path: root/src/wireguard/router/pool.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/wireguard/router/pool.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/wireguard/router/pool.rs b/src/wireguard/router/pool.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc0026..0000000
--- a/src/wireguard/router/pool.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-use std::mem;
-use std::sync::Arc;
-use arraydeque::ArrayDeque;
-use crossbeam_channel::Receiver;
-use spin::{Mutex, MutexGuard};
-use super::constants::INORDER_QUEUE_SIZE;
-use super::runq::{RunQueue, ToKey};
-pub struct InnerJob<P, B> {
- // peer (used by worker to schedule/handle inorder queue),
- // when the peer is None, the job is complete
- peer: Option<P>,
- pub body: B,
-pub struct Job<P, B> {
- inner: Arc<Mutex<InnerJob<P, B>>>,
-impl<P, B> Clone for Job<P, B> {
- fn clone(&self) -> Job<P, B> {
- Job {
- inner: self.inner.clone(),
- }
- }
-impl<P, B> Job<P, B> {
- pub fn new(peer: P, body: B) -> Job<P, B> {
- Job {
- inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(InnerJob {
- peer: Some(peer),
- body,
- })),
- }
- }
-impl<P, B> Job<P, B> {
- /// Returns a mutex guard to the inner job if complete
- pub fn complete(&self) -> Option<MutexGuard<InnerJob<P, B>>> {
- self.inner
- .try_lock()
- .and_then(|m| if m.peer.is_none() { Some(m) } else { None })
- }
-pub struct InorderQueue<P, B> {
- queue: Mutex<ArrayDeque<[Job<P, B>; INORDER_QUEUE_SIZE]>>,
-impl<P, B> InorderQueue<P, B> {
- pub fn new() -> InorderQueue<P, B> {
- InorderQueue {
- queue: Mutex::new(ArrayDeque::new()),
- }
- }
- /// Add a new job to the in-order queue
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- ///
- /// - `job`: The job added to the back of the queue
- ///
- /// # Returns
- ///
- /// True if the element was added,
- /// false to indicate that the queue is full.
- pub fn send(&self, job: Job<P, B>) -> bool {
- self.queue.lock().push_back(job).is_ok()
- }
- /// Consume completed jobs from the in-order queue
- ///
- /// # Arguments
- ///
- /// - `f`: function to apply to the body of each jobof each job.
- /// - `limit`: maximum number of jobs to handle before returning
- ///
- /// # Returns
- ///
- /// A boolean indicating if the limit was reached:
- /// true indicating that the limit was reached,
- /// while false implies that the queue is empty or an uncompleted job was reached.
- #[inline(always)]
- pub fn handle<F: Fn(&mut B)>(&self, f: F, mut limit: usize) -> bool {
- // take the mutex
- let mut queue = self.queue.lock();
- while limit > 0 {
- // attempt to extract front element
- let front = queue.pop_front();
- let elem = match front {
- Some(elem) => elem,
- _ => {
- return false;
- }
- };
- // apply function if job complete
- let ret = if let Some(mut guard) = elem.complete() {
- mem::drop(queue);
- f(&mut guard.body);
- queue = self.queue.lock();
- false
- } else {
- true
- };
- // job not complete yet, return job to front
- if ret {
- queue.push_front(elem).unwrap();
- return false;
- }
- limit -= 1;
- }
- // did not complete all jobs
- true
- }
-/// Allows easy construction of a parallel worker.
-/// Applicable for both decryption and encryption workers.
-pub fn worker_parallel<
- P: ToKey, // represents a peer (atomic reference counted pointer)
- B, // inner body type (message buffer, key material, ...)
- D, // device
- W: Fn(&P, &mut B),
- Q: Fn(&D) -> &RunQueue<P>,
- device: D,
- queue: Q,
- receiver: Receiver<Job<P, B>>,
- work: W,
-) {
- log::trace!("router worker started");
- loop {
- // handle new job
- let peer = {
- // get next job
- let job = match receiver.recv() {
- Ok(job) => job,
- _ => return,
- };
- // lock the job
- let mut job = job.inner.lock();
- // take the peer from the job
- let peer = job.peer.take().unwrap();
- // process job
- work(&peer, &mut job.body);
- peer
- };
- // process inorder jobs for peer
- queue(&device).insert(peer);
- }