) <$> readTVar localKey
+ let devHm = [("private_key", private_key),
+ ("listen_port", Just listen_port),
+ ("fwmark", Just fwm)]
+ let devBs = serializeRpcKeyValue devHm
+ prs <- readTVar peers
+ peersBstrList <- mapM showPeer $ HM.elems prs
+ return . BS.concat $ (devBs : peersBstrList)
+-- | Print a peer in a bytestring according to wireguard's RPC format.
+-- More infos about this format on this page <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/>
+showPeer :: Peer -> STM BS.ByteString
+showPeer Peer{..} = do
+ let public_key = pubToString remotePub
+ endpoint <- readTVar endPoint
+ persistant_keepalive_interval <- readTVar keepaliveInterval
+ allowed_ip <- readTVar ipmasks
+ rx_bytes <- readTVar receivedBytes
+ tx_bytes <- readTVar transferredBytes
+ last_handshake_time <- readTVar lastHandshakeTime
+ let peer = [("public_key", Just public_key),
+ ("endpoint", BC.pack . show <$> endpoint),
+ ("persistent_keepalive_interval", Just . BC.pack . show $ persistant_keepalive_interval),
+ ("tx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ tx_bytes),
+ ("rx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ rx_bytes),
+ ("last_handshake_time", BC.pack . show <$> last_handshake_time)
+ ] ++ expandAllowedIps (Just . BC.pack . show <$> allowed_ip)
+ return $ serializeRpcKeyValue peer
+ where
+ expandAllowedIps = foldr (\val acc -> ("allowed_ip", val):acc) []
setDevice :: RpcRequest -> Device -> STM (Maybe BS.ByteString)
setDevice req dev = do
let devReq = devicePayload . fromJust $ payload req
@@ -113,38 +163,6 @@ removePeer peer dev = do
let nPeers = HM.delete (pubToString $ pubK peer) currentPeers
writeTVar (peers dev) nPeers
-showDevice :: Device -> STM BS.ByteString
-showDevice Device{..} = do
- listen_port <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar port
- fwm <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar fwmark
- private_key <- fmap (toLowerBs . hex . privToBytes . fst) <$> readTVar localKey
- let devHm = [("private_key", private_key),
- ("listen_port", Just listen_port),
- ("fwmark", Just fwm)]
- let devBs = serializeRpcKeyValue devHm
- prs <- readTVar peers
- peersBstrList <- mapM showPeer $ HM.elems prs
- return . BS.concat $ (devBs : peersBstrList)
-showPeer :: Peer -> STM BS.ByteString
-showPeer Peer{..} = do
- let public_key = pubToString remotePub
- endpoint <- readTVar endPoint
- persistant_keepalive_interval <- readTVar keepaliveInterval
- allowed_ip <- readTVar ipmasks
- rx_bytes <- readTVar receivedBytes
- tx_bytes <- readTVar transferredBytes
- last_handshake_time <- readTVar lastHandshakeTime
- let peer = [("public_key", Just public_key),
- ("endpoint", BC.pack . show <$> endpoint),
- ("persistent_keepalive_interval", Just . BC.pack . show $ persistant_keepalive_interval),
- ("tx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ tx_bytes),
- ("rx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ rx_bytes),
- ("last_handshake_time", BC.pack . show <$> last_handshake_time)
- ] ++ expandAllowedIps (Just . BC.pack . show <$> allowed_ip)
- return $ serializeRpcKeyValue peer
- where
- expandAllowedIps = foldr (\val acc -> ("allowed_ip", val):acc) []
serializeRpcKeyValue :: [(String, Maybe BS.ByteString)] -> BS.ByteString
serializeRpcKeyValue = foldl' showKeyValueLine BS.empty
@@ -163,8 +181,5 @@ pubToString = toLowerBs . hex . pubToBytes
privToBytes :: PrivateKey -> BS.ByteString
privToBytes = BA.convert . DH.dhSecToBytes
-bytesToPair :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe KeyPair
-bytesToPair = DH.dhBytesToPair . BA.convert
toLowerBs :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
toLowerBs = BC.map toLower