path: root/egraph/doc/TODO.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'egraph/doc/TODO.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/egraph/doc/TODO.txt b/egraph/doc/TODO.txt
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index beed508..0000000
--- a/egraph/doc/TODO.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-vertice / vertice_text visibility will be broken
-need to implement it in the edje object and send signals
-* BUG: show nodes labels does not show old nodes labels
-reproduce: do not show labels, add edges, show label, add edges
-* BUG: layer stacking is wrong, edges end up on top of nodes, despite
-* BUG: vertices / vertices text fight for being on top. use evas layers ?
-add 500 edges to reproduce, and watch the nodes
-* missing function declaration for static _color_int_to_rgb()
-* reorder static funcs
-* BUG: sometimes when you add nodes during layouting, the graph is broken
-a new edge attaches to the wrong new vertice
-it seems to be always the same node numbers that gets this wrong edge
-* BUG: EGRAPH_LAYOUT_FRUCHTERMANREINGOLD is broken when adding many edges
-* zoom
-10:16 < glouglou> i want to implement zooming with mouse scroll, do you have some ideas about that ?
-10:16 < zmike> that should be trivial
-10:16 < zmike> just hook mouse wheel and use efx_zoom
-10:18 < glouglou> does efx_zoom resize the objects ?
-10:18 < glouglou> all the graph is one evas smart object
-10:18 < zmike> it does not resize, it just maps
-10:18 < glouglou> that clips everything
-10:18 < zmike> it should work, you can see the elm test is working, and that uses smart objects
-10:18 < glouglou> yeah i want to update the coordinates i guess, not really "zoom"
-10:19 < zmike> hm there's no efx_scale yet, but you could use efx_resize I would think
-10:19 < glouglou> i would prefer to resize / update the coords
-10:19 < glouglou> scale yes, that would be it
-10:19 < glouglou> ok
-10:19 < zmike> just calculate the size you want and use efx_resize
-10:20 < zmike> it will animate the resizing
-* blobs
-05:17 < glouglou> cedric: t'as vu dans ma demo les packets qui vont d'une node a l'autre quand les nodes bougent et ben les paquets arrivent a l'ancien endroit
-05:17 < glouglou> j'ai regarde un peu dans efx mais j'ai pas trouve de bon moyen
-05:18 < glouglou> il faudrait que les paquets ne puissent pas sortir de l'edge (le trait) entre les 2 nodes
-05:18 < glouglou> si tu as une idee ...
-05:22 -!- Munto [~frugal@2a01:e35:139d:91e0:221:85ff:fee1:5c3c] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
-05:33 -!- sharinganex [~sharingan@] has joined #e.fr
-06:22 <@cedric> glouglou: oui, swallow un smart objet
-06:22 <@cedric> qui n'a qu'une seule tache faire bouger des paquets de haut en bas et de bas en haut
-06:22 <@cedric> parcontre ca a un probleme, la taille des objets de tes paquets est limite par la taille de ton objet edje parent
-06:40 < glouglou> cedric: mais un smart object dans un edje object qui est ensuite mappe, juste pour faire un trait, ca va etre un peu lourd non ?
-06:40 < glouglou> et complexe
-06:40 < glouglou> mais c'est vrai que ca resous mon probleme
-06:41 <@cedric> bah, de toute facon, tu vas avoir une surface cree pour mettre ton edje dans ta map
-06:41 <@cedric> dc ca reviendra au meme voir tu fairas l'economie d'une surface
-06:49 < glouglou> cedric: donc quand tu swallow un evas smart object dans un edje object, les coordonnes pour le smart object sont relatifs a la part swallow ?
-06:50 < glouglou> genre si je fais un geometry_get dans mon smart obj, le 0x0 sera en fait en haut a gauche de ma part swallow edje ?
-06:52 <@cedric> oui
-06:52 < glouglou> mais c'est magnifique
-06:52 < glouglou> et splendide a fois
-06:53 < glouglou> merci :D
-* find a better storage type for vertices
-quick access O(1) -> table
-possibility to foreach and remove at the same time
-* possible future API: no edges no vertices for the user
-struct Egraph_Vertice {
- const char *name;
- int vertice_id;
- Evas_Object *o;
- void *data;
-egraph_vertice_add(Egraph *eg, const char *name, void *data);
-egraph_edge_add(Egraph *eg,
- const char *a, const char *b, void *data);
-* speed: draw directly to a surface and map to evas via invisible polygons
-see elementary/src/bin/test_gesture_layer3.c
-04:45 < glouglou> i would like to draw directly in a surface and then give it to evas, but i want in the future to have user interaction with the nodes of my
- graph, like click click reaction, so i guess i cannot escape from creating one evas object for each node and edge
-04:46 <@raster> trick:
-04:47 <@raster> u can just create invisible rects
-04:47 < glouglou> (i can imagine crazy mapping of the clicks on my surface that triggers evas callbacks, but i'm not that crazy)
-04:47 <@raster> and overlay them on your image
-04:47 <@raster> use them for event stuff
-04:47 < glouglou> lol
-04:47 <@raster> or polygons tyoo
-04:47 <@raster> thats about the only use of polygons
-04:47 <@raster> as u can do exact inside/outside poly checks for events
-04:48 < glouglou> i think you are talking about the crazy things i don't want to do :p
-04:48 <@raster> one of the elm demos does this
-04:48 <@raster> for soming/rotating with little photos
-04:48 <@raster> multitouch test stuff
-* speed: from Thanatermesis :
-the Core library (https://github.com/acaudwell/Core)
-renders to OpenGL directly
-used by :
-https://github.com/acaudwell/Gource (http://code.google.com/p/gource/)
-* speed: evas_object_rectangles
-04:40 <@raster> they add clipoouts
-04:41 <@raster> make them just a bit translucent
-04:41 <@raster> and it'll be faster