diff options
authorMax Köhler <max.koehler@ni.com>2024-03-06 15:13:02 +0100
committerWade Fife <wade.fife@ettus.com>2024-03-08 08:23:49 -0600
commit1e8521f52ee9ba778d4240f1a0a197642f3cee8d (patch)
parentci: make changes for test_selector change in ATS (diff)
fpga: tools: viv_ip_utils to update hdl_sources.tcl
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_ip_utils.tcl b/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_ip_utils.tcl
index adccc5e63..1ebee8d2c 100644
--- a/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_ip_utils.tcl
+++ b/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts/viv_ip_utils.tcl
@@ -128,6 +128,35 @@ if { [string compare $cmd "create"] == 0 } {
# Rewrite TCL BD file
write_bd_tcl -make_local -force "$src_dir/$src_rootname.tcl"
puts "INFO: BD TCL source updated: $src_dir/$src_rootname.tcl"
+ # Export HDL source files into a seperate TCL file
+ puts "INFO: Generating hdl_sources.tcl file from project..."
+ set hdlSources -quiet [get_files -filter {FILE_TYPE == VHDL || FILE_TYPE == Verilog || FILE_TYPE == SystemVerilog}]
+ if {[llength $hdlSources] == 0} {
+ puts "INFO: No HDL sources found in project"
+ } else {
+ set hdlFileName "$src_dir/hdl_sources.tcl"
+ set fh [open $hdlFileName w]
+ # write file header
+ puts $fh "set script_loc \[file normalize \[info script\]\]"
+ puts $fh "set script_dir \[file dirname \$script_loc\]"
+ puts $fh ""
+ # sort the file list to make the output deterministic
+ set hdlSources [lsort $hdlSources]
+ # print file relative to the script location
+ foreach file $hdlSources {
+ set file_type [get_property FILE_TYPE $file]
+ set rel_file_path [exec realpath -s --relative-to=$src_dir $file]
+ if { $file_type == "VHDL"} {
+ puts $fh "read_vhdl -library work \$script_dir/$rel_file_path"
+ } elseif { $file_type == "Verilog"} {
+ puts $fh "read_verilog -library work \$script_dir/$rel_file_path"
+ } else {
+ puts $fh "read_verilog -sv -library work \$script_dir/$rel_file_path"
+ }
+ }
+ puts "INFO: $src_dir/hdl_sources.tcl file created or updated"
+ close $fh
+ }
# Close and delete tmp_bd project, not needed anymore.
puts "INFO: Deleting temp Vivado BD project..."