path: root/usr.sbin
diff options
authornatano <>2016-10-23 10:58:45 +0000
committernatano <>2016-10-23 10:58:45 +0000
commit8e575615ba7f3d50203c37f174ae6e288f83cb21 (patch)
treeea24ecb3642365a3673121a42c33579ab012d06a /usr.sbin
parentRemove cd9660's keep-bad-images option. (diff)
Remove the msdos no_create option.
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.c b/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.c
index 42037efe06b..b76614e6044 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $OpenBSD: mkfs_msdos.c,v 1.1 2016/10/18 17:05:30 natano Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: mkfs_msdos.c,v 1.2 2016/10/23 10:58:45 natano Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: mkfs_msdos.c,v 1.10 2016/04/03 11:00:13 mlelstv Exp $ */
@@ -251,10 +251,6 @@ mkfs_msdos(const char *fname, const char *dtype, const struct msdos_options *op)
return -1;
if (o.create_size) {
- if (o.no_create) {
- warnx("create (-C) is incompatible with -N");
- return -1;
- }
if (o.offset == 0)
oflags |= O_TRUNC;
fd = open(fname, oflags, 0644);
@@ -268,7 +264,7 @@ mkfs_msdos(const char *fname, const char *dtype, const struct msdos_options *op)
return -1;
(void)lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- } else if ((fd = open(fname, o.no_create ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR)) == -1 ||
+ } else if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDWR)) == -1 ||
fstat(fd, &sb)) {
warn("%s", fname);
return -1;
@@ -592,133 +588,132 @@ mkfs_msdos(const char *fname, const char *dtype, const struct msdos_options *op)
if (ch != 0)
printf("MBR type: %d\n", ch);
- if (!o.no_create) {
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- now = tv.tv_sec;
- tm = localtime(&now);
- if (!(img = malloc(bpb.bps)))
- err(1, NULL);
- dir = bpb.res + (bpb.spf ? bpb.spf : bpb.bspf) * bpb.nft;
- signal(SIGINFO, infohandler);
- for (lsn = 0; lsn < dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds); lsn++) {
- if (got_siginfo) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: writing sector %u of %u (%u%%)\n",
- fname,lsn,(dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds)),
- (lsn*100)/(dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds)));
- got_siginfo = 0;
- }
- x = lsn;
- if (o.bootstrap &&
- o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 &&
- bss <= bpb.bkbs && x >= bpb.bkbs) {
- x -= bpb.bkbs;
- if (!x && lseek(fd1, o.offset, SEEK_SET)) {
- warn("%s", bname);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (o.bootstrap && x < bss) {
- if ((n = read(fd1, img, bpb.bps)) == -1) {
- warn("%s", bname);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((size_t)n != bpb.bps) {
- warnx("%s: can't read sector %u", bname, x);
- return -1;
- }
- } else
- memset(img, 0, bpb.bps);
- if (!lsn ||
- (o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 && lsn == bpb.bkbs)) {
- x1 = sizeof(struct bs);
- bsbpb = (struct bsbpb *)(img + x1);
- mk2(bsbpb->bps, bpb.bps);
- mk1(bsbpb->spc, bpb.spc);
- mk2(bsbpb->res, bpb.res);
- mk1(bsbpb->nft, bpb.nft);
- mk2(bsbpb->rde, bpb.rde);
- mk2(bsbpb->sec, bpb.sec);
- mk1(bsbpb->mid, bpb.mid);
- mk2(bsbpb->spf, bpb.spf);
- mk2(bsbpb->spt, bpb.spt);
- mk2(bsbpb->hds, bpb.hds);
- mk4(bsbpb->hid, bpb.hid);
- mk4(bsbpb->bsec, bpb.bsec);
- x1 += sizeof(struct bsbpb);
- if (o.fat_type == 32) {
- bsxbpb = (struct bsxbpb *)(img + x1);
- mk4(bsxbpb->bspf, bpb.bspf);
- mk2(bsxbpb->xflg, 0);
- mk2(bsxbpb->vers, 0);
- mk4(bsxbpb->rdcl, bpb.rdcl);
- mk2(bsxbpb->infs, bpb.infs);
- mk2(bsxbpb->bkbs, bpb.bkbs);
- x1 += sizeof(struct bsxbpb);
- }
- bsx = (struct bsx *)(img + x1);
- mk1(bsx->sig, 0x29);
- if (o.volume_id_set)
- x = o.volume_id;
- else
- x = (((u_int)(1 + tm->tm_mon) << 8 |
- (u_int)tm->tm_mday) +
- ((u_int)tm->tm_sec << 8 |
- (u_int)(tv.tv_usec / 10))) << 16 |
- ((u_int)(1900 + tm->tm_year) +
- ((u_int)tm->tm_hour << 8 |
- (u_int)tm->tm_min));
- mk4(bsx->volid, x);
- mklabel(bsx->label, o.volume_label ? o.volume_label : "NO NAME");
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FAT%u", o.fat_type);
- setstr(bsx->type, buf, sizeof(bsx->type));
- if (!o.bootstrap) {
- x1 += sizeof(struct bsx);
- bs = (struct bs *)img;
- mk1(bs->jmp[0], 0xeb);
- mk1(bs->jmp[1], x1 - 2);
- mk1(bs->jmp[2], 0x90);
- setstr(bs->oem, o.OEM_string ? o.OEM_string : "NetBSD",
- sizeof(bs->oem));
- memcpy(img + x1, bootcode, sizeof(bootcode));
- mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC);
- }
- } else if (o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.infs != MAXU16 &&
- (lsn == bpb.infs ||
- (bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 &&
- lsn == bpb.bkbs + bpb.infs))) {
- mk4(img, 0x41615252);
- mk4(img + MINBPS - 28, 0x61417272);
- mk4(img + MINBPS - 24, 0xffffffff);
- mk4(img + MINBPS - 20, 0xffffffff);
- mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC);
- } else if (lsn >= bpb.res && lsn < dir &&
- !((lsn - bpb.res) %
- (bpb.spf ? bpb.spf : bpb.bspf))) {
- mk1(img[0], bpb.mid);
- for (x = 1; x < o.fat_type * (o.fat_type == 32 ? 3U : 2U) / 8U; x++)
- mk1(img[x], o.fat_type == 32 && x % 4 == 3 ? 0x0f : 0xff);
- } else if (lsn == dir && o.volume_label) {
- de = (struct de *)img;
- mklabel(de->namext, o.volume_label);
- mk1(de->attr, 050);
- x = (u_int)tm->tm_hour << 11 |
- (u_int)tm->tm_min << 5 |
- (u_int)tm->tm_sec >> 1;
- mk2(de->time, x);
- x = (u_int)(tm->tm_year - 80) << 9 |
- (u_int)(tm->tm_mon + 1) << 5 |
- (u_int)tm->tm_mday;
- mk2(de->date, x);
- }
- if ((n = write(fd, img, bpb.bps)) == -1) {
- warn("%s", fname);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((size_t)n != bpb.bps) {
- warnx("%s: can't write sector %u", fname, lsn);
- return -1;
- }
- }
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ now = tv.tv_sec;
+ tm = localtime(&now);
+ if (!(img = malloc(bpb.bps)))
+ err(1, NULL);
+ dir = bpb.res + (bpb.spf ? bpb.spf : bpb.bspf) * bpb.nft;
+ signal(SIGINFO, infohandler);
+ for (lsn = 0; lsn < dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds); lsn++) {
+ if (got_siginfo) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: writing sector %u of %u (%u%%)\n",
+ fname,lsn,(dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds)),
+ (lsn*100)/(dir + (o.fat_type == 32 ? bpb.spc : rds)));
+ got_siginfo = 0;
+ }
+ x = lsn;
+ if (o.bootstrap &&
+ o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 &&
+ bss <= bpb.bkbs && x >= bpb.bkbs) {
+ x -= bpb.bkbs;
+ if (!x && lseek(fd1, o.offset, SEEK_SET)) {
+ warn("%s", bname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (o.bootstrap && x < bss) {
+ if ((n = read(fd1, img, bpb.bps)) == -1) {
+ warn("%s", bname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((size_t)n != bpb.bps) {
+ warnx("%s: can't read sector %u", bname, x);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ memset(img, 0, bpb.bps);
+ if (!lsn ||
+ (o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 && lsn == bpb.bkbs)) {
+ x1 = sizeof(struct bs);
+ bsbpb = (struct bsbpb *)(img + x1);
+ mk2(bsbpb->bps, bpb.bps);
+ mk1(bsbpb->spc, bpb.spc);
+ mk2(bsbpb->res, bpb.res);
+ mk1(bsbpb->nft, bpb.nft);
+ mk2(bsbpb->rde, bpb.rde);
+ mk2(bsbpb->sec, bpb.sec);
+ mk1(bsbpb->mid, bpb.mid);
+ mk2(bsbpb->spf, bpb.spf);
+ mk2(bsbpb->spt, bpb.spt);
+ mk2(bsbpb->hds, bpb.hds);
+ mk4(bsbpb->hid, bpb.hid);
+ mk4(bsbpb->bsec, bpb.bsec);
+ x1 += sizeof(struct bsbpb);
+ if (o.fat_type == 32) {
+ bsxbpb = (struct bsxbpb *)(img + x1);
+ mk4(bsxbpb->bspf, bpb.bspf);
+ mk2(bsxbpb->xflg, 0);
+ mk2(bsxbpb->vers, 0);
+ mk4(bsxbpb->rdcl, bpb.rdcl);
+ mk2(bsxbpb->infs, bpb.infs);
+ mk2(bsxbpb->bkbs, bpb.bkbs);
+ x1 += sizeof(struct bsxbpb);
+ }
+ bsx = (struct bsx *)(img + x1);
+ mk1(bsx->sig, 0x29);
+ if (o.volume_id_set)
+ x = o.volume_id;
+ else
+ x = (((u_int)(1 + tm->tm_mon) << 8 |
+ (u_int)tm->tm_mday) +
+ ((u_int)tm->tm_sec << 8 |
+ (u_int)(tv.tv_usec / 10))) << 16 |
+ ((u_int)(1900 + tm->tm_year) +
+ ((u_int)tm->tm_hour << 8 |
+ (u_int)tm->tm_min));
+ mk4(bsx->volid, x);
+ mklabel(bsx->label, o.volume_label ? o.volume_label : "NO NAME");
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FAT%u", o.fat_type);
+ setstr(bsx->type, buf, sizeof(bsx->type));
+ if (!o.bootstrap) {
+ x1 += sizeof(struct bsx);
+ bs = (struct bs *)img;
+ mk1(bs->jmp[0], 0xeb);
+ mk1(bs->jmp[1], x1 - 2);
+ mk1(bs->jmp[2], 0x90);
+ setstr(bs->oem, o.OEM_string ? o.OEM_string : "NetBSD",
+ sizeof(bs->oem));
+ memcpy(img + x1, bootcode, sizeof(bootcode));
+ mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC);
+ }
+ } else if (o.fat_type == 32 && bpb.infs != MAXU16 &&
+ (lsn == bpb.infs ||
+ (bpb.bkbs != MAXU16 &&
+ lsn == bpb.bkbs + bpb.infs))) {
+ mk4(img, 0x41615252);
+ mk4(img + MINBPS - 28, 0x61417272);
+ mk4(img + MINBPS - 24, 0xffffffff);
+ mk4(img + MINBPS - 20, 0xffffffff);
+ mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC);
+ } else if (lsn >= bpb.res && lsn < dir &&
+ !((lsn - bpb.res) %
+ (bpb.spf ? bpb.spf : bpb.bspf))) {
+ mk1(img[0], bpb.mid);
+ for (x = 1; x < o.fat_type * (o.fat_type == 32 ? 3U : 2U) / 8U; x++)
+ mk1(img[x], o.fat_type == 32 && x % 4 == 3 ? 0x0f : 0xff);
+ } else if (lsn == dir && o.volume_label) {
+ de = (struct de *)img;
+ mklabel(de->namext, o.volume_label);
+ mk1(de->attr, 050);
+ x = (u_int)tm->tm_hour << 11 |
+ (u_int)tm->tm_min << 5 |
+ (u_int)tm->tm_sec >> 1;
+ mk2(de->time, x);
+ x = (u_int)(tm->tm_year - 80) << 9 |
+ (u_int)(tm->tm_mon + 1) << 5 |
+ (u_int)tm->tm_mday;
+ mk2(de->date, x);
+ }
+ if ((n = write(fd, img, bpb.bps)) == -1) {
+ warn("%s", fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((size_t)n != bpb.bps) {
+ warnx("%s: can't write sector %u", fname, lsn);
+ return -1;
+ }
return 0;
diff --git a/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.h b/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.h
index 8f90b2cf556..9c194cac591 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.h
+++ b/usr.sbin/makefs/msdos/mkfs_msdos.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $OpenBSD: mkfs_msdos.h,v 1.3 2016/10/23 10:22:21 natano Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: mkfs_msdos.h,v 1.4 2016/10/23 10:58:45 natano Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: mkfs_msdos.h,v 1.3 2015/10/16 17:38:17 christos Exp $ */
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ AOPT(char *, floppy, -1, "Standard format floppies (160,180,320,360,640,720,1200
AOPT(uint32_t, hidden_sectors, 0, "Hidden sectors") \
AOPT(uint16_t, info_sector, 1, "Info sector") \
AOPT(uint8_t, media_descriptor, 0, "Media descriptor") \
-AOPT(int, no_create, -2, "Don't create filesystem, print params only") \
AOPT(uint8_t, num_FAT, 1, "Number of FATs") \
AOPT(char *, OEM_string, -1, "OEM string") \
AOPT(off_t, offset, 0, "Offset in device") \