path: root/tools/clang_format.py
diff options
authorAndrej Rode <mail@andrejro.de>2018-03-03 12:27:52 +0100
committerAndrej Rode <mail@andrejro.de>2018-12-16 01:35:13 +0100
commitd52c81545a3265ee42f8e26c260064d7b035a859 (patch)
tree04b376d19a770448266244f5e575fb60b2c3368c /tools/clang_format.py
parentCMake: Reduce Boost Minimum Version from 1.54 to 1.53 (diff)
import clang_format from mongodb repo 3f7dce2
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/clang_format.py')
1 files changed, 883 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/clang_format.py b/tools/clang_format.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..890a0744e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/clang_format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+A script that provides:
+1. Ability to grab binaries where possible from LLVM.
+2. Ability to download binaries from MongoDB cache for clang-format.
+3. Validates clang-format is the right version.
+4. Has support for checking which files are to be checked.
+5. Supports validating and updating a set of files to the right coding style.
+from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
+import Queue
+import difflib
+import glob
+import itertools
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import threading
+import time
+import urllib
+from distutils import spawn
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from multiprocessing import cpu_count
+# Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH.
+if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)))))
+from buildscripts import moduleconfig
+# Constants for clang-format
+# Expected version of clang-format
+# Name of clang-format as a binary
+CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME = "clang-format"
+# URL location of the "cached" copy of clang-format to download
+# for users which do not have clang-format installed
+CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/clang-format-3.8-rhel55.tar.gz"
+CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/clang%2Bllvm-3.8.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz"
+# Path in the tarball to the clang-format binary
+CLANG_FORMAT_SOURCE_TAR_BASE = string.Template("clang+llvm-$version-$tar_path/bin/" + CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME)
+# Path to the modules in the mongodb source tree
+# Has to match the string in SConstruct
+MODULE_DIR = "src/mongo/db/modules"
+# Copied from python 2.7 version of subprocess.py
+# Exception classes used by this module.
+class CalledProcessError(Exception):
+ """This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() or
+ check_output() returns a non-zero exit status.
+ The exit status will be stored in the returncode attribute;
+ check_output() will also store the output in the output attribute.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None):
+ self.returncode = returncode
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ self.output = output
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d with output %s" %
+ (self.cmd, self.returncode, self.output))
+# Copied from python 2.7 version of subprocess.py
+def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
+ r"""Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string.
+ If the exit code was non-zero it raises a CalledProcessError. The
+ CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode
+ attribute and output in the output attribute.
+ The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
+ >>> check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
+ 'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18 2007 /dev/null\n'
+ The stdout argument is not allowed as it is used internally.
+ To capture standard error in the result, use stderr=STDOUT.
+ >>> check_output(["/bin/sh", "-c",
+ ... "ls -l non_existent_file ; exit 0"],
+ ... stderr=STDOUT)
+ 'ls: non_existent_file: No such file or directory\n'
+ """
+ if 'stdout' in kwargs:
+ raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
+ process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
+ output, unused_err = process.communicate()
+ retcode = process.poll()
+ if retcode:
+ cmd = kwargs.get("args")
+ if cmd is None:
+ cmd = popenargs[0]
+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output)
+ return output
+def callo(args):
+ """Call a program, and capture its output
+ """
+ return check_output(args)
+def get_tar_path(version, tar_path):
+ """ Get the path to clang-format in the llvm tarball
+ """
+ return CLANG_FORMAT_SOURCE_TAR_BASE.substitute(
+ version=version,
+ tar_path=tar_path)
+def extract_clang_format(tar_path):
+ # Extract just the clang-format binary
+ # On OSX, we shell out to tar because tarfile doesn't support xz compression
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ subprocess.call(['tar', '-xzf', tar_path, '*clang-format*'])
+ # Otherwise we use tarfile because some versions of tar don't support wildcards without
+ # a special flag
+ else:
+ tarfp = tarfile.open(tar_path)
+ for name in tarfp.getnames():
+ if name.endswith('clang-format'):
+ tarfp.extract(name)
+ tarfp.close()
+def get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(url, tarball_ext):
+ """Get clang-format from mongodb's cache
+ and extract the tarball
+ """
+ dest_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+ temp_tar_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "temp.tar" + tarball_ext)
+ # Download from file
+ print("Downloading clang-format %s from %s, saving to %s" % (CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION,
+ url, temp_tar_file))
+ urllib.urlretrieve(url, temp_tar_file)
+ extract_clang_format(temp_tar_file)
+def get_clang_format_from_darwin_cache(dest_file):
+ """Download clang-format from llvm.org, unpack the tarball,
+ and put clang-format in the specified place
+ """
+ get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_DARWIN_CACHE, ".xz")
+ # Destination Path
+ shutil.move(get_tar_path(CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION, "x86_64-apple-darwin"), dest_file)
+def get_clang_format_from_linux_cache(dest_file):
+ """Get clang-format from mongodb's cache
+ """
+ get_clang_format_from_cache_and_extract(CLANG_FORMAT_HTTP_LINUX_CACHE, ".gz")
+ # Destination Path
+ shutil.move("build/bin/clang-format", dest_file)
+class ClangFormat(object):
+ """Class encapsulates finding a suitable copy of clang-format,
+ and linting/formating an individual file
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, cache_dir):
+ self.path = None
+ clang_format_progname_ext = ""
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ clang_format_progname_ext += ".exe"
+ # Check the clang-format the user specified
+ if path is not None:
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ self.path = path
+ else:
+ print("WARNING: Could not find clang-format %s" % (path))
+ # Check the environment variable
+ if "MONGO_CLANG_FORMAT" in os.environ:
+ self.path = os.environ["MONGO_CLANG_FORMAT"]
+ if self.path and not self._validate_version():
+ self.path = None
+ # Check the users' PATH environment variable now
+ if self.path is None:
+ # Check for various versions staring with binaries with version specific suffixes in the
+ # user's path
+ programs = [
+ ]
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ for i in range(len(programs)):
+ programs[i] += '.exe'
+ for program in programs:
+ self.path = spawn.find_executable(program)
+ if self.path:
+ if not self._validate_version():
+ self.path = None
+ else:
+ break
+ # If Windows, try to grab it from Program Files
+ # Check both native Program Files and WOW64 version
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ programfiles = [
+ os.environ["ProgramFiles"],
+ os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"],
+ ]
+ for programfile in programfiles:
+ win32bin = os.path.join(programfile, "LLVM\\bin\\clang-format.exe")
+ if os.path.exists(win32bin):
+ self.path = win32bin
+ break
+ # Have not found it yet, download it from the web
+ if self.path is None:
+ if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
+ os.makedirs(cache_dir)
+ self.path = os.path.join(cache_dir, CLANG_FORMAT_PROGNAME + "-" + CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION + clang_format_progname_ext)
+ # Download a new version if the cache is empty or stale
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.path) or not self._validate_version():
+ if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
+ get_clang_format_from_linux_cache(self.path)
+ elif sys.platform == "darwin":
+ get_clang_format_from_darwin_cache(self.path)
+ else:
+ print("ERROR: clang-format.py does not support downloading clang-format " +
+ " on this platform, please install clang-format " + CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION)
+ # Validate we have the correct version
+ # We only can fail here if the user specified a clang-format binary and it is the wrong
+ # version
+ if not self._validate_version():
+ print("ERROR: exiting because of previous warning.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.print_lock = threading.Lock()
+ def _validate_version(self):
+ """Validate clang-format is the expected version
+ """
+ cf_version = callo([self.path, "--version"])
+ if CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION in cf_version:
+ return True
+ print("WARNING: clang-format found in path, but incorrect version found at " +
+ self.path + " with version: " + cf_version)
+ return False
+ def _lint(self, file_name, print_diff):
+ """Check the specified file has the correct format
+ """
+ with open(file_name, 'rb') as original_text:
+ original_file = original_text.read()
+ # Get formatted file as clang-format would format the file
+ formatted_file = callo([self.path, "--style=file", file_name])
+ if original_file != formatted_file:
+ if print_diff:
+ original_lines = original_file.splitlines()
+ formatted_lines = formatted_file.splitlines()
+ result = difflib.unified_diff(original_lines, formatted_lines)
+ # Take a lock to ensure diffs do not get mixed when printed to the screen
+ with self.print_lock:
+ print("ERROR: Found diff for " + file_name)
+ print("To fix formatting errors, run %s --style=file -i %s" %
+ (self.path, file_name))
+ for line in result:
+ print(line.rstrip())
+ return False
+ return True
+ def lint(self, file_name):
+ """Check the specified file has the correct format
+ """
+ return self._lint(file_name, print_diff=True)
+ def format(self, file_name):
+ """Update the format of the specified file
+ """
+ if self._lint(file_name, print_diff=False):
+ return True
+ # Update the file with clang-format
+ formatted = not subprocess.call([self.path, "--style=file", "-i", file_name])
+ # Version 3.8 generates files like foo.cpp~RF83372177.TMP when it formats foo.cpp
+ # on Windows, we must clean these up
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ glob_pattern = file_name + "*.TMP"
+ for fglob in glob.glob(glob_pattern):
+ os.unlink(fglob)
+ return formatted
+def parallel_process(items, func):
+ """Run a set of work items to completion
+ """
+ try:
+ cpus = cpu_count()
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ cpus = 1
+ task_queue = Queue.Queue()
+ # Use a list so that worker function will capture this variable
+ pp_event = threading.Event()
+ pp_result = [True]
+ pp_lock = threading.Lock()
+ def worker():
+ """Worker thread to process work items in parallel
+ """
+ while not pp_event.is_set():
+ try:
+ item = task_queue.get_nowait()
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ # if the queue is empty, exit the worker thread
+ pp_event.set()
+ return
+ try:
+ ret = func(item)
+ finally:
+ # Tell the queue we finished with the item
+ task_queue.task_done()
+ # Return early if we fail, and signal we are done
+ if not ret:
+ with pp_lock:
+ pp_result[0] = False
+ pp_event.set()
+ return
+ # Enqueue all the work we want to process
+ for item in items:
+ task_queue.put(item)
+ # Process all the work
+ threads = []
+ for cpu in range(cpus):
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)
+ thread.daemon = True
+ thread.start()
+ threads.append(thread)
+ # Wait for the threads to finish
+ # Loop with a timeout so that we can process Ctrl-C interrupts
+ # Note: On Python 2.6 wait always returns None so we check is_set also,
+ # This works because we only set the event once, and never reset it
+ while not pp_event.wait(1) and not pp_event.is_set():
+ time.sleep(1)
+ for thread in threads:
+ thread.join()
+ return pp_result[0]
+def get_base_dir():
+ """Get the base directory for mongo repo.
+ This script assumes that it is running in buildscripts/, and uses
+ that to find the base directory.
+ """
+ try:
+ return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']).rstrip()
+ except:
+ # We are not in a valid git directory. Use the script path instead.
+ return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+def get_repos():
+ """Get a list of Repos to check clang-format for
+ """
+ base_dir = get_base_dir()
+ # Get a list of modules
+ # TODO: how do we filter rocks, does it matter?
+ mongo_modules = moduleconfig.discover_module_directories(
+ os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR), None)
+ paths = [os.path.join(base_dir, MODULE_DIR, m) for m in mongo_modules]
+ paths.append(base_dir)
+ return [Repo(p) for p in paths]
+class Repo(object):
+ """Class encapsulates all knowledge about a git repository, and its metadata
+ to run clang-format.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ self.root = self._get_root()
+ def _callgito(self, args):
+ """Call git for this repository, and return the captured output
+ """
+ # These two flags are the equivalent of -C in newer versions of Git
+ # but we use these to support versions pre 1.8.5 but it depends on the command
+ # and what the current directory is
+ return callo(['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(self.path, ".git"),
+ '--work-tree', self.path] + args)
+ def _callgit(self, args):
+ """Call git for this repository without capturing output
+ This is designed to be used when git returns non-zero exit codes.
+ """
+ # These two flags are the equivalent of -C in newer versions of Git
+ # but we use these to support versions pre 1.8.5 but it depends on the command
+ # and what the current directory is
+ return subprocess.call(['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(self.path, ".git"),
+ '--work-tree', self.path] + args)
+ def _get_local_dir(self, path):
+ """Get a directory path relative to the git root directory
+ """
+ if os.path.isabs(path):
+ return os.path.relpath(path, self.root)
+ return path
+ def get_candidates(self, candidates):
+ """Get the set of candidate files to check by querying the repository
+ Returns the full path to the file for clang-format to consume.
+ """
+ if candidates is not None and len(candidates) > 0:
+ candidates = [self._get_local_dir(f) for f in candidates]
+ valid_files = list(set(candidates).intersection(self.get_candidate_files()))
+ else:
+ valid_files = list(self.get_candidate_files())
+ # Get the full file name here
+ valid_files = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, f)) for f in valid_files]
+ return valid_files
+ def get_root(self):
+ """Get the root directory for this repository
+ """
+ return self.root
+ def _get_root(self):
+ """Gets the root directory for this repository from git
+ """
+ gito = self._callgito(['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'])
+ return gito.rstrip()
+ def _git_ls_files(self, cmd):
+ """Run git-ls-files and filter the list of files to a valid candidate list
+ """
+ gito = self._callgito(cmd)
+ # This allows us to pick all the interesting files
+ # in the mongo and mongo-enterprise repos
+ file_list = [line.rstrip()
+ for line in gito.splitlines()
+ if (line.startswith("jstests") or line.startswith("src"))
+ and not line.startswith("src/third_party")]
+ files_match = re.compile('\\.(h|cpp|js)$')
+ file_list = [a for a in file_list if files_match.search(a)]
+ return file_list
+ def get_candidate_files(self):
+ """Query git to get a list of all files in the repo to consider for analysis
+ """
+ return self._git_ls_files(["ls-files", "--cached"])
+ def get_working_tree_candidate_files(self):
+ """Query git to get a list of all files in the working tree to consider for analysis
+ """
+ return self._git_ls_files(["ls-files", "--cached", "--others"])
+ def get_working_tree_candidates(self):
+ """Get the set of candidate files to check by querying the repository
+ Returns the full path to the file for clang-format to consume.
+ """
+ valid_files = list(self.get_working_tree_candidate_files())
+ # Get the full file name here
+ valid_files = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, f)) for f in valid_files]
+ return valid_files
+ def is_detached(self):
+ """Is the current working tree in a detached HEAD state?
+ """
+ # symbolic-ref returns 1 if the repo is in a detached HEAD state
+ return self._callgit(["symbolic-ref", "--quiet", "HEAD"])
+ def is_ancestor(self, parent, child):
+ """Is the specified parent hash an ancestor of child hash?
+ """
+ # merge base returns 0 if parent is an ancestor of child
+ return not self._callgit(["merge-base", "--is-ancestor", parent, child])
+ def is_commit(self, sha1):
+ """Is the specified hash a valid git commit?
+ """
+ # cat-file -e returns 0 if it is a valid hash
+ return not self._callgit(["cat-file", "-e", "%s^{commit}" % sha1])
+ def is_working_tree_dirty(self):
+ """Does the current working tree have changes?
+ """
+ # diff returns 1 if the working tree has local changes
+ return self._callgit(["diff", "--quiet"])
+ def does_branch_exist(self, branch):
+ """Does the branch exist?
+ """
+ # rev-parse returns 0 if the branch exists
+ return not self._callgit(["rev-parse", "--verify", branch])
+ def get_merge_base(self, commit):
+ """Get the merge base between 'commit' and HEAD
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["merge-base", "HEAD", commit]).rstrip()
+ def get_branch_name(self):
+ """Get the current branch name, short form
+ This returns "master", not "refs/head/master"
+ Will not work if the current branch is detached
+ """
+ branch = self.rev_parse(["--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"])
+ if branch == "HEAD":
+ raise ValueError("Branch is currently detached")
+ return branch
+ def add(self, command):
+ """git add wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["add"] + command)
+ def checkout(self, command):
+ """git checkout wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["checkout"] + command)
+ def commit(self, command):
+ """git commit wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["commit"] + command)
+ def diff(self, command):
+ """git diff wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["diff"] + command)
+ def log(self, command):
+ """git log wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["log"] + command)
+ def rev_parse(self, command):
+ """git rev-parse wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["rev-parse"] + command).rstrip()
+ def rm(self, command):
+ """git rm wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["rm"] + command)
+ def show(self, command):
+ """git show wrapper
+ """
+ return self._callgito(["show"] + command)
+def get_list_from_lines(lines):
+ """"Convert a string containing a series of lines into a list of strings
+ """
+ return [line.rstrip() for line in lines.splitlines()]
+def get_files_to_check_working_tree():
+ """Get a list of files to check form the working tree.
+ This will pick up files not managed by git.
+ """
+ repos = get_repos()
+ valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_working_tree_candidates() for r in repos]))
+ return valid_files
+def get_files_to_check():
+ """Get a list of files that need to be checked
+ based on which files are managed by git.
+ """
+ repos = get_repos()
+ valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(None) for r in repos]))
+ return valid_files
+def get_files_to_check_from_patch(patches):
+ """Take a patch file generated by git diff, and scan the patch for a list of files to check.
+ """
+ candidates = []
+ # Get a list of candidate_files
+ check = re.compile(r"^diff --git a\/([a-z\/\.\-_0-9]+) b\/[a-z\/\.\-_0-9]+")
+ lines = []
+ for patch in patches:
+ with open(patch, "rb") as infile:
+ lines += infile.readlines()
+ candidates = [check.match(line).group(1) for line in lines if check.match(line)]
+ repos = get_repos()
+ valid_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([r.get_candidates(candidates) for r in repos]))
+ return valid_files
+def _get_build_dir():
+ """Get the location of the scons' build directory in case we need to download clang-format
+ """
+ return os.path.join(get_base_dir(), "build")
+def _lint_files(clang_format, files):
+ """Lint a list of files with clang-format
+ """
+ clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
+ lint_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], clang_format.lint)
+ if not lint_clean:
+ print("ERROR: Code Style does not match coding style")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def lint_patch(clang_format, infile):
+ """Lint patch command entry point
+ """
+ files = get_files_to_check_from_patch(infile)
+ # Patch may have files that we do not want to check which is fine
+ if files:
+ _lint_files(clang_format, files)
+def lint(clang_format):
+ """Lint files command entry point
+ """
+ files = get_files_to_check()
+ _lint_files(clang_format, files)
+ return True
+def lint_all(clang_format):
+ """Lint files command entry point based on working tree
+ """
+ files = get_files_to_check_working_tree()
+ _lint_files(clang_format, files)
+ return True
+def _format_files(clang_format, files):
+ """Format a list of files with clang-format
+ """
+ clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
+ format_clean = parallel_process([os.path.abspath(f) for f in files], clang_format.format)
+ if not format_clean:
+ print("ERROR: failed to format files")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def format_func(clang_format):
+ """Format files command entry point
+ """
+ files = get_files_to_check()
+ _format_files(clang_format, files)
+def reformat_branch(clang_format, commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat):
+ """Reformat a branch made before a clang-format run
+ """
+ clang_format = ClangFormat(clang_format, _get_build_dir())
+ if os.getcwd() != get_base_dir():
+ raise ValueError("reformat-branch must be run from the repo root")
+ if not os.path.exists("buildscripts/clang_format.py"):
+ raise ValueError("reformat-branch is only supported in the mongo repo")
+ repo = Repo(get_base_dir())
+ # Validate that user passes valid commits
+ if not repo.is_commit(commit_prior_to_reformat):
+ raise ValueError("Commit Prior to Reformat '%s' is not a valid commit in this repo" %
+ commit_prior_to_reformat)
+ if not repo.is_commit(commit_after_reformat):
+ raise ValueError("Commit After Reformat '%s' is not a valid commit in this repo" %
+ commit_after_reformat)
+ if not repo.is_ancestor(commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat):
+ raise ValueError(("Commit Prior to Reformat '%s' is not a valid ancestor of Commit After" +
+ " Reformat '%s' in this repo") % (commit_prior_to_reformat, commit_after_reformat))
+ # Validate the user is on a local branch that has the right merge base
+ if repo.is_detached():
+ raise ValueError("You must not run this script in a detached HEAD state")
+ # Validate the user has no pending changes
+ if repo.is_working_tree_dirty():
+ raise ValueError("Your working tree has pending changes. You must have a clean working tree before proceeding.")
+ merge_base = repo.get_merge_base(commit_prior_to_reformat)
+ if not merge_base == commit_prior_to_reformat:
+ raise ValueError("Please rebase to '%s' and resolve all conflicts before running this script" % (commit_prior_to_reformat))
+ # We assume the target branch is master, it could be a different branch if needed for testing
+ merge_base = repo.get_merge_base("master")
+ if not merge_base == commit_prior_to_reformat:
+ raise ValueError("This branch appears to already have advanced too far through the merge process")
+ # Everything looks good so lets start going through all the commits
+ branch_name = repo.get_branch_name()
+ new_branch = "%s-reformatted" % branch_name
+ if repo.does_branch_exist(new_branch):
+ raise ValueError("The branch '%s' already exists. Please delete the branch '%s', or rename the current branch." % (new_branch, new_branch))
+ commits = get_list_from_lines(repo.log(["--reverse", "--pretty=format:%H", "%s..HEAD" % commit_prior_to_reformat]))
+ previous_commit_base = commit_after_reformat
+ files_match = re.compile('\\.(h|cpp|js)$')
+ # Go through all the commits the user made on the local branch and migrate to a new branch
+ # that is based on post_reformat commits instead
+ for commit_hash in commits:
+ repo.checkout(["--quiet", commit_hash])
+ deleted_files = []
+ # Format each of the files by checking out just a single commit from the user's branch
+ commit_files = get_list_from_lines(repo.diff(["HEAD~", "--name-only"]))
+ for commit_file in commit_files:
+ # Format each file needed if it was not deleted
+ if not os.path.exists(commit_file):
+ print("Skipping file '%s' since it has been deleted in commit '%s'" % (
+ commit_file, commit_hash))
+ deleted_files.append(commit_file)
+ continue
+ if files_match.search(commit_file):
+ clang_format.format(commit_file)
+ else:
+ print("Skipping file '%s' since it is not a file clang_format should format" %
+ commit_file)
+ # Check if anything needed reformatting, and if so amend the commit
+ if not repo.is_working_tree_dirty():
+ print ("Commit %s needed no reformatting" % commit_hash)
+ else:
+ repo.commit(["--all", "--amend", "--no-edit"])
+ # Rebase our new commit on top the post-reformat commit
+ previous_commit = repo.rev_parse(["HEAD"])
+ # Checkout the new branch with the reformatted commits
+ # Note: we will not name as a branch until we are done with all commits on the local branch
+ repo.checkout(["--quiet", previous_commit_base])
+ # Copy each file from the reformatted commit on top of the post reformat
+ diff_files = get_list_from_lines(repo.diff(["%s~..%s" % (previous_commit, previous_commit),
+ "--name-only"]))
+ for diff_file in diff_files:
+ # If the file was deleted in the commit we are reformatting, we need to delete it again
+ if diff_file in deleted_files:
+ repo.rm([diff_file])
+ continue
+ # The file has been added or modified, continue as normal
+ file_contents = repo.show(["%s:%s" % (previous_commit, diff_file)])
+ root_dir = os.path.dirname(diff_file)
+ if root_dir and not os.path.exists(root_dir):
+ os.makedirs(root_dir)
+ with open(diff_file, "w+") as new_file:
+ new_file.write(file_contents)
+ repo.add([diff_file])
+ # Create a new commit onto clang-formatted branch
+ repo.commit(["--reuse-message=%s" % previous_commit])
+ previous_commit_base = repo.rev_parse(["HEAD"])
+ # Create a new branch to mark the hashes we have been using
+ repo.checkout(["-b", new_branch])
+ print("reformat-branch is done running.\n")
+ print("A copy of your branch has been made named '%s', and formatted with clang-format.\n" % new_branch)
+ print("The original branch has been left unchanged.")
+ print("The next step is to rebase the new branch on 'master'.")
+def usage():
+ """Print usage
+ """
+ print("clang-format.py supports 5 commands [ lint, lint-all, lint-patch, format, reformat-branch].")
+def main():
+ """Main entry point
+ """
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--clang-format", type="string", dest="clang_format")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv)
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ command = args[1]
+ if command == "lint":
+ lint(options.clang_format)
+ elif command == "lint-all":
+ lint_all(options.clang_format)
+ elif command == "lint-patch":
+ lint_patch(options.clang_format, args[2:])
+ elif command == "format":
+ format_func(options.clang_format)
+ elif command == "reformat-branch":
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ print("ERROR: reformat-branch takes two parameters: commit_prior_to_reformat commit_after_reformat")
+ return
+ reformat_branch(options.clang_format, args[2], args[3])
+ else:
+ usage()
+ else:
+ usage()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()