path: root/usr.sbin/ntpd (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* When the main process exits, it closes the pipe so a read 0 occurs.otto2020-06-221-3/+3
* list example files in FILES with a short description: generally, "Examplejmc2020-05-161-5/+5
* If all addresses are numeric no use for dns probe; ok florian@ sthen@otto2020-04-122-4/+11
* Zap double definition of conf and make ibuf_dns static to avoid doubleotto2020-04-113-6/+5
* Typo in log messageotto2020-02-201-2/+2
* If constraints are configured but do not work for whatever reason ntpdotto2020-02-125-13/+26
* Standardize argument naming for "sourceaddr" and unify the wording a bit,schwarze2020-02-121-4/+5
* briefly mention /etc/examples/ in the FILES section of all theschwarze2020-02-101-3/+5
* Properly determine era 0 or era 1, making it possible to move pastotto2020-01-303-22/+25
* tweak previous; ok deraadtjmc2019-11-121-4/+4
* sensors can als be marked trusted; ok deraadt@otto2019-11-111-3/+3
* tweak previous: delete stray .Ppschwarze2019-11-111-2/+1
* trusted sub-option works on sensors also now; ok ottoderaadt2019-11-111-12/+13
* Also implement "trusted" for sensors; do not do constraint validationotto2019-11-115-10/+22
* remove -s and -S documentation, and explain the boot-time startup modederaadt2019-11-111-13/+8
* Disable -s and -S functionality. -s would force time using NTP packets withoutderaadt2019-11-111-5/+10
* document server/servers "trusted" sub-option. Indicates a particularderaadt2019-11-101-1/+14
* Introduce a "trusted" modifier, for peers that should be on a local netotto2019-11-105-13/+28
* alphatically order sub-options for sensors, and make the explanationsderaadt2019-11-101-20/+27
* typoderaadt2019-11-101-2/+2
* - validate sensor values against constraintsotto2019-11-103-8/+26
* Allow the singular constraint clause to list multiple addresses;otto2019-11-062-6/+41
* 1) Re-resolve and re-get constraints once the clock is synced. Constraintsotto2019-07-164-18/+43
* fix printing when the pool is specified as an IP address; reported by andotto2019-07-101-2/+2
* proper level of two messages, prompted by deraadt@otto2019-07-071-3/+3
* Sometimes ntp peers are unreliable (looking at you!)otto2019-07-073-17/+74
* Forgotten va_copy/va_end; on some archs that is really needed. ok benno@otto2019-07-031-2/+5
* When system calls indicate an error they return -1, not some arbitraryderaadt2019-06-282-5/+5
* Allow logging to both stderr and syslog; don't reset the log level ifotto2019-06-276-69/+82
* tweaks with help from jmc@otto2019-06-201-5/+4
* Tell a bit about automatic mode; ok jmc@otto2019-06-201-4/+10
* Do a quick DNS probe to decide to stay in the forground and attemptotto2019-06-204-13/+70
* Be more aggressive retrying dns while in settime mode. The constraintotto2019-06-164-7/+18
* Fix init of syslog for childs and teach dns process about synced state.otto2019-06-126-30/+39
* Introducing autmatic settime mode: if some preconditions are metotto2019-06-095-14/+92
* Use proper algorithm for median computation; use fabs() for computingotto2019-05-302-22/+21
* If a DBS resolve was done with the Checking Disabled flag, re-resolveotto2019-05-293-4/+39
* A step in solving the bootstrap problem in a dnssec environement.otto2019-05-286-13/+56
* (unsigned) means (unsigned int) which on ptrdiff_t or size_t or otherderaadt2019-02-131-3/+3
* Improve logging for TLS certificate validity checking.jsing2019-01-211-7/+34
* Explicitly check timegm() return value.jsing2019-01-211-2/+3
* Perform manual validity checking of the X.509 certificate for constraints.jsing2019-01-211-1/+22
* Don't use *a - *b as compare idiom, it does not work as expected forotto2019-01-201-2/+4
* Prevent multiple ntpds from tripping over each other.florian2019-01-143-3/+33
* log dns failures, even if temporary. ok bennotedu2019-01-071-1/+2
* update for libtls default cert changes.tedu2018-11-292-4/+4
* Use TLS_CA_CERT_FILE instead of a separate define.jsing2018-11-063-6/+6
* Be stricter with TLS configuration for ntpd constraints.jsing2018-11-051-8/+2
* - odd condition/test in PF lexersashan2018-11-011-2/+3
* Make host_*() AF-agnostickn2018-09-071-68/+20